A study on English teacher`s perception on the 2006 curriculum implementation at Mardi Yuana Senior High school - USD Repository


  Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements to Obtain the Sarjana Pendidikan Degree in English Language Education

  By Melania Endah Yuniarti

  Student Number: 061214106



  Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements to Obtain the Sarjana Pendidikan Degree in English Language Education

  By Melania Endah Yuniarti

  Student Number: 061214106


  10 th June, 2011



  I dedicate this thesis to: My Parents,

  My Husband, My Lovely Daughter,

  My Sister and Brother, and everyone who fills my life STATEMENT OF WORK’S ORIGINALITY I honesty declare that this thesis, which I have written, does not contain the work or parts of the works of other people, except those cited in the quotation and the references, as a scientific paper should.

  Yogyakarta, July 19, 2011 The Writer,

  Melania Endah Yuniarti 061214106




  Yang bertanda tangan di bawah ini, saya mahasiswa Universitas Sanata Dharma: Nama : Melania Endah Yuniarti

  Nomor Mahasiswa : 061214106 Demi pengembangan ilmu pengetahuan, saya memberikan kepada Perpustakaan Universitas Sanata Dharma karya ilmiah saya yang berjudul :





  beserta perangkat yang diperlukan (bila ada). Dengan demikian saya memberikan kepada Perpustakaan Universitas Sanata Dharma hak untuk menyimpan, mengalihkan dalam bentuk media lain, mengelolanya dalam bentuk pangkalan data, mendistribusikaan secara terbatas, dan mempublikasikannya di Internet atau media lain untuk kepentingan akademis tanpa perlu meminta ijin dari saya maupun memberikan royalty kepada saya selama tetap mencantumkan nama saya sebagai penulis.

  Demikian pernyataan ini yang saya buat dengan sebenarnya. Dibuat di Yogyakarta Pada tanggal : 22 Juli 2011 Yang menyatakan (Melania Endah Yuniarti)



  Endah Yuniarti, Melania. 2011. A Study on English Teachers’ Perception on

The 2006 Curriculum Implementation at Mardi Yuana Senior High School.

Yogyakarta: English Language Education Study Program, Sanata Dharma University.

  Education is known as one of the important things to develop human resources. This case invites government’s attention to improve the quality and quantity of education in Indonesia. One of the ways is by evaluating the national curriculum from time to time. This curriculum improvement is expected to make the education in Indonesia goes well. Nowadays, government asks every school to use 2006 Curriculum in which the school can arrange and develop the learning materials based on schools and students’ need. This research examines English teachers’ perception on 2006 curriculum implementation at Mardi Yuana Senior High School, especially on the strengths, the weaknesses, and the problems occurred in implementing 2006 curriculum.

  This research is a qualitative research which is focused on survey research. To answer the problem, the researcher employed the open-ended questionnaires which were meant not to limit the participants’ answers to five English teachers in Mardi Yuana Senior High School.

  Based on the findings, English teachers’ perception on 2006 curriculum implementation was positive. It was found that there were many strengths on 2006 curriculum implementation which also helped them in conveying the lesson. Besides the strengths of 2006 curriculum implementation, some weaknesses and problems were also seen when they implemented 2006 curriculum. However, the weaknesses and problems could become their fundamental things in improving their teaching.

  Implementation 2006 curriculum at Mardi Yuana Senior High School was good since teachers were given freedom to develop the learning materials based on the students’ need and the school’s condition. In addition, the teachers could recognize students’ competence deeply since this curriculum emphasized on four English language skills.

  This research is expected to be useful for the next researcher who will deal with 2006 curriculum implementation deeper. And, it is expected to give valuable benefits for teachers who implement 2006 Curriculum in learning process. By knowing the strengths and weaknesses on implementing 2006 curriculum, it might influence them in the way how they implement this curriculum.



  Endah Yuniarti, Melania. 2011. A Study on English Teachers’ Perception on

The 2006 Curriculum Implementation at Mardi Yuana Senior High School.

Yogyakarta: Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Universitas Sanata Dharma.

  Pendidikan adalah salah satu hal terpenting dalam mengembangkan dan meningkatkan sumber daya manusia. Hal ini menyita perhatian pemerintah untuk memperbaiki dan meningkatkan kualitas dan kuantitas pendidikan di Indonesia. Salah satu caranya adalah dengan seringnya mengevaluasi kurikulum nasional dari waktu ke waktu. Perubahan kurikulum ini diharapkan dapat membuat pendidikan di Indonesia menjadi lebih baik. Saat ini, pemerintah meminta setiap sekolah untuk menggunakan Kurikulum 2006 di mana sekolah dapat menyusun dan mengembangkan materi pelajaran berdasarkan kebutuhan sekolah dan kebutuhan siswa. Penelitian ini berisi tentang persepsi guru-guru Bahasa Inggris dalam pelaksanaan kurikulum 2006 di SMA Mardi Yuana, terutama yang bersangkutan dengan kelebihan dan kelemahan pelaksanaan kurikulum tersebut, dan masalah-masalah yang timbul dalam pelaksanaan Kurikulum 2006.

  Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif yang berfokus pada survey. Untuk menjawab rumusan masalah, peneliti menggunakan kuesioner terbuka yang bermaksud untuk tidak membatasi jawaban para guru. Kuesioner ini diberikan kepada lima orang guru Bahasa Inggris di SMA Mardi Yuana.

  Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa persepsi guru Bahasa Inggris tentang pelaksanaan Kurikulum 2006 adalah positif. Ditemukan juga bahwa ada banyak kelebihan dari pelaksanaan Kurikulum 2006 yang membantu para guru dalam menyampaikan materi pelajaran pada para siswa. Selain kelebihan-kelebihan dari penerapan Kurikulum 2006, beberapa kelemahan dan masalah pun muncul pada saat guru menerapkan Kurikulum 2006 ini. Namun, kelemahan dan masalah yang ada justru dijadikan sebagai acuan untuk memperbaiki cara mengajar mereka.

  Pelaksanaan kurikulum 2006 di SMA Mardi Yuana sudah baik karena para guru diberikan kebebasan untuk mengembangkan materi pelajaran berdasarkan pada kebutuhan siswa dan keadaan sekolah. Kelebihan lainnya adalah guru dapat mengetahui kemampuan siswa secara mendalam karena Kurikulum 2006 menitikberatkan pelajaran pada empat kemampuan Bahasa Inggris.

  Penelitian ini diharapkan dapat berguna bagi peneliti-peneliti selanjutnya yang akan berhubungan dengan pelaksanaan Kurikulum 2006 dengan lebih mendalam. Penelitian ini juga diharapkan untuk memberikan manfaat yang berharga bagi para guru yang menerapkan Kurikulum 2006 dalam proses pembelajran. Dengan mengetahui kelebihan dan kelemahan dalam melaksanaan Kurikulum 2006, hal ini diharapkan dapat mempengaruhi cara guru dalam menerapkan kurikulum ini dengan baik.



  First of all, I would like to thank to Yesus Kristus who always gives me His strength and His way to finish this thesis, and Bunda Maria who always listens my words every night, and lightens my life day to day.

  I would like to give my greatest gratitude to Caecilia Tutyandari, S.Pd.,


M.Pd. as my thesis advisor, for her time, care, support, suggestions, kindness,

  patience, knowledge, and everything she had given to me. I really thank her for her patience and kindness to help me in finishing this thesis. I would also like to express my sincere thankfulness to all the lecturers of English Education Study


Program who had given me knowledge and skills, staff of PBI secretariat

(Mbak Danniek and Mbak Tari) who patiently gave their service and students of

  2006 for supporting me to finish my thesis.

  My deepest and sincere gratitude goes to my beloved parents, Ibu Maria


Sulastri and Bapak Sirilus Warsito for their prayers, support, and love. I give

  my special thanks to my husband Adrianus Gunawan, S.Pd. who always encourages and gives me motivation in doing this thesis. I also give my special thanks also to my lovely beautiful daughter Eufrasia Sherien Adila Gunawan who always accompanies me with her smile, laugh, and cry when I completed this thesis at the boarding house. And also, I give my thanks to my sister Emiliana


Yuni Dwi Nugraha and my brother Aloysius Yuni Tri Purnomo who always

  support me to finish my study. I thank for their support which encourages me to do the best in my life.

  My thanks is also directed to all my PBI 2006 friends especially my best friends, Nike, Tiwi, Anneis, Ade, Fanny, my friends at Kost Gatotkaca 8, and other friends that I cannot mention one by one. I really thank them for every precious time we had shared together and for the supports during my study. I hope our friendship will be everlasting. At last, I give my gratitude to everyone who fills my colorful life.

  God bless us.

  Melania Endah Yuniarti


  Page TITLE PAGE ……………………………………………………………. i APPROVAL PAGES …………………………………………………… ii DEDICATION PAGE ………………………………………………….. iv STATEMENT OF WORK’S ORIGINALITY …………………………. v



ILMIAH UNTUK KEPENTINGAN AKADEMIS ...................................... vi

  ABSTRACT……………………………………………………………... vii


ABSTRAK ………………………………………………………………. viii

  ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS …………………………………………….. ix TABLE OF CONTENTS ……………………………………………….. xi LIST OF APPENDICES ………………………………………………... xiv

  CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION A. Research Background ………………………………………………..

  1 B. Problem Formulation …………………………………………….......

  3 C. Problem Limitation …………………………………………………..

  4 D. Research Objectives …………………..………..................................

  4 E. Research Benefits ……………………………....................................

  5 F. Definition of Terms ………………………………………………….


  1. Perception ………………………………………………………..
















  2. The 2006 Curriculum …………………………………………… 3. Implementation …………………………………………………..



  F. Research Procedures …………………………………………………

  E. Data Analysis Techniques …………………………………………...

  2. Interview ………………………………………………………… D. Data Gathering Techniques ………………………………………….

  1. Questionnaires …………………………………………………...

  CHAPTER III: METHODOLOGY A. Research Method ……………………………………………………. B. Research Participants ……………………………………………….. C. Research Instruments ………………………………………………..

  B. Theoretical Framework ………………………………………………

  3. Perception …………........................................................................

  2.2 The 2006 Curriculum (KTSP) ……………………………….

  2.1 Competency – Based Curriculum (CBC) ………………….....

  2. Curriculum in Indonesia …………………………………………..

  1. Curriculum Definition …………………………………………….

  CHAPTER II: REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE A. Theoretical Description ……………………………………………...


  CHAPTER IV: RESEARCH FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION A. Research Findings ……………………………………………………

  21 1. The Strengths on 2006 Curriculum Implementation .....................

  22 2. The Weaknesses on 2006 Curriculum Implementation .................

  25 3. The Problems on 2006 Curriculum Implementation .....................

  26 B. Discussion …………………………………………………………...

  28 1. The Strengths on 2006 Curriculum Implementation .....................

  28 2. The Weaknesses on 2006 Curriculum Implementation .................

  34 3. The Problems on 2006 Curriculum Implementation .....................


  4. English Teachers’ Perception on 2006 Curriculum Implementation …………………………………………………..

  37 CHAPTER V: CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTIONS A. Conclusions…………………………………………………………..

  42 B. Suggestions …………………………..……………………………...

  45 REFERENCES ………………………………………………………….

  47 APPENDICES …………………………………………………………..



  Appendix Page Appendix 1 : Data from Participant A ………………………………... 49 Appendix 2 : Data from Participant B ………………………………..

  51 Appendix 3 : Data from Participant C ………………………………..

  54 Appendix 4 : Data from Participant D ………………………………..

  56 Appendix 5 : Data from Participant E ………………………………..

  58 Appendix 6 : The Conclusion of Open-Ended Questionnaire on English Teachers’ Perception on 2006 Curriculum Implementation …………………………………………


CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION This chapter discusses (A) Research Background, (B) Problem Formulation, (C) Problem Limitation, (D) Research Objectives, (E) Research Benefits, and (F) Definition of Terms. A. Research Background Education is known as one of the important things to develop human

  resources. This case invites government’s attention to improve the quality and quantity of education. One of the ways is by evaluating the national curriculum from time to time. This curriculum improvement is expected to make education in Indonesia is going better.

  KTSP (Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan) or 2006 curriculum is the existing curriculum in Indonesia. This curriculum has already been implemented in school since 2006. However, the implementation has not seen clearly in all schools in Indonesia (Sutrisno, 2008). Many teachers have not been able yet to implement this because they assume that 2006 curriculum implementation is totally different from CBC (Curriculum Based Competency) implementation (Suhadi, 2006).

  Basically, 2006 curriculum is an improvement of CBC (Muslich, 2008:6). The same as CBC, 2006 curriculum is expected to make the students become However, there are some differences between CBC and 2006 Curriculum, they are 1) CBC is arranged by Tim Pusat and the school implements it while 2006 Curiculum is framework based on BSNP and the school develops it, 2) CBC consists of Standard Competence, Basic Competence, and Indicators while 2006 Curriculum consists of Standard Competence and Basic Competence, and other components which are arranged by teachers (Rijono, 2006). The 2006 curriculum is arranged by referring to SI (Standar Isi) and SKL (Standar Kompetensi


Kelulusan ) which are determined by government to achieve the goals of national

  education. One of the national education goals is to increase human resources quality in education aspects (GBHN, 1993). The development of 2006 curriculum is based on BSNP (Badan Standar Nasional Pendidikan) and other policies which relate to the curriculum in UU 20/2003 and PP 19/2005.

  A curriculum based on UU Education National System 20/2003 is a plan aand a rule about objectives, content, and learning material which are used as the guideline to achieve the learning objectives. The 2006 Curriculum is a curriculum in which a school can arrange and develop the learning materials based on schools and students’ need. However, the school should pay attention to the existing standard and basic competence the government has been stated (Joko, 2008:97).

  In this case, teachers have an authority to develop the learning materials based on the curriculum standard. Teachers are given widely authority and opportunity in the selection of teaching method, resources, and learning materials. The opportunity that teachers have is expected to help them in developing their potential in accordance with their skill, necessary, and willingness (Prasetyo

  th Utomo, Kompas, April 24 , 2006).

  Teachers’ understanding in this curriculum is needed to make the learning process goes well. This research is going to be conducted to find out how far teachers understand this curriculum and how they implement this curriculum in the learning process. Seeing that many teachers are not able yet to implement 2006 Curriculum (Suhadi, 2006), the researcher is interested in knowing teachers’ perception on 2006 Curriculum. The perception on 2006 Curriculum is focused on English teachers’ perception on strengths, weaknesses, and problems occurred in the implementation of 2006 curriculum.

B. Problem Formulation

  Based on the topic above, the major problem of this study is What are the English teachers’ perception on 2006 Curriculum implementation? This perception is going to relate to the teachers’ perception on 2006 Curriculum, and their preparation and implementation on 2006 Curriculum. In addition, the minor problems of this study are:

  a. What are the strengths of 2006 curriculum implementation?

  b. What are the weaknesses of 2006 curriculum implementation?

  c. What are the problems faced by the teachers in implementing 2006 Curriculum?

  C. Problem Limitation

  Implementing 2006 curriculum (KTSP) at a school is not easy since this is the new curriculum with new standard to implement. Teachers should follow the standard that the government stated. Besides, students have to adapt the new way the teachers do in conducting a learning process. Teachers’ perception on 2006 curriculum is expected to be able to help them to know what they should do in implementing 2006 curriculum. Therefore, the researcher limits the problem on teachers’ perception on 2006 Curriculum; what their opinion about 2006 curriculum and what they need to do in implementing 2006 Curriculum.

  In this study, the researcher is going to explain about English teachers’ perception on 2006 curriculum, the strengths and weaknesses of this curriculum, and the problems occurred in implementing 2006 curriculum.

  D. Research Objectives

  This study is aimed at finding out teachers’ perception on 2006 Curriculum. The focus of this study is on the English teachers’ perceptions on strengths and weaknesses of 2006 curriculum, and the problems occured in 2006 curriculum implementation.

E. Research Benefits

  This study is expected to give valuable benefits for teachers as actors who implement 2006 Curriculum in the learning process, for the next researchers who are going to deal with curriculum implementation, and for the researcher who conducts this research.

  1. Teachers This study is expected to give valuable benefits for teachers who implement 2006 Curriculum in learning process. By knowing the perception on strengths and weaknesses on implementing 2006 curriculum, it might influence them in the way how they implement this curriculum. Besides, it makes them aware of their understanding of this curriculum in which it can help them to prepare and to implement 2006 Curriculum better.

  2. The next researchers This study is expected to give some contributions for them who want to deal with curriculum aspect, especially in curriculum perception. Besides, this study is expected to give a contribution in education field.

  3. The researcher This study is expected to give better understanding for the researcher after knowing teachers’ perception on this curriculum. It might help the researcher to implement this curriculum better in a learning process since the researcher know about the strengths and the weakness of this curriculum so that the researcher can prepare proportionally for 2006 curriculum implementation. This study is also expected to give good illustration in preparing anything the researher needs to teach later.

F. Definition of Terms

  There are some terms that need to be described in this study. They are:

  1. Perception According to Huffman (1997), “perception is a process of selecting, organizing, interpreting sensory data into useful mental representation of the world.” In this study, perception is a kind of interpretation that someone’s have about something. This perception is focused on English teachers’ perception in 2006 curriculum.

  2. The 2006 curriculum (KTSP) Curriculum is a plan and a rule of objectives, basic competence, standard material, learning outcome, and the way which is used as a guideline of learning activities to achieve basic competence and learning objective (Mulyasa, 2006:48).

  The 2006 curriculum is a curriculum in which a school can arrange and develop materials based on schools and students’ condition (Joko, 2008:15). In this study, a curriculum means plans and rules which consist of standard competence and basic competence which are developed by teachers based on students’ need and the school’s condition as their guideline in teaching.

  3. Implementation Implementation means the process of applying and developing the 2006 curriculum which is used in the school. In this study, the implementation is focused on the 2006 curriculum implementation in teaching English.

CHAPTER II REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE In this chapter, the researcher discusses some theories related to the

  research problem. This chapter is divided into two parts; they are theoretical description and theoretical framework. The first part talks about theories which relates to this research. The second part talks about the limitation which will be used in discussing the findings.

A. Theoretical Description 1. Curriculum Definition Curriculum is one of the tools which guide teachers to teach their students.

  Therefore, the government arranges curriculum to help teachers in designing the materials for their students. According to Neagley and Evan (1967), “Curriculum is all of the planned experiences provided by the school to assist the students in attaining the designated learning outcomes to the beat of their abilities.” It means that teachers should be able to design material from the curriculum they have; curriculum which has been arranged by government to be done.

  Inlow (1966) stated that “Curriculum is the planned composite effort of any school to guide students learning toward predetermined learning outcomes.” Curriculum is arranged by the government to help teachers in conducting the learning process. Curriculum is developed based on students’ need and condition.

  Then, it will be applied in every school where the curriculum is developed.

  Other expert stated that a curriculum is a plan and a rule of objectives, basic competence, standard material, and learning outcome, and the way which is used as a guideline of learning activities to achieve basic competence and learning objective (Mulyasa, 2006:48). Hamalik (2006) also stated that a curriculum is a written plan on competence based on national standard, learning material to achieve the competence, and evaluation to measure students’ competence based on the education level.

  According to Nunan (1996), curriculum is a collaboration effort between teachers and learners, since learners are involved in the decision-making process regarding the content of the curriculum and how it is taught. The teachers and students have to have a good relation to make the learning process goes well, for example students involve in the class discussion than teachers became the central actor (central source) in the class. The implementation of curriculum can be done appropriately if there is a good cooperation among teachers as a developer of curriculum and students as the subjects who are taught by teachers. In this case, the learning process is more valuable than students’ result.

2. Curriculum in Indonesia

  “Education is an effort to provide learners through guiding, teaching, and/or practicing for their future” (UU R.I. No. 2, 1989). Education is given to learners in order to help them in facing their future, like how they solve their problems. Besides, it helps them to be able to involve in their environment.

  Education itself is not only focused on school but also on their family and opportunity for the learners to study. Family and environment are also the important tools to support learners’ education.

  Education in Indonesia has an aim at composing learners to be able in interacting with their environment (Mulyasa, 2005). Besides, it is expected to produce good human resources for Indonesia. In having a good education with good quality and quantity, government arranges curriculum as a guideline for teachers. The aim of curriculum arrangement is based on the aim of education, which is producing human resources.

2.1 Competency – Based Curriculum (CBC)

   Competency – Based Curriculum (CBC) is a curriculum which is a plan

  and an arrangement on learning outcomes, competency, and education resources (Puskur, 2002). This curriculum had been done for more or less 2 years, among 2004 – 2006 in Indonesia. The focus on this curriculum is students centered in which teachers are acted as demonstrator, facilitator, and evaluator (Usman, 1990). Therefore, teachers have an important role in learning process and students are demanded to be active in the learning process.

  This curriculum emphasizes on the development of students’ competency in doing their assignments in certain standard; they have to master certain competency, like developing their knowledge, comprehension skill, value, attitude, and interest in order to do something appropriately and responsibly (Mulyasa, 2005). Puskur (2002) stated that competency – based curriculum has characteristics as follows: b. Orienting on learning outcomes and diversity.

  c. Conveying the material by using various approach and methods.

  d. Teachers are acted as facilitators; teachers are not the only one of learning sources.

  e. Assessing is emphasized on learning process and learning outcomes in achieving and mastering the competency.

  In order to achieve the characteristic, government had determined the competence standard, basic competence, and indicators for teachers to be conducted in the learning process.

2.2 The 2006 Curriculum

  The 2006 curriculum is a curriculum which could be arranged and developed based on schools and students’ condition / need. However, the school has to pay attention to the existing standard and basic competence (Joko, 2008). In this case, teachers have an authority to develop materials based on standard curriculum. The opportunity teachers’ have is expected to help them in developing their potentials in accordance with their skill, necessary, and willingness (Prasetyo

  th Utomo, Kompas, April 24 , 2006).

  The 2006 Curriculum is assumed as the improvement of CBC (2004 curriculum), but it is different with CBC. One of the differences is seen in the development of materials. Materials in CBC is given in abstract while material in 2006 curriculum is given briefly/to the point so that there is some reduction of learning time allocation. In 2006 curriculum, teachers have had reference to convey the material so that teachers are not confused to choose the materials they have to give.

  In developing 2006 Curriculum, teachers should know the characteristic first. Same as CBC, Puskur (2002) stated five characteristics of 2006 Curriculum.

  Those are: a. Emphasizing on students competency, both individually and classically.

  b. Orienting on learning outcomes and diversity.

  c. Conveying the material by using various approach and methods.

  d. Teachers are acted as facilitators; teachers are not the only one of learning sources.

  e. Assessing is emphasized on learning process and learning outcomes in achieving and mastering the competency.

  After knowing the characteristic of 2006 curriculum, according to BSNP (Badan


Standar Pendidikan Nasional) , this curriculum is developed in accordance with

  1) education level, 2) region characteristic / potentials, 3) culture, and 4) learners itself. Based these characteristics, it is possible if level of education in a big city is different with education in a small city.

  Knowing that 2006 Curriculum characteristics are expected to help teachers in choosing the best strategy in implementing this curriculum, especially in teaching English. In implementing 2006 Curriculum, Learning Concept Based Competence and Contextual approach are suggested (Muslich, 2008:7) since it relates the lessons to the students’ life. Besides, as seen in the characteristic, teachers should pay attention to the students and school needs. After that, they can

  Besides the 2006 curriculum characteristics, there are several principles which are used to develop the 2006 curriculum (BSNP). They are 1) 2006 curriculum has a center at the potency, development, need, and the importance of the students and the environment, 2) 2006 curriculum are various and integrated, 3) 2006 curriculum are related to the development of science, technology, and art, 4) 2006 curriculum is relevant to the life needs, 5) 2006 curriculum is comprehensive and completely, 6) 2006 curriculum is for long education because it relates to students’ need and life context, and 7) 2006 curriculum balances the national importance and regional importance.

3. Perception

  According to Huffman (1997), perception is a process of selecting, organizing, interpreting sensory data into useful mental representation of the world. Perception can be defined as someone’s view of reality (Alman et al., 1985). Another expert said that perception is a mental cognitive process that enables us to interpret and understand our surroundings (Kreitner and Kinicki, 1992).

  Based on the definition above, perception is a kind of interpretation or someone view of reality which happens in their surroundings. Relating to this research, perception is defined as English teachers’ interpretation which they know and understand about 2006 Curriculum.

  According to Gibson et al,. (1985), there are some factors which can influence someone’s perception on something.

  1. Stereotyping Gibson stated that stereotype is someone’s view of particular member in a group but generalizes all members in that group. In other words, stereotype means a judgment on something without knowing all part.

  2. Self-concept The way how an individual sees and feels about themselves is called self- concept. Someone’s past experience also influence them in interpreting something.

  3. Situations Situation can affect someone’s perception since situation influences their feelings and habits in their daily activities.

  4. Need Someone’s need on something influences their perception. If someone needs something to be experienced or observed, they will have good perception to achieve their goal on it. A willingness to know something’s good demands them to have good perception on it.

  5. Emotion People’ emotion also affects how someone forms his/her perception on something. For example, if someone is angry, he/she cannot have good perception on something which is being asked. Therefore, emotion also determines people perception on something.

B. Theoretical Framework This framework is focused on teachers’ perception on 2006 Curriculum.

  The theories above are the basic in explaining the result later. The meaning of curriculum which is stated above help the researcher to analyze the result better.

  The same as curriculum definition on 2006 curriculum, it is expected to help in finding out teachers’ perception on 2006 curriculum, the strengths and weaknesses on 2006 Curriculum, and the problems occurred in the learning process. The theory about perception can be used to discuss and make conclusion on the result of teachers’ perception on 2006 Curriculum.

  The curriculum development and the theory of CBC are presented since these theories are relevant to know the development of curriculum before 2006 Curriculum is used today. Besides, it can be used to know whether there are differences between CBC and 2006 Curriculum implementation or not.

  This study consists of a research question which relates to teachers’ perception on the strengths, the weaknesses, and the problems occurred in implementing 2006 curriculum in teaching English. The major research problem is about English teachers’ perception on 2006 Curriculum. Meanwhile, the minor research problems are about English teachers; perception on the strengths, the weaknesses, and the problems in implementing 2006 curriculum. To answer the problem, the writer will use questionnaire as the first instrument while interview will be conducted as an optional instrument, if findings from the questionnaires have not answered yet what the researcher expected.

CHAPTER III METHODOLOGY This chapter presents the method of the study. They are (A) research

  method, (B) research participants, (C) research instruments, (D) data gathering techniques, (E) data analysis techniques, and (F) research procedures.

A. Research Method

  This research is a survey research. According to Nunan (1994), “A survey is widely used for collecting data in most areas of social inquiry, from politics to social, from education to linguistic.” Meanwhile, Walter stated that survey research is a means of gathering information that describes the nature and extent of a specified data ranging from physical counts and frequencies to attitudes and opinion. Another theory, Merriam (2009) stated that “Survey or descriptive designs are intended to systematically describe the facts and characteristics of a given phenomenon or the relationships between events and phenomena.”

  In this study, the survey is a qualitative research since the researcher provides the results and findings in descriptive form. According to Punch (2001), “As a qualitative example, the research has been seen as a survey, focusing on interpretations, meanings and the cultural significance of some behavior.” This research will be done by distributing some questionnaires to some English teachers to get their perception on 2006 Curriculum implementation. Merriam (2009) stated that “A qualitative researchers are interested in understanding how people interpret their experiences, how they construct their worlds, and what meaning they attribute to their experiences.” Same as Merriam, Denzin and Lincoln (2005) defined a qualitative research as a situated activity that locates the observer in the world. From this theorist, it can be concluded that a qualitative research is related to the world, in which people are involved inside, included their interpretation of what they had done.

  B. Research Participants This research would be conducted at Mardi Yuana Senior High School.

  The participants were ten English teachers who implement 2006 curriculum in teaching English and teach in Mardi Yuana Senior High School. It was expected that the researcher would understand and comprehend the English teachers’ perception on 2006 curriculum implementation in their school.

  C. Research Instruments

  1. Questionnaire According to John (1970), a questionnaire is divided into two types, they are closed form and open form. The closed form provides the answers like yes or no, a short response, or checking an item from a list of suggested responses. The open form provides free response in the respondent’s own words. In other words, it is called written interview. Marshall (1998) stated that “Open-ended questions give the participants the opportunity to express their own thought, and requires more effort in terms of their responses.”

  The questionnaires were used to see the teachers’ perception on 2006 curriculum. It was aimed at knowing the teachers’ understanding about 2006 curriculum in teaching English. In addition, it was expected to answer the problem the researcher stated. In conducting this research, the questionnaires would be in form of open form so that there was no limitation for participants to answer the questions.

  2. Interview According to Nunan (1994), the interview had been widely used as a research tool and usually applied in survey research. The interview would be conducted if the result of the questionnaire could not answer what the researcher expected. In other words, this was an optional instrument. In this section, the researcher would focus on the teachers’ perception too, especially for the strengths and weaknesses of 2006 Curriculum implementation.

D. Data Gathering Technique

  The researcher was going to gather the data by distributing questionnaires to some English teachers who implement 2006 Curriculum. The purposes of the questionnaire distribution were to know teachers’ perception on 2006 Curriculum implementation, and what teachers need to do in implementing 2006 Curriculum, like their preparation in implementing this curriculum. If the result of the questionnaire had not answered the problem, the researcher would conduct interview to the participant.

  The questionnaire and interview were going to be conducted to answer the problems of this research. Questionnaires would focus on teachers’ perception and teachers’ preparation on 2006 curriculum. Meanwhile, the interview would be conducted if the answer of the questionnaire could not answer the problem the researcher expected.

E. Data Analysis Technique

  In data analysis, the researcher was going to analyze the result of the questionnaire first. In this case, the researcher would compile the answers first and then, make a conclusion on the answers. Second, the researcher would analyze the questionnaire result. If the result was far from what the researcher expected, the researcher would conduct interviews and analyze the result. After compiling the answer, the result would be stated in descriptive form. As the researcher stated above, the result would be interpreted based on answer the researcher got.

F. Research Procedure

  First, the researcher would find the proper school which implements 2006 Curriculum. Second, the researcher distributed questionnaires on teachers’ perception on 2006 Curriculum implementation to some English teachers. Third, the researcher analyzed the results and findings. Fourth, the researcher interviewed English teachers about their perception on 2006 Curriculum deeply, what they need to do in implementing this curriculum if the results of questionnaires had not answered the researcher expected. Fifth, the researcher presented the findings then made a discussion and conclusion of the findings.

CHAPTER IV RESEARCH FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION This chapter presents the research findings and the discussion on English

  teachers’ perception on the 2006 curriculum implementation at Mardi Yuana Senior High School, especially for the strengths, the weaknesses, and the problems the teachers faced. After analyzing the findings, the researcher conducted a discussion related to the research problems. This chapter consists of two parts. The first part presents the findings the researcher gained on English teachers’ perception on 2006 curriculum implementation. The second part presents the discussion on the findings.