Simulation Model of Wind Turbine with Induction Generator.

IJEERI, VOL.2, NO. 2, JULY 2013

ISSN 2301-6132

Simulation Model of Wind Turbine with Induction Generator
Lie Jasa1,2

Mochamad Ashari1, Ardyono Priyadi2, Mauridhi Hery

Electrical Engineering Department
Udayana University
Bali, Indonesia
Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology
Surabaya, Indonesia

Electrical Engineering Department

Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology
Surabaya, Indonesia

Abstract—Conventional energy sources used these days comes
from the limited energy resources that will be exhausted in the
near future. Research on wind energy as one of the renewable
energy sources has been promoted by researchers in many
countries around the world. Wind energy approach is a potential
resource of energy and environmentally friendly. However, the
main constraint in studying it is the wind cannot be regulated
because it changes in speed at all times in accordance with the
wind guts. The present study aimed to determine the
characteristics of wind turbine that were connected with
induction generator by applying simulation technique using
Matlab. The results showed that by using the maximum wind
speed of 12 m/s with the pitch angle β = 0 degree, the mechanical

output power (Pm) is 25513942.39 watt. When the pitch angle β
was increased up to 11o with the maximum wind speed, the Pm
dropped to 10168366.36 Watt. Moreover, the induction generator
output current of I2C with the maximum wind speed and at λ
value of 8 is the maximum current produced by the generator.
The computing processes and outputs, and the stages of wind
energy installation are discussed in details.
Keywords – Wind turbine, Renewable, Wind energy, blade.



The energy crisis faced by all countries in the world nowadays
is due to the limitations of conventional energy sources such
as oils, coal and gases that have been used. The excessive
energy use over the years gives impact on air pollution, global
warming and climate change. Almost all countries in the
world today are competing to conduct research on wind
energy that is used as one of the policy option in the future

energy development. Besides, it is an environmentally
friendly, green, unlimited and renewable energy sources, the
wind energy is less cost competitive. This was proven when
the installation of wind turbines in parts of the world increased
by 30% and wind turbine generator industries like in china
have more than 80 producers [1], [2], [3], [4], [5].

developed in various studies and experiments [1], [6], [11]. On
this paper, the simulation of Matlab showed a wind turbine
connected to an induction generator with characteristics of
wind speed (V-wind), Pitch lade (β), blade speed ratio (λ),
performace coefisien turbine (Cp), mechanical power output
(Pm), the current output (I2C), and power generator output



A. Wind Turbine.
Wind turbine is a turbine that is used to convert kinatic energy
of wind into electrical energy. Theorerically, the stronger the
wind blows, the greater the mechanical energy was generated
[12, 13, 14]. When the mechanical energy is connected to an
induction generator, the rotation of wind turbine rotor will
move from induction machine and will produce an output
voltage in the stator known as electrical energy. Wind turbine
is originally created to meet the needs of farmers in making
rice mills, agricultural irrigation purposes and etc. Many wind
turbines that are known to many people over the years are
built in Denmark, the Netherlands and other European
countries called as the windmill [12, 13].
Wind turbine is windmill that is used to generate electrical
energy. Due to the limited energy resources such as oils and
coal, wind turbines are developed to accommodate the
electrical energy needs of the community. Water, wind and
sunlight are renewable energy sources and the sources are not
limited [12, 14, 15, 16, 17]. Although to date the construction
of wind turbines has not been able to compete with

conventional power plants, studies on wind turbine are being
developed by scientists because of the realization that in the
near future humans will be faced with the problem of shortage
of natural resources to generate electricity.

The main problem faced by researchers in the world today is
the nature of the wind always changes and the speed can not
be regulated. Consequently, the sustainalibility of wind energy
resources is still not able to compensate for conventional
energy generation. The wind energy therefore should be

 2013 IJEERI


IJEERI, VOL.2, NO. 2, JULY 2013

ISSN 2301-6132

There are two types of wind turbines [13,14,15]. (1) Propeller

wind turbine with horizontal axis. This wind turbines should
be directed in accordance with the highest wind direction
speed, and (2) Darrieus wind turbine is a type of vertical axis
wind turbine discovered by GJM Darrieus in 1920. The
advantage of this type of wind turbine is around the turbine
does not require mechanisms on wind direction [14].

where Pm is the mechanical power output of the turbine, Cp is
the performance coefficient of the turbine, λ is the ratio of the
speed of the rotor blade to the wind velocity, and β is the blade
pitch angle (degrees). Coefficients C, then respectively are C1
= 0.5176, C2 = 116, C3 = 0.4, C4 = 5, C5 = 21, and C6 =
0.0068 [12]. Cp-λ characteristics, for the pitch angle β, is
assumed to be lower. The maximum value of Cp is 0:48
(CPmax = 0.48), for β = 0 ° and for λ = 8.1.

The main supporting components of a wind turbine that can
generate electrical energy, are as follows [14]. (a) Gearbox:
serves to change the low round on the mill into high rotation;
(b) Brake System: is used to keep the rotation on the shaft

after the gearbox in order to work safely at the point when a
large wind speeds, to avoid overheating, breakdown rotor,
wires at the generator end; (c) Generator: is used to convert
the kinetic energy into electrical energy; (d) Energy storage:
serves as back-up electrical energy when the load increases or
the use of electrical power when the wind speed of a region is
diminishing; (e) Rectifier-inverter: rectifier can rectify
sinusoid wave (AC) produced by the generator into a wave
DC while Inverter has the opposite function; (f) Sensors: wind
turbines can be used to direct the wheel position (blade) in the
direction of the wind, so the windmill rotates though the wind
is always changing; and the last (g) Wind turbine safety
system: is a lightning rod that serves as a protection from
lightning strikes

By connecting between λ and β, and λi –next values of λ- lamda
values will change and keep changing in every moment. The
equation is expressed by:



 3
  0.08   1


B. Generator Induksi. Induction generator
The working principle of the equivalent circuit is to use
electromagnetic induction [15]. Primary and secondary
sections can be described by an equivalent circuit as shown in
Figure 1.


R '2



The formula of the power of wind turbine input is given by
Pm = 1/2 ρAV3wind
where Pm is the power generated by wind, ρ (Rho) is the air
density (kg/m3) and is of 1255 kg/m3, A is the area of a circle
in the wind turbine blade (m2), and Vwind is wind speed in
While the equation for the wind turbine output [12] is that a
model of wind turbine connected to an induction generator is
theoretically generate output equation as shown in equation



R '2 (

1 S

Figure 1.Equivalent circuit of induction generator

By using Thevenin's theorem, the voltage at point X and Y
generates equation V1 = Vt - Io (R1 + jX1), so a substitute
circuit can be illustrated as Figure 4.



R '2



Pm = Cp(λ,β) 1/2 ρ A V3wind

Cp( ,  ) = C1 (

I '2


X '2




- C2  - C4 )e i  C6

X '2

I '2

1 S
R '2 (

Figure 2. Substitute circuit of induction generator

I2C current flowing through R2 'and X2' with R2 load changes
will directly be related to the slip that occurs between the rotor
and stator of an induction generator [15]. Connected flow
equation is shown in formula 5.

 2013 IJEERI


IJEERI, VOL.2, NO. 2, JULY 2013

ISSN 2301-6132

Figure 4. Parameter input of wind turbine model


I 2c 
( R1 

R 2c 2
)  ( X 1  X '2 ) 2


The output power of induction generator is a square of output
current with I2C on the load resistance value R2C, so the
power out equation becomes equation 6.

1 S
Pm  3( I 2c ) 2 R2c (

Maximum mechanical power turbine will be simulated using
Matlab software.


To compute a simulation using Matlab, this study proposed the
stages for calculating the maximum mechanical power output
of wind turbine, as follows:


Based on the major and supporting components of wind
turbine, and the formula 1 to 6 discussed above, the present
researchers proposed a model wind turbine with induction
generator as shown in Figure 3.

1. Analyzing the process of wind turbines, V-wind, pitch
angle (β), the turbine swept area (A), and the wind
density (ρ). The wind turbine work is based on wind
speed to be converted into mechanical energy.
2. Breakdown the wind turbine with the radius of turbine,
which is wind density (rho) = 1225 kg/m3, and the area
A = 12.5663 which the radius is assumed 2 meters, the
value of the equation (4) parameter of C1 = 0.5176; C2
= 116; C3 = 0.4; C4 = 5; C5 = 21; C6 = 0.0068
3. Analyzing the output of equation (2), (3) and (4) to
obtain the value of mechanical power output (Pm) of
the turbine, then Pm will be entered into the equation
(5) of the equation of induction generator.
4. Having inserted the value of Pm, then the value I2C
can be calculated by the equation (5). Having the value
I2C, the output power then can be calculated by the
formula Pout = (I2C) 2 R2C in equation 6.


Figure 3. Model of wind turbine with induction generator control

Wind turbine model in Figure 3 uses the parameters of
wind speed (V-wind) that always changes; pitch angle (β) is the
blade angle that can be changed to compensate for wind speed;
turbine swept area (A) is the area while it rotates blade area ,
and the wind density (ρ). All the parameters are used as input
to obtain the turbine mechanical power (Pm) as shown in
Figure 4.

Simulation model of wind turbines in this study uses Matlab
R2009b. Performance coefficient (Cp) was computed by the
value of λ from 0 to 15 and the value of β from 0 to 20 as in
Figure 4. Cp with a value of β 0.5, 10, and 15 is shown
separately in Figure 5.
As can be seen, Figures 4 and 5 show that the greater the angle
β, then the output Cp will decrease. Cp would be maximized
when β = 0. It means that the speed of the wind that blows all
of them converted by wind turbines, without being reduced by
the rotating blade pitch. This is the ideal condition of a wind
turbine. Blade pitch goal is to reduce the wind speed is
converted by the turbine in case of very strong wind speed
suddenly causing a wind turbine spinning beyond its limits.

 2013 IJEERI


IJEERI, VOL.2, NO. 2, JULY 2013

ISSN 2301-6132

Figure 4. Characteristic of wind turbine λ vs Cp
β ranging 0-20

Figure 7. Characteristic of wind turbine Vwind averaging
(■-β=0 ▲-β=5 □-β=10 ∆- β=15 ○- β=20)

Figure 8 and 9 showed that the simulation results of equation
(2) with a wind speed variable V-wind that changes V-fox
with a constant value of β. In the simulation, the wind speed
was varied from 0 -12 with a variation of the value of β = 0, 5,
10 and 15. Figure 8, 9, 10 and 11 show that when beta = 0 and
the maximum wind speed = 12 pm, the largest value obtained
is Pm = 25513942.39, and at the lowest value of β = 15 Pm
with a maximum wind speed = 12 obtained the value of Pm =
10168366.36 watt
Figure 5. Characteristic of wind turbine λ vs
(■-β=0 ▲-β=5 ∆- β=10 ○- β=15)


In order to obtain the mechanical power output, Pm was
computed by the value of λ from 0 to 15 and the value of β
from 0 to 20 as in Figure 4. Cp with a value of β 0, 5, 10, and
15 is shown separately in Figure 7.
Figure 6 and 7 showed that by using equation (2), and Cp
values were entered in accordance with equation (3), then
output the results obtained showed that the maximum Pm
obtained when β = 0 and the lowest when β = 20. This means
that with maximum wind gusts, maximum Pm obtained with λ
= 8, whereas when the wind speed decreases, the value of λ
will grow along with increasing the value of β.

Figure 8. Characteristic Pm vs V_wind with β=0

Figure 9. Characteristic Pm vs V_wind with β=5

Figure 6. Characteristic of wind turbine Vwind averaging β 0-20

Figure 11 showed that when the angle β was increased up to
15 degrees with a maximum wind speed, the smaller Pm
obtained and the value of λ would also be decreased by

 2013 IJEERI


IJEERI, VOL.2, NO. 2, JULY 2013

ISSN 2301-6132

themselves from 15 to 12. The maximum power generated is
equal to 10168366.36 Watt, with a value of λ = 8, although the
angle β =0.

Figure 13. Characteristic 3D I2c vs V_wind with β=0-11.

Figure 10. Characteristic Pm vs V_wind with β=10

Figure 13. Characteristic 3D Pout vs V_wind with β=0-11

Figure 11. Characteristic Pm vs V_wind with β=15

Figure 12, 13 and 14 showed the simulation results of equation
(5) and (6) with a variable speed wind-wind V-fox that
changed with the average value of β. In the simulation, the
wind speed was varied from 0 -12 with a value of β = 0, the
maximal flow I2C generated of wind speed 12 m/s.


From the simulation result above, it can be concluded that tha
maximum mechanical power obtainde from a wind turbine is at
a maximum wind speed at 12 m/s with a pitch angle β = 0 and
value obtained for 25,513,942,39 watt.However, if the angle β
is increased to 11 degrees with the maximum wind speed, it
drops to 10168366.36 Watt. While the output current of an
induction generator I2C when the maximum wind speed
obtained with the value of λ = 8 and for all variants of the
vlaue of β, the range of λ value ranged in number 8.
The Authors convey gratitude to the Ministry of Culture and
Education, Indonesia, that has provided scholarships through
the program of BPPS and National Strategic Research funded
in 2010.

Figure 12. Characteristic I2c vs V_wind with β=1


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