Preparing Your Finances For A Bird Flu Pandemic

Preparing Your Finances For A Bird Flu Pandemic
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If you have been paying attention to the news lately you may of heard of the threat of bird fl

bird flu, avian flu, pandemic, h1n5, virus, flu, influenza

Article Body:
If you have been paying attention to the news lately you may of heard of the threat of bird fl

During a flu pandemic millions of people would be unable to work due to illness and taking car
With millions out of work and unable to pay their bills including rent and mortgage payments,

The global economy could take years to recover. Individual business recovery could be painfull
Many essential items could be in short supply due to loss of production capacity. Gas and oil

Global instability would be the rule rather than the exception. 3rd world countries devastated

A world pandemic would set the dominos in motion. One event would trigger another; one financi

As an investor your first course of action is to stay informed. A bird flu pandemic may not ha

Diverting a portion of your assets into stocking up on essential food and supplies may be a pr
Stay informed, plan accordingly, and be prepared.

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