Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements
for the Degree of Sarjana Sastra
in English Letters

Student Number: 084214054






Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements
for the Degree of Sarjana Sastra

in English Letters

Student Number: 084214054





This is your life. Do what you love, and do it often.
If you don’t like something, change it.
If you don’t like your job, quit.
If you don’t have enough time, stop watching TV.
If you are looking for the love of your life, stop; they will be waiting
for you when you start doing things you love.

Stop over-analyzing, life is simple. All emotions are beautiful.
When you eat, appreciate every last bite.
Open your mind, arms, and heart to new things and people, we are
united in our differences.
Ask the next person you see what their passion is, and share your
inspiring dream with them.
Travel often; getting lost will help you find yourself.
Some opportunities come only once; seize them.
Life is about the people you meet, and the things you create with
them, so go out and start creating.
Life is short. Live your dream and wear your passion.

The Holstee Manifesto (2009)


This undergraduate thesis is
dedicated to my mother, Ratna
Widuri, who taught me to get up
after a fall and start again and to
my father, Budi Setiawan, who is
always supportive about every leap
that I take.



Yang betanda tangan di bawah ini, saya mahasiswa Universitas Sanata Dharma:

: Yulita Eva Setiawan
Nomor Mahasiswa : 084214054
Demi kepentingan ilmu pengetahuan, saya memberikan kepada Perpustakaan
Universitas Sanata Dharma karya ilmiah saya yang berjudul:
The Culture Clash of the Chinese American in Amy Tan’s
The Bonesetter’s Daughter
Beserta perangkat yang diperlukan (bila ada). Dengan demikian saya memberikan
kepada Perpustakaan Sanata Dharma hak untuk menyimpan, mengalihkan dalam
bentuk media lain, mengelolanya dalam bentuk pangkalan data, mendistribusikan
secara terbatas, dan mempublikasikannya di Internet atau media lain untuk
kepentingan akademis tanpa perlu meminta ijin dari saya maupun memberikan
royalti kepada saya selama tetap mencantumkan nama saya sebagai penulis.
Demikian penyataan ini yang saya buat dengan sebenarnya.
Dibuat di Yogyakarta.
Pada tanggal: 31 Juli 2012

Yang menyatakan,

(Yulita Eva Setiawan)



First and foremost, I dedicated my gratitude to Jesus Christ, the
mighty God, who always gives me the strength, hope, and guidance in finishing
this undergraduate thesis. I would like to thank my father, Budi Setiawan, my
mother Ratna Widuri, and my brothers for all the support, the patience, and the
courage they give to me. To my English teacher for four years, Pak Sugeng, thank
you for being an outstanding teacher and have inspired me to continue learning
English with an open and positive mind.
I would like to express my deepest gratitude to my Advisor Dewi
Widyastuti, S.Pd., M. Hum. for her guidance, caring, and attention during the
process of finishing this undergraduate thesis. I would also like to thank my CoAdvisor, Maria Ananta Tri Suryandari S.S., M.Ed., for giving me correction and

My sincere gratefulness goes to my best friend and my most favorite
go to hang out partner ever, Meilany, thanks for being my partner in crime for the
past four years. I thank her for always being a helping hand and make my weekly
commute to Jogja feels zillion times much blissful. I am also thankful to have the
chance to befriend with the amazing members of OM Tertatih: Astu, Erlita, Via,
and Dewi. I thank all of you for giving me supports when life gets rough.
I would also like to thank my friends in boarding house: Cik Cita,
Debi, Yenni, Cik Elen, Mbak Rini, Anggi, Liza, and Mbak Rusmi for being a


warm and welcoming family during my time away from home. I am grateful to be
surrounded by creative positive people.
I especially thank Cik Lala, who always provided an experienced ear

for my doubts and always encourage me that I can always be what I want to be. I
thank her for always being my backup during the writing of this undergraduate
thesis. I appreciate all of her patience to hear me rambling about my chattering in
the midst of her busy schedule.
I am also deeply grateful to all of the lectures and staff in Sanata
Dharma University for providing me with the most excellent education and
chance to improve myself.

Yulita Eva Setiawan



I honestly declared that the thesis which I wrote does not contain the work of

other people, except those cited in the quotations and bibliography, as a scientific
paper should.

Yogyakarta, 25 Agustus 2012

(Yulita Eva Setiawan)


TITLE PAGE ......................................................................................................... i
APPROVAL PAGE............................................................................................... ii
ACCEPTANCE PAGE ........................................................................................ iii
MOTTO PAGE .................................................................................................... iv
DEDICATION PAGE ........................................................................................... v

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ................................................................................ vii
STATEMENT OF ORIGINALITY…………………………………………... ix
TABLE OF CONTENTS ...................................................................................... x
ABSTRACT ......................................................................................................... xii
ABSTRAK ............................................................................................................ xiii
CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION ........................................................................ 1
A. Background of the Study ................................................................................ 1
B. Problem Formulation ...................................................................................... 3
C. Objectives of the Study ................................................................................... 4
D. Definition of Terms ........................................................................................ 4
CHAPTER II: THEORETICAL REVIEW ....................................................... 6
A. Review of Related Studies .............................................................................. 6
B. Review of Related Theories ............................................................................ 8
1. Theory on Character and Characterization .................................................. 8
2. The Relation between Literature and Society ............................................ 11
C. Review on Historical Background ................................................................ 12
1. Review on Chinese Culture ....................................................................... 13
2. Review on American Culture..................................................................... 17
3. Review on Chinese American Identity ...................................................... 20
D. Theoretical Framework................................................................................. 22
CHAPTER III: METHODOLOGY .................................................................. 24
A. Object of the Study ....................................................................................... 24
B. Approach of the Study .................................................................................. 25
C. Method of the Study ..................................................................................... 27
CHAPTER IV: ANALYSIS ............................................................................... 29
A. Characteristics of Lu Ling and Ruth Young ................................................. 29
1. Lu Ling....................................................................................................... 30
2. Ruth Young ................................................................................................ 33
B. The Culture Clash between Lu Ling and Ruth Young ................................. 35
1. Values ........................................................................................................ 36
2. Control ....................................................................................................... 40
3. Covert......................................................................................................... 41
C. Factors Causing the Culture Clash................................................................ 42


CHAPTER V: CONCLUSION .......................................................................... 52
BIBLIOGRAPHY ............................................................................................... 57
APPENDIX .......................................................................................................... 59


YULITA EVA SETIAWAN. The Culture Clash of the Chinese American in
Amy Tan’s The Bonesetter’s Daughter. Yogyakarta: Department of English
Letters, Sanata Dharma University, 2012.
The Bonesetter’s Daughter is a novel written by Amy Tan. It is the
fourth novel of Amy Tan. The novel is about the relationship between Lu Ling
and her Chinese American daughter, Ruth. The relationship between the mother
and the daughter is constantly filled with conflicts because both of them bring and
value their on perception based on their different cultural background. The novel
begins with the present life of Ruth with her struggle to handle her elderly
demented Chinese mother, Lu Ling. Being demented makes Lu Ling utters
peculiar comments about her family and her past. As Ruth aware of her mother’s
dementia, she starts to read a memoir written by her mother about her mother’s
past in China. Having little knowledge about Chinese, Ruth arranges the memoir
to be translated and she begins to learn the truth about her mother’s life in China.
In order to reveal the culture clash, the thesis is concerned in three
problems. The first problem aims to observe the characters and their
characteristics in the novel. The second problem aims to observe the culture clash
of the characters. The last problem aims to reveal the factor causing the culture
In this study, the writer uses the socio-cultural historical approach to
analyze the novel. This approach is appropriate to analyze the novel because
culture clash represents a social problem based on social circumstance in society.
The result of the analysis shows that, Ruth’s rebellion toward Lu Ling is
the result of Ruth’s attempt to assimilate with the American culture that glorified
the sense of being independent. Being independent makes Ruth considers that her
mother caring trait and her violation related to privacy are bothering. It is caused
by the fact that Chinese culture disregards privacy as a need. Lu Ling performs a
critical trait because she is attempting to monitor every bits of her daughter’s
behavior because any good or bad action Ruth done will contribute to the family’s
reputation. Regarding the matter of hiding feeling, Ruth with her reasonable
characteristic trait thinks that Lu Ling’s nature to mask personal feeling is
improper. The conflict happens because there are different perceptions concerning
the freedom of expression. While Ruth emphasizes the importance of being honest
and open, Lu Ling stresses the significance of maintaining harmonious
relationship with others by hiding inner feeling.
It can be summarized that the conflicts regarding the matter of culture
happened because of the different characteristics between Lu Ling and Ruth
which then results in misunderstanding of cultures. As a Chinese American Ruth
is accustomed more to the American culture than she is to the Chinese culture. It
is because of the nature of children of the immigrants to assimilate to the culture
of the country they were born at. In contrary, as a Chinese immigrant, Lu Ling
tends to preserve the culture of her native country because she believes that her
native culture is considered as the best.


YULITA EVA SETIAWAN. The Culture Clash of The Chinese American in
Amy Tan’s The Bonesetter’s Daughter. Yogyakarta: Jurusan Sastra Inggris,
Fakultas Sastra, Universitas Sanata Dharma, 2012.
The Bonesetter’s Daughter adalah sebuah novel yang ditulis oleh Amy
Tan. Ini adalah novel keempat yang ditulis oleh Amy Tan. Novel ini menceritakan
tentang hubungan Lu Ling dan Ruth yang merupakan keturunan Cina yang lahir di
Amerika. Hubungan antara ibu dan anak ini senantiasa diwarnai dengan konflik
karena keduanya menghargai persepsi kebudayaan dari latar belakang yang
berbeda. Novel ini diawali dengan kehidupan Ruth saat ini dimana Ruth berjuang
untuk menangani ibunya, Lu Ling, yang lahir di Cina dan yang sudah tua dan
menderita demensia. Ketika Ruth menyadari bahwa ibunya menderita demensia,
ia mulai membaca memoir yang ditulis ibunya mengenai kehidupan masa lalu
ibunya semasa tinggal di Cina. Karena memiliki keterbatasan bahasa Cina, Ruth
mengusahakan memoir tersebut untuk diterjemahkan dan ia mulai mempelajari
kebenaran mengenai kehidupan ibunya di Cina.
Dalam mengungkap konflik kebudayaan, skripsi ini menfokuskan pada
tiga permasalahan. Permasalahan yang pertama bertujuan untuk melihat karakter
dan karakteristik tokoh dalam novel. Permasalahan yang kedua bertujuan untuk
konlik kebudayaan yang dihadapi oleh tokoh dalam novel. Permasalahan yang
ketiga bertujuan untuk mengungkap faktor-faktor yang menjadi penyebab
terjadinya konfilk kebudayaan.
Dalam penelitian ini, penulis menggunakan pendekatan sosio-kultural
historikal untuk menganalisa novel. Pendekatan ini sesuai untuk menganalisa
novel ini karena konflik kebudayaan adalah sebuah masalah sosial yang
berdasarkan pada kondisi sosial dalam masyarakat,
Hasil dari analisa ini menunjukkan bahwa, pemberontakan Ruth terhadap
Lu Ling merupakan hasil dari usaha Ruth untuk berasimilasi dengan kebudayaan
Amerika yang memuja kemandirian. Ruth menganggap bahwa kritik dan
pelanggaran ibunya akan haknya untuk memiliki privasi sebagai hal yang
menggangu. Hal tersebut dilakukan Lu Ling karena ia ingin mengawasi tingkah
laku anaknya yang akan berpengaruh pada reputasi keluarga. Dengan pemikiran
logisnya Ruth menggangap bahwa tindakan Lu Ling untuk menutupi perasaan
sebagai hal tidak masuk akal. Sementara Ruth menekankan pentingnya untuk
bersikap jujur dan terbuka, Lu Ling menekankan pentingnya menjaga hubungan
yang harmonis dengan orang lain dengan cara menutupi perasaan.
Sebagai kesimpulan, konflik budaya terjadi karena perbedaan karakter
antara Lu Ling dan Ruth yang berakibat pada tidak adanya pemahaman yang baik
tentang budaya. Sebagai seorang anak imigran di Amerika, Ruth lebih terbiasa
dengan kebudayaan amerika karena adanyakecenderungan anak-anak para
imigran untuk berasimilasi dengan kebudayaan tempat mereka dilahirkan.
Sedangkan sebagai seorang imigran, Lu Ling memiliki kecenderungan untuk
mempertahankan kebudayaan asalnya karena ia menggangap kebudayaannya
sebagai yang terbaik.



A. Background of the Study
Having the desire to seek for a better life is a natural trait that
everybody has. For some people the desire is powerful that it encourages them
to leave their native homeland and their family to start having their new life in
a foreign country. Adapting to new surrounding and its society are essential
for people who migrate out of their native country. It is inevitable that those
people are also vulnerably exposed to culture that they are not familiar with.
The common behavior that is usually carried out by the immigrant is
preserving their native culture while on the other hand they are also trying to
understand and perform the new culture they are currently socializing with.
Sometimes the new culture they are dealing with is not always in line with the
culture they used to live with. The difficulty that they might encounter is in a
matter of moral value. They might find that the moral value within the new
culture opposes to the native culture they grew up with.
America is a country broadly known as one of world’s melting pot
because the country is populated by great deals of immigrants from all over
the world coming to the country taking their chances struggling to succeed in
the land of the free. The term melting pot is used to describe that people
coming from diverse backgrounds, cultures and religions will blend in the
differences they have to merge together with the American culture. However,


omitting the native culture in order to completely blend in with the new
culture does not seem appealing to some immigrants. They simply cannot
detach themselves from their native culture because it is the culture they grew
up with. The attachment of the immigrants to their native culture is stated by
Evans (2006) in the article ―America as Melting Pot? We're Really More of a
Tossed Salad‖, as quoted below:
The distinctive qualities of race, religion and cultural heritage have
been stubbornly retained by many who have immigrated to this
country. Rather than a melting pot that boils away all the differences
between us, we are more like a tossed salad with unique pieces of
The quotation above implies that instead of assimilating into the new culture,
the immigrants in America have tendency to preserve their native cultural
heritage in the new country they are living at now.
When a number of different cultures interact with each other and
share their beliefs, it is likely to happen that there will be some kind of
disagreements which results in culture clash. An impaired ability to adjust in a
certain environment is the result of the culture clash. Culture clash is a barrier
for someone to socializing, learning, and basically functioning in a certain
environment. With such difficulty adjusting to the new culture environment,
conflicts may be found gradually.
The writer chooses novel The Bonesetter’s Daughter by Amy Tan
because it acts as an ideal mirror to see what culture clash is going on when
the Chinese immigrant mother has to deal with her American born daughter.


Amy Tan is an American writer whose works expertise in exploring the
mother daughter relationship while at the same time she also adds the conflicts
of Chinese immigrant in the United States, the Chinese beliefs, and the
Chinese tradition. The Bonesetter’s Daughter novel starts with the thorny
relationship which is shared by Ruth Young and her mother, Lu Ling, in
California, in the present time. Then, the story shifts back to Lu Ling’s early
life growing up in China where she follows the Chinese culture. Lu Ling’s life
in China shapes her characteristics as an individual with unique perspective of
life which later on results in the clash culture she has to face when she has to
deal with her daughter whose culture is influenced pretty much by the western
culture. The Bonesetter’s Daughter ends with an epilogue which tells the
reader about how Ruth understands her mother’s characteristics after she gains
her knowledge about her mother past. The writer believes the study of culture
clash in The Bonesetter’s Daughter is needed to be studied because not only it
exposes experience of Chinese American but also it also explores the universal
experience of family relationship.

B. Problem Formulation
In the novel The Bonesetter’s Daughter there are some problems that
formulated to explore the clash culture of Chinese American. The writer
formulates three questions as stated below.

How are the characteristics of Lu Ling and Ruth Young described?


How is culture clash described in The Bonesetter’s Daughter?



What factors cause the culture clash?

C. Objectives of the Study
The objective of the study is aimed to solve the problems in the
problem formulation. The aims can be formulated more elaborately as follows.
Firstly, this study aims to analyze the character presented in The
Bonesetter’s Daughter. The analysis of characters shows the characteristics of
two people from different generations.
Secondly, this analysis aims to point out the culture clash presented
in The Bonesetter’s Daughter. The analysis shows the culture clash which is
shared by the mother and the daughter in the midst of bicultural
circumstances. The conflicts are revealed through the characteristics that have
been stated beforehand.
Thirdly, this study aims to reveal the causes of the culture clash
between Lu Ling and Ruth. The causes are revealed through the characters and
the conflicts that have been analyzed previously.

D. Definition of Terms
In analyzing the novel there are some important terms that
necessitate to be clarified to avoid misunderstanding or misinterpretation
regarding the study in view of the fact that everyone has their own
interpretation regarding some terns. The terms are defined to provide clear
explanation concerning the analysis of the problem formulations.


1. Culture clash
Marvin Harris and Orna Johnson (2007:10) in Cultural Anthropology
wrote that culture refers to the learned socially acquired traditions of
thought and behavior found in human societies. It is a socially acquired
lifestyle that includes patterned, repetitive ways of thinking, feeling, and
acting. In The New International Webster’s Comprehensive Dictionary of
The English Language, clash is defined as to conflict; be opposition (1996:
244). Based on the definition above, culture clash can be explained further
as feeling of disorientation experienced by someone who is suddenly
subjected to an unfamiliar culture, way of life, or set of attitudes.
2. Chinese American
Chinese in The New International Webster’s Comprehensive Dictionary of
The English Language is identified as a native or naturalized inhabitant of
China (1996: 231). Whilst in The Adolescent: Development, Relationship,
and Culture, Rice defines that Chinese Americans are descendants of
Chinese who immigrated to the United States (1993: 47).
Hence, Chinese American can be identified as a Chinese person who has
American citizenship.



A. Review of Related Studies
The Bonesetter’s Daughter is the fourth novel by Amy Tan that was
published in 2001. Amy Tan, who is an American writer, is notable for her
proficiency exploring history, cultural, and familial relationship theme as can be
found in every of her literature work. Tan’s literature works constantly talk about
the familial bond of Asian American family. Snodgrass (2006: 530) in her book
Encyclopedia of Feminist Literature affirmed that:
Tan fills her four novels with examples of mother- daughter
arguments and separations, a controlling motif in her two novels The
Hundred Secret Senses (1995) and The Bonesetter’s Daughter
(2001). The cause of much verbal and emotional strife is the creation
of new identity in daughters who are more assimilated to American
feminism than their mother is. Feminist critic explains that Chineseborn mothers try to preserve the courtesies they learned in girlhood
as social graces intended to feminize their daughters. Simultaneously
the mothers project a fierce affection blended with jealousy that their
American- born daughters are freer in behavior and choices.
As it is seen through the quotation above, we can see that Amy Tan’s The
Bonesetter’s Daughter as well as her other work, The Hundred Secret Senses,
talks about the idea of relationship between an authoritative mother and her
independent daughter. The Chinese mother becomes such a commanding person
in order to make her daughter behaves as any Chinese daughter supposed to
behave. The mother might be anxious about the fact that her American born
daughter will be more familiar to American personality than Chinese personality.


Another study on The Bonesetter’s Daughter is done by
Schultermand. In her book Transnational Matrilineage: Mother-Daughter
Conflicts in Asian American Literature, Schultermand (2011: 149) stated that:
Tan focuses on language barriers within the immigrant family that
mark the experience of the American- born second generation. In
The Bonesetter’s Daughter, this difference becomes most apparent in
the mother’s limited command of English and her daughter’s
unfamiliarity with the Chinese language. While the inability to speak
Chinese is not central to Ruth’s identity as a Chinese American
woman, it is the main point of contention in her relationship with her
mother. Most specifically, the absence of a common language that
mother and daughter share is emblematic of the cultural difference
between the two.
From the quotation above, it is revealed that language barrier plays an important
role in The Bonesetter’s Daughter. A good understanding about different cultures
is very unlikely to happen with the language barrier separating different
individuals. The struggle for the Chinese American family in the United States to
maintain the Chinese language is tricky. As the new generations progress, the
native language their parents and grandparents frequently speak of seems more
distant. Additionally, the lack of a common language broadens the gap between
the generations.
In the article ―Amy Tan Is Best Read Aloud: The Accents Add a
New Layer of Pleasure to The Bonesetter's Daughter‖ written by Bauers, it is
stated that:
Many people focus on how Tan's work mines the conflict between
first-generation immigrants and their children. But the novels can
also be read more universally, as the immemorial conflict between
mother and daughter.Each generation is, in a way, from a different
world. Each generation struggles with different experiences,
circumstances and expectations. It is Tan who gives us the gift of


The citation above shows that The Bonesetter's Daughter not only
can be analyzed in the matter of cultural conflict, but it also can be analyzed in the
matter of mother daughter relationship. Coming from different generation, there
must be some differences shared by mother and daughter. Older generations seem
to believe that their childhood was normal and they try to impose their childhood
norms and value on their own children. However, as time passes by, the sense of
normality also changes. Applying what was normal to the present time can lead
into arguments and fighting between parents and children.
Three previous critical studies provided above give some insights to
what causes the culture clash to happen. Some of the criticisms focus on the
generational gap as the cause of culture clash to happen. Other criticism shows
that language barrier can lead people to the culture clash. This study tries to
continue what have been discovered in The Bonesetter’s Daughter about the
culture clash by exploring in details what conflicts are actually presented in the
novel and trying to connect what causes the conflicts to arise.

B. Review of Related Theories
1. Theory on Character and Characterization
Characters in work of literature are essential. Character is a part of
intrinsic elements which takes a significant role in a story. The existence of the
characters makes the readers relate themselves to the characters presented in the


work of literature and while they are doing so they will be engaged in reading the
literature. In A Glossary of Literary Terms, Abrams (1993:23) stated that:
Characters are the persons presented in a dramatic or narrative work,
who are interpreted by the reader as being endowed with moral,
dispositional, and emotional qualities that are expressed in what they
say – the dialogue – and by what they do – the action.
The quotation above shows that characters are the figure presented in the work of
literature. It is the most distinctive feature than any other intrinsic elements
because characters have emotional features. Emotional features can not be
separated from the characters because characters are usually human beings
playing their own roles in the story.
It is impossible to separate character from characterization.
Ordinarily, characterization is the process by which the author creates a character.
It is the process in which the author reveals the traits of a character. As stated in A
Handbook of Literature, Holman and Harmon clarified that there are three basic
methods of characterization as quoted below.
a. The explicit presentation of the character by the author through
direct explanation, whether in a block’s introductory or throughout
the work which is illustrated by action
b.The presentation of the character in action, therefore the reader will
be able to conclude the attributes of character from actions
c. The representation from within a character, without comment on
character by the author, of the impact of actions and emotions on
character’s inner self, with the expectation that the reader will
come to clear understanding of the attributes of the character
(1986: 81)
Furthermore, M.J. Murphy (1972: 161-173) in Understanding Unseens: An
Introduction to English Poetry and the English Novel for Overseas Students
mentions that there are nine ways that an author can apply to present the


characterization of character in literary works to make the character
understandable to the reader.
a. Personal Description
The author describes character’s appearance in details such as skin color, body
shape, the clothes used by the character.
b. Character as Seen by the Author
The author uses another character’s point of view to describe the character.
What people in the story think about a certain character can be significant for
the reader to picture the image of the character.
c. Speech
The author can give insight into the character in literary work through what
the character says. Whenever a character speaks in conversation, we can see
his personality from the opinion that he gives.
d. Past Life
The past events of a character can help the reader to understand what shape the
character to behave in such way.
e. Conversation of Others
The readers should pay attention through the conversation of other characters
and the things they say about the character. The author gives clue to
understand a character’s personality from other’s conversation and their
opinion about him.


f. Reaction
The author helps the reader to recognize a person’s character by the reaction
he gives toward to various situation and events.
g. Direct Comment
The author gives direct comment on person’s character.
h. Thoughts
The author can give the reader a direct knowledge of what a person is thinking
i. Mannerism
The author can convey something about a person by describing his mannerism
or habits.

2. The Relation between Literature and Society
Rene Wellek and Austin Warren (1956: 95) in their book, Theory of
Literature, stated that literature is a creation of society that uses language as the
medium. Literature expresses the reality in society, but it does not express the
whole reality. It only pictures some specific situation in the society. Moreover,
literature also presents historical and social truth of human life as stated in the
quotation below.
The relation between literature and society is that literature is an
expression of society. But, if it assumes that literature at any given
time mirrors the current social situation correctly, it is false; it is
vague if it means only that literature depicts some aspects of social
reality. An author inevitably expresses his experience and total
conception of life, but it would be manifested untrue to say that he


expresses the whole of life or even the whole life if a given time
completely and exhaustively.
Rohrberger and Woods (1971: 9) in the book Reading and Writing
about Literature stated that:
They define civilization as the attitudes and actions of a specific
group of people and point out that literature takes these attitudes and
actions as its subject matter. They feel therefore, that it is necessary
that the critic investigate the social milieu in which a work was
created and which it necessarily reflects.
It can be assumed from the quotation above that the subject matter of literature is
taken from the attitudes and actions of certain people. Therefore, studying the
social background in which the literary work is created is necessary. In addition,
literature is said as the expression of the ideas of the culture that create it.

C. Review on Historical Background
Diversity allows individuals to learn about the culture, religion, or
social ideals of others. Unfortunately, culture clash can arise from diversity shared
by a group of individuals. In Criminology Theory, Williams and McShane (1998:
71) wrote that:
Conflicts of cultures are inevitable when the norms of one cultural or
subcutural area migrated to or come in contact with those of another.
Conflicts between the norms of divergent cultural codes may arise:
1. When these codes clash on the border of contiguous culture areas;
2. When, as may be the case with legal norms, the law of one cultural
group is extended to cover the territory of another; or
3. When members of one cultural group migrate to another
It can be concluded from the quotation above that clash on culture are caused by
diversity shared by people who are migrating to another place.


Culture clash within a family is potential to happen because
members of the family are coming from different generations. In the journal
entitled Journal of marital and Family Therapy composed by Lee and MjeldeMossey (2004: 510), it is stated that:
Cultural differences between generations can result in problems of
cultural dissonance among generations. Family members with
differing degrees of acculturation experience problems and
misunderstandings resulting from their conflicting personal
It can be concluded from the quotation above that members of the same racial or
ethnics group may not necessarily share identical views of the world because each
person has their own idea on how they perceive their relationship to the world.
The idea is correlated with one’s cultural upbringing and life experiences and it
has powerful influence on people behavior and decision- making.

1. Review on Chinese Culture
Poon in his article entitled ―The History of China‖ stated that the
history of China as documented in ancient writings dates back some 3,300 years
. It can be seen through the
citation above that China, owning over thousands of years of history, has
produced history and culture. The Chinese has formed their strong traditions and
moral values that play important role in societal structures namely the Constant
The Constant Virtues have great significance today. The values to the
development of human civilization are now widely recognized. Those five


Constant Virtues are generosity (ren), righteousness (yi), propriety (li), wisdom
(zhi), and fidelity (xin). As elaborated by Smith (1983:145) in China’s Cultural
Heritage: The Qing Dynasty, the five Constant Virtues are described as follows.
While ren is associated in the Four Books with filial piety, yi is
associated with loyalty to the ruler or fraternal submission. Li
contributed to self- cultivation and the establishment of character. In
various contexts, zhi is defined in the four books as the knowledge of
filial piety and fraternal submission, as a feeling of approving and
disapproving, and as the ability to recognize human talent. The fifth
virtue of faithfulness (xin) receives prominent exposure in the Four
Books, often in combination with other values such as loyalty,
reciprocity, and sincerity
Five Constant Virtues are the moral standards that the Chinese ancestors passed
down to their offspring to help maintain familial and social order harmonious. As
associated with filial piety, ren carries meaning that children must obey, follow,
and support their parents.The term yi is defined as loyalty to the clan and
community. Li is identified as how one educates himself to form to a certain
individual with specific characteristics. Zhi is the knowledge to help someone
determine whether other is right or wrong. Xin is the combination of the preceding
values. Furthermore, Dean in his article entitled ―The Five Constant Virtues of
China‖ elaborates the Five Constant Virtues as follows.
Ren, or benevolence, is the first and most important virtue among the
Five Constant Virtues. It manifests itself in the inner mind in love
and compassion for people and in avoiding harm or envy toward
anyone.Yi, or righteousness, in contrast to benevolence involves
thinking and acting from one’s own viewpoint. It demands rational
action, self-restraint to resist temptation and the fortitude to do one’s
duty. Li, or propriety, is the contents of propriety include loyalty,
filial piety, fraternal duty, chastity, and respect. Zhi, or wisdom, is
the innate knowledge by which one judges right and wrong, good
and evil. Xin, or honesty, means that, externally, one’s deeds match
one’s words; and that internally one’s words and mind are in unison


The Five Constant Virtues embody to the life of Chinese society and
its values to the development of human civilization are widely recognized. One of
the points in the five Constant Virtues is elaborated by Smith (1991: 33) in China:
People and Places in the Land of One Billion as follows.
The epigraph, better to have superficial tranquility even if you’re a
volcano inside, refers to the time honored ability of the Chinese to
hide their feelings. By not letting her true feelings show, she is
exhibiting one of the Five Confucian Virtues, namely xin which can
be roughly translated to mean ―sincerity.‖
Masking personal feelings is common thing done by the Chinese. This
characteristic can be traced back to the Confucian values. Hiding feelings is
applied to maintain harmonious society. Chinese, at anytime, attempt to be polite
and accommodating to maintain dignity in various situations and avoid arguments,
conflicts and embarrassment in their pursuit to avoid losing face.
Frena Bloomfield (1989: xvi) in The Book of Chinese Beliefs wrote
that Chinese people are a very role-oriented society. They have their own parts to
play and are supposed to play them properly. Children are supposed to obey their
parents and respect their teacher, and women are supposed to obey their husbands,
widows are supposed to obey their sons, et cetera. The same idea was stated by
Smith (1991: 34) in his book China: People and Places in the Land of One
Billion. Smith also stated that the Chinese are obsessed with social order and the
need to ―do the right thing.‖ In families this required the children, no matter how
old, to remain fanatically loyal to their parents; and in society at large it required
individuals to serve others before themselves. In China’s Cultural Heritage: The
Qing Dynasty, Smith (1983: 141) stated as below.


Mencius tells us that devotion to one’s parents is the greatest service
and the foundation of all other services. The Great Learning remarks,
―If one is not obedient to his parents, he will not be true to his
The quotation above shows the importance that to be a real man, one needs to start
out by being a good son, daughter, or brother, and a good citizen of realm. The
Chinese are obsessed with social order and the need to do everything right. In the
matter of family, children are expected to stay passionately loyal to their parents.
In the matter of living in society, individuals are required to serve others before
From the teaching of Confucius it can be seen that Chinese people
are family oriented, as it is proven by the teaching that encourages children to
devote themselves to their parents. As the impact of the idea of family oriented,
Chinese people have their own perspective regarding the idea of individualism as
it is revealed by Zhou (2009: 194) in Contemporary Chinese America:
Immigration, Ethnicity, and Community Transformation through the quotation
Furthermore, the traditional Chinese family has little room for
individualism. Every member is tied to the others, and every act of
individual members is considered to bring honor or shame to the
whole family. Thus, Chinese parents are expected to bring up their
children in ways that honor the family, and children are expected to
behave accordingly.
According to the quotation below, it can be seen that there is a
limited space for individual privacy. Chinese people consider that everyone within
the family member is related to each other. If one member gains pride, the whole


family members will also obtain the glory. Conversely, if one member causes
humility, the other members will endure the shame.
Another striking culture of the Chinese is their belief to the
supernatural world. Chinese thought has its ability to tolerate diverse and
seemingly incompatible notions with sense of contradiction. Smith (1991: 38)
stated that:
The conduct of human affairs was strongly influenced by the spirits
of land, wind, and water. In this sense human life is just one part of
the natural order, and it followed that if people behaved improperly
the harmony between life and nature would be destroyed, and nature
would somehow seek revenge on humankind.
As revealed by the quotation above, the Chinese people have to put respect on
everything throughout their life aspects. It is clear for the Chinese society that by
acting appropriately someone could ensure that nature’s wrath would not be
vented on them. The Chinese treats other living beings respectfully because they
are all connected to each other. If they do anything harmful to others, their life
will also be harmed. This belief is based on Confucius moral value that
emphasized one not to do any harm to other if they do not want to be harmed by

2. Review on American Culture
As the third largest country in the world with a population more than
300 million people, the people of the United States of America are highly diverse.
Grouling in his article entitled ―AMERICAN VALUES‖ stated that American
culture has been enriched by the values and belief systems of virtually every part





. Without its rich mixture of religions, races, and cultures,
America would not be the nation that it is today. Founded upon the basis of
equality and freedom for all, America acts as a stage where intensely different
cultures not only coexist peacefully, but also thrive symbiotically and create a
There are some basic values of American culture. The foundation of
American values is individual freedom. Every American would agree upon the
value of individual freedom. Individualism was reflected and encouraged by the
government. Government guarantees numerous personal liberties such as freedom
of speech, of assembly, of religion, and of the press. Thus, each citizen could
express himself. In Characteristically American, Perry (1994: 9) stated that:
American individuality is the very opposite of singularity. The
people of the United States are highly gregarious and sociable. The
individual who holds himself apart, who will not ―join‖, who does
not ―belong‖, who will not ―get together‖ and ―play the game‖, who
does not ―row his weight in the boat‖ is viewed with suspicion.
The quotation above shows that American individualism is not the isolation of one
human being, but rather the idea of being independent. Americans are encouraged
to see themselves as individuals responsible for their own life. Americans believe
that the ideal person is an autonomous, self-reliant individual. They generally do
not prefer being dependent on other people.
Because of the emphasis on the individual, Americans can be
moderately competitive. Perry stated that people of the United States expect to be


judged by the standard of success. Their successes must be recognized. Success
must be not only measurable, but observed, recorded, applauded, and envied.
The right to privacy is also a notion that runs deep in American
culture. Penn in her article ―What Americans Are Like‖ informed as follow.
Closely associated with the value that Americans place on
individualism is the importance they assign to privacy. Americans
assume that people "need some time to themselves" or "some time
alone" to think about things or recover their energy
The citation above shows that privacy is the ultimate result of individualism.
Privacy is seen as a very positive condition. For Americans private time is
considered important for balancing mental and physical health.
Although it may seem contradictory to the American sense of
privacy, Americans are raised to be open and direct. Penn stated that ―Americans
are not taught, as in some other countries, to mask their emotional responses.‖
Americans are fairly direct to show their feeling. They do not think it is improper
to display their feelings. Americans generally consider themselves to be frank,
open, and direct in their dealings with other people. Americans dislike dishonesty
and insincerity. And they will quickly lose respect and trust to anyone who hints
at what is intended rather than saying it outright.
Kohls in his article ―The Values Americans Live By‖ considered that
Americans are work oriented. They routinely plan and schedule an extremely
active day. Americans think that it is sinful to waste time or to sit around doing
nothing .


3. Review on Chinese American Identity
Living and growing up in the United States have definitely put a lot
of pressure on the Chinese immigrants. Conflict is inevitable for the
intergenerational relations in Chinese immigrant families. In the United States
most children of the Chinese immigrants live alongside with other family
members from their parents’ side. In this extended immigrant’s household, the
native Chinese uses Confucian values e