The Role of a Content Aggregator at PT. Aksara Solopos BAB 0

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There are no special words than a thank you for Jesus Christ who holds my hand
and let me finish this final report. Everyone who loves and cares with me even when I
cannot be a good person all the time,
1. The Dean of Faculty of Cultural Sciences Prof. Drs. Riyadi Santosa, M.Ed.,
Ph.D who approved this final report.
2. The Head of English Department Agus Dwi Priyatno, SS, M.Call who gave
me the direction about the internship and this final report.
3. My final Report Consultant, Drs. Sugiyarto Budi Waskito, M.Pd who helped
me and checked this final report patiently until being a flawless one
4. All the lecturers of English Diploma Program who gave me all their incredible
knowledge, unforgettable experience and greatest support, especially my
Academic Consultant, Drs. Hendarto Rahardjo, M.A.
5. PT. Aksara Solopos, which let me join their delightful team of
6. Mom, who believes in me that I can grab all of my dreams
7. Dad, who makes me independent through let me choose my own path
8. My brothers and my sisters, who protect me all the time with their
unbreakable shield
9. My truly friends, all the members of NR (Angelita Noer Setyaradita, Resti

Oktaviani, Elmi Candrasari, Eny Ariyanti Putri, Lusiana Barek Payong and
Fransiska Darwanti) who always by my side with their sense of humor
10. Erlissa Florencia, who accompanies me till almost dawn and cheers me harder
than cheerleaders
11. My internship group, Affroh Ellyfa, Ardhon Purtama Putra, and Dhika Intan
who were struggle and laugh with me as long as the internship
12. Ajeng Nastiti, Alini Sanda WB, Dewi Ratnasari, Agusta Kurniawan, Setyoko
and Sony Hendriyanto who cheer me up with their appearance
13. The last but not least, all of my best friends around the world who always
remember me, especially Sofia Murtioni Simanjuntak

Surakarta, July 12, 2016

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Claudia Noventa

Claudia Noventa, 2016. The Role of a Content Aggregator at PT. Aksara
Solopos, English Diploma Program, Faculty of Cultural Sciences, Sebelas Maret
This report is written based on the internship at PT. Aksara Solopos starting from
January 20th to March 19th, 2016. The writer did the internship at PT. Aksara Solopos as
a content Aggregator in is a digital newspaper of daily
newspaper Solopos that serve national and international news.The objective is to share
the experience that the writer got during the internship. This report is intended to
describe the activities of the writer during the internship, especially the role of a content
aggregator in, such as produced news by translating English sources,
monitoring videos, or monitoring social media. This report explained also about the
process when producing news.
There were several problems that the writer faced during the internship. The
problems were the lack of vocabularies, the issue of news, the double of news issue, the
lack of time management, the limited of work equipments, the length of the news, and
the periode of the news. The writer presented solutions of the problems. This report
presented also about the profile of PT. Aksara Solopos.

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APPROVAL ............................................................................................................ ii
ACCEPTANCE ...................................................................................................... iii
ACKNOWLEDGMENT ........................................................................................ iv
ABSTRACT ............................................................................................................ v
TABLE OF CONTENTS ....................................................................................... vi
Chapter 1 Introduction............................................................................................. 1
Chapter 2 PT. Aksara Solopos ................................................................................ 4
A. Profile of PT. Aksara Solopos ........................................................................ 5
B. The Vision and Mission of PT. Aksara Solopos……………...……………..6
C. Management of PT. Aksara Solopos .............................................................. 6
D. The duty of employees.............................................................. 8

Chapter 3 Intership Activities.................................................................................. 9
A. Activities in General ....................................................................................... 9
B. Producing News by English Sources ............................................................ 13
1.Table of Translation Result ……………………………..……..………14
2. The Result of The News that was Reproduced…………..……………16
C. Producing News by Monitoring Video .................................................... ….17
D. Producing News by Monitoring Social Media ............................................. 17
1.Table of Translation Result ………..…………………………………18
2. The result of The News that was Reproduced……………………….19
E. Making A Long News About Sport as Additional Task ............................... 20
F. Problems during Internship ........................................................................... 21
Chapter 4 Conclusion and Recommendation ........................................................ 24
A. Conclusion .................................................................................................... 24
B. Recommendation .......................................................................................... 24
References ............................................................................................................. 26
Appendices ............................................................................................................ 27

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