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A Unified Method for Exact Inference in
Random-effects Meta-analysis via Monte Carlo

arXiv:1711.06393v1 [stat.ME] 17 Nov 2017

Shonosuke Sugasawa
Risk Analysis Research Center, The Institute of Statistical Mathematics
Hisashi Noma
Department of Data Science, The Institute of Statistical Mathematics

Random-effects meta-analyses have been widely applied in evidence synthesis for
various types of medical studies to adequately address between-studies heterogeneity.
However, standard inference methods for average treatment effects (e.g., restricted
maximum likelihood estimation) usually underestimate statistical errors and possibly
provide highly overconfident results under realistic situations; for instance, coverage
probabilities of confidence intervals can be substantially below the nominal level. The
main reason is that these inference methods rely on large sample approximations even
though the number of synthesized studies is usually small or moderate in practice.
Also, random-effects models typically include nuisance parameters, and these methods ignore variability in the estimation of such parameters. In this article we solve

this problem using a unified inference method without large sample approximation
for broad application to random-effects meta-analysis. The developed method provides accurate confidence intervals with coverage probabilities that are exactly the
same as the nominal level. The exact confidence intervals are constructed based on
the likelihood ratio test for an average treatment effect, and the exact p-value can
be defined based on the conditional distribution given the maximum likelihood estimator of the nuisance parameters via the Monte Carlo conditioning method. As

specific applications, we provide exact inference procedures for three types of metaanalysis: conventional univariate meta-analysis for pairwise treatment comparisons,
meta-analysis of diagnostic test accuracy, and multiple treatment comparisons via
network meta-analysis. We also illustrate the practical effectiveness of these methods
via real data applications.
Key words: Confidence interval; Likelihood ratio test; Meta-analysis; Random-effect
model; Sufficient statistics




In evidence-based medicine, meta-analysis has been an essential tool for quantitatively summarizing multiple studies and producing integrated evidence. In general,
the treatment effects from different sources of evidence are heterogeneous due to various factors such as study designs, participating subjects, and treatment administration. Therefore, such heterogeneity should be adequately addressed when combining
evidence sources, otherwise statistical errors may be seriously underestimated and
possibly result in misleading conclusions (Higgins and Green, 2011). The randomeffects model has been widely used to address these heterogeneities in most medical
meta-analyses. The applications cover various types of systematic reviews, for example, conventional univariate meta-analysis (DerSimonian and Laird, 1986; Whitehead
and Whitehead, 1991), meta-analysis of diagnostic test accuracy (Reitsuma et al.,
2005), network meta-analysis for comparing the effectiveness of multiple treatments
(Salanti, 2012), and individual participant meta-analysis (Riley et al., 2010).
However, in random effect meta-analysis, most existing standard inference methods for average treatment effect parameters underestimate statistical errors under
realistic situations of medical meta-analysis, for example, the coverage probabilities
of standard inference methods are usually smaller than the nominal confidence levels,
even when the model is completely specified (Brockwell and Gordon, 2001; 2007).
This may lead to highly overconfident conclusions. The main reason for this notable problem is that random-effects models typically include heterogeneity variancecovariance parameters other than the average treatment effect, and most inference
methods depend on large sample approximations for the number of trials to be synthesized, which is usually small or moderate in medical meta-analysis. In other words,
the variability of the estimation of nuisance parameters is possibly ignored and the
total statistical error can be underestimated when constructing confidence intervals.
Recently, several confidence intervals that aim to improve the undercoverage property have been developed, for example, by Brockwell and Gordon (2007), Henmi and
Copas (2010), Jackson and Bowden (2009), Jackson and Riley (2014), Noma (2011),


Noma et al. (2017), Guolo (2012), and Sidik and Jonkman (2002). Although coverage properties are relatively improved under realistic situations, the validity of these
methods is substantially guaranteed using large sample approximations. Moreover,
most of these methods were developed in the context of traditional direct pairwise
comparisons; therefore, the methods have limited applicability in recent, more advanced types of meta-analysis that use the complicated multivariate models noted
In this paper, we develop a unified method for constructing exact confidence intervals for random effect models so that their coverage probabilities are equal to the
nominal level regardless of the number of studies. To effectively circumvent the effects
of nuisance parameters, we focus on the sufficiency of the maximum likelihood estimators of these parameters. After that, we consider the likelihood ratio test (LRT) for
the average treatment effect, and we define its p-value based on the conditional distribution given the maximum likelihood estimator of the nuisance parameters rather
than the unconditional distribution of the test statistic. For computing the p-value
exactly, we adopt the Monte Carlo conditioning technique proposed by Lindqvist and
Taraldsen (2005), and the confidence interval can be derived by inverting the LRT.
As a result, the proposed method does not rely on the asymptotic approximation;
therefore, the derived confidence intervals have exact coverage probabilities and the
proposed method can be generally applied to various types of meta-analysis involving
complicated multivariate random effect models.
In Section 2, we first provide a Monte Carlo algorithm for computing an exact
p-value of the LRT and derive an exact confidence interval under general statistical models. In Section 3, the proposed method is applied to the simplest univariate
random-effects meta-analysis for direct pairwise comparisons. We conduct simulations for evaluating the empirical performances of the proposed confidence interval,

and illustrate our method using the well-known meta-analysis of intravenous magnesium for suspected acute myocardial infarction (Teo et al., 1991). In Sections 4
and 5, we discuss the applications to meta-analysis for diagnostic test accuracy and
network meta-analysis, respectively, with illustrations using real datasets. Discussion

is provided in Section 6.


Exact test and confidence interval

We suppose y1 , . . . , yn are independent and each has the density or probability mass
function fi (yi ; φ, ψ) with parameter of interest φ and nuisance parameter ψ. For
example, in the univariate meta-analysis described in Section 3, n and yi correspond
to the number of studies and estimated treatment effect in the ith study, respectively,
and we use the model yi ∼ N (µ, τ 2 + σi2 ) with known σi2 to estimate the average
treatment effect µ, so that φ = µ and ψ = τ 2 in this case. In general, yi , φ and ψ could
be multivariate, but we assume in this section that all of them are one-dimensional in
order to make our presentation simpler. Multivariate cases are considered in Sections
4 and 5. The likelihood ratio test (LRT) statistic for testing null hypothesis H0 : φ =

φ0 is

Tφ0 (Y ) = −2 max L(Y, φ0 , ψ) − max L(Y, φ, ψ) ,


where Y = (y1 , . . . , yn )t , and L(Y, φ0 , ψ) =


i=1 log fi (yi ; φ, ψ)

is the log-likelihood

function. Under some regularity conditions, the asymptotic distribution of Tφ0 (Y )
under H0 is χ2 (1) as n → ∞. However, when the sample size n is not large as is
often the case in meta-analysis, the approximation is not accurate enough. The main

reason is that there is an unknown nuisance parameter ψ and its estimation error
is not ignorable when n is not large. To overcome this problem, we calculate the
b 0 ), where
p-value of the statistic Tφ0 (Y ) based on the conditional distribution Y |ψ(φ

b 0 ) is the maximum likelihood estimator of ψ under H0 . Owing to the sufficiency

b 0 ) is free from the nuiof the maximum likelihood estimator, the distribution of Y |ψ(φ
sance parameter ψ, which enables us to compute an exact p-values without using any

asymptotic approximations. The key tool is the Monte Carlo conditioning suggested
in Lindqvist and Taraldsen (2005).
To describe the general methodology, we further assume that Y can be expressed
as Y = H(U, φ, ψ) for some function H and random variable U whose distribution

is completely known. For example, when Y ∼ N (φ, ψ), it holds that Y = φ + ψU

with U ∼ N (0, 1). Now, the maximum likelihood estimator ψb under H0 satisfies the

following equation:

b = 0,
Lψ (Y, φ0 , ψ)

where Lψ = ∂L/∂ψ is the partial derivative of the likelihood function L with respect
to the nuisance parameter ψ. Under H0 , Y can be expressed as Y = H(U, φ0 , ψ);
thereby, the above equation can be rewritten as
b ψ) ≡ Lψ (H(U, φ0 , ψ), φ0 , ψ)
b = 0.
δ(U, ψ,
We define ψ∗ (U ) as the solution of the above equation with respect to ψ. Using the

result in Lindqvist and Taraldsen (2005), the exact p-value E I{T (Y ) ≥ t}|ψb can be
expressed as

 E I{T (H(U, φ0 , ψ∗ (U ))) ≥ t}w(U )

E I{T (Y ) ≥ t}|ψ =
E w(U )


where the expectation is taken with respect to the distribution of U , and


w(U ) =


∂ ψ/∂ψ

ψ=ψ∗ (U )

with prior π(ψ) for ψ. As noted in Lindqvist and Taraldsen (2005), the choice of π(ψ)
controls the efficiency of the Monte Carlo approximation in (1). However, the detailed
discussion of this issue would extend of the scope of this paper; thus, we consider in
this paper only the uniform prior, π(ψ) = 1. The algorithm for computing the exact
p-value of the LRT for testing H0 : φ = φ0 is given as follows.

Algorithm 1. (Monte Carlo method for the exact p-value of LRT)
1. Compute the LRT Tφ0 (Y ) and the constrained maximum likelihood estimator ψb
of ψ under φ = φ0 .



2. For b = 1, . . . , B with large B, generate a random sample, U (b) = (u1 , . . . , un ),

and compute ψ∗ (U (b) ), Y∗

= H(U (b) , φ0 , ψ∗ (U (b) )) and w(U (b) ) from (2).

3. The Monte Carlo approximation of the exact p-value is given by

b=1 I


Tφ0 (Y∗ ) ≥ Tφ0 (Y ) w(U (b) )

b=1 w(U )


Note that as B → ∞, the Monte Carlo approximation (3) converges to the exact
p-value (1) regardless of the sample size n.
Using the exact p-value of the LRT of H0 : φ = φ0 , the exact confidence interval
of φ with nominal level 1 − α can be constructed as the set of φ† such that the
exact p-value of the LRT of H0 : φ = φ† is larger than α. Although the confidence
limits cannot be expressed in closed form, they can be computed by simple numerical
methods, for example the bisectional method that repeatedly bisects an interval and
selects a subinterval in which a root exists until the process converges numerically, see
Section 2 in Burden and Faires (2010). When φ or ψ are multivariate (vector-valued)
parameters, this method can be easily extended to the case. When ψ is multivariate,
which is typical in many applications, the absolute value symbol in the weight (2)
should be recognized as determinant since ∂ ψ/∂ψ
is a matrix. On the other hand,

when φ is multivariate, we need to construct a confidence region (CR) rather than a

confidence interval. In this case, the bisectional method cannot be directly applied,
and methods for CRs would depend on each setting. In Section 4, we present a
diagnostic meta-analysis in which a CR is traditionally used, and provide a feasible
algorithm to compute an exact CR.


Univariate random-effects meta-analysis

The random-effects model

The univariate random-effects model has been widely used in meta-analysis due to
its parametric simplicity. However, the accuracy of the inference is poor when the
number of studies is small. We consider solving this problem using the exact LRT and
confidence interval introduced in Section 2. We assume that there are n clinical trials


and that y1 , . . . , yn are the estimated treatment effects. We consider the random-effect
yi = θi + e i ,

θi = µ + εi ,

i = 1, . . . , n,


where θi is the true effect size of the ith study, and µ is the average treatment effect.
Here ei and εi are independent error terms within and across studies, respectively,
assumed to be distributed as ei ∼ N (0, σi2 ) and εi ∼ N (0, τ 2 ). The within-studies
variances σi2 s are usually assumed to be known and fixed to their valid estimates calculated from each study. On the other hand, the across variance τ 2 is an unknown parameter representing the heterogeneity between studies. Under these settings, Hardy
and Thompson (1996) considered the likelihood-based approach for estimating the
average treatment effect µ.

Exact confidence intervals of model parameters

We first consider an exact confidence interval of µ by using Algorithm 1 in the previous
section. To begin with, we consider the null hypothesis H0 : µ = µ0 with nuisance
parameter τ 2 . Since yi ∼ N (µ, τ 2 + σi2 ) under the model (4), the LRT statistic can
be defined as
Tµ0 (Y ) = min L(µ, τ 2 ) − min L(µ0 , τ 2 ),
µ,τ 2


L(µ, τ ) =




log(τ +


σi2 )


(yi − µ)2

τ 2 + σi2



The minimization can be achieved in standard ways such as the iterative method in
Hardy and Thompson (1996).
From (5), the constrained maximum likelihood estimator τbc2 of τ 2 under H0 sat-

isfies the following equation:



X (yi − µ0 )2

= 0.
τbc2 + σi2 i=1 (b
τc2 + σi2 )2

Let u1 , . . . , um be random variables that which independently follow N (0, 1), then yi


can be expressed as yi = µ0 + ui

τ 2 + σi2 under H0 . Substituting the expression for

yi in the above equation, we have
G(U, τ 2 , τbc2 ) ≡



X (τ 2 + σ 2 )u2

= 0,
2 + σ 2 )2
τbc2 + σi

where U = (u, . . . , un )t . The above equation can be easily solved with respect to τ 2
and the solution is given by

τ∗2 (U ) =



τc2 + σi2 )2

)−1 (

τb2 + σ 2 (1 − u2 )




τ 2 + σi2 )2



Regarding the weight (2), using the implicit function theorem, it holds that

∂G(U, τ 2 , τbc2 )/∂b

w(U ) =
∂G(U, τ 2 , τbc2 )/∂τ 2 τ 2 =τ∗2 (U )

)−1 n
( n
X 2{τ 2 (U ) + σ 2 }u2 − (b
τc2 + σi2 )



τc2 + σi2 )2
τc2 + σi2 )3

and thereby we can compute the exact p-value of the LRT for H0 : µ = µ0 from
Algorithm 1, and the confidence interval of µ by inverting the LRT.
An exact confidence interval of τ 2 can be derived as well. By a similar derivation
to that for µ, the exact p-values of the LRT of H0 : τ 2 = τ02 can be computed from
Algorithm 1 with

µ∗ (U ) = µ


τ0 + σi2



q i
τ02 + σi2


w(U ) = 1,

so that the exact confidence interval of τ 2 can be similarly constructed.

Simulation study of coverage accuracy

We evaluated the finite sample performances of the proposed exact (EX) confidence
interval of µ together with existing methods widely used in practice. We considered the restricted maximum likelihood (REML) method, the DirSimonian and Laird
(DL) method (DirSimonian and Laird, 1986), and the likelihood ratio (LR) method

(Hardy and Thompson, 1996). When implementing the EX method, we used 1000
Monte Carlo samples to compute the exact p-value. We fixed the true average treatment effect µ at −0.80, and the heterogeneity variance τ 2 at 0.10 and 0.20. Following
Rockwell and Gordon (2001), within-study variances σi2 s were generated from a scaled
chi-squared distribution with 1 degree of freedom, multiplied by 0.25, and truncated
to lie within the interval [0.009, 0.6]. We changed the number of studies n over 3, 5, 7
and 9, and set the nominal level α to 0.05. Based on 2000 simulation runs, we calculated the coverage probabilities (CP) and average lengths (AL) of the four confidence
intervals. The results, shown in Table 1, indicate that the confidence intervals from
the three methods other than EX are too liberal to achieve the appropriate nominal
level 0.95 even when n = 9. On the other hand, the EX method produces reasonable
confidence intervals with appropriate coverage probabilities even when n is 3.
Table 1: Simulated coverage probabilities (CP) and average lengths (AL) of 95%
confidence intervals from the proposed exact (EX) method, the restricted maximum
likelihood (REML) method, the DirSimonian and Laird (DL) method, and the likelihood ratio (LR) method.


= 0.10

τ 2 = 0.20




0.957 0.948
0.848 0.852
0.849 0.855
0.876 0.885
0.953 0.943
0.839 0.857
0.845 0.855
0.879 0.887



1.156 0.869
0.729 0.620
0.729 0.621
0.807 0.677
1.400 1.063
0.905 0.787
0.905 0.784
0.999 0.849


Example: treatment of suspected acute myocardial infarction

Here we applied the proposed method to a meta-analysis of the treatment of suspected
acute myocardial infarction with intravenous magnesium (Teo et al., 1991), which is
well-known as it yielded conflicting results between meta-analyses and large clinical
trials (LeLorier et al., 1997). For the dataset, we constructed a 95% confidence
interval of the average treatment effect of intravenous magnesium using the proposed

EX method (with 10000 Monte Carlo samples in evaluating the p-value) as well as the
REML, DL and LR methods considered in the previous section. Moreover, we also
applied Peto’s fixed effect (PFE) method (Yusuf, 1985). The results are given in Table
2. The confidence intervals from the DL, LR, REML, and PFE methods were narrower
than that of the EX method since the first four methods cannot adequately account
for the additional variability in estimating the between study variance τ 2 . Therefore,
the confidence intervals from the first four methods did not cover µ = 1, which does
not change the interpretation of the results. On the other hand, the proposed EX
method produced a longer confidence interval than the other four methods while also
covering µ = 1, that is, the corresponding test for µ = 1 was not significant with a
5% significant level.
Table 2: Estimates and confidence intervals of the average treatment effect of intravenous magnesium on myocardial infarction based on six methods.






95% CI


Bivariate Meta-analysis of Diagnostic Test Accuracy

Bivariate random-effects model

There has been increasing interest in systematic reviews and meta-analyses of data
from diagnostic accuracy studies. For this purpose, a bivariate random-effect model
(Reitsma et al., 2005 and Harbord et al., 2007) is widely used. Following Reitsma et al.
(2005), we define µAi and µBi as the logit-transformed true sensitivity and specificity,
respectively, in the ith study. The bivariate model assumes that (µAi , µBi )t follows a


bivariate normal distribution:


 µAi 
 µA  

 ∼ N 
 , Σ




ρσA σB

ρσA σB 


where µA and µB are the average logit-transformed sensitivity and specificity, and
σA (> 0) and σB (> 0) are standard deviations of µAi and µBi , respectively. Here the
parameter ρ ∈ (−1, 1) allows correlation between µAi and µBi . The unknown param2 , σ 2 and ρ. Let y
eters are µA , µB , σA
Ai and yBi be the observed logit-transformed

sensitivity and specificity, and we assume that


 yAi 
 µAi 

 ∼ N 
 , Ci 


Ci = 


0 


For summarizing the results of the meta-analysis, the CR of µ = (µA , µB )t would
be more valuable than separate confidence intervals since sensitivity and specificity
might be highly correlated. Reitsma et al. (2005) suggested the 100(1 − α)% joint
CR for µ as the interior points of the ellipse defined as

µA = µ
bA + cα sbA cos t,

µB = µ
bB + cα sbB cos(t + arccos ρb),

t ∈ [0, 2π),


where µ
bA and µ
bB are the maximum likelihood estimates of µA and µB , sbA and sbB

are estimated standard errors of µ
bA and µ
bB , respectively, and cα is the square root

of the upper 100α% point of the χ2 distribution with 2 degrees of freedom. The joint

CR (8) is approximately valid; specifically, the coverage error converges to 1 − α as
the number of studies n goes to infinity. However, when n is not sufficiently large,
the coverage error is not negligible, and the region (8) undercovers the true µ.

Exact CR of sensitivity and specificity

We consider an exact CR of µ under the models (6) and (7) based on the Monte Carlo
2 , σ 2 , ρ)t be a vector of nuisance parameters,
method given in Section 2. Let ψ = (σA

and write Σ(ψ) rather than Σ to clarify the dependence of ψ. From (6) and (7), the

LRT statistic of the null hypothesis H0 : µ = µ0 is given by

Tµ0 (Y ) = min L(µ, ψ) − min L(µ0 , ψ),

L(µ, ψ) =



log |Vi (ψ)| +


(yi − µ)t Vi (ψ)−1 (yi − µ),

with Vi (ψ) = Σ(ψ) + Ci .
Under H0 , the constrained maximum likelihood estimator ψbc satisfies the following


tr{Vi (ψbc )−1 Jk } −



(yi − µ0 )t Vi (ψbc )−1 Jk Vi (ψbc )−1 (yi − µ) = 0,

 1 0 
J1 = 
0 0

 0 0 
J2 = 
0 1

k = 1, 2, 3,

 0 1 
J3 = 
1 0

Under H0 , the observed data yi can be expressed as yi = µ0 + Ti (ψ)ui with ui ∼
N (0, I2 ) and Ti (ψ) being the Cholesky decomposition of Vi (ψ), that is, Ti (ψ)Ti (ψ)t =
Vi (ψ). Then the above equation can be rewritten as

tr{Vi (ψbc )−1 Jk } −


uti Ti (ψ)t Vi (ψbc )−1 Jk Vi (ψbc )−1 Ti (ψ)ui = 0,

k = 1, 2, 3,

and we define ψ∗ (U ) as the solution of the above equation with respect to ψ. The
solution can be numerically obtained by minimizing the sum of squared values of
three equations with respect to ψ. Moreover, concerning the weight (2), we may use
the numerical derivative given U . Hence, we can compute the exact p-value of the
LRT of H0 : µ = µ0 from Algorithm 1.
From the LRT of H0 , the (1 − α)% exact CR of µ can be defined as ECRα =
{µ; p(µ) ≥ α}, where p(µ) denotes the exact p-value of the test statistic Tµ (Y ). Since
µ is two-dimensional in this case, the computing boundary {µ; p(µ) = α} is not
straightforward. The most feasible procedure is to approximate the boundary with a


sufficiently large numbers of points. To this end, we first divide the interval [0, 2π) by
M points 0 = t1 < · · · < tM < 2π. For each m = 1, . . . , M , we compute rm satisfying
µ + (rm cos tm , rm sin tm )) = α,

which can be carried out via numerical methods (e.g. the bisectional method).

Example: screening test accuracy for alcohol problems

Here we provide a re-analysis of the dataset given in Kriston et al. (2008), including
n = 14 studies regarding a short screening test for alcohol problems. Following
Reitsuma et al. (2005), we used logit-transformed values of sensitivity and specificity,
denoted by yAi and yBi , respectively, and associated standard errors sAi and sBi . For
the bivariate summary data, we fitted the bivariate models (6) and (7), and computed
95% CRs of µ based on the approximated CR of the form (8) given in Reitsma
et al. (2005). Moreover, we computed the proposed exact CR with 1000 Monte
Carlo samples for calculating p-values of the LRT, and M = 200 evaluation points
that were smoothed by a 7-point moving average for the CR boundary. Following
Reitsuma et al. (2005), the obtained two CRs of (µA , µB ) were transformed to the
scale (logit(µA ), 1 − logit(µB )), where logit(µA ) and 1 − logit(µB ) are the sensitivity
and false positive rate, respectively. The obtained two CRs are presented in Figure
1 with a plot of the observed data, summary points µ
b, and the summary receiver

operating curve. The approximate CR is smaller than the exact CR, which may

indicate that the approximation method underestimates the variability of estimating
nuisance variance parameters.


Network Meta-analysis
Multivariate random-effects model

Suppose there are p treatments in contract to a reference treatment, and let yir be
an estimator of relative treatment effect for the rth treatment in the ith study. We





summary estimate



Approximate CR
Exact CR







False Positive Rate

Figure 1: Approximated and exact confidence regions (CRs) and summary receiver
operating characteristics (SROC) curve.
consider the following multivariate random-effects model:

yi ∼ N (θi , Si ),

θi ∼ N (β, Σ),

i = 1, . . . , n.


where yi = (yi1 , . . . , yip )t , θi = (θi1 , . . . , θip )t is a vector of true treatment effects in
the ith study, β = (β1 , . . . , βp )t is a vector of average treatment effects, and Si is
the within-study variance-covariance matrix. Here we focus on the model (9) known
as the contrast-based model (Salanti et al., 2008; Dias and Ades, 2016), which is
commonly used in practice.
In network meta-analysis, each study contains only pi (< p) treatments (pi usually
ranges from 2 to 5); thereby, several components in yi cannot be defined. When
the corresponding treatments are not involved in the ith study, the corresponding
components in yi and Si are shrunk to the sub-vector and sub-matrix, respectively,
in the model (9). Moreover, when the references treatment is not involved in the ith
study, we can adopt the data argumentation approach of White et al. (2012), in which


a quasi-small data set is added to the reference arm, e.g. 0.001 events for 0.01 patients.
To clarify the setting in which yi and Si are shrunk to the sub-vector and sub-matrix,
respectively, we introduce an index aij ∈ {1, . . . , p}, j = 1, . . . , pi , representing the
treatment estimates that are available in the ith study, and define the p-dimensional
vector xij of 0’s, excluding the aij th element that is equal to 1. Moreover, we define
Xi = (xi1 , . . . , xipi )t , and yi and Si are the shrunken pi -dimensional vector and pi × pi
matrix of yi and Si , respectively. The model (9) can be rewritten as

yi ∼ N (Xi θi , Si ),

θi ∼ N (β, Σ),

i = 1, . . . , n.


Regarding the structure of between study variance Σ, since there are rarely enough
studies to identify the unstructured model of Σ, the compound symmetry structure
Σ = τ 2 P (0.5) is used in most cases (White, 2015), where P (ρ) is a matrix with all
diagonal elements equal to 1 and all off-diagonal elements equal to ρ.
We define y = (y1t , . . . , ynt )t , X = (X1t , . . . , Xnt )t , Z = diag(X1 , . . . , Xn ), and
u = (ut1 , . . . , utn )t with ui ∼ N (0, τ 2 P (0.5)) independently for each i. The hierarchical
model (10) can be expressed as the following random-effects model:

y = Xβ + Zu + ε,


where ε ∼ N (0, S) with S = diag(S1 , . . . , Sn ). The unknown parameters in (11) are
β and τ 2 . The log-likelihood of the model (11) is given by
L(β, τ 2 ) = − log |V (τ 2 )| − (y − Xβ)t V (τ 2 )−1 (y − Xβ),
where V (τ 2 ) = τ 2 Z{In ⊗ P (0.5)}Z t + S and ⊗ denotes the Kronecker product. Note
that y is an N -dimensional vector and N = nI=1 pi is the total number of compar-




Exact confidence interval of the average treatment effect

In network meta-analysis, we are interested in not only the average treatment effects
β1 , . . . , βp in contrast to the reference treatment, but also the treatment differences
βj − βk , j 6= k. To handle these issues in a unified manner, we focus on the linear
combination η = ct β with known vector c. Define a full-rank p × p matrix A such
that the first element of Aβ is η. The parameter η is equivalent to β1 when we use
XA−1 instead of X in the model (11), so that it is sufficient to consider an exact test
and confidence interval of β1 .
Define W1 and W2 to be N × 1 and N × (p − 1) matrices such that X = (W1 , W2 ),
and ω = (β2 , . . . , βp )t . The model (11) can be rewritten as

y = W1 β1 + W2 ω + Zu + ε.


We first consider testing of H0 : β1 = β10 , noting that ω and τ 2 are nuisance parameters. The LRT statistics can be defined as
Tβ10 (Y ) = min L(β1 , ω, τ 2 ) − min L(β10 , ω, τ 2 ),
β1 ,ω,τ 2

ω,τ 2

L(β1 , ω, τ 2 ) = log |V (τ 2 )| + (y − W1 β1 − W2 ω)t V (τ 2 )−1 (y − W1 β1 − W2 ω).
Under H0 , the constrained maximum likelihood estimator ω
bc and τbc2 satisfy the fol-

lowing equations:

bc ) = 0
τc2 )−1 r(β10 , ω
W2t V (b

bc ) = 0,
τc2 )−1 r(β10 , ω
bc )t V (b
τc2 )−1 QV (b
tr V (b
τc2 )−1 Q − r(β10 , ω


where r(β1 , ω) = y −W1 β1 −W2 ω and Q = Z{In ⊗P (0.5)}Z t . Under H0 , it holds that
y = W1 β10 +W2 ω +A(τ 2 )u for u ∼ N (0, IN ) and A(τ 2 ) is the Cholesky decomposition


of V (τ 2 ) such that A(τ 2 )A(τ 2 )t = V (τ 2 ). The equation (13) can be rewritten as
G1 (b
ωc , τbc2 , ω, τ 2 , u) ≡ W2t V (b
τc2 )−1 r(ω, ω
bc , τ 2 , u) = 0

G2 (b
ωc , τbc2 , ω, τ 2 , u)

bc , τ 2 , u)t V (b
τc2 )−1 QV (b
τc2 )−1 r(ω, ω
bc , τ 2 , u) = 0,
≡ tr V (b
τc2 )−1 Q − r(ω, ω

with r(ω, ω
bc , τ 2 , u) = W2 (ω − ω
bc ) + A(τ 2 )u.


The solution of the first equation

G1 (b
ωc , τbc2 , ω, τ 2 , u) = 0 with respect to ω is given by

ω∗ (u, τ 2 ) = ω
bc − {W2t V (b
τc2 )−1 W2 }−1 W2t V (b
τc2 )−1 A(τ 2 )u.

By replacing w with ω∗ (u, τ 2 ) in the second equation in (14), we obtain the following
equation for τ 2 :

tr V (b
τc2 )−1 Q − ut A(τ 2 )t B(b
τc2 )V (b
τc2 )−1 QV (b
τc2 )−1 B(b
τc2 )A(τ 2 )u = 0,
where B(τ 2 ) = IN − W2 {W2t V (τ 2 )−1 W2 }−1 W2t V (τ 2 )−1 , and we define τ∗2 (u) be the
solution of the above equation with respect to τ 2 . Hence, the solutions of (14) with
respect to ω and τ 2 are given by ω∗ (u) = ω∗ (u, τ∗2 (u)) and τ∗2 (u), respectively. Concerning the weight function w(U ), from the implicit function theorem, it follows that

t , ∂G/∂b
det ∂G/∂ ω

w(U ) =
det (∂G/∂ω t , ∂G/∂τ 2 ) ω=ω∗ (u),τ 2 =τ∗2 (u)

where G = (Gt1 , G2 ). From (14), we have

τc2 )−1 W2
= − t = W2t V (b
∂ω t
τc2 )−1 QV (b
τc2 )−1 {W2 (ω − ω
bc ) + A(τ 2 )u}.
= − t = W2t V (b

On the other hand, because derivation of analytical expressions of the partial derivatives with respect to τ 2 or τbc2 requires tedious algebraic calculation, we can use nu-

merical derivatives instead. Therefore, we can carry out Algorithm 1 in Section 2 to


compute the exact p-value of LRT, and the exact confidence interval can be obtained
as well by inverting the LRT.

Example: Schizophrenia data

Ades et al. (2010) carried out a network meta-analysis of antipsychotic medication
for prevention of relapse of schizophrenia; this analysis includes 15 trials comparing
eight treatments with placebo. In each trial, the outcomes available were the four
outcome states at the end of follow-up: relapse, discontinuation of treatment due to
intolerable side effects and other reasons, not reaching any of the three endpoints,
and still in remission. We here considered the last outcome and adopted the odds
ratio as the treatment effect measure.
We applied the multivariate random-effects model (11) with a compound symmetry structure of Σ. The reference treatment was set to “Placebo”. The estimates of
between-studies standard deviation τ were 0.28 for the ML and 0.52 for the REML
estimation methods, respectively, which shows that there is substantial heterogeneity
between studies.
In Table 3 we present the results of three confidence intervals based on the EX
method, the LR-based method with p-value calculated by the asymptotic distribution,
and the REML method. The number of Monte Carlo samples in applying the EX
method was consistently set to 20000. In this analysis, the confidence intervals of
the EX method were much wider than those of the LR method, and indicated larger
uncertainty in the inference of average treatment effects. On the other hand, the
confidence intervals of the REML method were wider than those of the EX method
in the last three treatments although the REML method produced narrower intervals
than the EX method in the first five treatments; this may be due to the difference
between the ML and REML estimates of between study standard deviation (0.28 for
ML and 0.52 for REML).


Table 3: Maximum likelihood (ML) and restricted maximum likelihood (REML)
estimates of average treatment effects and confidence intervals from exact (EX), likelihood ratio (LR) and REML methods in the application to network-meta analysis of
schizophrenia data.
Placebo v.s.


(2.11, 9.85)
(1.19, 9.54)
(0.67, 13.10)
(0.66, 6.52)
(1.84, 14.14)
(0.65, 6.66)
(1.13, 5.74)
(2.52, 12.88)


(2.67, 8.55)
(1.56, 7.30)
(0.91, 7.74)
(0.93, 4.58)
(2.32, 10.73)
(0.90, 4.81)
(1.26, 5.12)
(2.40, 11.82)


(2.15, 9.50)
(1.22, 9.31)
(0.68, 10.32)
(0.67, 6.38)
(1.81, 13.26)
(0.65, 6.67)
(0.94, 5.95)
(1.74, 14.64)


We developed an exact method for constructing confidence intervals of the average
treatment effects in random-effects meta-analysis. The proposed confidence interval
is based on the LRT, and we proposed a Monte Carlo method to compute its exact
p-value without using large sample approximation. In terms of specific applications,
we discussed three types of meta-analysis, univariate meta-analysis, diagnostic metaanalysis, and network meta-analysis, and demonstrated the usefulness of the proposed
method. The developed exact inference method can be adapted to a variety of applications, e.g., the multivariate individual participant data meta-analysis (Burke et
al., 2016).
Although we considered exact confidence intervals based on the LRT and the maximum likelihood estimators for model parameters, other statistical methods might be
adopted in a similar manner to produce exact confidence intervals. For example,
the REML estimator of heterogeneity variance-covariance can be used instead of the
maximum likelihood estimator since the REML estimator is also sufficient statistics
based on the fact that the restricted likelihood can be derived as the marginal likelihood integrated with respect to mean parameters or regression coefficients (Harville,
1974). Moreover, we could adopt other testing procedures, e.g., the Wald test and
Score test, instead of the LRT. However, these methods would provide similar results


because they use the same principle of theoretical justification of exactness.
In addition, the numerical results from our simulations and the illustrative examples suggest that statistical methods in the random-effects models should be selected
carefully in practice. Historically, there have been many discrepant results between
meta-analyses and subsequent large randomized clinical trials (LeLorier et al, 1997),
and in these cases the meta-analyses have typically tended to provide false results as
in the magnesium example in Section 3.4. Many systematic biases, for example, publication bias (Begg and Berlin, 1988; Easterbrook et al., 1991), might be important
sources of these discrepancies, but we should also be aware of the risk of providing
overconfident and misleading interpretations caused by the statistical methods based
on large sample approximations. Considering these risks, accurate inference methods
would be preferred in practice. Although there have not been any exact inference
methods that can be broadly applied in random-effects meta-analyses, our approach
in this article may provide an explicit solution to this relevant problem.
Finally, methodological research on extensions of random-effects meta-analyses to
more complicated statistical models are still in progress (e.g., multivariate network
meta-analyses, Riley et al., 2017), and the small sample problems generally exist
in most of these applications. Our methods are applicable to these complicated
models as well as more advanced approaches that might arise in future research.
The developed methods should be effective tools as a unified exact methodological
framework to obtain accurate solutions in medical evidence synthesis.
This research was partially supported by CREST (grant number: JPMJCR1412),
JST and JSPS KAKENHI Grant Numbers JP17K19808, JP15K15954, JP16H07406.

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