Designing supplementary interactive speaking multimedia using video for the tenth grade students of SMA Pangudi Luhur Sedayu - USD Repository







Presented as Fulfillment of the Requirements

to Obtain the Sarjana Pendidikan Degree

in English Language Education





Student Number: 061214058














Presented as Fulfillment of the Requirements

to Obtain the Sarjana Pendidikan Degree

in English Language Education





Student Number: 061214058









    O Lord, Open my lips and my mouth will declare your praise

  Psalms 51:15

I dedicate this thesis to all teachers

and students who love multimedia



  I honestly declare that this thesis, which I have written, does not contain the work or parts of other people, except those cited in the quotations and references, as a scientific paper should.

  Yogyakarta, 17 May 2011 The writer,

  Heronimus Dita Pramudyantoro 061214058


  ABSTRACT Pramudyantoro, Heronimus Dita. 2011. Designing Supplementary Interactive


Speaking Multimedia Using Video for the Tenth Grade Students of SMA Pangudi

Luhur Sedayu. Yogyakarta: English Language Education Study Program,

  Department of Language and Arts Education, Faculty of Teachers Training and Education, Sanata Dharma University.

  Video is a useful medium in language learning in improving students’ skill especially for speaking skill. The use of video is identically with multimedia teaching learning activities because of its requirement which needs a projector to facilitate learning. But the advantages of using video are so many. The using of video supports the students’ enthusiasm because the students can see the visual and hear the audio from the video. By using video to learn speaking, the students identify the native speaker and the vocabulary used. The students will be easy to memorize the materials through video.

  This study was aimed to help English teacher in senior high school to provide and arrange interesting teaching learning activities which focus on the speaking skill. The essence of this study was to improve speaking skill. The problem to solve in this study is “What is the design of supplementary interactive speaking multimedia for the tenth grade students of SMA Pangudi Luhur Sedayu?”

  This study was done by conducting the steps of Kemp’s instructional design model which was put under the umbrella of R&D cycle by Borg and Gall. This study used the relevant theories related to the use of video for learning, speaking skill, Communicative Language Teaching (CLT), and Learning with multimedia, to design the supplementary interactive speaking multimedia for the tenth grade students of SMA Pangudi Luhur Sedayu.

  This study had found the answer to the formulated problem above. The design of supplementary interactive speaking multimedia for the tenth grade students of SMA Pangudi Luhur Sedayu is interactive speaking multimedia which includes the learners’ characteristic and needs, the formulation of goals, general purposes, and topics, subject content, teaching learning activities, design feedback, design improvement, and the final version.

  The design which was interactive speaking multimedia contained four units. The teaching learning activities which were taught in each unit consisted of three sections, namely Lead in Activity which functioned to recall the background knowledge, Language Focus which functioned to provide information on how to use expressions properly, and Communicative Task which functioned to provide opportunities to speak. The content of each unit had similar procedure. In Lead in Activity, the activities were reading passage, pronouncing words, and watching video. In Language Focus, the activities were pronouncing expressions, watching video and simple practice. And Communicative Task the activities were speaking practice and joke section.



  Pramudyantoro, Heronimus Dita. 2011. Designing Supplementary Interactive


Speaking Multimedia Using Video for the Tenth Grade Students of SMA Pangudi

Luhur Sedayu. Yogyakarta: Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Jurusan

  Pendidikan Bahasa dan Seni, Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Sanata Dharma.

  Video merupakan media pembelajaran bahasa yang sangat berguna dalam peningkatan kemampuan siswa terlebih dalam kemampuan berbicara bahasa inggris. Penggunaan video mendukung siswa belajar karena menarik untuk dilihat dan didengarkan. Dengan melihat langsung video, para siswa dapat mengidentifikasi native speaker serta perbendaharaan kata yang digunakan. Dengan melihat, maka murid akan mudah untuk mengingat tentang topik yang sudah diajarkan melalui video.

  Studi ini bertujuan untuk membantu guru bahasa inggris di sekolah menengah atas (SMA) dengan menyediakan kegiatan belajar mengajar dengan focus pada kemampuan berbicara secara menarik. Dalam studi ini, permasalahan yang harus diselesaikan adalah “Seperti apakah desain interactive speaking

  multimedia untuk siswa kelas sepuluh di SMA Pangudi Luhur Sedayu?

  Studi ini diselesaikan dengan menerapkan langkah – langkah prosedur dari model pembelajaran Kemp yang dimasukkan kedalam langkah – langkah metode penelitian dan pengembangan pendidikan (R&D) Borg and Gall. Studi ini juga menggunakan teori yang berkaitan dengan penggunaan video, speaking skill, Communicative Language Teaching (CLT), dan multimedia untuk menyusun kegiatan pembelajaran berbicara yang berbentuk interactive speaking multimedia untuk siswa kelas sepuluh di SMA Pangudi Luhur Sedayu.

  Studi ini telah menemukan jawaban atas permasalahan yang telah dirumuskan di atas. Desain kegiatan pembelajaran berbicara yang berbentuk interactive multimedia untuk siswa kelas sepuluh di SMA Pangudi Luhur Sedayu adalah desain kegiatan pembelajaran yang mencakup adanya karakteristik dan kebutuhan siswa, standar kompetensi, kompetensi dasar, dan topik, isi subjek, aktivitas pembelajaran, revisi desain, pengembangan desain, dan hasil akhir desain.

  Desain yang berbentuk interactive speaking multimedia terdiri dari empat unit. Kegiatan pembelajaran yang diajarkan di tiap unit terdiri dari tiga bagian. Bagian Lead in Activity berfungsi untuk mengingat kembali ilmu atau materi. Bagian Language Focus berfungsi untuk menyediakan informasi yang akurat tentang berbagai macam ekspresi. Bagian Communicative Task berfungsi untuk memfasilitasi murid berbicara. Kegiatan pembelajaran setiap unit memiliki prosedur yang sama. Kegiatan Lead in Activity berisi kegiatan membaca bacaan, pengucapan kata, dan melihat video. Kegiatan Language Focus berisi kegiatan pengucapan ekspresi, melihat video, dan praktek bicara sederhana. Dan kegiatan

  Communicative Task berisi kegiatan praktek berbicara dan humor.




  Yang bertanda tangan di bawah ini, saya mahasiswa Universitas Sanata Dharma: Nama : Heronimus Dita Pramudyantoro Nomor Mahasiswa : 061214058

  Demi pengembangan ilmu pengetahuan, saya memberikan kepada Perpustakaan Universitas Sanata Dharma karya ilmiah saya yang berjudul:






  beserta perangkat yang diperlukan (bila ada). Dengan demikian saya memberikan kepada Perpustakaan Universitas Sanata Dharma hak untuk menyimpan, mengalihkan dalam bentuk media lain, mengelolanya dalam bentuk pangkalan data, mendistribusikan secara terbatas, dan mempublikasikannya di Internet atau media lain untuk kepentingan akademis tanpa perlu meminta ijin dari saya maupun memberikan royalty kepada saya selama tetap mencantumkan nama saya sebagai penulis. Demikian pernyataan ini yang saya buat dengan sebenarnya. Dibuat di Yogyakarta Pada tanggal 17 Mei 2011 Yang menyatakan (Heronimus Dita Pramudyantoro)


  ACKNOWLEGDEMENTS I would like to thank Jesus Christ who has granted the abundant grace. I am grateful that I am allowed to finish this thesis. The power of God is real. His bless and his love is very real in assisting me so far.

  I would also wanted to express my regard to my parents Yusup Suranto dan Fransika Romana Marsiati for the endless love to finance my study, the knowledge that I did not get in school and for the protection that I got so far.

  I would also thank and appreciate to my thesis advisor, G. Punto Aji,


S.Pd., M.Hum for the guidance, advice, suggestion, motivation and

  encouragement that I get to finish this thesis as soon as possible. I would also thank to Christina Laksmita Anandari, S.Pd., M.Ed., Lucianus Suharjanto,


SJ., S.S., B.S.T., M.A., and Yohanes Bambang Suharya S.Pd. sincerely for

  their help to evaluate my designed materials and give feedback, criticisms, and advices. The tenth grade students of SMA Pangudi Luhur also deserved to have my gratitude for the participation to share the information related to their English teaching learning activities.

  I would thank to all PBI secretariat staff, BAA staff, Dekanat staff, and


USD library staff who had facilitated the administration and providing

  information My appreciation goes to my best friend Yuki Mijayati who gave assist, support and becoming great friend in having discussion work together. My thankfulness also goes to my friend Lugas Prastowo for his help to arrange, inspire, and tutor the application patiently and support to finish the thesis as soon as possible. My thankfulness goes to my very amazing classmates who shared great experiences Alex Irfan, Mupet, Oda Arinda, Yoga, Sari, Susan, Nesya,


Guntur, Tata, and all 2006 PBI students who could not be mentioned one by

one, I hope we always keep our friendship.

  My gratitude goes to all PBI lecturers for their dedication to give the best for all the students and improve the quality of PBI study program. Last but not least, my deepest appreciation goes to my only love, Pricilia


Nesty Eka Putri for being my best motivator, inspirator, and sponsor in finishing

  my thesis. Moreover, I would thank her for her insistence, patience, sincerity, and love during finishing of this thesis.

  My deepest gratitute Didit



  6 1. Interactive Multimedia ……………………………………..

  8 6. Speaking skill ……………………………………………...

  5. The tenth grade students of Senior High School …………


  7 4. Design ……………………………………………………..

  7 3. Supplementary material …………………………………..

  2. Video ………………………………………………………


  F. Definition of Terms ……………………………………………

  Page TITLE PAGE ………………………………………………….…….... i APPROVAL PAGES ………………………………..………………… ii DEDICATION PAGE ……………………………..…………………... iv STATEMENT OF WORK’S ORIGINALITY …………..…………… v ABSTRACT …………………………………………………………... vi

  E. Benefits of the Study ………………………………………….. 6

  5 D. Problem Limitation …………………………………………… 5

  5 C. Objectives of the Study ……………………………….....…....

  1 B. Problem Formulation ………………………………………....

  1 A. Background of the Study ………………………………………

  ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ……………………………………………. ix TABLE OF CONTENTS ………………………………………………. x LIST OF TABLES ……………………………………………………... xiii LIST OF FIGURES ……………………………………………………. xiv LIST OF APPENDICES ………………………………….…………… xv CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTION ……………………………………..

  ABSTRAK …………………………………………………………….. vii LEMBAR PERNYATAAN PERSETUJUAN PUBLIKASI …………….. viii




  7. Evaluating Designed Materials ……………………………. 35 8. Changing to Improve ……………………………………...


  36 A. Research Method ………………………………………………

  36 1. Research and Information Gathering ……………………...


  2. Planning ……………………………………………………

  3. Developing Preliminary Form of Product …………………

  34 6. Support Services …………………………………………..

  38 4. Preliminary Field Testing ………………………………….

  38 5. Main Product Revision …………………………………….

  38 B. Research Participant …………………………………………... 40

  C. Research Instruments ………………………………………...... 41

  D. Data Gathering Technique …………………………………….. 42

  E. Data Analysis Technique …………………………………….... 44


  33 5. Teaching Learning Activities ……………………………...

  9 A. Theoretical Description ……………………………………….

  19 5. Speaking Skill …………………………………………......

  9 1. Instructional Design Model ..……………………………..

  9 2. Educational Research and development …………………..


  3. Learning with Multimedia …………………………………


  4. Video ………………………………………………………


  33 4. Choosing Subject Content ………………………………...

  6. Communicative Language Teaching ………………………

  27 B. Theoretical Framework ………………………………………..

  31 1. Identifying Learners’ Characteristic and Needs …………..


  2. Formulating Goals, Topics and General Purposes …………


  3. Formulating Learning Objectives …………………………

  F. Research Procedures ………………………………………....... 45


  CHAPTER IV. RESEARCH RESULTS AND DISCUSSION ……….. 47 A. The Learners’ Characteristic and Needs ………………………. 48 B. The Formulation of Goals, General Purposes, and Topics ……. 54 C. The Formulation of Learning Objectives ……………………… 58 D. Subject Content ………………………………………………..

  60 E. Teaching Learning Activities ………………………………….. 62

  F. Design Feedback ……………………………………………… 69

  G. Design Improvement …………………………………………... 74

  H. Final Version of the Designed Materials ………………………. 75


  77 A. Conclusions ……………………………………………………. 77

  B. Suggestions ……………………………………………………

  79 REFERENCES ………………………………………………………..

  80 APPENDICES ………………………………………………………...




  Tables Page 3.1 The Expected Data …………………………................................

  43 4.1 Learners’ Characteristic …………………………………………..

  50 4.2 The Competence Standard, Basic Competence, and Topics …. ….

  56 4.3 The Indicators of Each Topic …………………………………….

  59 4.4 Subject Content ………………………………………………….

  61 4.5 Learners’ Interests ……………………………………………….

  62 4.6 Learners’ Experiences in English Classroom ………………........

  65 4.7 Major Activities Applied in the Design ………………………….

  68 4.8 Description of Preliminary Field Testing ………………………...

  69 4.9 Degree of Agreement on the Designed Materials ………………...

  70 4.10 The Result of the Preliminary Field Testing ……………..............


  4.11 The Strength, Weaknesses, and Suggestion of the Design ………




  Figure Page 2.1 Kemp’s Instructional Design Model …………………….............

  13 3.1 The Researcher’s Theoretical Framework ………………….…….

  39 4.1 Students’ Learning Experience Using Video ………………........


  4.2 The Students’ Perception of Learning Speaking Using Video ……




A. Appendix 1: Surat Permohonan Ijin Penelitian …………………...

  84 B. Appendix 2: General Description of the Designed Interactive Multimedia ……………………………………………. 86

  C. Appendix 3: 1. Questionnaires of the Research and Information Collecting …..


  2. The Research and Information Collecting Questionnaires Results ………………………………………………………....

  94 3. Questionnaire of the Preliminary Field Testing (Evaluation) ….


  4. The Results of Preliminary Field Testing (Evaluation) ……….. 100

  D. Appendix 4: Syllabus ……………………………………………… 103

  E. Appendix 5: Lesson Plans ……………………………………….... 111

  F. Appendix 6: Designed Interactive Multimedia…………………….. 120

  G. Appendix 7: Handouts ……………………………………………. 129

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION This chapter elaborates background of the study, problem formulation,

  objectives of the study, benefits of the study, research area limitation, and definition of terms.

A. Background of the Study

  As we know today English has been very familiar and important because of its status which is an international language. Almost all of the countries need it as an instrument to make relationship to each other. English is no longer a strange subject for students because English is supposed to be introduced to students since they were kids. The Indonesian government realizes it so that it is taught as a compulsory subject in school from the elementary level.

  There are four basic skills to be taught based on competency (speaking, listening, reading, and writing) which also include three elements namely grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation.

  Students who are in the tenth grade of Senior High School had experienced many ways of English learning since they have learned English at least 3 years in Junior High School. They are at the time when English should be familiar for them. In that age, although they are tenth graders, they still have certain obstacles and various problems concerning English learning.

  In the researcher’s interview with the tenth grade students in the SMA


Pangudi Luhur Sedayu, students said that the English teacher of senior high

    school, however, only emphasizes on the grammar, reading and vocabulary.

  Moreover, it is difficult for the teacher to ask students to speak English because of the limited time in classroom. Conducting an English activity for the tenth grade students of SMA Pangudi Luhur Sedayu is rather difficult because the teacher has some difficulties in encouraging the students to speak in class. Most of students are afraid of speaking English. The tendency is that students find boredom in conducting speaking activities because they have the tendency to focus on a certain textbook (textbook oriented). Usually the teacher only follows the direction from the textbook without paying attention to the certain factors influencing students’ motivation. Another finding is that actually the students were very eager to speak the target language but they felt ashamed of making mistakes. Sometimes they did not have any idea what to say even though they have already learnt English since they were in elementary school. The students admit that they still have problems such as the limitation of mastering vocabulary, the motivation to learn English, and grammar understanding.

  In Indonesia, Videos develop listening and speaking skill since they encourage students to understand the meaning. English videos have various elements facilitating students to learn English. Those are vocabulary mastery, understanding word in context, and receiving messages. According to Rice (1993) “video in the classroom has a purpose beyond entertainment: it is a tool to help your students learn English”.

  Knowing the classroom problems and the obstacles that students meet, the researcher tries to solve those problems by presenting supplementary English


  speaking materials using video in the form of interactive multimedia which focus on the problems mentioned previously. The interactive multimedia is chosen since the researcher plan to design interesting English activities and fortunately SMA


Pangudi Luhur Sedayu has sophisticated multimedia lab supported by internet

  connection. The researcher will develop interesting materials as the requirement of the students’ needs. The researcher suggests video as an alternative to help students to express themselves in speaking and develop the students’ interest in English. The purpose is to create certain speaking activity which is full of enjoyment in the classroom. By using video in the interactive multimedia, the students are expected to learn English enthusiastically and have great motivation. The researcher hopes that after getting student’s motivation, English will be an enjoyable subject in classroom.

  Thus by using video in conducting speaking activities, students are helped to speak and enjoy it. This study is also an effort to provide useful activities where the students are directed to focus on meanings rather than on the grammar rules. It does not mean that students do not focus on the grammar but they emphasize on the conversation they make based of the content of the video. The research is conducted in order to trigger students to speak fluently and confidently.

  The creative materials should be created to refresh the students’ learning habits. The researcher chooses speaking skill as the skill to improve because the classroom activity only emphasizes on grammar, reading comprehension and vocabulary. It results that there are no opportunities to do speaking activities.

  Certain approach is chosen because of the lack of various activities in classroom,


  so that it makes the students bored. Then a certain approach is needed to enhance students’ motivation to learn English that is using video. The researcher offers the materials as supplementary materials because it will become an alternative for teacher to apply the materials beside the textbook. Not all materials will be used during whole semester because of its nature which is supplementary. Here, the researcher provides suitable topics based on the syllabus used for tenth grade.

  B. Problem Formulation

  In this study, the researcher would like to find out the answer of the question “What is the design of supplementary interactive speaking multimedia using video for the tenth grade students of SMA Pangudi Luhur Sedayu?” C.

   Objectives of the Study

  The objectives of the study are:

  1. To design supplementary interactive speaking multimedia using video for the tenth grade students of SMA Pangudi Luhur Sedayu.

  2. To validate supplementary interactive speaking multimedia using video for the tenth grade students of SMA Pangudi Luhur Sedayu.

  D. Research area limitation

  The research is limited on the field of English Language Teaching. Then, the research focuses on material development which lies on speaking skill for the tenth grade students of SMA Pangudi Luhur Sedayu for semester one. The study is


  limited to designing English instructional speaking material using video. The consideration is that the students in this grade are already familiar and sufficient with English and know many vocabularies since they have been learning English for more or less 5 years. Furthermore, the design focused on the speaking ability that improves students’ speaking skill.

  E. Benefits of the Research

  The writer hopes that this research can give benefits to: 1. The English Teacher of Senior High School.

  Hopefully, this research will benefit Senior High School teacher in providing appropriate material for tenth grade students in teaching speaking.

  2. The students of Senior High School.

  By applying this research students are expected to be more motivated in learning English especially speaking skill. Further, the motivation is not only for speaking skill but also other skills.

  3. The other writers or researchers.

  After reading this research, other writers will have consideration to do the same research to the different levels.

  F. Definitions of Terms

  There are several terms which need to clarify to avoid misinterpretation or misunderstandings:


  1. Interactive Multimedia As it is cited in ATSF White Paper Interactive Multimedia (2002), interactive multimedia is the integration of digital media including combinations of electronic text, graphics, moving images, and sound, into a structured digital computerized environment that allows people to interact with the data for appropriate purposes.

  In the context of this study, interactive multimedia is media using computer which provides interaction between the media and the user in a form of flash player by presenting content such as text, graphics, animation, video, and audio.

  2. Video According to Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English, video means

  “pictures and sound that gives facts and information about something” (2001: 525).

  In the context of this study, video is a media displaying audiovisual in classroom to facilitate students in learning English especially speaking skill.

  3. Supplementary material As it is cited in Journal Publishing Tag Library (2003), supplementary material is described as "Additional data files that contain information directly supportive of the document, for example, an audio clip, movie, database, spreadsheet, applet, or other external file. Supplementary material is material added to the work for enhancement purposes, such as a quiz, an instructional video" (


  In the context of this study, supplementary material is a set of material consisting of content which is used to guide student to learn something. It is usually followed by a clear instruction to assist students’ activities. The materials are the addition or alternative way for teacher or educator to use the appropriate one in the classroom activity.

  4. Instructional Design "Instructional design means using a systematic process to understand a human performance problem, figuring out what to do about it and then doing something about it" (McArdle, 1991). "Instructional design is also the science of creating detailed specifications for the development, evaluation and maintenance of situations which facilitate the learning" (Richey, 1986). While Briggs (1977) stated that "Instructional design is the entire process of analysis of learning needs goals and the development of a delivery system to meet the needs".

  In this study, design is planning of developing learning material in the area of English language teaching. It is essentially a rational, logical, sequential process intended to solve classroom problems.

  5. The tenth grade students of Senior High School The tenth grade students of Senior High School are those who are in the first year of SMA. SMA stands for “Sekolah Menengah Atas”. Students reach this level after graduating from Elementary school and Junior High School which is called nine years basic education. In this research, they are the first grade students of SMA Pangudi Luhur Sedayu.


  6. Speaking Skill

  • Speaking According to Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English, speak means

  “say something or particular language that expresses ideas or opinion” (2001: 1742).

  • Skill According to Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English, skill means “an ability to do something well” (2001: 525).

  In this study, speaking skill is one part of the four skills; reading, listening, writing, and speaking. Speaking skill here means the ability to speak English fluently which is lying in area of English Language Teaching.

CHAPTER II REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE This chapter contains a discussion on related literature. This chapter is divided into two parts, namely theoretical description and theoretical framework. In the theoretical description the researcher presents some theories related to this

  study. A theoretical description is important because it provides some theories which can be used as the basis to conduct study.

  The theoretical framework discusses the relation among the theories stated before as the basis of designing a set of instructional material using video for tenth grade student of SMA Pangudi Luhur Sedayu.

A. Theoretical description

  In this part there will be explanation in several theories which support this study. All of them will be described in greater length in order to provide a complete base of this study. The explanation will be divided as follows so that the explanation will be well organized.

1. Instructional design model

  There are a lot of Instructional design models to be employed when developing material. In this study the writer refers to instructional design model offered by Kemp. He offers a model of instructional design which is called Kemp’s model. In this model, the design results as the process of systematic planning that establishes a way to examine instructional problems and needs, set


  of procedure for solving them, and then evaluates the result (Kemp, 1977:7). It will be adopted and modified to design the material to enhance speaking skill using video for tenth grade student of SMA Pangudi Luhur Sedayu.

  Kemp’s model can be used in all education level from elementary school up to college. Another benefit of this model is that it can be implemented in the instructional unit for a single subject.

  According to Kemp, when the designers plan to design courses, they must be able to answer three questions, which are considered the essential elements of instructional technology (Kemp, 1977:8). Those questions are:

  1. What must be learned?

  2. What procedures and resources will work best for the learners?

  3. How we evaluate the learning result? There are eight elements in designing the program development in Kemp’s model (1977:8-9). The eight elements are independent but they can be rearranged depending on the need.

  a. Considering goals, topics, and general purposes for teaching each topic.

  First, instructional design planning should be started with the recognition of the broad goals of the school system or institution. After establishing the goals, the major topics should be listed within the content area. Finally, the precise general purposes should be stated to derive objectives that will serve as specific learning outcomes.


  b. Identifying the important characteristic of the learners The designer should recognize and respect the students as individual learners and assist them in pursuing learning at their own pace, on their own schedule, and their own learning experiences and materials. To serve that, the designer should obtain information about the learners’ capabilities, needs, and interests. Then the designer should decide the most appropriate information for the design.

  The designer must know the students’ characteristics. The first is academic


factor. It consists of the number of students and academic background, grade-

  point average and level of intelligence, study habits and learners’ motivation for studying the subject, expectations of the course, vocational and cultural aspirations. The second is social factor. It consists of age and maturity, attention span, special talent, physical and emotional handicaps, relation among students, socioeconomic situation. Finally, designers must create appropriate learning conditions and learning style.

  c. Specifying the learning objectives Since learning requires active effort by the learners, all objectives must be stated in terms of activities that will best promote learning. Objectives of learning can be grouped into three major categories. First is cognitive domain. It includes objectives concerning knowledge, or information. The second is psychomotor


domain . It treats the skills requiring use and coordination of skeletal muscles and

  in physical activities of performing, manipulating, and construction. The third is


affective domain . It involves objectives concerning attitudes appreciations, values,

and all emotions.

  d. Listing the subject content that supports each objective Subject content in the content of instructional design comprises the selection and organizing of the specific knowledge, skills, and attitudinal factors of any topic. Then task analysis should be made to make sure all elements of a procedure are considered in the planning and will therefore be treated properly during instruction.

  e. Developing pre-assessment There are two kinds of pre-assessment that should be conducted. They are prerequisite testing and pre-testing. Prerequisite testing is conducted to obtain the information about the learners’ background knowledge toward the topic. Meanwhile, pre-testing is conducted to find out how far the students achieve the objectives.

  f. Selecting teaching-learning activities and resources The designer should use the appropriate teaching methods and techniques in order that the objectives will be achieved in time. This selection must be based on consideration to determine the most efficient and effective methods along with the best way to provide the learning experience.

  g. Specifying support services The designer should prepare any support services which are likely to help in designing materials including funds, facilities, equipment, and personnel whose time must be scheduled for participation in the instructional plan.


  h. Evaluating the students’ learning The last step is evaluating the learners’ knowledge whether the learning objectives had been achieved or not. As mentioned in the third part, specifying the objectives involving three domains such as: cognitive, psychomotor and affective domain. The evaluation that is planned should indicate the objectives from each domain. Furthermore the designer will do some revision and re-evaluation to any stages which need improvement.

  Kemps explain that developing an instructional system is a flexible process. There is interdependence among the eight elements; decisions relating to one may affect others. Each step of development has a direct relation with an activity called revision. The designers are free to start whichever element to start with and then move back and forth to the other steps (Kemp, 1977:9).

  Goals, topics , general


  purposes Learners’ characteristics

  Supporting Learning

  Revision Services







  Pre - assessment