Index of /papers/Health_Fitness Give up smoking

Give up smoking!
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Give up smoking! You think it’s hard? Wait till you see the tools in my site!

Give up smoking!

Article Body:
If you ask yourself why you should give up smoking just take a look at the risks and costs of
Chemicals in Tobacco Smoke

In tobacco smoke are over 4,000 chemicals like carbon monoxide which is a colourless, odourles

Another harmful ingredient within cigarette smoke is hydrogen cyanide, a colourless gas that e

And let us not forget about nicotine, the reason why cigarettes are as addictive as they are (
Costs of Smoking

If you want to give up smoking, just think about the costs of smoking, and I am not just talki
Second-hand Smokers

Smoking also affect your love ones not only you. Non-smokers are also exposed to the 4,000 che

But it´s not all doom, the minute you give up smoking your body starts to recover; your circul

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