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  Kristine Boyle is one smart cookie. Her friend Andie Schultz is a genius. Both have their hearts set on going to Caltech. However when a geeky rocket scientist wannabe goes sticking her head through strange doors, adventures ensue. *** Warning graphic language *** Sales Rank: #5591245 in Books Published on: 2013-02-06 Original language: English Number of items: 1 Dimensions: 9.00" h x 1.70" w x 6.00" l, 2.18 pounds Binding: Paperback 752 pages Most helpful customer reviews 5 of 6 people found the following review helpful.

  Awesome - is not enough By Amazon Customer Started the book, thought it was "an easy read." 6 am the following morning I finished the last page. Haven't done that in years! As I try to explain why you just have to read this author I find that I cannot explain, except to say great story, characters that you know like your brother or sister, a page turner- as you keep saying just one more, a plot that never lets up. One week later I have purchased every book she has an amazon, some great, some just good and eagerly await anything she writes! science generally beyond, "Seemed good to me." One of the two major characters, swears. A lot. She drops the F bomb, often. If you find swearing distasteful, I urge you to get over it and read this story anyway. One of the themes in this book involves the unreliability of first impressions. :) Though there were a few uncaught typos here and there (a 'then' instead of 'than' for instance), I did not note many nor were they ever so consistent that I suspected the author to be unaware of correct usage.

  She could have turned this one book into a series and I almost wish she had. Everyone of her sub-plots and many of her characters could have carried a full novel. I suppose she may do so yet; but whether she does or not, I fully expect to purchase (and enjoy) all her future offerings.

  G. 3 of 4 people found the following review helpful. Exquisite book, amazing author By Gordon Clason Gina Marie Wylie reminds me so much of Robert Heinlein. Back in 1970 I picked up my first Heinlein book and the first paragraph had me enraptured so that I spent the next dozen years reading anything by him I could find. Last week I had a similar experience. The first paragraph of my first Gina Wylie book grabbed me the same way, and I had to buy everything by her I could find. That was "Kinsella".

  This book, on the other hand, is different. Not set in the Kinsella universe, this is a stand alone story about two high school students whose genius and good sense are so reminiscent of the typical Heinlein hero that you will think you are reading a sequel to "Have Spacesuit Will Travel" or "Space Cadet". Kristine and Andie invent something new and mysterious and powerful people begin harassing them to bury


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  Be the initial who are reading this The Far Side By Gina Marie Wylie Based upon some factors, reviewing this publication will supply even more perks. Even you have to read it step by step, web page by web page, you could complete it whenever and also any place you have time. Once much more, this online book The Far Side By Gina Marie Wylie will provide you simple of reviewing time as well as task. It likewise supplies the experience that is budget-friendly to reach and also get substantially for much better life.