2017 NIRT Admission Brochure for International Students

南京铁道职业技术学院 2017 年外国留学生招生简章
2017 Admission Brochure for International Students
Applying for Nanjing Institute of Railway Technology
学院简介 Brief Introduction
南京铁道职业技术学院 以 简 学院 是经江苏省人民政府批准 立 国家教育部
备案的一所 办 科层次的全日制 通高校,地处经济最发达的长江 角洲南京,是 国
业轨道交通高等职业技术学院,始建于 1941 年 学院占地面 1146 亩,在校学生 1 万
余人 建校 70 多年来,学院已经为社会培养了 7 万多 轨道交通中高
门人才 在全球
轨道交通尤 是高速铁路大发展的背
,将为各国培养和输送各类应用型 业人才
学院设 运输管理学院 通信信号学院 机车车辆学院 供电 工程学院 经 学院
软件 艺术设计学院 个
管理 铁道通信信号 铁道机车车辆 国际商 等 26 个 业 41 个 业方向
Nanjing Institute of Railway Technology(NIRT), approved by the Government of Jiangsu
Province and filed on record in the National Education of Ministry, is a Full-time governmental
higher vocational college. Founded in 1941, it locates in Yangtze River Delta Nanjing, which is
the most dynamic and developed region in China in terms of economy, and it is recognized as
professional Rail Transport Institute of Higher Vocational and Technical Education. The campus
covers an area of 1146 mu(764,003.82 square meters), boasting more than 10,000 full time

students. In the past 70 years,NIRT has cultivated more than 70,000 intermediate and advanced
rail transit specialized personnel for society. Under the background of global rail transit
development and especially the development of high speed railway, NIRT will cultivate and
provide all kinds of applied professionals for various countries.
NIRT has six secondary schools: School of Transportation Management, School of
Communication Signals, School of Locomotive and Vehicle, School of Power Supply and
Engineering, School of Economics and Trade and School of Software and Arts Design, facing rail
transit industry and local economy. In general, it offers 26 majors and 41 major directions such as
Operation and Management of Railway Transportation, Communication Signal, Railway
Locomotive and Vehicle and International Business to serve rail transit industry and regional


业 Majors
Secondary Schools


School of Transportation Management

Operation and Management of Railway Transportation

经 学院
School of Economics and Trade

International Business


招生人数 Enrollment
2017年计划面向印度尼西亚 泰国 老挝招收外国留学生共计25 ,限 述 业
NIRT plans to enroll 25 overseas students in total from Indonesia, Thailand, Lao PDR who apply
for the above majors in 2017.

四 奖学金
Scholarship and Other fees
1. 奖学金 本校提供 25 留学生在 校学习期间奖学金,以免收 3 年的学
Scholarship: we offer scholarship for 25 international students during the study to cover their
tuition and accommodation for 3 years.
预收教材 500 元人民 /年,按实计
本校餐厅全天供应, 用自理,大
需要 800 元人民 /
它生活 丰 自便
Other fees: pre-pay textbooks 500 RMB per year, pay as the real need; Cafeteria supply for about
800 RMB per month; other living expense as you like.
400 元人民 /人
Registration fee: 400 RMB per person.
五 入学要求 Admission Requirements

高中毕业或 等学力,品行端 ,身体健康,年龄在22周岁以 的印度尼西亚 泰
国 老挝青年
Indonesian, Thai and Lao students under 22 years old with high school diploma, and in good
health and good character.
2. 参 HSK 考试 程度在 3
含 3 或汉语相 程度 以
Students who have taken HSK test and have the certificate of band 3 or higher (or with equivalent
考学生无色盲 色弱 双眼矫 视力
于 4.8
All the majors require applicants without color blindness or color weakness, vision correction of
both eyes is more than 4.8.
项 Application
时间 2017 年秋季 9
2 日入学,
截 时间为 2017 年 6

20 日
Time: Application for scholarship students ends on June 20, 2017.
2. 注意 项 Notice
时,须提供本人 照副本 高中毕业证书副本,一
面半身免冠照 两张及入
学申请表一份,学生可将以 材料的电子文本 时发送电邮至邮箱 baomw@126.com
When applied, students are required to offer a copy of passport and high school diploma. 2 photos
of 1-inch front side upper half body without hats and a copy of admission application form. The
electronic texts of above material are required to send to mailbox sienirt@163.com
baomw@126.com as well.
2 凡是被 校录取者,均寄发 校中英文
If admitted, all students will receive Admission Letter in both Chinese and English issued by

3 新生应按入学通知书规定的时间准时入学 无故逾期两周 到校 到者按自动失去入
New students should enter college according to date specified in the Letter of Admission.

Students who don't register within two weeks and without valid reasons will lose admission
4 入学两周内,学校将组织身体检查,检查结果合格者,方能 式获得入学资格
The school will organize Physical Check within two weeks, and those who pass the checkup will
formally obtain their entry qualifications.
七 学制 毕业 继续学习 Education System, Graduation and Further Study
1. 学
制 3年 2017年9 -2020年6
Education system: 3 years (September, 2017 -June, 2020), For the first academic year, students
will receive Intensive Chinese Study.
2. 毕业证书 按规定 满课程学分 论文 绩合格者,由南京铁道职业技术学院颁发中英
文 照的大 毕业证书
Diploma: those who finish all the credits and get a qualified paper grade will get the associate
degree in Chinese and English issued by Nanjing Institute of Railway Technology.
3. 继续学习 获得本校毕业证书 可申请升入中国本科院校,学制2年攻读学士学 ,学
按所升入本科院校的收 标准缴纳
Further study: NIRT will assist students who are willing and qualified to study at the
undergraduate university in China. It will be a 2 more years' study for a bachelor's degree. The
tuition is required according to the standard of the undergraduate university applied.

招生联系 Contact
学校地址 中国江苏省南京 浦口区珍珠南路 65 号国际教育学院
联 系 人 张老师 吴老师
招生邮箱 sienirt@163.com
招生电话 0086-25-68533186 68533099
Address: School of International Cooperation, Nanjing Institute of Railway Technology, 65 Pearl
South Road, Pukou District, Nanjing, Jiangsu, China 210031
Contacts: Ms. Zhang; Mr. Wu
E-mail: sienirt@163.com
Telephone: 0086-25-68533186 68533099