What Every Woman Needs to Know to Stay Healthy

What Every Woman Needs to Know to Stay Healthy
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What Women Want??? This article is about women´s health. What they need and they should be doi

Health, Woman, Women, Diet, Nutrition

Article Body:
There are hundreds and thousands of articles, books, media sources and materials available in
From ages 1-10
Staying healthy and starting healthy habits begins the minute we are born. What can we do for
Ages 11-20

Good health is critical for young women. It´s important to remember a few key things about thi
Ages 20-39

If a female person is developmentally on course and is dedicated to maintaining optimum health


Eat healthy foods. Avoiding unhealthy fats and consuming raw fruits and vegetables go
Watch your dieting habits. While there are many diet plans out there, the simplest is
Exercise. Whether you are a regular attendee at the local gym or you workout at home,
Park in the last open parking space far away from the storefront and walk.

At home, grab some large juice bottles that have the indented areas for carrying or mi
Take the stairs instead of elevators in public places
Take a stroll through your neighborhood every night after dinner
Visit your gynecologist every year for a PAP test (more often if your doctor suggests
Perform your own self-breast exams.
Make an appointment at age 39 for your first mammogram.
Take regular multi vitamins every day. Add other supplements including calcium, Fish
Not least of all, are these tips to good health that most informational sources rarely
Find a spiritual path or connection. These are highly personal so I won´t offer any s
Keep your mental health a priority. Talk to a professional therapist if you need some
Avoid unhealthy relationships. If you are being abused in any manner by anyone, seek

While all these ˆtips˜ for the age 20-39 group will keep a woman in optimum health, most of th
Ages 40-100
These are the years that many women claim that they become wiser.

Some even claim that it is

From ages 40-50 a woman can expect pre-menopausal symptoms. Again, the changes that occur in a

While awareness of the importance of calcium and its consumption should be well established by
In summation:

Keep exercising but know your limitations
Continue getting mammograms
Keep eating healthy. If you like gardening, that´s light exercise and you can eat hea


Stay socially active

Women are living longer.

We are living longer because the importance of diet, exercise, vitam

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