Index of /papers/Society This just in...

This just in...
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Dumbing down the news - or maybe TV should smarten up the newsreaders...


Article Body:
We are invited, this fine morning, to feel superior. As we sip our coffee and munch on our toa

Recently it’s become the fashion for news readers who are doing the pop segment to openly deri
God knows why they think news readers are superior. I recently saw a very creditable singing e

She sang great, actually. She was bang on. She was right on the money. She hit the spot. I’m a
Now years ago, they might have got away with this. We’d all

have chortled merrily away, none

It’s ignorant not to know this and it’s a greater ignorance to display this on television and

I see behaviour like this directed at the viewer - me - and I’m insulted. And it seems to be a
Now there is a clear distinction between being a supporter of terrorism, or even an apologist

In this case, the interviewer apparently believed his audience incapable of making the distinc

Being fed up with seeing scenes like the ones I describe above mean I don’t watch a lot of bre

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