What happen with error code bX l4u1mh page elements (Problem in blogger)

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What happen with error code bX-l4u1mh page elements (Problem in blogger)
On Decemeber 12 2011 bloggers around the world are reporting an error on the display page elements with error code: bX-l4u1mh,
until this morning there has been no solution to fix / Repair this problem , my own access http://support.google.com and look for
this issue and have not found the cause and how to overcome them. in the Blogger help and Help forums I found a nearly 40 similar
questions and no one solution to this problem. Knownissues.blogspot.com
http://knownissues.blogspot.com/2011/12/some-users-are-reporting-bx-l4u1mh-when.html writter write like this Some users are
reporting bX-l4u1mh Pls editing the layout of Their blog. We're Investigating the issue and Will report back assoon as We have
more information.Thanks for your patience.There is only one answer from the party that is waiting for blogger.comUpdateHow To
fix this problemThis problem can repair with change browserFisrt log out your account and open again with other browser exemple
(mozilla, EI, opera) after you log in you must log out from (mozilla, EI, opera) and log in again with browser google crome and
look your page elemnets is normal. thanks.

bX-l4u1mh BEFORE FIX

AFTER FIXIf problem again try open this URL and follow intruction there if you succes dont forget comment here ]How To Fix
Error Code bX-l4u1mh in your blogspot]

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