Aromatherapy Candles Great For Bath Time

Aromatherapy Candles - Great For Bath Time!
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I don’t know about you, but I find that my days are a constant whirl of activity, with very li

aromatherapy candles, candles, candle

Article Body:
I don’t know about you, but I find that my days are a constant whirl of activity, with very li

My friends all asked what I would do with all my "free" time once my daughters left high schoo

So, what do I use my "me" time for? I have re-found the pleasure of baths. For years, I have s

I had to find the bath salts - it had been quite a while since anyone in our household had tak

I was amazed at the transformation of the room for a start. The candles really changed the atm

Did my work suffer as a result of the fifteen minutes of "me" time? Not at all. In fact I thin

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