Profile of The Operative Treatment of Intertrochanter Femur Fracture from January 2010 until Desember 2013 in Sanglah General Hospital.

Profile of The Operative Treatment of Intertrochanter Femur Fracture
from January 2010 – Desember 2013 in Sanglah General Hospital
Putu Feryawan Meregawa *, I Wayan Subawa **
**Orthopaedic and Traumatology Resident, Udayana University, Sanglah General Hospital, Denpasar
*Orthopaedic and Traumatology Staff, Udayana University, Sanglah General Hospital, Denpasar

History : Sixty five patients who had intertrochanter femur fracture from January 2010 until
December 2013 had collected from the operating central room reports. This mini research is
the descriptive retrospective study, which had researched the variables about sex, age, and
operation technique. For analyzed this study, we used the spss 16.0 program.
Interesting Points For Discussion: Intertrochanter femur fracture affects approximately
252.000 occur each year in the united states, & has responsible for approximately 3.5 million
hospital days in United States. Intertrochanter femur fracture is the important pillar for weight
bearing of the body which is has a lot of dynamic stress, pathological strain, physiological
strain and trauma. This area is always gets injured and fractured due to high velocity trauma
in younger people and trivial trauma in the older people.
Final Outcome : From the sex variables, we identified that male had the intertrochanter
femur fracture more than female (69.2% : 30.8%). From the age variables, we had : 3,1%
(child), 29,2% (adult) and 67,7% (elderly). And for the operation technique, we had 1.5%
(Buttress), 1.5% (THR), 1.5% (Trochanteric Plate), 3% (Screwing), 10% (Plate Screwing),

18.5% (Hemiarthroplasty Bipolar), 18.5 (Hemiarthroplasty AMP) and 27.7% (DHS).
Solution and Rationale : Intertrochanter femur fractures are most common in elderly,
osteoporotic people, and treat with ORIF DHS to give free to move in bed immediately after
operation, may be out of bed in chair within a few days, and may be allowed to walk bearing
partial weight on on the injured limb with the help of cruthches or walker in a few weeks.
However, in the recent theory told female is afflicted as often as male. This is not compatible
with this mini research.
Keywords : Intertrochanter Femur, Fracture, Operative Treatments