A Comparative Study Between Collaborative Writing And Interactive Writing In Teaching Writing - UNS Institutional Repository




(An Expe rimental Study at the 10 th Grade of MAN Klaten in the Academic Year of 2016/2017)



Submitted to the Teacher Training and Education Faculty of Sebelas Maret

University to Fulfill One of the Requirements for Getting Undergraduate Degree of

Education in English










Maknabara Amoriyani Sukmana. K2213039.

A Comparative Study between


Collaborative Writing and Inte ractive Writing in Teaching Writing (An



Experime ntal Study at the 10 Grade of MAN Klaten in the Acade mic Year of

2016/2017). A Thesis, Surakarta: Teacher Training and Education Faculty of Sebelas

  Maret University, September 2017.

  This study was aimed at finding out: (1) whether there is a significant difference

in writing skill between students taught using Collaborative Writing and those taught

using Interactive Writing; and (2) whether Collaborative Writing is more effective

than Interactive Writing to teach writing. The research method used in this study is a

quasi-experimental research design. This research was conducted at MAN Klaten in

the academic year of 2016/2017. The population of the research is the tenth grade of

MAN Klaten. The samples are class X IPA 6 as the experimental class which

consists of 34 students and class X IPA 5 as the control class which also consists of

34 students. The research instrument used to collect the data in this study is a test.

The data were analysed by using t-test formula. The computation of the t-test shows

that t observation (t o ) = 4.594 is higher than t table (50, 0.05) = 1.996. Therefore, it

can be concluded that there is a significant difference in writing skill between the

students taught using Collaborative Writing and those taught using Interactive

Writing. The mean score of experimental group is 72.47, while the mean score of

control group is 61.41. Therefore, it can be concluded that Collaborative Writing is

more effective than Interactive Writing to teach writing.

  Key words: collaborative writing, interactive writing, writing skill.

  ABSTRAK Maknabara Amoriyani Sukmana. K2213039. Perbandingan Studi Antara


Collaborative Writing Dan Interactive Writing Dalam Mengajar Menulis (Studi

Eksperime ntal di Kelas 10 MAN Klaten di Tahun Akademik 2016/2017).

  Skripsi, Surakarta: Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan Universitas Sebelas Maret, September 2017.

  Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui: (1) apakah ada perbedaan yang

signifikan dalam keterampilan menulis antara siswa yang diajar dengan

menggunakan Collaborative Writing dan yang diajarkan menggunakan Interactive

Writing; dan (2) apakah Collaborative Writing lebih efektif daripada Interactive

Writing untuk mengajar menulis. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam

penelitian ini adalah desain penelitian kuasi eksperimental. Penelitian ini dilakukan

di MAN Klaten pada tahun ajaran 2016/2017. Populasi penelitian adalah siswa

kelas sepuluh di MAN Klaten. Sampel kelas X IPA 6 sebagai k elas eksperimen yang

terdiri dari 34 siswa dan kelas X IPA 5 sebagai kelas kontrol yang juga terdiri dari

34 siswa. Instrumen penelitian yang digunakan untuk mengumpulkan data dalam

penelitian ini adalah tes. Data dianalisis dengan menggunakan rumus uji t.

Perhitungan t-test menunjukkan bahwa t pengamatan (to) = 4,594 lebih tinggi dari t

tabel (50, 0,05) = 1,996. Oleh karena itu, dapat disimpulkan bahwa ada perbedaan

yang signifikan dalam keterampilan menulis antara siswa yang diajar dengan

Collaborative Writing dan yang diajarkan dengan menggunakan Interactive Writing.

Skor rata-rata kelompok eksperimen adalah 72,47, sedangkan skor rata-rata

kelompok kontrol adalah 61,41. Oleh karena itu, dapat disimpulkan bahwa

Collaborative Writing lebih efektif daripada Interactive Writing untuk mengajar


  Kata kunci: collaborative writing, interactive writing, writing skill.



  “Promise yourself to be strong that nothing can disturb your piece of mind Look at the sunny side of everything and make your optimism come true

  Think only of the best Work only for the best

  And expect only the best ”

  Idza Shodaqol ‘Azmu Wadhoha Sabiil “When There Is A Will There Is A Way”



This thesis is dedicated to:

My beloved parents

My little brother and sister



  First of all, the writer praises Allah SWT for His blessing to her that she can finish this thesis successfully. This thesis cannot be done without the assistance and guidance from many people. Therefore, the writer would like to offer her sincere thanks to:

  1. The Dean of Teacher Training and Education Faculty of Sebelas Maret University.

  2. Teguh Sarosa, M.Hum as The Head of English Department of Teacher Training and Education Faculty 3. Dr. Ngadiso, M.Pd., the writer’s first consultant, for his guidance and critical corrections during his busy schedule to make this thesis better.

  4. Dewi Cahyaningrum S.Pd., M.Pd. as the writer’s second consultant, for her guidance and advices.

  5. Drs.Gunarso Susilohadi, M.Ed, TESOL., the researcher’s academic consultant, for the motivation, kindness, and advice.

  6. Drs.Muslih, M.Pd , the Headmaster in MAN Klaten, who has given the writer permission for conducting the research.

  7. Sutrisno, S.Pd., the English Teacher in MAN Klaten, for his sincerity in guiding the writer during the research. Thank you for the lesson.

  8. The English Education Department Lecturers for patiently giving valuable knowledge and experience for these years.

  9. Her family, her beloved Father and Mother: Ir.Hendro Sukmono and Dra.Maryanti, Brother: Maknasetya Amoriyan Sukmana and Sister: Maknamulia Amoriyanti Sukmana for their massive supports, loves, patience, prayer and guidance throughout my life.

  10. Dani Alfah for his help, love, patience, prayer and encouragement. Thank you for always supporting the writer to finish the thesis soon.

  11. Her best friends “frenemy”, Devi Ismira Yuliandari, Bibit Purnomowati, Rima Santika, Oki Lutfiani Maesaroh, Dinda Permata Sari, Choirunnisa, thank you for being her second family.

  12. Dinda Orieama Yoga Pratica and Meta Dewi Riani Santi, thank you so much for a lot of help that is given to the writer.

  13. The A Class of English Education Department 2013 for the togetherness and memories for more than 4 years, especially for Risti Nur Imansari, Indri Nastiti, and Yohana Nugrahaning Primadewi.

  14. The members of ESA (English Student Association) for the experience in organization.

  The writer is the one who is responsible of any errors that may remain in this work. Therefore, constructive feedback, comments, suggestions, and criticism are gratefully welcome for the betterment of this thesis. The writer hopes this thesis will give some knowledge for the reader and can contribute for further research in the future.

  Surakarta, October 2017 Maknabara Amoriyani Sukmana



  Page TITLE OF THE RESEARCH .............................................................................. i PRONOUNCEMENT .......................................................................................... ii APPROVAL ......................................................................................................... iii LEGALIZATION OF EXAMINERS .................................................................. iv ABSTRACT ......................................................................................................... v MOTTO .......................................................................................................... vii DEDICATION ..................................................................................................... viii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ................................................................................... ix TABLE OF CONTENTS ..................................................................................... xi LIST OF TABLES ............................................................................................... xiv LIST OF FIGURES .............................................................................................. xv LIST OF APPENDICES ...................................................................................... xvi


  1 Research Background ................................................................


  5 Problem Identification................................................................


  6 Problem Limitation ....................................................................


  6 Problem Statements....................................................................


  6 Objectives of the Study .............................................................


  6 Benefit of the Study ..................................................................

  CHAPTER II LITERATURE REVIEW A. Writing ...................................................................................... 8 1.

  8 Definition of Writing ..........................................................


  9 Aspects of Writing ...............................................................

  3. Macro and Micro Skills of Writing ..................................... 10 B. Collaborative Writing .................................................................. 11 1.

  Definition of Collaborative Writing..................................... 11 2. Procedure of Collaborative Writing ..................................... 12 3. Advantages of Collaborative Writing .................................. 17

  4. Disadvantages of Interactive Writing .................................. 19 C. Interactive Writing .................................................................... 20 1.

  Definition of Interactive Writing.......................................... 20 2. Procedure of Interactive Writing .......................................... 22 3. Advantages of Interactive Writing ...................................... 25 4. Disadvantages of Interactive Writing................................... 26 D. Teaching Writing Using Collaborative Writing Compared to Interactive Writing ....................................................................

  26 E. Review of Related Research ..................................................... 30 F.

  Rationale .................................................................................... 33 G.

  Hypothesis ................................................................................. 34

  CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHODOLOGY A. The Setting of the Research ....................................................... 35 B. The Method of the Research ..................................................... 35 C. The Subject of the Research ...................................................... 36 1. Population ............................................................................

  36 2. Sample..................................................................................

  37 3. Sampling ..............................................................................

  37 D. Techniques of Collecting Data................................................... 38 E.

  Techniques of Analyzing Data .................................................. 42 1.

  Descriptive Analysis ............................................................ 42 a.

  Mean............................................................................... 42 b. Mode .............................................................................. 43 c. Median ........................................................................... 43 d. Standard Deviation......................................................... 44 e. Histogram and Polygon.................................................. 44 2. Normality Test ..................................................................... 44 3. Homogeneity Test ................................................................ 45 4. Inferential Analysis .............................................................. 46 F. Statistical Hypothesis ................................................................. 47



  Description of the Data ............................................................. 48 1.

  Pre-test Scores...................................................................... 48 a.

  Experimental Group ....................................................... 48 b. Control Group ................................................................ 51 2. Post-test Scores .................................................................... 53 a.

  Experimental Group ....................................................... 53 b.

  Control Group ................................................................ 56 B. Prerequisite Testing.................................................................... 59 1.

  Pre-test Scores...................................................................... 59 a.

  Similarity of Two Classes .............................................. 59 b. The Result of Normality Test......................................... 59 c. The Result of Homogeneity Test ................................... 60 2. Post-test Scores .................................................................... 61 a.

  The Result of Normality Test ......................................... 61 b.

  The Result of Homogeneity Test ................................... 62 C. Hypothesis Testing..................................................................... 62 1.

  The First Hypothesis ............................................................ 62 2. The Second Hypothesis........................................................ 63 D. Discussion of Research Findings ............................................... 63

CHAPTER V CONCLUSION, IMPLICATION, AND SUGGESTION A. Conclusion ................................................................................ 66 B. Implication ................................................................................ 66 C. Suggestion ................................................................................. 69 BIBLIOGRAPHY ...............................................................................................

  71 APPENDICES ......................................................................................................




Table 2.1 The general difference of Collaborative Writing and Interactive

Writing… ........................................................................................... 27 Table 3.1 The schedule of the research ............................................................

  35 Table 3.2 Readability of writing test .................................................................

  39 Table 3.3 Scoring rubric for writing test............................................................

  39 Table 4.1 The frequency distribution of experimental group pre-test scores ....

  49 Table 4.2 The frequency distribution of control group pre-test scores..............

  52 Table 4.3 The frequency distribution of experimental group post-test scores...

  54 Table 4.4 The frequency distribution of control group post-test scores ............

  57 Table 4.5 The result of normality test for experimental and control groups pre- test scores ..........................................................................................

  60 Table 4.6 The result of normality test for experimental and control groups post-test scores ...................................................................................




Figure 4.3 The Histogram of the data distribution of Pre-test scores of the

  Experimental Group ........................................................................... 50

Figure 4.2 The Polygon of the data distribution of Pre-test scores of the

  Experimental Group ......................................................................... 50

Figure 4.3 The Histogram of the data distribution of Pre-test scores of the

  Control Group .................................................................................... 52

Figure 4.4 The Polygon of the data distribution of Pre-test scores of the Control Group .................................................................................

  53 Figure 4.5 The Histogram of the data distribution of Post-test scores of the Experimental Group ........................................................................... 55

Figure 4.6 The Polygon of the data distribution of Post-test scores of the

  Experimental Group ......................................................................... 55

Figure 4.7 The Histogram of the data distribution of Post-test scores of the Control Group ..................................................................................

  57 Figure 4.8 The Polygon of the data distribution of Post-test scores of the Control Group ................................................................................... 58

  LIST OF APPENDICES Appendix 1 Letter of permission ......................................................................

  76 Appendix 2 Lesson plan of the experimental group .........................................

  82 Appendix 3 Lesson plan of the control group................................................... 118 Appendix 4 Writing test instruction .................................................................. 154 Appendix 5 Readability of writing test ............................................................. 156 Appendix 6 Result of readability of writing test............................................... 157

Appendix 7 St udents’ questionnaire sheet ........................................................ 159

  Appendix 8 Pre-test scores of experimental and control groups ...................... 161 Appendix 9 Descriptive statistics of pre-test scores of experimental and control groups ........................................................................................... 164 Appendix 10 Normality test of pre-test of experimental and control groups ..... 168 Appendix 11 Homogeneity test of pre-test of experimental and control groups 173 Appendix 12 Computation of t-test of pre-test of experimental and control groups ............................................................................................ 176 Appendix 13 Post-test scores of experimental and control groups ..................... 178 Appendix 14 Descriptive statistics of post-test scores of experimental and control groups................................................................................ 180 Appendix 15 Normality test of post-test of experimental and control groups.... 184 Appendix 16 Homogeneity test of post-test of experimental and control groups 188 Appendix 17 Computation of t-test of post-test of experimental and control groups ............................................................................................ 190 Appendix 18

Students’ answer sheet .................................................................. 192

  Appendix 19 Standard normal distribution table ................................................ 200 Appendix 20 Lilliefors table ............................................................................... 201 Appendix 21 Chi-square distribution table ......................................................... 202 Appendix 22 t-distribution table ......................................................................... 203 Appendix 23 Photographs ................................................................................... 204

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