How to Get Back in Shape After a Heart Attack

How to Get Back in Shape After a Heart Attack
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After suffering from a heart attack at the age of 35, I was instructed to get myself in better

After having a heart attack it is important to understand that life as you knew it is not over

Say goodbye to fried food. After a heart attack eating fried fatty foods is gambling with your

Chances are if you have had a heart attack at an early age it is for 1 of 2 reasons. The first
But just eating better and exercising is not enough. Stress can cause high blood pressure and

Finding a hobby is important. A hobby is a source of enjoyment that gets you off the couch and

Having a heart attack does not mean your life is over it just means you have to reevaluate the

Article Body:
After having a heart attack it is important to understand that life as you knew it is not over

Say goodbye to fried food. After a heart attack eating fried fatty foods is gambling with your

Chances are if you have had a heart attack at an early age it is for 1 of 2 reasons. The first
But just eating better and exercising is not enough. Stress can cause high blood pressure and

Finding a hobby is important. A hobby is a source of enjoyment that gets you off the couch and

Having a heart attack does not mean your life is over it just means you have to reevaluate the

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