The Culprit Behind Throat Cancer Trend

The Culprit Behind Throat Cancer Trend
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The comparison between the decreasing number of head and neck cancer cases against the stagnan

infections, throat cancer, prevention

Article Body:
Despite the active campaign on cancer prevention, the incidence of throat cancers in the Unite
It is being investigated if infections with the sexually transmitted human papilloma virus (HP
Early findings emphasize the importance of research directed at establishing if the newly avai
At present, tobacco use and drinking alcohol are ranked as the biggest risk factors for head a
The newly published analysis of head and neck cancer trends in the U.S. showed that the declin
Although these cancers are rare, their incidence has remained steady, overall, while tongue ca
Over the last five years, 35% of the throat cancer patients treated at M.D. Anderson Cancer Ce
The current policy in the U.S. is to recommend HPV vaccine only to young girls aged 11 to 12 y
ˆThe HPV vaccine could be a very effective protection against cervical cancer, and there is a

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