naskah soal bhs inggris kelas ix




Mata Pelajaran


Bahasa Inggris
IX (Sembilan)
Rabu/ 07 Desember 2011

07.30 – 09.30 WIB

1. Isikan identitas Anda ke dalam Lembar Jawaban Ujian Akhir Semestermenggunakan pensil 2B
2. Hitamkan bulatan di depan nama mata ujian pada LJK.
3. Periksalah pekerjaan Anda sebelum diserahkan kepada pengawas ruang.

Hitamkan salah satu jawaban yang palingbenar!
Choose the correct answer
1. Amir
: It’s too hot this afternoon, isn’t it?
: ….? It’s too noisy here.
2. X


Sorry, what did you say?
Is it hot today?
Are you sure?
Is it too noisy here?
: I want to buy a kilo of apples. How much are they ?
: Five thousand.
: I beg your pardon?
: ....
: Well, I will buy two kilos, Here is the money.
How much is it
C. A kilo of apples
Ok. I buy two kilos
D. Five thousands

3. Nina


: Hi, Ayu. Where are you going?
: I am going to hospital. My mother has
been hospitalized since last Saturday.
: ….
: Thanks
Oh, that sounds great.
A. I hope you will get better soon.
B. I’m afraid you will get worse.
C. I am sorry to hear that.

4. Desi

: You know what? I won the first prize in
the English speech contest!
: Tell us now. We are ready to hear it.

: ….
: Thank you very much.
A. That’s too bad.
B. Congratulation on your success.
C. That’s a shame.
D. I wish you luck.

5. Dea
: What do you think about my picture?
: … ! It’s beautiful.
: Thank you.
A. Awful
C. It’s not so bad
B. Bad
D. It’s not so beautiful

Ujian Akhir Semester Ganjil/Eng-IX/2011-2012

6. Arrange the jumbled sentences into a correct and
meaningful paragraph!
1. Take the noodle from the water and drain it
2. Spread fried onion and the noodle is ready to serve
3. Pour the seasoning soy sauce, and chili powder into
the noodle, and mix well.
4. Boil the noodle in two glasses of water and simmer
for 3 minutes.
5. Put the noodle on a plate.
A. 4–1–5–3-2
B. 4–2–5–3–1

C. 4–3–5–1–2
D. 4–5–2–3–1

The following text is for questions numbers 7 – 9.
Do you know how to make an Amazon hut? With the help
of three or four people, we can make an Amazon hut. First

of all, prepare palm leaves, woods, saw, strong ropes.
Then, choose the place for the house. Next, cut woods into
large stick to make frame for the house. After that, tie the
stick together and make the frame for the house. Put palm
leaves on top for the roof. Now the house is ready.
7. How many materials do you need to make an Amazon
hut ?
A. Four
C. Three
B. Five
D. Six
8. What should you do after making the frame for the
house ?
A. Choose the place for the house
B. Tie the sticks together
C. Cut woods into large sticks
D. Put palm leaves on the top for the roof
9. “…cut woods into large stick...”
The underlined word has the same meaning as ....
A. small

C. long
B. short
D. big

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The following text is for questions numbers 10 – 13.
Great whites are the scariest sharks in the oceans.
These powerful predators have been known to kill people
and can speed through the water at 30 kilometers per
hour. Unlike most fish, the great white is warm-blooded.
This allows its muscles to work well, but this also means
the shark has to feed on plenty meat.
10. What is the text mainly about ?
A. Fishes
C. Great whites
B. Predators
D. Shark

11. “…This allows its muscles to work well,.....”.
The word its refer to ...
A. Fish
C. Shark
B. Great White
D. Predator

16. Whom should the students see if they want to join the
A. The participants
B. The committee.
C. Nuryanto
D. The Students Association
17. When will the enrollment last?
A. By the end of the month.
B. On October 3.

The following text is for questions numbers 18 – 20.
We have quiet horses and ponies for every rider and

Professional guides to escort you. Children are most welcome
and can be led as required. We recommend wearing long panst,
sensible show and plenty of sunscreen. Helmets are provided but
not compulsory

12. What is the main idea of the paragraph above?
A. The powerful of Great white
B. The Great white can kill people
C. The weakness of great white
D. The Great white food
13. How fast does great white speed though the water per
hour ?
A. 30 km/hour
C. 60 km/hour
B. 40 km/hour
D. 80 km/hour
The following text is for questions numbers 14 – 15.
To all the teachers and staffs of SMP NUSANTARA

A one –day meeting will be held this week:

When : Tuesday,February 9 th,2010 at 10.00
a.m. to 3.00 p.m.
Where : Room 109
Topic : National examination preparation
Due to the importance of the meeting,please be punctual.
Bring your ideas,bring your suggestion to make our students
seccesful in the examination!
The head of the national examination committee
Mr Adnan Nasution

C. On October 23
D. On October 8.

A ride with us, whether on the beach or throgh
The last green field of Canggu will complete
Your Bali Holidy Experience.
Price List

1 hour ride……………………….. U$ 30.00
½ hour ride………………………. U$ 15.00
Pony Ride (under 5 years)…….. U$ 10.00
1 1/2 hour ride………………….. U$ 40.00
Rides include Hotel Transfer, Safety Equipment andInsurance Cover.

For more information and bookings please ask your hotel
tour desk, travel agent or contact us direct :
Tarukan Equestrian Center
Jl. Nelayan No. 60 Br. Canggu Tua, Canggu. Tel/Fax : (0361) 7470644

18. What does the text mainly provide us ?
A. Hotel staff
C. Insurance cover
B. Horse riding
D. Professional guide
19. Ponies are prepared for ?
A. Guides
B. Adult

C. Kids
D. Travel agents

14. What is the meeting for ?
A. To talk aboout the preparation for the national
B. To give solution to the examination problem.
C. To discuss about the national examination items.
D. To ask teachers to face the national examination.

20. We recomend wearing long pants ....
The underlined word refers to.....
A. Professional guides
B. Tarukan Equestrian Center
C. Riders
D. Children

15. ”Due to the importance of the meeting, ……“
The word “importance” in the sentence means .....
A. Original
C. Essential
B. Good
D. Exclusive

The following text is for questions numbers 21 – 22.

The following text is for questions numbers 16 to 17.
Monday, October 3, 2011
For students of grade VII and VIII
In order to celebrate our National Youth Day, our school will
hold several competitions on October 21 to 23. All participant
must enroll to the committee by the end of this week.
Please join.
For more information, contact Nuryanto at the Students
Association office.

Ujian Akhir Semester Ganjil/Eng-IX/2011-2012

Wednesday, 26-10-2011
Dear Dinda
We’re really sorry to tell you that uncle Jack passed away at 7
a.m. yesterday. He had a wonderful 75 years of life so don’t be
so sad. May his soul rest in peace.
Laura & David

21. Who died at the age 75 ?
A. Dinda
C. Laura
B. David
D. Uncle Jack
22. Uncle Jack was born in ....
A. 1935
C. 1940
B. 1936
D. 1941

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23. From
: Anita
: Kathrine
Remember, I’ll wait for you in front of the post office at 2
p.m. then, we’ll take the bus no 5 to the mall. Please don’t
be late.
What did Anita ask Kathrine to do ?
A. To wait for her C. To come on time
B. To remember her
D. To go the mall
The following text is for questions numbers 24 – 25.
Dear John
I want you to come to my house for lunch on Sunday at 11
a.m. Thanks
24. From the invitation card above, we know that John is
A. Father
C. Grandfather
B. Teacher
D. Close friend
25. When does Jenny expect John to come to her house?
A. In the morning
C. In the evening
B. In the afternoon
D. At night
The following text is for questions numbers 26 – 28.
You need an alarm clock. The steps you can follow are :
 First, the night before, pack your school bag and have clothes
for the next day.
 Then, set alarm for 5.00 AM and put clock next to bed.
 Next, at 09.30 PM, go to bed.
 When alarm goes off, get out of bed immediately.
 Eat breakfast, wash and get dressed. Finish this by 06.15 AM.
 Finally go to school quickly so that you arrive by 06.45 AM.

26. What should you do before go to bed?
A. Prepare the clothes.
B. Wash and get dressed.
C. Pack the school bag.
D. Set the alarm and put it next to bed.
27. If we follow the steps above we will get up at …
A. 09.30 PM
C. 06.45 AM
B. 05.00 AM
D. 06.15 AM
28. …. “Finish this by 06.15.”
The underlined word refers to …
A. eat breakfast
B. get out of bed
C. go to bed.
D. eat breakfast, wash and get dressed
For questions 29 to 32, choose the best answer to complete
the text.
Bus is one of the public transports, precisely the …(29) transports.
Buses are public transport since they can … (30) many people on
it. There are two kinds of buses, small and big ones. The small
buses have not more than 25 seats. Meanwhile, the big ones have
more than 40 seats. Some of the buses are …(31) by luxurious
facilities, such as an air conditioner, a TV set, a toilet, and comfy
seats for …(32) to sleep. The more complete a bus is, the higher
the bus fare will be.
29. A. air
B. land

C. sea
D. mountain

30. A. carry
B. carries

C. carrying
D. carried

Ujian Akhir Semester Ganjil/Eng-IX/2011-2012

31. A. complete
B. completes

C. completing
D. completed

32. A. the driver
B. the people

C. the passengers
D. the conductor

The following text is for question numbers 33 and 34.
Nowadays, having a cellular phone seems to be like a must.
Why? Because it enables you to get in touch with other people, no
matter whenever it is necessary, wherever you are, and whatever
you do. Another reason to have a cell phone is the need of
Besides, having a cell phone does not cost too much. There
are a lot of companies provide many kinds of cell phone with
useful features in sensible prizes. In short, having a cell phone is
like having a personal access to this wide world.
33. Based on the text, we can communicate with someone
using cellular phone …
A. when we need it
B. only in our region
C. if the company allows it
D. if the cell phone is expensive
34. The text above mainly talk about …
A. the need of information
B. features in cellular phone
C. having a cellular phone
D. the prizes of cellular phone
The following text is for question numbers 35 to 37.
How To Make Chicken Soup
Ingredients :
 Chicken meat
 A litre of water
 Vegetables (carrots, cabbages, potatoes)
 Salt and spices
Steps :
1. Prepare some carrots, a piece of cabbage, a few
potatoes, a piece of chicken meat and the spices.
2. Chop the chicken meat and the vegetables into small
3. Boil a litre of water in a pan.
4. Put the pieces of chicken meat and vegetables in it. Boil
them for about ten minutes
5. Add the spices and salt in it, mix it and the soup is
35. What is the purpose of the text?
A. Cook chicken . C. Make chicken soup.
B. Boil vegetables.
D. Feed the chicken.
36. “…Boil them for about ten minutes...” ( Step 4 ).
What does the word “them” refers to?
A. Chicken meats.
B. Salt and spices.
C. The vegetables.
D. The pieces of chicken meat and vegetables.
37. The generic structure of the text above is …
A. Materials, Goal, Steps. C. Goal, Materials, Steps.
B. Steps, Materials, Goal. D. Goal, Steps, Materials.

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The following text is for questions numbers 38 to 41.

Newspaper is the … (38) medium of written
communication of the modern world today.
Almost all people read newspaper though many of
them only read the headlines as the extract of the news.
Millions of newspaper … (39) in the world. The first
daily newspaper of the world was the Morning Post then
followed by the London Time which started it’s publication
from London itself.
38. A. most effective
B. effectiveness

C. more effective
D. effective

39. A. publish
B. published

C. is publish
D. are published

40. What does the text tell us about?
A. Communication
C. Modern world
B. Newspaper
D. Morning Post
41. “…The first daily newspaper of the world was …”
The underlined word has similar meaning with …
A. every month
C. every day
B. twice a day
D. twice a week
The following text is for questions numbers 42 and 43.
Air Layering
Things you need :
- Coconut fiber
- Rope
- Sharp knife
What to do :
 First, choose the tree that you want to be air layered.
(for example, a mango tree).
 Second, select the branch, and then girdle it using
sharp knife.
 Then, apply the rooting medium which is wrapped by
coconut fiber.
 Finally, tie the medium using the rope.
42. We use the sharp knife to …
A. girdle the branch
C. tie the branch
B. wrap the branch
D. apply the branch
43. “…select the branch and then girdle it using sharp
knife.” The underlined word refers to …
A. the tree
C. the knife
B. the branch
D. the coconut fiber
44. Arrange the sentences bellow into a correct paragraph.
1. They can’t fly.
2. They swim and dive well
3. Penguins are swimming birds.
4. Penguins use their wings to “row” themselves
through the sea.
5. Because their wings are shaped as flippers.
6. A penguin in the water can leap up nearly 2 metres
to land on a rock or ice.
A. 3–4–1–2–5–6
B. 3–2–1-5–4–6

45. Arrange the sentences bellow into a correct paragraph.
1. The animals have been pushed back and their
natural habitat has been reduced.
2. The government has created reserves to protect
both animal and plant life.
3. Many natural forests where the animals live are
being destroyed.
4. One of them is Bogor Botanical Garden.
5. People have cleared the land to cultivate crops.
A. 4–3–5–1–2
B. 1–5–3–2–4

C. 5–1–4–3–2
D. 3–5–1–2–4

For numbers 46 and 47, choose the suitable words to fill in
the blanks.
Let me tell you how to lose weight. You … (46) do the
exercises in the morning or afternoon. Avoid eating the fat
food. … (47) a lot of fruits and vegetables and have a diet.
46. A. can not
B. may not
47. A. Eat
B. Keep

C. can
D. should
C. Buy
D. Cook

For numbers 48 to 50, arrange the sentences into a good
48. How to make instant noodle.
1. Pour the noodles into the bowl.
2. Boil the water.
3. Put the noodles in the boiled water.
4. Finally, sprinkle the fried onion.
5. Prepare a bowl and pour the ingredients.
6. Wait for about five minutes.
A. 2–3–6–5–1–4
B. 5–2–3–1–6–4

C. 2–3–6–1–5–4
D. 3–2–6–5–1–4

49. How to make banana bread.
1. Add the walnuts and the raisins and mix again.
2. Bake it in pan for about 1 hour.
3. Mix the dry ingredients ( salt, baking powder,
baking soda, powdered milk, flour)
4. Eat it
5. Mix the butter and honey, then add eggs, mashed
bananas water and vanilla.
6. Mix everything together.
A. 3–5–1–6–2–4
B. 6–1–5–3–4–2

C. 5–6–3–2–1–4
D. 6–1–5–3–2–4

50. How to make a kite
1. Put a tail on the kite.
2. Make two slight bamboo sticks by using a cutter.
3. Cut the paper and stick it on the kite frame.
4. Form a cross joining it together with a string, then
join the four bamboo tips
with a string.
5. Draw a kite pattern on the paper.
A. 2–4–5–3–1
B. 5–2–4–3–1

C. 2–5–4–3–1
D. 5–4–2–3–1

C. 6–4–5–1–2–3
D. 3–1–5–4–2–6

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