ADD How Is It Diagnosed

ADD - How Is It Diagnosed?
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An article about how ADD is diagnosed.

ADD, attention deficit disorder

Article Body:
In this next in a series of articles about ADD we’re going to discuss how to diagnose if someo
First of all, in order to accurately diagnose ADD you need to see your family doctor. This is

For starters, there is no blood test that can determine if someone has ADD. The truth is, ther

Again, you should begin with your family physician. However, if you don’t feel comfortable wit

The first thing that should be done is to have a complete physical examination to rule out any
Having a complete physical exam can rule out these other disorders.

The next thing you should do is a complete family history. The main reason for this is that AD

If the child goes to day care or attends school, questionnaires should be given to the teacher

Psychological testing should be done also, such as IQ tests. This will show a correlation betw

Once the doctor has gathered all this information he will compare the results to the DSM-IV cr
In the next of this series we’ll discuss how to treat ADD once it is diagnosed.

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