Selfish and unselfish ways of loving as depicted by the four characetrs in wilkie collins` the moonstone - USD Repository


  Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Sastra in English Letters



  Student Number: 0142114087



  Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Sastra in English Letters



  Student Number: 0142114087


  Life is a journey, not a long vacation Get real and always do your best

  This undergraduate thesis is dedicated to My beloved father and mother and



  In finishing this thesis, I would like to thank many people who have supported me with their help, care, love and prayer. First, I would like to express my great gratitude to Allah the Almighty for His endless blessing and for giving me spirit and guidance in accomplishing this thesis.

  My great gratitude is also dedicated to my beloved mother and father who always support and give me advice and prayer during my study. They have worked hard to make me a better man. I would like to express my thanks to my brother Mas Wiwit for his endless support and my little sister, Dik Dati’ for the motivation to complete my study.

  Also, I thank Rani for the sweetness and the bitterness we have been through.

  I wish to express my gratitude to my advisor, Dewi Widyastuti, S.Pd, M.Hum for all her help, patience and understanding in guiding me to finish my undergraduate thesis.

  I also would like to express my gratitude to my Co. Advisor, Dra. Th. Enny Anggraini, M.A. for her critical corrections and suggestions to improve my thesis and also I thank to lecturers and secretariat staff of English Letters Department for the lessons and help during my study in Sanata Dharma University.

  My friends in English Letter 2001: Imbik, Fariz, Yoseph, Petrus, Wawan, Farah, Milla, Gerry, Erna, Ayu, Sindha, Sigit, Endra, Ian, Obed, Wisnu, Tito, Yongkie and others whom I can not mention here, I thank you all for sharing a piece of your life with me.

   Nuri Ikhsan Samodro


  TITLE PAGE ……………………………………….......……...………...….…….. i APPROVAL PAGE …………………………………………............…..………. ii ACCEPTANCE PAGE ………………………………...........……..………. iii MOTTO PAGE ……………………………………..…....…......…..………. iv DEDICATION PAGE ………………………………...........….….………. v ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ………………………………...........….….....……. vi TABLE OF CONTENTS ………………………………....…........….………. vii ABSTRACT ……………………………………………….......….......….………. ix ABSTRAK …………………………………......…………........…….….………. x

  CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION A. Background of the Study ……………………..........…………..…….. 1 B. Problem Formulation ……………………………….....…......……..…….. 3 C. Objectives of the Study …………………………..........……..…….. 3 D. Definition of Terms ………………….....…………….....….……..…….. 4 CHAPTER II: THEORETICAL REVIEW A. Review of Related Studies ...................................................................... 5 B. Review of Related Theories ...................................................................... 8

  1. Theories of Character and Characterization ………............…….. 9

  2. Theory of Love ………………………………………..….. 12

  3. The Relation between Literature and Psychology ……......….. 15

  C. Theoretical Framework …………………………………..…....….. 16

  CHAPTER III: METHODOLOGY A. Object of the Study ……………………….....……………….….….. 18 B. Approach of the Study ................................................................................... 19 C. Method of the Study ...………………………………......….……….. 20

CHAPTER IV: ANALYSIS ................................................................................. 21

A. The Four Characters Analysis ......................................................................... 21 B. The Analysis on the Four Characters’ Way of Loving ............................ 35

CHAPTER V: CONCLUSION ................................................................... 53

BIBLIOGRAPHY ............................................................................................ 58

APPENDICES ............................................................................................. 60

Appendix 1 Summary of the Novel ...................................................... 60

Appendix 2 The Life of the Author ...................................................... 63

  ...................................................... 65

  Appendix 3 The Works of Wilkie Collins





COLLINS’THE MOONSTONE, Yogyakarta: Faculty of Letters, Sanata Dharma


  Love is a powerful thing in this world which can influence someone’s life, so it will always be interesting to be told in a literary work. This thesis deals with Wilkie Collins’ work entitled The Moonstone. This novel tells about a mystery of the theft of an Indian idols’ diamond, named the Moonstone. In this story, there are four characters who play an important role. Those four characters experience and express two different ways of loving, there are selfish and unselfish ways of loving. The unselfish way of loving is ruled by honesty and patience, while the selfish way of loving is ruled by passion and wrong motivation.

  To gain the points of the study, the writer formulated two main problems. The first is to reveal the characteristics of the four characters in the novel and the second is to reveal selfish and unselfish ways of loving which are expressed by the four characters in the story.

  The study uses library research in completing this thesis since the writer collected data from several books. To answer the problems, this study uses psychological approach. This approach is used to deal with human life together with his mind and behavior. This study focuses on the four main characters’ ways of loving their beloved ones.

  From the analysis, the writer concluded that the four characters in the story express two different ways of loving their beloved ones. Rosanna and Godfrey’s way of loving can be considered as selfish because their love is ruled by passion and wrong motivation. Rosanna becomes blinded and unwise after realizing that Franklin does not love her and Godfrey expresses selfish way of loving since he actually does not love Rachel truly but he proposes her for only his mercenary motive. On the other hand, Franklin and Rachel’s way of loving someone is considered to be unselfish since their love is ruled by patience and honesty. Franklin and Rachel’s love is proved to be strong and honest. Franklin takes the responsibility after knowing that he is actually the person who took the diamond. However, his vindication is not only intended for his own goodness. While Rachel is able to love Franklin unselfishly even after seeing Franklin stole her diamond. She gives the opportunity for the man she loves. Franklin and Rachel own the essential attitude of love like loyalty, patience, modesty, forgiveness, sensitivity and strength. With such attitudes, their love to each other is completed in the right way.





COLLINS’THE MOONSTONE, Yogyakarta: Fakultas Sastra, Universitas

Sanata Dharma.

  Cinta adalah sesuatu yang sangat luar biasa yang dapat mempengaruhi hidup seseorang, dan cinta pasti akan sangat menarik untuk diceritakan dalam sebuah karya sastra. Skripsi ini membahas novel Wilkie Collin yang berjudul The Moonstione. Novel ini bercerita tentang sebuah misteri pencurian permata yang bernama Moonstone. Ada empat tokoh yang mempunyai peran penting dalam cerita ini. Dalam cerita tersebut, keempat tokohnya menunjukan dua cara berbeda dalam mencintai seseorang, yaitu cara mencinta yang egois dan cara mencinta yang tidak egois. Cara mencinta yang tidak egois didasari oleh kesabaran dan kejujuran, sedangkan cara mencinta yang tidak egois didasari oleh nafsu dan motivasi yang tidak baik.

  Untuk mendapatkan poin penting dalam pembahasan topik, penulis telah menyusun dua permasalahan: Yang pertama adalah karakter-karakter apa yang digambarkan oleh keempat tokoh dalam cerita, dan yang kedua adalah bagaimana cara mencinta yang egois dan cara mencinta yang tidak egois ditunjukkan oleh keempat tokoh dalam cerita.

  Skripsi ini menggunakan studi pustaka karena penulis menggunakan data-data yang diperoleh dari beberapa buku. Untuk menjawab pertanyaaan dalam studi ini, penulis menggunakan pendekatan psikologi. Pendekatan ini digunakan untuk mengungkap masalah yang berhubungan dengan pikiran dan tingkah laku manusia yang difokuskan pada masalah cara mencinta dari keempat tokohnya.

  Dari analisis, penulis dapat menyimpulkan bahwa ada dua cara mencintai yang ditunjukkan oleh keempat tokoh dalam cerita. Cara mencinta Rosanna dan Godfrey dapat dikategorikan sebagai cara mencinta yang egois karena didasari oleh nafsu dan motivasi yang salah. Rosana menjadi tidak bijak setelah menyadari bahwa Franklin tidak pernah mencintainya. Godfrey menunjukan cara mencinta yang egois karena dia tidak benar- benar mencintai Rachel tetapi cintanya hanya didasari oleh motifasi untuk memperoleh materi. Di sisi lain, Franklin dan Rachel dapat dianggap mencintai seseorang dengan tidak egois karena cinta mereka didasari oleh kesabaran dan kejujuran. Cinta Franklin dan Rachel terbukti teguh dan jujur. Franklin bertanggung jawab setelah mengetahui bahwa dia sebenarnya adalah orang yang mencuri permata Rachel. Tetapi, pembuktian bahwa dia tidak bersalah tidak hanya ditujukan untuk kebaikannya dirinya sendiri. Sedangkan Rachel dapat tetap mencintai Franklin dengan tidak egois meskipun setelah dia melihat sendiri Franklin mencuri permatanya. Dia memberi kesempatan kepada orang yang ia cintai. Franklin dan Rachel memiliki esensi dalam mencintai seseorang seperti kesetiaan, kejujuran, kerendahan hati, maaf, kepekaan dan keteguhan. Dengan perilaku tersebut, mereka dapat tetap mencintai seseorang dengan benar.

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION A. Background of the study That man’s life and activity are complicated and unique is evidence why they

  become very interesting to be observed. Human life and its uniqueness are considered as the most interesting subject to be discussed in a literary work, including novel. Love is a very common theme in literary works and love story is always interesting to be told. According to Hauck in his book How to Love and Beloved, love is one of the most desired conditions in the world and many people perceive it as common experiences although on the other hand love is also one of the most painful condition. No other subject has been expressed in so much song, poetry and prose. Love is a powerful thing which can influence somebody’s life (Hauck, 1983: 1).

  The Moonstone is considered as one of Collin’s great success and it will be very

  interesting and challenging for the writer to have a study on this novel. The story itself tells about the mystery of a precious diamond theft, named the Moonstone. There are four characters that play important roles in this story. The first character is Franklin Blake, a cultured and well educated gentleman who loves Rachel. The second character is Rachel Verinder, an attractive lady who loves Franklin but tries to combat her passionate feeling of love and trust in Franklin after seeing him steal her diamond. The third character is Rosanna Spearman, a housemaid who falls in love with Franklin at the first sight. The last is Godfrey Ablewhite, a good looking and religious minded gentleman who proposes Rachel for his mercenary motive.

  Those four characters in the story illustrate two different ways of loving they are a couple that has everything that people want. They are rich, have social status and love each other. Unfortunately, Rachel breaks up their relationship after seeing Franklin acts to be the busiest man in the investigation. On the other hand, Franklin who works hard during the investigation is very upset with Rachel’s extraordinary conduct.

  Rosanna, who falls in love with Franklin at the first sight, becomes blinded and unwise. She commits suicide and brings the mystery of the theft with her. Before her death, Rosanna left a letter to Franklin contains the evidence that Franklin is actually the person who took the diamond. Rosanna’s action is the same as what Rachel does. They protect their beloved man instead of telling the truth that he is the thief. While, Godfrey sees the opportunity to propose Rachel’s wealth when knowing that Rachel breaks her relationship with Franklin.

  This study aims to reveal how the four characters in the story love their beloved one, since each character expresses two different ways of loving someone. This novel is presenting the contrast between passion and self-control which means uncontrolled desires. This contrast is wrapped in the four characters’ ways of loving, which is selfish and unselfish. Those characters’ different ways of loving are ruled by passion and motivation of the four main characters in the story.

B. Problem Formulation

  The main issue to be analyzed in this study is the main characters’ way of loving their beloved one in Wilkie Collins’s The Moonstone. There are several questions that can help the writer to analyze this problem. Considering to the previous discussion, the writer formulated two main problems as follows.

  1. What are the characteristics of the four characters in the novel?

  2. How are selfish and unselfish ways of loving depicted by the four characters in the story?

  C. Objectives of Study

  The objective of the study is to answer the question stated in the problem formulations. There are two questions which should be answered in the analysis in order to help the reader to understand. The first question answers what is the characteristic of each character in the story. The second question will answer how selfish and unselfish ways of loving are depicted by the four characters in the story.

  It is very necessary to know the characteristics of the four main characters in Wilkie Collins’s The Moonstone. By revealing the characteristics of the four characters, the study is trying to reveal the four characters’ ways of loving toward their beloved man and woman.

  E. Definition of terms

  Two terms need to be clarified in order to avoid the ambiguities or misunderstanding the meaning of the terms used in this analysis.

  1. Character Abrams says that characters are the person presented in dramatic or narrative work, who are interpreted by the reader as being accomplished with moral and dispositional qualities through their dialogue and their action (1981: 20). He states that fictional characters have the same characteristic as the real human beings because they have temperaments and moral that will become the motivation of their speeches and

  2. Selfish According to William Flamming in Webster’s Third New International


Dictionary and Seventh Language Dictionary, selfish means believing or teaching that the

  chief motives of human’s action are derived from love of self (1983: 2060). Selfishness is different from self-love. Self-love is the ability to love others as you love yourself, while a selfish person concerns with himself; seeking or concentrating on his own advantage, pleasure or well being without regard for others including when he is loving someone.

CHAPTER II THEORETICAL REVIEW A. Review of related Studies Criticisms both can be favorable and unfavorable for a literary work. The literary

  criticism can be a serious examination on the literary work. Therefore, criticism is very important as the fact that people pay their attention to the presents of literary work which attracts people to read or see it. Then, literary criticism is hoped to support the writer to analyze the problems discussed in this study. As one of Collins’ literary work, The


Moonstone also attracts people to criticize it. To support the reference about this novel,

  the writer also takes several references from internet in order to support the writer in analyzing in this study.

  In Encyclopedia of English Literature, Robert explains that Wilkie Collins’ first work was the biography of his father, who was a painter. It was published in 1848 and was universally recognize as a valuable edition to our art biography. Then, he tried another field of literary work. He turned to fiction, and in 1850 he published a classic romance entitled Antonia, or the fall of Rhome. Though those were much inferior to Bulwer’s historical romances, Collins’ works evinced his art in contracting an interesting story, and this dramatic faculty has distinguished his subsequent production. His work kept its readers in breathless suspense-the delight of all lovers of romance-until the mystery was unfolded (1988: 668).

  During the 1800s Wilkie Collins was one of great authors in England. He has left many great works and became the pioneer in enriching literary genre in England. As Thomas J. Assad in Encyclopedia Americana states that Wilkie Collins is an English such as Antonia (1850), The Woman in White (1860), No Name (1862), Armadale (1866), The Moonstone (1868), Heart and Science (1883) were all popular success (1978: 259).

  Rogers in The Oxford Illustrated History of English Literature states that Wilkie Collins remains the greatest English master of the mystery story. During the 1860s his writing style using unrivalled exponent was known as the ‘Sensation Novel’. Collins’ The


Woman in White, which had been serialized in All the Year Round in 1980, is a tour de

force, both a disturbing treatment of insanity and a clever narrative structure. The

Moonstone (1868) has a yet more sophisticated series of narrators, each adding clues

  toward the unfolding of the mystery and it shows an interest in the unconscious mind under the influence of drugs which may well have inspired Dickens’ plot for Edwin

  Drood (1987: 347)

  In The Cambridge History of English Literature Collins’ stated that his method is the long pertinacious unraveling of a skein of crime, not by professional detective, but by a person compelling human interest in the elucidation. Surprise and false trails keep curiosity on the rack of the readers; the struggle for conceal document or treasure add the touch of action; deeds done in abnormal mental states add the touch of the mystery. Those all blend with other sensational elements that of constantly stimulated excitement. Collins brings to bear his accurate knowledge of law, medicine, chemistry, drugs (he was opium taker), hypnotism and somnambulism. He has the power of generating the atmosphere of foreboding and imparting to natural scenes a desolation which befits depression and horror spirit. Most characteristic of his method is telling the story using diaries, letters and memoranda to be contributed by the chief actors. He also creates mental labyrinth through the intricate windings of time, place or person (1976: 437-438)

  Many literary works are adapted into movie version and many of movies are characters of the story are visualized to the audience. As a literary work, Wilkie Collins’ The Moonstone has also been adapted into movie versions for at least three times.

  In 1934, the book was made into a critically acclaimed motion picture by Monogram Pictures Corporation. Adapted to the screen by Adele S. Buffington, the film was directed by Reginald Barker and starred David Manners, Charles Irwin and Phyllis Barry. The New York Times said of it: "The Moonstone is a prime example of what can be accomplished on a small budget with a little extra time and care." In 1972, it was remade again in the United Kingdom and aired on PBS's Masterpiece Theatre. In 1996, it was remade a third time, also in the United Kingdom, for television by the BBC and Carlton Television in partnership with American station WGBH of Boston, Massachusetts, airing on PBS's Masterpiece Theatre. It starred Greg Wise as Franklin Blake and Keeley Hawes asRachelVerinder

   (26 September 2006) From the quotation above, The movie version of Wilkie Collin’s The Moonstone gained success that the story has been adapted to the screen for three times and aired in The United Kingdom and America. The movie version also attracted comments from New York Times.

  This study raise very interesting topic in the story because the writer discuss about the four characters’ way of loving their beloved one. According to the writer, the four main character’s way of loving can be considered as selfish and unselfish way of loving since those characters shows two different ways of loving base on their attitude and motivation in loving themselves and others. Therefore, this study will be quite different with the other discussions.

B. Review of Related Theories

  The writer uses some theories that are related to the topic as the foundation for further analysis. The first theory is theory about character and characterization. This theory will be used to reveal the characteristic of the four characters in the story. The second theory is theory about love. This theory is used to find out how the four characters in the story love their beloved man and woman. The third theory is theory about the relation between literature and psychology.

1. Character and Characterization

  According to Abrams in his book entitled A Glossary of Literary Terms, a

character is the person presented in the dramatic or narrative work, endowed with

moral and disposition qualities that are expressed in what they say, i.e. the

dialogue, and what they do, i.e. the action. The ground in a character’s

temperament and moral nature for his speech and actions constitutes his

motivation. Francis Hodge states that a character is made of all the dramatic

actions taken by an individual in the course of a play. A character exists in what is

action particularly under pressing circumstances (1994: 39).

  In order to understand the character’s action concerning their motives and

thought, the writer attempts to figure out the art of characterization. With regard

to motivation, there are some common central motives pushing characters to act in

real life such as hope for reward, love, desire, jealousy and fear. These distinctive

motives show the characters as complicated human beings. Therefore, Francis

Hodge says that in a novel, we should try to arrive at an understanding of

characters as complicated human beings with patterns of motivation rather than a

single motive (1994: 43).

  Based on its importance in the story, characters are divided and

categorized into two ways, there are main or major character and minor character.


Usually these characters become the focus of the acts of the story from the

beginning to the ending. The parts of the main characters are the centre of the


story. The core of the story is highlighted to this major character’s experiences.

Roger B. Henkle (1957: 87-97) in his book Reading the Novel states that the

major characters are the most complex in a story. They can be described as such

characters through the complexity of their characterization. Minor characters

appear in a certain setting and their roles are less important than the major


  In proportion to complexity, there are distinctions interpretation between

round and flat character. Round characters often appear as the centre of the story.


The characters live by their roundness and by their many points. The characters

appear in a different action, personality and outlook and undergo a permanent

change. The characters are complex in temperament and motivation. For the flat

characters, the characters do not appear as the centre of the story. They do not

change a lot and keep their action, personality or outlook in the same way.

  In a literary work, the author attempts to make his characters

understandable and to come alive for his readers. M.J. Murphy (1988: 30-38) in

Understanding Unseens mentions seven ways to reveal how the characters are

presented to the readers.

  a. Personal Description To describe his characters, the author tells the readers about the physical

appearance of the characters. The description is often related to the psychological condition the personality itself can be reflected from the external appearance. b. Character as Seen by Another Instead of describing characters directly the authors can describe him

through the eyes and opinions of another. The others will give explanation about

what a character is like. Other characters try to tell a character from his/her point

of view. What they think about certain character can be significant factor to build

up our understanding on the character itself.

  c. Speech Speech is a manifestation of character. The author can give us an insight

into the character through what he/she says. Whenever a person speaks, whenever

he is in conversation with another, whenever he puts forward an opinion, he is

giving us some clues to his/her character. Frequently, from his/her speech we

know his motivation and attitude towards life.

  d. Past Life By learning something about a person’s past life, the author can give the

reader a clue to events that have helped to shape a person’s character. Whenever

the author provides a picture of the character’s past life, it can be traced and learnt

to help us to figure out his motive of action of the present time.

  e. Conversations of Others To help us get more information to support our judgment on the character,

we need to pay attention to the conversation of other characters. It is useful to go

through speech by speech to determine exactly what is meant or implied by each of them. f. Reaction The author also mentions the personality of a character by letting the

reader know that person reacts to various events or situation. The character shows

her personality from his or her action. The action concerns to her motives and


  g. Direct Comment The characterization in this way is done by giving the readers a straight

forward description about or comment on the character. Sometimes the

description is provided at the beginning of the story when we have not been quite

familiar with the personality as the writer intends to, which also mean, that the

personality of misinterpretation can be decreased.

2. Theory of Love

  As stated in the previous chapter, love is the most desired condition in the

world which people perceive it as a very common experience. People seek it all of

their life but seldom get enough of it. Love is a very powerful thing and it creates

of the most intense delight. In his book How to Love and Beloved, Paul Hauck

states that love is that powerful feeling for person, animal or things. It is

stratifying or will satisfy someone’s deepest desires and needs. This definition

means that it is not the people that we love, it is rather the people or animals or

things do for us that we love. If someone beloved does not satisfy in the ways that

extremely important to you, you will simply fall out love with him or her (Hauck,

  In his popular book entitled The Art of loving, Erich Fromm categorizes love into several types. They are brotherly love, motherly love, erotic love, self-love, and love of God. According to Fromm, self-love has several considerations because it is still widespread conceptions. Fromm states that self-love does not mean “I love myself and I do not love others” and it is not the same as selfishness. Self-love here means the ability to love other as you do love yourself. As long as you love another person less than you love yourself, you will not really succeed in loving yourself. One must be able to love all alike including yourself and others. For that reason, self-love and selfishness is far from being identical, but those are actually the opposite. Based on the idea of self-love above, someone’s way of loving can be selfish and unselfish, it depends on how they express their love and what motivation drives his or her to love somebody.

  “Love is an active concern for the life and growth of that which we love. When this active concern is lacking, there is no love” (Fromm, 1956: 22). The statements of love above remind us that love is a thing that we need along our lives for growing and surviving in the world. Someone’s way of loving can be considered as unselfishly, if it is an activity, not a passive affect; it is a “standing in” not a “falling for”. In the general way, the active character of love can be describe by starting that love is primarily giving, not receiving. Therefore, “giving” here does not means “giving up” something. In this case Fromm intends to explain that giving here is the highest expression of potency.

  Beyond the element of giving, the active character of love becomes evidence that it always implies certain basic elements, those are care, responsibility, respect and knowledge (1956: 18-22).

  For further explanation about selfish way of loving, the writer uses Freud’s idea as quoted by Fromm which is stated in psychiatric term. It is the same as narcissism, the him, wants everything for himself. He feels no pleasure in giving, but only taking. The selfish person actually does not love himself too much but too little; in fact he hates himself. This lack of fondness and care for himself, which is only one expression of his lack of productiveness, leaves him empty and frustrated. He is necessarily unhappy and anxiously concern to snatch from the life the satisfactions which he blocks him self from attaining. He seems to care too much for himself, but actually he only makes an unsuccessful attempt to cover up and compensate for his failure to care for his real self (Fromm, 1956: 48-51).

  Furthermore, this theory of selfishness is born out by psychoanalytic experience with neurotic “unselfishness”, a symptom of neurosis observed in some people who usually are troubled by others connected with it, like depression, tiredness, inability to work, failure in love relationship, and so on. The “unselfish” person “does not want anything for him self”; he “lives only for other”, is proud that he does not consider himself important (Fromm, 1956: 51). Love here tells us how our attitude should be, as we know that love is an action. Someone should love his or her beloved one unselfishly. He should always be good to others and should not too easy to get angry to others. We should not be selfish when we love someone. We can not only think about our own goodness but also think about doing right think for someone we love or other goodness.

3. Theories about Relation between Literature and Psychology

  Psychology is a knowledge about men and a condition of their psyche,

while literature relates to human expression in the form of literary works. As an

expression, in a literature a writer tries to disclose what he sees or what he

experiences as closely as the reality.

  Wellek and Warren in their book Theory of Literature states that: We may be able to find out the valuable of human character by the way that one cognitive value in the dramas and novels would seem to by psychological. “The novelist or dramatist can teach you more about human nature than the psychologist” is a familiar kind of assertion (1956: 25)

  Through literature, an author overflows all his obsessions. He reveals his

psychological tension that suppresses him when he sees that people just often

trample on the truth values. It is apparent that many authors realize the function of

literature dealing with some psychological process. Although it is not the main

purpose, they use literature indirectly as a medium to express and relieve their


  If the author succeeds in creating his characters, and his characters are

suitable with the truth of psychology, it is necessary to ask him if the characters

created also have artistic values. In certain cases, knowledge of psychology is

important to add artistic values because the knowledge supports the coherency

and complexity of the work itself. For some artists, knowledge of psychology

helps their sense about reality, improves their ability in observation, and gives

chance to explore new plans which have not been explore.

C. Theoretical Framework

  Love and is a very interesting theme for literary works. Many of literary

art speaks about love and its complication for human being. Love can influence

someone’s life, especially human being emotional life. For that reason, several


theories are needed to help the writer to answer the question in the problem


  The first theory is some theories of character. The writer uses various

theories of character to find out the four characters’ characteristics. According to

the theories there are many ways to learn about the main character’s characteristic,

such as by author’s explanation, what the character says about the other

characters, by the physical appearances, etc. The theories of character is put on the

first point of view because to learn a literary work such as novel we need to know

the character better first for the story is about characters life, expectation, struggle

and so on.

  To support the analysis on the four characters’ way of loving, the writer

uses Fromm’s theory of love. This theory is very useful to understand how selfish

and unselfish ways of loving are expressed by the four characters in the story.

Fromm’s theory on love is needed to reveal Franklin and Rachel’s unselfish way

of loving as seen in their continuous struggle and love devotion to their beloved

person from beginning until the end of the story. Also, the love theory is used to

reveal selfish way of loving which is shown by the egos motives of Godfrey and

Rosanna’s unwise conduct in loving their beloved one.

CHAPTER III METHODOLOGY A. The Object of the Study The object of the study is taken from a novel of Wilkie Collins, entitled The Moonstone. It was written during the Victorian era in 1868 and the writer uses the book

  which is published by Penguin English Library in 1966. The novel consists of 527 pages and is divided into several parts which are contributed by several narrators and notes.

  Those narrators are not only telling the story, but also they become the character in the story and some of the narrators can be said as the major characters in the novel. As Pat says that The Moonstone (1868) has got more sophisticated series of narrators, each adding clues toward the unfolding of the mystery (Rogers, 1987: 347).

  The story tells about the mystery about the theft of a big yellow diamond named The Moonstone, which begins the conflict in the story. It has been in Sir John Harcastle’s possession. He is a dishonorable man and family outcast who stole the diamond and has left it to Lady Verinder’s daughter, Rachel to be given on her eighteen birthday. Franklin is appointed to deliver the diamond. Franklin suspects that the Moonstone will endanger Rachel’s life because it was stolen from India and it is sacred to Hindus. His suspicion is more roused when Franklin notices three Indians men following him. Under the influence of opium, Franklin unconsciously steals the diamond in order to protect Rachel because he mind is troubled that the diamond and its conspiracy will endanger his beloved woman’s life. In the story, love is also experienced and illustrated by Godfrey and Rosanna. The opposition between selfish and unselfish way of loving is very interesting to be discussed in this analysis.

B. Approach of the Study

  Rohberger and Woods in their book Reading and Writing about Literature

state, when we read work of literature, we usually do an evaluative judgment on

the work. The evaluative judgment will help us in understanding the work of

literature. In order to have a good evaluative judgement, we need to employ a

means, which is called critical approach (1971: 3).

  Since the topic discussed in this study can be judged from psychological

point of view, the writer uses psychological approach. The writer discusses how

the four main characters in the story love their beloved one, they are loving

selfishly and unselfishly. The psychological approach involves “the effort to

locate and demonstrate certain recurrent pattern, but from a deferent body of

knowledge, that is psychology” (Rohberger and Woods, 1971: 13). The writer

then employ the theories of character and theory of characterization in order to

give an understanding on how the author shape the characters in the literary work.


To support the analysis the writer applies some theories of love in order to have a

clear description about selfish and unselfish ways of loving of the four characters.


By using these theories the writer will make the study eligible and help the reader

to have better understanding on Collin’s The Moonstone. To know the correlation

between literature and psychology, the writer employs the theory about relation

between literature and psychology.

C. Method of the Study

  In this part, the writer gives a description about the steps of the thesis that

the writer took in doing the analysis in order the writer is able to give the solution

to the formulated problem put forward in this study. First, the writer read the

novel The Moonstone for several times so that the writer would get more

understanding about the story. The second step was collecting data which is

relevant to the analysis and could contribute in answering the formulated problem


  To answer the questions in the problem formulation, the writer tried to

concentrate on the main characters and use the theory of character to analyse the

characteristic of the main characters completely from the various way of

analysing characters. The second, after the writer read the novel and analysed the