Development And Validation Of A Questionnaire To Assess Academic Learning Motivation Through Measuring Regulation Styles Among Indonesian University Students.





Present ed in t he XXIX Int ernat ional Congress of Psychol ogy,
Berl in, Jul y 2008


Fail ur e t o complet e st udies on t ime was r el at ed t o l ack of mot ivat ion
f or academic l ear ning. Based on Sel f-Det er minat ion Theor y (SDT;
Deci&Ryan, 2000), a quest ionnair e was const r uct ed t o measur e
mot ivat ion r anging f r om amot ivat ion (non sel f -det er mined behavior ) t o
int r insic mot ivat ion (sel f-det er mined). It ems wer e const ruct ed and
t est ed on t wo t r yout s (N1=432, N2=392). Cont ent val idit y was obt ained
t hr ough examinat ion of a panel of exper t s. Const r cut val idit y,
r el iabil it y (>0. 7), and it em anal ysis wer e comput ed resul t ing in 94
it ems measur ing six Regul at ion St yl es. The quest ionnair e is val id t o
det ect st r engt hs and weaknesses in l ear ning mot ivat ion which can be
used f or int er vent ions t o over come r el at ed pr obl ems.
Keywor ds: mot ivat ion, academic l ear ni ng, Sel f Det er minat ion Theor y,
univer sit y st udent s

One of t he most common probl ems in t he academic worl d in
Indonesia i s t hat t he number of st udent s who graduat es on t ime, wit h at
l east sat i sf act ory GPA, is relat i vel y l ow. Prel i minary research dat a (2005)
obt ained f rom 161 st udent s of t he Facul t y of Psychol ogy, Universit y of
Padj adj aran (year 2000-2004) showed some f act ors rel at ed t o t he

probl ems prevent i ng t hem f rom graduat ing on t ime. Among t he int ernal
f act ors which hinder t hei r st udy are: l ow or no mot ivat ion, l ow or no
int erest , pessimism, l ack of abil it y, personal f act ors (being l azy, moody,
anxious, not conf ident ), and cognit ive f act ors (percept ions about sel f ),
according t o 54. 10% of t he respondent s. On t he ot her hand, ext ernal
f act ors were most l y percei ved as support ing f act or f or t hei r st udy
(75. 17% of respondent s). Among t hese ext ernal f act ors are t he presence
of ot hers (boy/ girl f riend, f ri ends' help in st udying, discussion partners,
smart f riends, seniors l ending books), envi ronment al f act ors (campus
envi ronment ,
(comput er,

l odgi ng
st udy

envi ronment ,


hol i days,

t ransport at ion,

schedul e),

avail abil it y


f acilit i es

t ext books,

int ernet access), f i nanci al support , l ect urers (syst emat ic, enj oyabl e,

rel at ionship

wit h

t he

l ecturers),

subj ect

mat t er

(int erest ing

page 2 of 8

mat erial , specif ic mat erial, int erest ing/ chal l enging t asks). What f act ors
t rul y mot ivat e st udent s t o st udy, and what

f act ors enhance h
t eir

mot ivat ion t o st udy? This research was i nt ended t o const ruct measures
f or answering t hese quest ions, based on t he Sel f -Det erminat ion Theory

(Deci & Ryan, 1985, 2000).

The aim of t hi s research was to devel op a research i nst rument
which is abl e t o describe t he academic mot ivat ion of t he universit y
st udent s, especi al l y Universit y of Padj adj aran st udents, by measuri ng
t heir regul at ion st yl es. This Regul at ion St yl e quest ionnaire describes t he
mot ivat ion

t hrough


regul at ion,

i nt roj ect ed

regul ati on
regul at ion,

st yl es: non-regul at ion,
ident if ied

regul at ion,

ext ernal
i t egrat ed

regul at ion, and int ri nsic regul at ion.

The out come of

t his research is an inst rument

t o measure

mot ivat ional Regul at ion St yl es as a sel f-administ ered quest ionnaire.
It ems were const ruct ed and examined t hrough an in-dept h anal ysis by


reviewers in



ssess t he

cont ent

val idit y


t his

inst rument . The revised inst rument was t ried out . At t he same t ime, t he

st udent s were al so gi ven t he Int r insic Mot ivat ion Invent or y (Ryan, 1982)
which was val idat ed t hrough Conf irmat ory Fact or Anal ysis by McAul ey,

and Tammen (1987). Congruent val idit y was obt ained by

correl at ing t he const ruct ed i nst rument wi t h t he Int r insic Mot i vat ion

Invent or y . Rel iabil it y t est s were done t o conf irm t he rel iabil ity of t hi s
inst rument . The it em discriminat ion index was used in decidi ng which
it ems were t o be revised. A second t ry-out was conduct ed t o obt ain t he

page 3 of 8

f inal set of val id and rel iable it ems. SPSS (St at ist ical Package f or Social
Science) sof t ware 14. 0 was used f or al l comput at ions.
The inst rument was t hen used to assess t he regul at ion st yl es of
t he Facul t y of Psychol ogy st udent s (year 2005). A norm was made usi ng
t he


(Rel at ive

Aut onomy

Index – a

combinat ion


weight ed

Regul at ion St yl e scores which describe t he degree aut onomy, Grol nick &
Ryan, 1989). Int erpret at ion of t he i ndividual s or group coul d be made
based on RAI or t he Regul at ion St yl e prof il e.


Cont ent val idit y of t he const ruct ed it ems was obt ained t hrough an
in-dept h anal ysi s done by f ive exper t r eviewer s. Based on t he expert s'
revi ew, it em revisions were made. The revised inst rument (90 it ems) was
t hen given t o 423 Universit y of Padj adj aran st udent s (cl ass of 2004 f rom
8 f acul t ies). The inst rument was correl at ed wit h t he Int r i nsic Mot i vat ion

Invent or y (Ryan, 1982) r = 0, 641, at 99% si gnif icance. This showed t he
exist ence of congr uent val idit y. Const r uct val idit y was al so obt ained
t hrough f act or anal ysis. Al pha Cr onbach ( > 0. 7) f or each regul at ion
st yl es showed t hat t his i nst rument is rel iabl e. Revision f rom t he f irst t ryout (105 it ems) was t hen t ried out t o 392 st udent s, resul t ing i n 94 val id
and rel iabl e it ems (  > 0.8 f or each Regul at ion St yl e, see Table 1).

t he const r uct

val idit y obt ai ned

el iminat ed t he ego-invol vement


t hrough



f act or

anal ysis

t he Int r oj ect ed

Regul at ion. There was an i ndicat ion t hat thi s el iminat ion was rel at ed t o
t he dif f erence bet ween Indonesian cul t ures and West ern cul t ure. Deci &
Ryan st at ed t hat t here is considerabl e variabl it y in t he val ues and goal s
hel d in dif f erent cul t ures, suggest ing t hat some of t he avenues t o basic
need sat i sf act ion may dif f er widel y f rom cul t ure t o cul t ure (2000).

page 4 of 8

Tabl e 1. Rel iabil it y (af t er Fact or Analysis)













0. 895

0. 832

0. 836

0. 890

0. 888

0. 895


Diagram 1. Prof ile of t he Dominant Regul at ion St yl es of t he Facul t y of Psychol ogy
St udent s year 2005

Regulation Style Profile
Faculty of Psychology class of 2005














Regulation Styles
The dat a from t he year 2005 st udent s of t he f acul t y of Psychol ogy in Diagram 1
showed t hat 58. 54% st udent s (N=41) were dominant in t he Non-Regul at i on
(11 st udent s), Ext er nal Regul at i on (7 st udent s) and Int r oj ect ed Regul at i on
(6 st udent s).


can be concl uded f rom t he psychomet ric propert ies t hat

t he

Regul at ion St yl es research inst rument is a val id and rel iable al t ernat ive
measurement of mot ivat ion. The weak point of t his inst rument is t hat it is not
recommended yet t o be used in ot her groups wit hout f urt her st udy. The st rong
point is t hat t his inst rument is abl e t o describe mot ivat ion t hrough it s
regul at ion st yl es. It can be used t o assess individual s or individual s as a group,
as well as describing t he individual 's behavior and t he rel evant regul at ory
processes. The resul t of t his assessment wil l be usef ul f or st udent s, counselors,

page 5 of 8

inst ruct ors/ l ect urers, in addit ion t o ot her educat ional st akehol ders. Based on
t he assessed dat a, a suit abl e int ervent ion program eit her f or individual or
group can be designed accordingl y.

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