PROS Maria VR, Alz DW Penggunaan Fungsi Rasional abstract

Seminar Nasional Pengaplikasian Telematika SINAPTIKA - Jakarta -21 September 2013 - ISSN 2086-8251

Penggunaan Fungsi Rasional, Logaritma Kuadrat,
dan Polinomial Orde-5 dalam Modifikasi

Kriptografi Caesar Cipher
Maria Voni Rachmawati;, Alz Danny Wowor2
Jurusan Teknik Informatika, Fakultas Teknologi Informasi, Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana

Staffpengajar Fakultas Teknologi Informasi, Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana2
Jl. Diponegoro 52-60, Salatiga 50711, Indonesia

Email: , alzdanny.wr@gmail.com2
Abstract - Caesar cipher is a substitution
cryptography in which each letter of plain text will
be replaced with a new letter in cipher text. Because
there is a linear relationship between the plain text
and the cipher text, which is the modulus 26,
cryptanalysis and brute force attack can break this
cryptography easily. This research discusses the
modification of Caesar Cipher using rational

functions, logarithmic equation and fifth order
polynomial as the key. Cryptography process is
designed to produce five rounds of plaintext and
ciphertext. As a result, the modification can
withstand cryptanalysis and brute force attack.
Keywords: Caesar Cypher. Cryptography and
Cryptanalysis, Rational functions, Logarithmic
equation, Fifth Order Polynomial