Using Paraphrasing to Improve Reading Comprehension for the Second Grade Students at Pesantren MANAHILIL ULUM GUPPI Samata TK. 1 Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan - Repositori UIN Alauddin Makassar






  A thesis


Submitted in Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements for the Degree

of Sarjana Pendidikan in English Education of the faculty

of Tarbiyah and Teaching Science of

Uin Alauddin Makassar




Reg. Number T.20400113196





  Mahasiswi yang bertanda tangan di bawah ini : Nama : Wahyuti NIM : 20400113196 Tempat/Tg. Lahir : Lallatang, 17 April 1995 Jur/Prodi/Konsentrasi : Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris/ S1 Fakultas/Program : Tarbiyah dan Keguruan Alamat : Jl. Aroepala Perumahan Taman Gosyen Indah H/4

  Judul : Using Paraphrasing to Improve Reading Comprhension for the Second Grade Students at Pesantren MANAHILIL ULUM GUPPI Tk.1 Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan Samata menyatakan dengan sesungguhnya dan penuh kesadaran bahwa skripsi ini benar adalah hasil karya sendiri. Jika di kemudian hari terbukti bahwa ini merupakan duplikat, tiruan, plagiat, atau dibuat oleh orang lain, sebagian atau seluruhnya, maka skripsi dan gelar yang diperoleh karenanya batal demi hukum.



  Praise and great gratitude submitted to Almighty God, Allah SWT who always gives gracious mercy and tremendous blessing that has helped the researcher finishing this thesis: Using Paraphrasing to improve Reading Comprehension


for the Second Grade Students at Pesantren MANAHILIL ULUM GUPPI TK. 1

Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan Samata. This thesis is as a requirement in

  accomplishing the S1 Degree of sarjana pendidikan in English Education of The Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teaching Science of UIN Alauddin Makassar.

  The researcher would like to thank to all of those who have given the contribution so that this script can be finished, especially to her Beloved Parents, who have given their endless love, always give support and all of their praying for the researcher. The researcher would like to deliver this thanks to:

  1. Prof. Dr. H. Musafir Pababbari, M,Si., the Rector of Alauddin State Islamic University of Makassar .

  2. Dr. H. Muhammad Amri, Lc., M.Ag., the Dean of Tarbiyah and Teaching Science Faculty of UIN Makassar.

  3. Dr. Kamsinah, M.Pd.I. and St. Nurpahmi, S.Pd., M.Pd. as Head and Secretary of English Education Department of Tarbiyah and Teaching Science Faculty of UIN Makassar.

  4. Dr. Kamsinah, M.Pd.I and Dr. Hj. Mardiana, M.Hum as the first and second advisor who had guided and assisted the researcher in writing and finishing the script. Thanks for your good advice and valuable input.

  5. All lecturers in UIN Alauddin Makassar that the researcher cannot mention all the names. Thanks for your time, knowledge, advice and motivation that you have given to the researcher since study in this great campus.

  6. H. Hamzah, S.Pd.I., M.Pd.I as the headmaster of MA Pesantren GUPPI Samata Kabupaten Gowa Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan who has allowed and helped the researcher conducted this research at MA Pesantren GUPPI Samata Kabupaten Gowa Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan. Thanks for your cooperation and contribution.

  7. Drs. Muhammad Kaddas as the teacher English and collaborator of SMA Pesantren GUPPI samata Kabupaten Gowa Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan who has allowed and helped the researcher conducted this research.

  8. Thank you very much for researcher’s grandparents, aunts, uncles, siblings, cousins and all of her big family who have always reminded the researcher to keep her health.

  9. Sincere thanks to her beloved husband Muhammad Faisal Arifin and her beloved sister Nurdieny Fatimah Azzahra for becoming the researcher ’s motivation and always remind her in finishing this study on time.

  10. Her beloved big family of English Education Department 2013, especially for her best friends in group 9 and 10 whose names could not be mentioned one by one, for their friendship, togetherness, laugh, support, and many stories made together. Thanks for being such a great companion and history during study at Alauddin State Islamic University of Makassar.



Pages COVER PAGE .................................................................................................... i PERNYATAAN KEASLIAN SKRIPSI ........................................................... ii PERSETUJUAN PEMBIMBING ..................................................................... iii PENGESAHAN SKRIPSI ................................................................................ iv ACKNOWLEDGEMENT .................................................................................. v

TABLE OF CONTENTS ................................................................................... viii

LIST OF FIGURE ............................................................................................... x LIST OF TABLES .............................................................................................. xi

LIST OF APPENDICES ................................................................................... xii

ABSTRACT ........................................................................................................ xiii


CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION ........................................................................ 1-7

A. Background .................................................................................. 1 B. Research Problem .......................................................................... 5 C. Research Objective ........................................................................ 6 D. Research Significance ................................................................... 6 E. Research Scope .............................................................................. 7 F. Operational Definition of Terms .................................................. 7

CHAPTER II REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURES .............................. 8-24

A. Previous of related findings .......................................................... 8 B. Some Pertinent Ideas ..................................................................... 9 1. Concept of Reading ................................................................ 9 a. Definition of Reading ....................................................... 9 b. Teaching Reading ............................................................. 11 c. Teaching Reading at the Senior High School .................. 14 d. Characters of Successful Reading .................................... 16 2. Picture Dictation ..................................................................... 17 a. Definition of Paraphrase ................................................... 17


  Paraphrase in Reading ...................................................... 18 c. How to Paraphrase ............................................................ 24 d. The need of Paraphrasing ................................................. 24


CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHOD ............................................................ 25-32

A. Research design ............................................................................. 26 B. Research variable ........................................................................... 29 C. Research participant ...................................................................... 29 D. Research target .............................................................................. 29 E. Research instruments ..................................................................... 30 F. Data Collection Procedure ............................................................ 31 G. Data Analysis Technique .............................................................. 32

CHAPTER IV FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION ........................................ 33-61

A. Findings ........................................................................................ 38 B. Discussion ..................................................................................... 57

CHAPTER V CONCLUSIONS AND SUGGESTIONS ............................ 62-63

A. Conclusions ................................................................................... 62 B. Suggestions ................................................................................... 62

BIBLIOGRAPHY ............................................................................................... 64-65

APPENDICES .................................................................................................... 66-89

CURRICULUM VITAE ...................................................................................... 90


  Figures 1. Models of Kemmis and McTaggart ..................................................... 25



Table 4.1 The problems related to the teaching and learning ........................... 34Table 4.2 The most feasible problems ............................................................... 34Table 4.3 Main causes of problems ................................................................... 35

  Table 4.4 Students’ score in cycle one ............................................................... 42

Table 4.5 The frequency and percentage in cycle one ....................................... 44Table 4.6 The result of observation in cycle one .............................................. 45

  Table 4.7 Students’ score in cycle two .............................................................. 52

Table 4.8 The frequency and percentage in cycle two ....................................... 53Table 4.9 The result of observation in cycle two .............................................. 55Table 4.10 Comparison of cycle one and cycle two............................................. 57


  Appendix 1. Lesson plan ....................................................................................... 64 Appendix 2. Research instrument ......................................................................... 69 Appendix 3. The result of reading comprehension ................................................ 76 Appendix 4. Attendance list ................................................................................... 79 Appendix 5. Documentation .................................................................................. 83



Name : Wahyuti Reg. Number : 20400113196

  English Education/Tarbiyah and Teaching Science Department/Faculty :


Title : Using Paraphrasing to improve Reading

  Comprehension for the Second Grade Students at Pesantren MANAHILIL ULUM GUPPI Samata TK. 1 Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan Consultant I : Dr. Kamsinah, M.Pd.I.

  Consultant II : Dr. Hj. Mardiana, M.Hum.

  The objective of this research is to improve reading comprehension of the Second grade tudents at Pesantren MANAHILIL ULUM GUPPI Samata TK. 1 Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan The strategy implemented was Paraphrasing strategy.

  In conducting this research, the researcher applied Classroom Action Research (CAR). The subjects of this research were 25 students with 16 girls and 9 boys of the second grade students. The researcher was helped by the English teacher as a collaborator. The data were collected through classroom observation, and tests. The types of the data were quantitative and qualitative data. The quantitative data were obtained from tests and they were in the form of students’ scores. The qualitative data were collected through classroom observation.

  This research was conducted systematically in two cycles following the four phases of action research namely: planning, acting, observing and reflecting. With regard to the application of the two cycles, the results of the research reveal that the use of paraphasing strategy successfully improves the studen ts’ reading comprehension. This strategy helps the students improve their enthusiasm and attention in the process of teaching and learning English, especially reading comprehension. Their vocabulary and understanding of new words also improve. In relation to their comprehension of narrative texts, the students are able to identify main ideas and supporting details of paragraphs correctly. Their interaction and involvement in the reading class also improve. In addition, the students become more active and enjoy the process of teaching and learning reading. The improvements were supported by the results of classroom observation, and students’ test scores. The mean score of reading comprehension was 70.3 in the first cycle test and 79.8 in the second cycle test.

  Based on the data above, the researcher concludes that using paraphrasing strategy increased the reading comprehension for the second grade students at Pesantren MANAHALIL ULUM GUPPI TK.1 Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan Samata.

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION A. Background In order to interact with others, people need a language as a means of

  communication. By using language people can convey their thoughts, ideas and feelings. Almost every country in the world has its own language. Avoiding miscommunication among the people from different countries, English plays an important role as an international language. Brumfit (1981: 1) states that, English is an international language and the most widespread medium of communication because of both the number and geographical areas of its speakers and because of the large number of nonnative speakers who use it for part of their international contact.

  In Indonesia, English has an important role especially in education (Ramelan, 1992: 3). That is the reason why the Indonesian government chooses English as the first foreign language to be taught in schools. By putting it as one of the subjects in the curriculum, hopefully students will have an ability to use English in the international community.

  As we know that English is not our native language; therefore it is difficult for Indonesian students to learn it. In line with the difficulties of learning English, English teaching is also difficult. English teachers have to try hard to pay attention on developing their own mastery of Englis h, their students’ competence in English and the technique of teaching English.

  Teaching English in Indonesia is based on the system which is called curriculum. Since 2006, the government has applied a new curriculum known as School Based Curriculum (Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan). According to this curriculum, one of the goals of teaching English at Senior High School is to prepare the students in mastering listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills in reaching the informational literacy level (the skill in understanding and creating various text and monologue such as procedure, descriptive, hortatory exposition, narrative, report, news item, analytical exposition, spoof, explanation, discussion, review, and public speaking) and the supporting competence (socio-cultural competence, strategic competence, and discourse competence). In addition, those four skills have to be supported by language components such as grammar, vocabulary, sound system and so on.

  The goals of teaching English in Indonesia are mainly to enable students to use English for communication to read books and reference written in English.

  According to Indonesian school based curriculum 2016, teaching reading should be based on genre based approach which consist of twelve text type. The Second Grade students of Senior high school were studying three texts; narrative, spoof, and expository text (Depdikbud, 2006).

  Reading is one of important ways to improve learners’ language skills in English. Reading helps learners to find out information, new ideas, facts, and experiences.

  The importance of reading is a message highly emphasized in Islam. even the great Qur'an i s called by the name of the “Kitab”. The command of reading is in the first revelation Qs. Al- Alaq 1-5 :

  ﴾ 4 ﴿ ﴾ 3 ُ( ﴾ 2 ﴿ ۚ ﴾ 1 ﴿ ۚ مَز ۡكَ ۡلۡا َكُّبَرَو ۡاَزۡقِا

  َنَّلَع ِنَلَقۡلاِب َنَّلَع ۡىِذَّلا قَلَع ۡيِه َىاَسًِۡ ۡلۡا َقَلَخ َقَلَخ ۡىِذَّلا َكِّبَر ِن ۡساِب ۡاَزۡقِا ﴾ 5 ﴿

  ۡؕ ۡنَل ۡعَي ۡنَل اَه َىاَسًِۡ ۡلۡا

1 Recite in the name of your Lord Who created,(1) created man from a clot of

  congealed blood (2) Recite: and your Lord is Most Generous, (3) Who taught by the pen, (4) taught man what he did not know(5) This shows the considerable concern of God and the importance of the meaning of reading for people. Even Allah sent down the letter of Al-'Alaq before other letters, which commanded his servants to read before commanding the others. This is certainly due to the importance of reading, reading is one way to gain knowledge, in Islam is highly recommended for knowledgeable because with knowledgeable people can thouhgt many things, and the people who are knowledgeable are also the heirs of the prophet, as mentioned in the hadith:

  ِءاَيِبًَْ ْلْا ُةَثَرَو ُءاَوَلُعْلَا “The people who have knowledge are the heirs of the prophets (HR. Abu Daud,)

  Reading is an active process of identifying important ideas, comparing, evaluating, and applying them, therefor in reading paragraph we have try to comprehend it. Without comprehending the paragraph, it will be very difficult to material. Through this statement, student have to realize how important reading is with comprehension to increase our mind and our perspective.

  In reading comprehension the message to be imposed in the written form I the most important element that the students recognize, because the primary purpose of reading is to know the thoughts expressed in the pointed material. Therefor, reading with comprehension is only a way for the students to arrive at want to know from the reading material.

  Paraphrasing is one of reading techniques. An essential step in paraphrasing is understanding the text well. It requires the students to read and reread the text carefully. In paraphrasing, students try to understand the main ideas of a text and express them in their own words.

  However, comprehending a text message is not easy, especially is English it can be seen from most of the students’ reading comprehension that is still far from what is being expected. It indicates also in the Second Grade students at Pesantren MANAHILIL ULUM GUPPI Samata TK. 1 Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan.

  It is observed that insufficient ability of the Second Grade students at Pesantren MANAHILIL ULUM GUPPI Samata TK. 1 Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan. in reading English is influenced by several issues. First, students have a difficulty in understanding English word, phrase, and sentence in English. Second, the students have difficulty in finding the main idea of the text they read. Third, students are not accustomed to practice reading in the classroom and last, teachers can not find the right method or technique to provide materials for students to learn and quick understanding the material presented.

  That is why a new strategy or method to improve studen ts’ reading comprehension is needed to overcome the problems. In relation to the background above, the researcher is interested in conducting research to improve the reading comprehension skill by Paraphrasing strategy at Pesantren MANAHILIL ULUM GUPPI Samata TK. 1 Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan. The strategy requires students to read short passages of materials and rephrase the content, including the main ideas and specific details, in their own words. This strategy helps students improve their recall of important information. Research has shown that students' comprehension and retention scores increase in proportion to the quality and quantity of the paraphrase statements they make while reading a passage. Therefore, it is necessary to do research on the application of Paraphrasing strategy on English subjects in order to help improve reading comprehension of the Second Grade students of Pesantren MANAHILIL ULUM GUPPI Samata TK. 1 Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan.

B. Research Problem

  Based on the previous background, the researcher formulates a research question: “How could Paraphrasing strategy be applied to improve the reading comprehension of the second grade students at Pesantren MANAHILIL ULUM GUPPI Samata TK. 1 Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan


  C. Research Objective

  Based on the problem statement above, This study is aimed to describe the application of paraphrasing Strategy to improve the reading comprehension of the second grade students at Pesantren MANAHILIL ULUM GUPPI Samata TK. 1 Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan by using paraphrasing Strategy.

  D. Research Significance

  The result of this research is expected to give significant contribution in terms of theoretical and practical as follow:

  1. Theoretical significance This research could add the current literatures of Paraphrasing strategy in improving reading comprehension ability especially in the Second Grade Students at Pesantren MANAHILIL ULUM GUPPI Samata TK. 1 Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan.

  2. Practical significance

  a) For the students

  This research is expected to help the students to develop a new strategy to improve their Reading comprehension and also can motivate them in order to be more interested in learning process.

  b) For the teacher

  The researcher hopes this research is expected to help the teacher to use paraphrasing as an alternative technique in teaching reading comprehension. c) For the next researcher

  This research is expected to give great contribution to the other researchers as a reference for further studies on a similar topic.

  E. Research Scope

  The researcher conducted the study to the Second Grade Students at Pesantren MANAHILIL ULUM GUPPI Samata TK. 1 Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan. In this study, the researcher limits the discussion on the use of paraphrasing in word, phrase, sentence and paragraph to simplifying the sentence, replacing difficult words, and restatement passage using other words in improving reading comprehension.

  F. Operational Definition of Terms

  There are several key terms that are used in this study. They are Reading Comprehension and Paraphrasing Strategy. They are defined in some paragraphs below:

  (1) Reading Comprehension According to Klingner (2007:2), reading comprehension is “the process of constructing meaning by coordinating a number of complex processes that included word reading, word and world knowledge, and fluency”.

  (2) Paraphrasing Paraphrase is restatement of a text or passages, using other words.

  The term "paraphrase" derives from the Latin "paraphrasis" from the Greek para phraseïn, meaning "additional manner of expression". The act

CHAPTER II REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE A. Previous of Related Findings a. Aprilia setiawati (2014) This research conducted a study about the effectiveness of

  paraphrasing t o improve students‟ reading comprehension skills of hortatory Exposition text a pre-experimental study at eleventh grade of SMA Negeri 1 Kutowinangun In the academic year of 2014/2015. In this research, The population that was used to conduct this study was the eleventh grade students of SMA Negeri 1 Kutowinangun in the academic year of 2014/2015. There are 7 classes of eleventh grade. The total number of the population was 277 students. In selecting the sample, the researcher used cluster random sampling.

  This technique requires groups or clusters in taking the sample based on the groups that have already existed in the population. In this case, the researcher took one class as sample; it was class XI IPA 1 which consisted of 40 students. In this research, the researcher used one test type only. It was a multiple choice test. In conclusion, there was improvement of students‟ reading comprehension scores through paraphrasing and the difference means between pre-test and post-test was statistically significant. So, using paraphrasing technique can effectively improve the students‟ reading comprehension skills of hortatory exposition text. b. Dwi Yunitasari (2015)

  The objective of this research is to improve reading comprehension of the Second Grade students at SMP N 15 Yogyakarta. The strategy implemented was RAP (Read-Ask-Paraphrase) strategy. In conducting this research, the researcher applied Classroom Action Research (CAR). The subjects of this research were 36 students of the eighth E class of SMP N 15 Yogyakarta. The researcher was helped by the English teacher as a collaborator. The data were collected through classroom observation, interviews and tests.

  The types of the data were quantitative and qualitative data. The quantitative data were obtained from tests and they were in the form of students‟ scores. The qualitative data were collected through classroom observation and interviews. With regard to the application of the two cycles, the results of the research reveal that the use of RAP strategy successfully improves the students‟ reading comprehension skills. This strategy helps the students improve their enthusiasm and attention in the process of teaching and learning English, especially reading comprehension.

1) Som e Pertinent Idea a.

  Concept of Reading

1) Definition of Reading

  Reading is one of the four skills in learning English. Some linguistics gave some definitions of reading that may help us to get clearer description. According to Harris and Sipay (1980: 9), reading print or written verbal symbols. In line with this idea, Callahan and Clark (1982: 260) stated that, reading is an active process in which people attempt to extract ideas, concepts, thoughts, or images from the pattern of words set forth on the printed page. Another definition of reading is stated by Martha Rapp Ruddell (2005: 31) she explains that, reading is the act of constructing meaning while transacting with text.

  The reader makes meaning through the combination of prior knowledge and previous experience; information available in text; the stance he or she takes in relationship to the text; and immediate remembered, or anticipated social interaction and communication.

  From the arguments above it can be said that reading is the act of getting the meaning from written texts. Reading has a very important role in learning English as a foreign language. English texts enrich the learners with new vocabularies, structure of English sentences, and also the knowledge of its culture. By reading books in English, they can study more about the components for language such as vocabulary, pronunciation, and structure.

2) Reading Comprehension

  Reading comprehension is the degree to which we understand what we read. There are some researchers‟ statements about comprehension as follows: a.

  Reading comprehension is most likely to occur when students are reading what they want to read. (Simanjuntak, 1988: 4) b.

  Comprehension involves almost every type of “understanding or thinking”. (Carnine, Silbert and Kameenui, 1990:40) c.

  Reading Comprehension instruction is something a teacher does that ought to help children acquire the ability to understand or work out the meaning of connected text (Carnine, Silbert, and Kameenui 1990:40) Based on the definitions above, the researcherassumes that reading comprehension is about understanding the content of a written text. It relates to the effort to get information and the author‟s intended meaning of a text. Comprehension in reading becomes important because it makes the readers have meaningful reading. In other word, their reading is not useless.

3) Reading Technique

  Reading technique is technique which helps you to read in a very efficient way. By doing the right technique, hopefully, the readers can maximize the reading and reach the purpose of reading.

  There are some kinds of reading techniques. Tanner and Green (1988: 62) mentioned kinds of reading techniques and their purposes.


  Skimming. Skimming is reading a text quickly to get a general idea of meaning. b.

  Scanning. Scanning is reading a passage quickly to find specific information of a text.


  Contextual guessing. Contextual guessing is a technique by making guess about the meaning of words by looking at the surrounding words or situation.


  Cloze procedure. Cloze procedure is doing by filling in the blank exercise. The readers try to fill in some words that are omitted.

  This technique is designed to measure how well the reader understands how a text is linked together.


  Outlining. Outlining is note taking. It is designed to help the reader see the overall organization of a text.


  Paraphrasing. Paraphrasing is the ability to say or write ideas in others words. The purpose of this technique is to measure the reader understanding the main ideas of a text.


  Scrambled story. Scrambled story is also called as „jigsaw reading‟. In this technique, the reader re-orders the mixed up pieces of a text to show that he is able to make a text fits together.


  Information transfer. Information transfer is exercise which requires readers to transfer information from the text into another form of related text or drawing, e.g. filling in a chart and tracing a route on a map. It is designed to measure the readers‟ i.

  Making inferences. Practically, this technique can be seen as reading between the lines. The reader understands what is meant but not stated in a passage. j.

  Intensive reading. Intensive reading is reading carefully for complete, detailed comprehension, for example, main ideas and vocabulary. k.

  Extensive reading. Extensive reading is reading widely in order to improve reading comprehension, reading speed, and vocabulary. l.

  Passage completion. Passage completion is finishing a reading passage orally or in writing. It involves predicting a logical or suitable conclusion based on a thorough understanding of the text. (Grabe and Stoller, 2002: 19) The focus of this study is on using paraphrasing to improve students‟ reading comprehension skills of narrative text.

  Reading is a complex process. Students sometimes find out some difficulties in reading. Some students are not enthusiast while they are assigned to read some texts. To increase their enthusiasm, students have to select and use the appropriate strategies for them.

  Students should know what the benefits they got after doing reading activity. According to Harmer (1998:68), one of the reasons students have to learn English text is because of the study purpose. Moreover, interesting topics, stimulate discussion, excite imagination responses and the text become the springboard for well-rounded fascinating lesson. In academic context, reading skill is very essential. It is similar to Grebe‟s statement (2009: 5) that reading is a process in which readers learn something from what they need and involve in academic context as a part of education. Therefore, to access that knowledge in academic context, students need to have good reading skills.

  According to Brown (2000: 306-311), the following presents ten strategies which can be applied in the teaching reading comprehension in the classroom: 1.

  Identifying the purpose in reading By recognizing the purpose of what the reader reads, the reader can overlook the unwanted distraction or information. By doing this, students know what information they need in reading the texts (Brown,2000: 306)

2. Using graphemic rules and patterns to aid in bottom up decoding

  (especially for the beginning level learners). At the beginning levels of learning English, one of the difficulties that students encounter in learning to read is making the correspondences between spoken and written English. Here, teacher needs to teach how to read the sound words with sort vowel sound such as (bat, leg, wish, etc) and the sound words with final silent “e” such as

  3. Using efficient silent reading techniques for relatively rapid comprehension (for intermediate to advanced levels). In advanced learner, a teacher can apply reading fast to reduce time consuming in reading. Readers do not need to pronounce every word and do not need to know the meaning of every word but the comprehension of the text is more important (Brown, 2000: 306).

  4. Skimming the text for the main ideas. Skimming is one of the most valuable reading strategies for readers. It is reading through a text to get an overall idea of the contents that is the gist of the passage. It gives readers the advantages of being able to guess the purpose of the passage, the main topic, or massage and possibly some of the developing or supporting ideas (Brown, 2000: 308).

  5. Scanning the text for specific information. Scanning is quickly searching for some particular piece or pieces of information that the reader needs in reading a text. The scanning exercises may ask students to look for names or dates, to find a definition of a key concept, or to list a certain number of supporting details. It is very important reading skill that is frequently used for real-life purposes (Brown,2000: 308).

  6. Using semantic mapping or clustering. Readers can resume the long string of ideas or events by grouping the important key of mapping, or grouping ideas into meaningful clusters, helps the readers remember the contents of the text (Brown, 2000: 308).

7. Guessing when you are not certain

  Brown (2000: 309) states that guess is an extremely broad category. Learners can use guessing to their advantages to: a) guess the meaning of a word, b) guess grammatical relationship (e.g., a pronoun reference), c) guess a discourse relationship, d) infer implied meaning (“between the lines”), e) guess about a cultural reference and f) guess content massages. There are some discussions about strategies in reading that can assist students in the classroom. It is necessary for a reader to utilize reading strategy in order to understand the written message. Thus, students should know and understand the reading strategies in order to be a proficient reader. However, it belongs to the students themselves to determine and select the effective and appropriate reading strategies for them .

4) Teaching Reading

a. Principle of Teaching Reading

  Reading is a complex process. There are a lot of subskills and strategies of reading that students should know. These order to help students master these skills, a good teacher should know first the principles of teaching reading. Understanding the principles of teaching reading can help a teacher design and practice a reading lesson. Nation (2009:6-8) states that there are four strands of principles of teaching reading. They are explained as below:

  1. Meaning-Focused Input This strand of principles has three issues. First, the activities in reading should be done for a range of reading purposes. These purposes consist of reading to search for information, reading to learn, reading for fun, reading to integrate information, reading to critique text, and reading to write. Second, a teacher should design a reading lesson that suits with his or her s tudents‟ language proficiency level. And the last, reading should be used as a way of developing language proficiency and developing reading subskills.

  2. Meaning-Focused Output Meaning-focused output principle emphasized how reading can be related to other language skills. A teacher should design activities that do not only involve reading skills, but also involve the others language skills (listening, speaking, and writing). It is because each skill is connected with each

  3. Language-Focused Learning There are four issues which are emphasized in this strand of principle. The first issue is that a teacher should help students to develop the skills and knowledge needed for effective reading. The lesson should work on the subskills of reading and the features needed to read, including phonemic awareness activities, phonics, vocabulary learning using word cards and grammar study. The reading strategies should be mastered by the teacher. Moreover, activities that integrate a range of strategies should also be given to students. Finally, students should be introduced with a various text structure, such as narrative or descriptive.

  4. Fluency Development Fluency development principal has some crucial issues.

  First, a teacher should help and persuade students to develop their fluency in reading. Second, a teacher should give extensive reading activities. Third, the reading process should engage and encourage students‟ enjoyment and enthusiasm.

  These strands of teaching reading principles can help a teacher design a well-thought out reading lesson. A teacher can consider the important points in teaching reading, such as designing activities that relates not only one skill, but also the other skills. The principles should guide a teacher in teaching reading.

b. Teaching Reading at the Senior High Schools

  The curriculum of 2013 is not implemented in every school in Indonesia. Later, there is a swift of curriculum from the curriculum of 2013 into School- Based Curriculum in schools in Indonesia included Pesantren MANAHILIL ULUM GUPPI Samata TK. 1 Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan. The government has chosen several schools to implement this curriculum. Pesantren MANAHILIL ULUM GUPPI Samata TK. 1 Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan has been selected to be one of the schools that were still continuing the implementation of the Curriculum of 2013.

  The curriculum of 2013 is used as the guide for the teaching and learning implementation in all levels of educational institution including primary school and High School. This new reform is believed as the one more effective in enhancing the learning process than the current curriculum. The different between the curriculum of 2013 and the curriculum of 2006 is that the curriculum of 2013 adds some characteristics that are not stated in the earlier curriculum. According to Peraturan Menteri

  Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan No. 68 tahun 2013, the curriculum

  of 2013 does not just focus on knowledge competences but also

  There are three components of English subject in Senior high school. First, the expression ability which concerns in the ability to understand and produced speech and written text and it is realized in four skills. Then, it also has comprehension and production ability of a various short functional and monolog texts. The texts consist of some genre such as procedure, descriptive, recount, narrative and report. For the last, it has the supporting competences, such as linguistic competence (vocabulary, phonetic, the use of grammar and structure), socio cultural competence (the use of expression and written language receive in various context communication), strategy competence (strategy to overcome problems which occur in communication process) and building expression competence (the use of instruments of expression competence). In the curriculum of 2013, the content of teaching learning materials seems look simple than before. Here, teachers were asked to be creative, teachers should develop their teaching materials from the book.

  Teachers should let the students more active in the teaching and learning process. There are so many ways and strategies that can be used by teachers in teaching learning process. They can freely select the appropriate teaching strategy according to the students‟ characteristics and also depending on the materials teaching methods that are going to be used in delivering the teaching material.


  Concept of Paraphrasing

1) Definition of Paraphrase

  There are some definitions of paraphrase. Paraphrase is restatement of a text or passages, using other words. The term "paraphrase" derives from the Latin "paraphrasis" from the Greek

  para phraseïn , meaning "additional manner of expression". The act

  of paraphrasing is also called "paraphrasis." Then, in Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary, paraphrase defined as expressing the meaning of something written or said, using different words, especially in order to make it easier to understand. From the explanation above, it can be said that paraphrase is re-expressing another‟s ideas using your own words but still keep the original meaning.

  Paraphrasing is the restating or the rewriting of a text into one‟s own words (DET, WA.2004). Munro (2004: 836) also states that it involves readers retelling a sentence in their own words. Their task is to generate a literal representation of a sentence read by substituting as many of the words and phrases in it. This strategy is one that may be explicitly taught to support both the development of oral language and reading comprehension. verbalize their understandings. Students need to be encouraged and taught how to look at words in a context and then to talk about them, as comprehension depends on processing at a word or sentence level.

  The intervention strategy, paraphrasing, is a while reading strategy used to help make sense of the text. If the stages of reading are looked at, paraphrasing is found at the sentence level within the levels of text processing, Munro (2005:91). It would be hoped though, that within the present study, the students‟ attempts to paraphrase would progress from the sentence to the paragraph.

2) How to Paraphrase

  To paraphrase means to express someone else's ideas in your own words. It is different from just quoting or summarizing in that you must read and comprehend the material in order to write your own version of what it says. Paraphrase give clarity when the original passage is vague. The followings are the steps of how to paraphrase properly: a.

  Quickly review the passage to get a sense of the whole, and then go through the passage carefully, sentence by sentence.


  State the ideas in your own words, defining words as needed.


  If necessary, edit for clarity, but don't change the meaning.


  If you borrow phrases directly, put them in quotation marks. e.

  Check your paraphrase against the original for accurate tone and meaning." (R. Vandermey, The College Writer. Houghton, 2007)

  3) The Need of Paraphrasing in Reading Comprehension

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