The inferiority complex of Hanna Schmitz as portrayed in Bernhard Schlink`s The Reader - USD Repository








Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

to Obtain the Sarjana Pendidikan Degree

in English Language Education

  By Epiphana Ratri

  Student Number : 071214122














Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

to Obtain the Sarjana Pendidikan Degree

in English Language Education

  By Epiphana Ratri

  Student Number : 071214122






  A Thesis on






  By Epiphana Ratri

  Student Number: 071214122 Approved by

  Sponsor Henny Herawati, S.Pd., M.Hum. Date 17 January 2012

  A Thesis on






  By Epiphana Ratri

  Student Number: 071214122 Defended before the Board of Examiners on 10 February 2012 and Declared Acceptable

  Board of Examiners

  Chairperson : C. Tutyandari, S.Pd., M.Pd. _________________ Secretary : Drs. Barli Bram, M.Ed., Ph.D. _________________ Member : Henny Herawati, S.Pd., M.Hum. _________________ Member : C. Tutyandari, S.Pd., M.Pd. _________________ Member : Drs. Barli Bram, M.Ed., Ph.D. _________________

  Yogyakarta, 10 February 2012 Faculty of Teachers Training and Education Sanata Dharma University Dean,

  When things go wrong as they sometimes will, When the road you’re trudging seems all up hill,

  When the funds are low and the debts are high, And you want to smile but you have to sigh,

  When care is pressing you down a bit, Rest if you must but don’t you quit...

  (Chicken Soup for Woman’s Soul)

  Dedicated to myself, and they who always be there…


  I honestly declare that this thesis, which I have written, does not contain the work or parts of the work of other people, except those cited in the quotations and the references, as a scientific paper should.

  Yogyakarta, 10 February 2012 The Writer

  Epiphana Ratri 071214122




  Yang bertanda tangan di bawah ini, saya mahasiswa Universitas Sanata Dharma: Nama : Epiphana Ratri Nomor Mahasiswa : 071214122

  Demi pengembangan ilmu pengetahuan, saya memberikan kepada Perpustakaan Universitas Sanata Dharma karya ilmiah saya yang berjudul:





  beserta perangkat yang diperlukan (bila ada). Dengan demikian saya memberikan kepada Perpustakaan Universitas Sanata Dharma hak untuk menyimpan,mengalihkan dalam bentuk media lain, mengelolanya dalam bentuk pangkalan data, mendistribusikan secara terbatas, dan mempublikasikannya di Internet atau media lain untuk kepentingan akademis tanpa perlu meminta ijin dari saya maupun memberikan royalty kepada saya selama tetap mencantumkan nama saya sebagai penulis. Demikian pernyataan ini saya buat dengan sebenarnya. Yogyakarta, 10 Februari 2012 Yang menyatakan Epiphana Ratri



  Ratri, Epiphana. (2012). The Inferiority Complex of Hanna Schmitz as

Portrayed in Bernhard Schlink’s The Reader. Yogyakarta: English

  Language Education Study Program, Department of Language and Arts Education. Faculty of Teachers Training and Education. Sanata Dharma University.

  An inferiority feeling occurs in life since people were born. This feeling can accumulate and can be worse if one cannot manage it well. In The Reader, the character Hanna Schmitz deals with this psychological issue which is known as the inferiority complex. She feels inferior for being an illiterate person.

  This study is intended to answer three questions of the problem formulation, namely, (1) How are the character traits of Hanna Schmitz described in the story? (2) How is Hanna Schmitz’s inferiority complex described? (3) What are the causes of it concerning with the character traits? The aims of this study are to find out the description of Hanna Schmitz’s character traits. It also aims to discover the description of Hanna Schmitz’s inferiority complex and its causes.

  The research method employed in this study was the library research. The approach used was psychological approach. The information supporting the analysis was gained from the novel itself as the primary source and books on literature and psychology, on-line articles and essays as the secondary sources. The theory of literature, theory of character and characterization and theory of personality were applied in answering the first question. The second question is answered by the application of theory of inferiority complex, psychoanalytic theory of personality and theory of existentialism.

  Based on the analysis, Hanna Schmitz is portrayed as an illiterate person. She is independent, introvert, insecure, secretive, and antisocial. Hanna withdraws herself from the society that she sees her illiteracy as an intolerable shame. Instead of her inferiority feelings, Hanna behaves as if she is superior, dominant and remorseless as her compensation to conceal the weakness. Hanna experiences the inferiority complex in two ways; inferiority (feeling) complex for her fear of humiliation, and inferiority (symptom) complex which makes her withdraw herself and do a socially unacceptable behavior. Hanna demonstrates the inferiority complex indirectly as shown in her superiority and remorseless behavior. The direct mechanism is shown in her acceptance to the imprisonment and her committing suicide at last. Hanna's failures while striving for the intrinsic needs, for self-concept and self-esteem, for security and for power become the causes of her inferiority complex.

  The suggestions for future researchers are to analyze the theme and also the sociocultural aspect of the novel. A set of activities in reading class becomes the suggestion in the implementation of The Reader in the learning activity.



  Ratri, Epiphana. (2012). The Inferiority Complex of Hanna Schmitz as

Portrayed in Bernhard Schlink’s The Reader. Yogyakarta: Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa dan Seni

  Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan. Universitas Sanata Dharma. Perasaan rendah diri mulai tumbuh di dalam diri manusia bahkan sejak dilahirkan. Perasaan rendah diri yang tidak bisa dikelola dengan baik dapat berkembang dan menjadi lebih buruk. Dalam novel The Reader, Hanna Schmitz mengalami masalah psikologi yang dikenal dengan inferiority complex. Hanna Schmitz merasa rendah diri karena latar belakangnya sebagai seorang yang buta aksara.

  Studi ini menjawab tiga rumusan masalah, yaitu (1) Bagaimana tokoh Hanna Schmitz digambarkan dalam novel The Reader? (2) Bagaimana inferiority


complex yang dialami Hanna Schmitz digambarkan (3) Apa saja penyebab

inferiority complex berkenaan dengan karakter yang dimiliki? Terdapat dua tujuan

  yang hendak dicapai dalam studi ini. Pertama, studi ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui karakteristik Hanna Schmitz. Studi ini juga bertujuan untuk mengetahui inferiority complex yang dialami oleh Hanna Schmitz serta mengetahui penyebab dari inferiority complex tersebut.

  Untuk mendapatkan jawaban dalam studi ini digunakan studi pustaka. Pendekatan yang digunakan adalah pendekatan psikologi. Berbagai informasi yang dapat mendukung analisa rumusan masalah tersebut diperoleh dari novel The


Reader sebagai sumber primer dan buku-buku tentang kesusasteraan dan

  psikologi, dan artikel elektronik sebagai sumber sekunder. Teori kesusasteraan, teori watak dan perwatakan, dan teori kepribadian digunakan untuk menjawab rumusan masalah yang pertama. Teori inferiority complex, teori psikoanalitis kepribadian dan teori eksistensialisme digunakan untuk menjawab pertanyaan yang kedua.

  Berdasarkan analisa, Hanna Schmitz digambarkan sebagai seorang yang buta aksara. Hanna adalah orang yang mandiri, introvert dan selalu merasa tidak aman, ia penuh dengan kerahasiaan, juga antisosial. Hanna memandang kekurangannya sebagai aib sehingga ia harus menarik diri dari lingkungannya. Disamping perasaan rendah dirinya, Hanna Schmitz bersikap sebagai orang yang superior, dominan dan bersikap tanpa belas kasihan sebagai kompensasi untuk menutupi kekurangannya. Hanna mengalami inferiority complex dalam dua pengertian; inferiority (feeling) complex atas ketakutannya sendiri akan pandangan orang lain yang merendahkan, dan inferiority (symptom) complex yang membuatnya menarik diri dari lingkungan, ia bersikap antisosial dan melakukan hal-hal yang tidak bisa diterima secara sosial. Hanna mendemonstrasikan


inferiority complex yang dimilikinya secara tidak langsung yang tampak dalam

  sikap tanpa belas kasihan dan superioritasnya. Secara langsung ia menunjukkan

  Hanna dalam perjuangannya memperoleh kebutuhan intrinsik, konsep diri dan harga diri, rasa aman, dan kegagalannya memperoleh kekuasaan menyebabkan

  inferiority complex yang ia alami.

  Peneliti berikutnya dapat menganalisis tema dan aspek sosial-budaya yang terdapat di dalam novel. Serangkaian aktivitas di dalam kelas membaca dapat dijadikan saran bagi penerapan novel The Reader dalam aktivitas belajar.

  Kata kunci: inferiority complex



  First of all, I would like to convey my first gratitude to my Lord Jesus


Christ and Mother Mary for the unselfish love and blessings. I am so grateful

  for the blessings especially in guiding me to write this thesis so that I had spirit and strength.

  My greatest gratitude goes to my advisor, Henny Herawati, S.Pd.,


M.Hum., who had devoted the time to guide me patiently in writing this thesis. I

  am deeply grateful for her valuable suggestions and advice during the completion of this thesis.

  I also express my gratitude to all of the teaching staff of the English Department of Sanata Dharma University for their guidance during my study.

  They had given me a lot of useful knowledge and skills. Also to the staff of PBI secretariat and staff of the university library, I would like to express my gratitude for their patience of giving me their best services during my study.

  I would like to express my deepest gratitude to my beloved parents, Mr.


Sukamto and Mrs. Lucia Sunarti, for their prayer, everlasting love, care and

  support which best help me in finishing my thesis. I also thank my beloved son


Matheas Rapha Pradana, for the joy and laughter which give me much strength

  and spirit through the hard times. Then my deepest gratitude and huge love, I would send it to my beloved husband, Albertus Hendra Widhianata, for the unconditional love and care and for always be there. Also for my big family who becomes my motivation. Uti Yuni, Mbah Agus, Abang, Anggara, Uyut, thanks

  My sweetest gratitude goes to my dearest pals, Agnes Armita Ekarista,


Francisca Indra, Prisca Widyaningrum. We have shared joy and laughter,

  tears, love and friendship especially during the making of this thesis. I am particularly grateful to Asep, Santi, Rina, Ikuk, Lidya for being my sincere friends.

  Next, I would like to send my big gratitude to Umde, Petra, Cemet and the big family of Konco Kenthel Choir, also the big family of PSM Cantus


Firmus; Mas Mbong, Landri, Wigit, for making my days more bearable. For

Basasistahood family; Na, Kumi, Skubi, Sari, also for the family of Pangoentji;

Romo Sindhu, Mas Antok, Mas Wawan, Pak Pudjo for the encouragement,

  support, and joy at hard times. For Oda Arinda and Laurensius Bretya, I am very grateful to have you for helping me during the completion of this thesis.

  My sincere gratitude goes to the big family of class 2007. I thank them for the unforgettable friendship and memorable great moments. Finally, I wish to express my sincere gratitude for the persons whose names I cannot mention here one by one. May God bless them all.

  Epiphana Ratri



  Page TITLE PAGE................................................................................................... i APPROVAL PAGE......................................................................................... ii DEDICATION PAGE

  ………….....................……….…............................... iv v STATEMENT OF WORK’S ORIGINALITY……………….…….......……


  ……………………………… vi ABSTRACT.................................................................................................... vii


ABSTRAK........................................................................................................ viii

  ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS x …….……….….....……….….…….......….......

  TABLE OF CONTENTS …….……….……….……….……..….......…..… xii

  LIST OF APPENDICES ……………………………………..…......……… xv

  CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION A. Background of the Stud

  1 y ……………………...........…… B. Pro blem Formulation …………………….............……… 5 C.

  5 Objectives of the Study ………………….....................…

  D. Benefits of th e Study …………….......………...………... 6 E. Definition of Terms

  ………………......………...……….. 7

  CHAPTER II REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE A. Review of Related Theories ………….....…….........……. 9 1. Theory of Literature..........................................

  …… 9 a. Psychological Approach.....................................

  9 b. Character.............................................................

  10 c. Characterization..................................................


  2. Theory of Psychology ……....…..................………. 13

  a. Personality........................................................... 13 b. Inferiority Complex............................................


  (a) Inferiority (Feeling) Complex...........

  17 (b) Inferiority (Symptom) Complex.......

  18 2) Mechanism...................................................

  19 (a) Direct Demonstration........................

  19 (b) Indirect Demonstration.....................

  20 3) Causes..........................................................

  21 (a) Striving for Perfection.......................

  22 (b) Striving for Self-Concept and Self-Esteem.......................................

  23 (a) Striving for Security...........................

  23 (b) Striving for Power..............................

  24 c. Theory of Existential Psychology......................

  24 B. Theoretical Framework …….……...............................…. 27

  CHAPTER III METHODOLOGY A. Object of the Study……………………………............… 29 B. Approach of the Study……………………………...…… 31 C. Method of the Study………………………………..…… 32 CHAPTER IV ANALYSIS A. Hanna Schmitz’s Character………………………........… 34 1. Hanna Schmitz’s Physical Appearance..................... 35 2. Hanna Schmitz’s Social Traits.................................. 38 3. Hanna Schmitz’s Personality Traits ......................… 41

  a. Independent …….............................................… 41 b. Domineering and Dominant.

  ……....................... 42

  c. Remorseless …........................…….................... 44

  d. Introvert ……….......................…....................... 46

  e. Insecure ………..........................…..................… 47

  f. Secretive ………….........................................….. 49

  g. Antisocial ……….............................…............... 51 B.

  The Description of Hanna Schmitz’s Inferiority Complex.... 53

  1. The Sense of Hanna’s Inferiority Complex ................ 53

  a. Inferiority (Feeling) Complex............................... 54

  b. Inferiority (Symptom) Complex …..................… 54

  2. Mechanism ……………............................................. 56

  a. Indirect Demonstration ……………....…........… 56

  b. Direct Demonstration ……………...................... 57

  3. The Causes of Hanna Schmitz’s Inferiority Complex.................................................... 63

  a. Striving for Perfection ………………..............… 64

  b. Striving for Self -Concept and Self-Esteem ......... 65

  c. Striving for Security ………………..................... 67

  d. Striving for Power ………………….................... 68

  CHAPTER V CONCLUSIONS AND SUGGESTIONS A. Conclusions…………………………............................….. 69 B. Suggestions………………………….……........………..… 72

  1. Su ggestions to Future Researchers…........…......…… 72

  2. Suggestions in the Implementation of The Reader in the Learning Activity ……...……......................… 72

  REFEREN CES…………………………………………………....…………. 75

  Page Appendix 1 Biography of Bernhard Schlink ……………………......…..

  78 Appendix 2 Summary of The Reader ………………………….........…..

  81 Appendix 3 Lesson Plan ………………………………………...………

  84 Appendix 4 Learning Material …………………………………...……..

  90 problem formulation, objectives of the study, benefits of the study, and definition of terms. As it is known, background of the study gives the explanation of the topic of the writer‘s study and gives the reason why it is chosen. The problem formulation is about the question problems that be analyzed in the analysis. The objectives of the study give explanation of the purpose of the study, the benefits of the study define the importance that the study gives for understanding the novel and for other future studies. The last part is the definition of terms which consists of some terms related to the study in order to avoid misconception.

Background of the Study A

  Living among the society and environment, people exceedingly differ in their behavior, preferences, and their outlook on life. Every individual is created differently to bring their own special characteristics. These special characteristics become the spice of life for the varieties provided. The characteristics which can be shown by how an individual behaves can be closely related to certain psychological aspects. Huffman, Vernoy and Vernoy (1997) assert that there are two kinds of behavior owned by people; innate behavior and learned behavior. Innate behavior is the one which is formed by instincts or reflexes and triggered learned behavior is caused by the environmental influences (p. 163). Adler then maint ains that ―in the early years each person develops his own special ‗style of life‘ from innate and acquired sources which becomes a more or less fixed pattern that carries throughout life‖ (as stated in Young, 1945, p. 283).

  Behavior, as maintained by Aiken (1969), refers to any observable movement of a human being or animal. The behavior can be known through what he or she does, thinks, feels or experiences. There is a stereotype that people in a society demand a good behavior from each member, and the failure of its expectations will be regarded as an abnormality (p. 2). Nevertheless, normal- abnormal behavior is qualified due to the influence of culture and the social life.

  McConnell (1974) says that normal behavior is a relative matter since it characterizes most people within a given group. The abnormal behavior is an extreme deviation from a given average point in terms of defined variable groups.

Consequently, someone‘s abnormality will be punished or ignored, or even praised, depends on the society‘s interpretations of the value of the behavior and

  the toleration had by people (p. 534-536).

  Adler states that in relation with human behaviors, every person has inferiority feelings for the life begins as a completely helpless infant. Children are afraid of adults since they feel small, incompetent, and helpless. This individual feeling is developed through some experiences. Someone who experiences suppression from others tends to develop the pattern of inferiority complex by creating abnormal behavior if the response to the suppression is negative. On the contrary, if it is seen positively, positive traits will be born (as stated Huffman et al., 1997, p, 455).

  The events above exist oftentimes in our daily life which one could convey its value in the medium of literature; that makes the life and the literature cannot be separated one from another. Literary work itself is known as the work expressed intellectually in written in any medium. It is the work of a writer which expresses anything in letters, written and oral, and creates particular feelings toward a reader. Hudson (1960) also emphasized, ―Literature is the expression of life through the medium of language. It can be regarded as something essential since it contains about real life, people, thought, and their feeling about life‖ (p. 10).

  Abrams (1981) stated that the reality of human life inspires authors to write fiction stories presented in its ―complex characters‖, their ―social classes‖ and ―the interactions with other characters‖ (p. 130). Although a fiction is a literary work which based only on imagination and not necessarily based on fact, we can see that novels as fiction literary work are able to present the human life‘s phenomenon.

  People have some lacks which can put them in some difficulties in life. Many people also have inferiority complex which becomes a difficulty for them. Thus, a literary work may convey the inferiority complex of a character as it is contained in the real life as a psychological issue. Supported by Van De Laar and Schoonderwoerd (1963), there are numbers of novels which portray about any inferiority complex owned by its character (p. 160).

  One of the novels carrying the topic of inferiority complex is The Reader.

This Schlink‘s marvelous masterpiece tells mostly about the story of two lovers experiencing Oedipus complex in their relationship. There are two main

  characters presented here, Michael Berg and Hanna Schmitz. The Reader mostly tells us how the two characters meet, how the relationship between them is going, and that in one event they separate one another. Beyond the interesting love story which is prominent in the novel, here the writer is then more interested in Hanna Schmitz for her strong and dominating character that can be said controlling the whole story.

  This fiction literary work expresses the condition that any of events happen in relationship and even in life in general might not succeed because of the inferiority complex exists in the characters. Hanna, the character who has the inferiority complex, realizes that she is illiterate and tries to hide her inferiority by compensating with strong and firm behavior and not letting anybody get into her life. As it is stated in Personality and Problem of Adjustment by Kimball Young (1945), it is maintained that personality development is driven by the need to compensate for feeling of inferiority. Here to conceal her inferiority complex, Hanna even decides to sacrifices her life to be imprisoned.

  From the short explanation above about the interesting points of the novel for the writer, this thesis tries to find out the character traits of Hanna Schmitz. The traits are then believed as the factor influencing the inferiority complex condition had by Hanna Schmitz. The inferiority complex had by Hanna Schmitz i tself then contributes to some critical decisions in Hanna‘s life.

B. Problem Formulation

  Based on the background of the study, the writer formulates the problems of this literary study into the following questions:

  1. How are the character traits of Hanna Schmitz, the main character of Schlink‘s The Reader, portrayed? 2.

  How is the inferiority complex of Hanna Schmitz described? 3. What are the causes of the inferiority complex described? C.

  Objectives of the Study

  From this study the objectives of the study can be achieved especially by answering three problems stated in the problem formulation. Therefore the writer wants: 1.

  To find out the character traits of Hanna Schmitz as described in the Reader.

  2. To find out the description of the inferiority complex experienced by Hanna Schmitz.

  3. To find out the causes of Hanna‘s inferiority complex related to her character traits influence.

Benefits of the Study D

  The benefits of this study in general are to deliver a reference toward the study to The Reader by Bernhard Schlink in the psychological viewpoint. Then, the readers in general can learn that some aspects in life have roles in forming a person‘s personality as it can be seen in the character of Hanna Schmitz. This study also presents the idea of the existence of inferiority complex had by Hanna Schmitz which can affect how she sees and carries out her life. The phenomenon of the inferiority complex is presented concerning that some people is still experiencing or have already experienced the condition of inferiority complex in their life. Nevertheless, the right way people response to this condition is significantly understood for diminishing this psychological issue.

  Hopefully, this study will help other researchers especially students of English Language Education who focus on literary work and conduct a study about inferiority complex and about the Reader itself or as a reference, a comparative study, etc. in the field of literary criticism in the future. As the candidates of teachers, we should somehow understand that students may have this feeling of inferiority for they have different abilities in learning the language. By knowing this condition, it is believed that this study can give good contribution to the teachers conducting the teaching learning activities toward students with inferiority complex condition.

  This study tries to provide the description of Hanna Schmitz‘ characters and to reveal the significance of the inferiority complex owned by Hanna Schmitz in supporting the conflicts in this fiction. By this study, the readers of this study could see how psychological approach especially the inferiority complex could build a character. Besides, this study may also be helpful in giving information to others who are talking about inferiority complex or who are in different fields.

Definition of Terms E

  In order to avoid misunderstanding in reading this thesis, some terms are then should be defined and the meaning of each will be limited.

  The term character(s) used in this study as described by Stanton (1965), concerns with two things. First is someone‘s interests, desires, emotions and moral principles, and the second is that characters are the individual who exist in a story (p. 17). Characters in this study refer to what Stanton stated, the combination of interest, desires, emotions, and moral principles which create distinctive features of people. In other words, characters refer to the character‘s traits. The character traits of Hanna Schmitz are then believed to be the factors which affect her inferiority complex and her motivation in making important decisions in her life.

  Inferiority complex, according to Adler (1956), is defined into two

  senses, first is ―abnormally increased inferiority feelings‖ and the second is ―the means by which an individual explains to himself or herself and others that he or she is not strong enough to solve a given problem in a socially useful way‖ (para. 132). Besides, Huffman et al (1997) also added that inferiority complex is the feelings of inferiority developed from early childhood experiences of helplessness and incompetence (p. 455). In this study, the term inferiority complex studies the first sense that Hanna has abnormally increased inferiority feelings due to the illiteracy she has.

  In the second sense, Hanna Schmitz explains to herself and others that she is not strong enough to solve a given problem in a socially useful way. Here, in


The Reader by Bernard Schlink, Hanna Schmitz is presented as a strong, firm

  woman who defenselessly accepts to be sentenced to life in prison. The shame that she is illiterate forces her to choose spending her whole life in the prison rather than defending herself from the conviction. framework. In the review of related theories, the writer discusses the theories of literature which are the theory of critical approach, theory of character, and the theory of characterization. The second is the theory of psychology which has theory of personality, theory of inferiority complex, and the theory of existential psychology in it. Those theories are then supporting the writer‘s analysis.

Review of Related Theories A. Theory of Literature 1

  In this part, the writer presents the theory of critical approach in literary works, the theory of characters and characterization. The explanation of the theories is as follows

Psychological Approach a

  In order to observe and understand the works of literature well, a method is needed to analyze it. Critical approach to literature requires an understanding of its nature, function, and positive values (Rohrberger & Woods, 1971, p. 3). They explain critical approach to ―put readers in a position to receive some of the positive aesthetic values, you provide the means where by readers can understand how literature is shaped and something of what it means‖ (p. 3).

  According to Rohrberger and Woods (1971) there are five kinds of critical approach. There are the formalist approach, the biographical approach, the sociocultural-historical approach, the mythopoeic approach and the last is the psychological approach (pp. 1-15).

  The branch of the critical approach which is mostly used to analyze the study here is the psychological approach. Here then is the explanation by Rohrberger and Woods (1971), Psychological Approach is an approach that concerns ―the efforts to locate and demonstrate certain recurrent patterns‖ (p. 15).

  It involves the theory of psychology to understand literary works.

  In addition, Guerin, Labor, Morgan, and Willingham (1979) also propose that psychological approach provides us a work‘s ―thematic‖ and ―symbolic‖ mysteries. This approach helps us to understand and to clarify the lines stated in the literary work (p. 121). The concern of this approach is the analyses ―motives underlying human behavior‖ (p. 155). Nonetheless, this approach has its limitation to the aesthetic inadequacy and it neglects the appreciation of the literary work (p. 121).

  By using this approach, the writer tries to find out and to interpret the meaning of each line stated the novel. Here also the analysis of the character is believed to be revealed and understood by the psychological approach.

  Character b.

  In order to explain who and how the character is emerging in a novel, we need the theory of character. Abrams (1971) shows the word character into two ways. The first way describes a character as ―a literary genre: a short, and usually witty, sketch in a prose of a distinctive type of person‖ (p. 20). Second, he explains the characters as ―the persons, in a dramatic or narrative work, endowed with moral and dispositional qualities that are expressed in what they say, the dialogue, and what-they do - action‖ (p. 21). From the explanation above we can conclude that characters are the people with all their features presented in a story.

  In addition, in 1965, Stanton gives two ways to define a character, it has the same idea as Abrams. The first is about ―how many characters are there,‖ characters are the ―individuals‖ becoming apparent in a story. The second is that a character is a ―mixture of interest, desires, emotions, and moral principal that makes up each of the individuals‖ and that deals with ―how are the characters defined‖ (p. 17). Henkle (1977) classifies characters as major and minor characters. Major characters are the focus from the beginning until the end of the story because they are the most ―important‖ and ―complex‖ persons there, also in order to convey the ―human qualities‖ and the understanding of ―human themes‖ to the readers, in consequence, they deserve the fullest attention. Minor characters on the other hands, present limited function and their roles are less important than the major characters (pp. 87-97).

Characterization c

  Readers have to understand the character traits and the motivation of the characters properly, as it is intended by the author. However, there is no author can tell us everything at once directly. Authors may use may use any description to help the readers visualize and understand each character. Beaty (1984) states that we can analyze a character through the way the character ―looks‖, ―speaks‖, ―thinks‖, ―does‖, and what ―other people say‖ about the character (p. 23).

  Murphy (1972) proposes almost the same several ways in which an author undertakes his characters understandable to the readers, there are personal description, character as seen by another, speech, past life, conversation of others, reaction, and direct comment, thought and mannerism (p. 162-173).

  An author uses personal description to present the character through the physical appearance, such as the face, hair, skin color, and the clothes of the character. It is intended to show the character‘s individual aspects and specific appearance for the vivid image toward the readers.

  The author can also apply the method in which the character seen by another. Here, the way to describe a character can be seen through the opinion and from the perception of another.

  What the character says, the way he/she speaks or talks to another characters, or says about his/her ideas can also be delivered by the author as the clues to a person‘s character.

  The author may also give a hint by giving some events through a person‘s past life to shape his or her character in the story. It can be seen through the direct comment by the author, through the conversation of the characters, through the character‘s opinion, and also through the medium of another person.

  The readers can also guess what kind of person the character is from the other people‘s conversations and anything they say about the character. This is an easy way to determine the character of a person in the novel.

  The readers can be given the clue of how the character is by knowing ―how the person reacts to various situations and events‖ (p. 168). Here readers can see the quality of a character in dealing with conflicts or problems arise.

  The author can describe or comment on person‘s character directly, he will direct his opinion about a character in the story itself. A direct knowledge of what a person is thinking about, which is called thoughts, can also be the clue to understand one‘s character. What in the person‘s mind and what he feels reflect on the character.

  Then the last is the mannerism. A person‘s habit in the novel and his eccentricity could reveal the character of a person delivered by the author.

Theory of Psychology 2

  In this part the writer presents the theory of psychology in which the theory of inferiority complex is discussed. To support the observation of the character, theory of personality and the theory of existential psychology which are believed to help much then also discussed. The explanation is stated below.

  Personality a.

  Personality according to Kalish (1973) refers to ―the total individual and includes (but is not limited to) needs, motives, methods of adjusting, temperament qualities, self- concepts, role behaviors, attitudes, values, and abilities‖ (p. 52). For personality is dynamic, he defined further that personality is ―the changing and interacting organization of typical qualities into a whole that leads a man to behave as he does and that makes him different from other people‖ (p. 53).

  In the explanation of the theory of personality by Cloninger (2004) it is stated that personality may have the greatest importance (here known as the underlying cau ses) for a person or individual to ―behave‖ and ―experience‖ some series of the life (p. 3).

  Some psychologists do not agree with the same underlying causes, so there are three fundamental questions which would have various answers.

  Personality description it considers the ways in which we should characterize an individual. Should we describe personality traits by comparing people with one another or use some other strategy, such as studying an individual? What terms, beyond those offered in everyday language, should be used to describe people? Something; it involves the biological, emotional, social, and cognitive forces that activate behavior (p. 3). That was the first fundamental questions. The second fundamental question according to Cloninger is ―how personality dynamics are then could be understood‖ (p. 3). People should adjust to the situations of their life, then how to do with that, and how culture and their own cognitive processes might influence them.

  The third fundamental question stated by Cloninger is, ...what can be said about personality development? How does it reflect the influence of biological factors and experience in childhood and beyond? How does personality change over the life of an individual, from childhood The three fundamental questions above play a big role that every theory has consideration of them. There also some theories of psychology in which personality can be revealed. Psychoanalytic theory of personality can explain better to reveal the personality of Hanna Schmitz.

  Psychoanalytic Theory of Personality, as proposed by Horney (1997), attempts to ―explain individual differences by examining how unconscious mental forces interplay with thoughts, feelings, and behavior‖ (p. 448). According to Horney (

  1967), difficulties do not arise from ―conflicts between ego, id, and superego, but from conflicts between a person and his environment‖ (p. 121). It is also added that ―environment which is not secure or not safe for a person will make him develop a basic anxiety, from which he will try to protect himself by various defenses. Such a person may behave in three ways: move toward others and become over-compliant, against them in hostile aggressiveness, or away from them in withdrawal and isolation‖ (p. 122). Here psychoanalytic theory presents the neurotic needs as Nordby and Hall define

  As a consequence of this basic anxiety, the individual develops various strategies to deal with his anxiety feelings. Some of these strategies may become such strong characteristics of the personality that they become needs. She calls these neurotic needs because they are not rational solutions (as stated in Horney, 1974, p. 82)