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Students’ Perceptions on the Use of Film as a Media in EFL Classroom

Submitted in Partial Fulfillment
of the Requirements for the Degree of
Sarjana Pendidikan

Frizka Amalia Rizki



Students’ Perceptions on the Use of Film as a Media in EFL Classroom

Submitted in Partial Fulfillment

of the Requirements for the Degree of
Sarjana Pendidikan

Frizka Amalia Rizki







Frizka Amalia Rizki

This research was intended to investigate students’ perception of the use of film as a
media in English as a Foreign Language (EFL) classroom in SMK N 2 Salatiga, one
of vocational high schools in Salatiga, Central Java, Indonesia. There are many kinds
of media that are used as tools in English a Foreign Language (EFL) Classroom, one
of the media, which is used in EFL classroom, is film. This study involves seventy
(68 males and 2 females) participants from two EFL classrooms of Senior High
School level. In obtaining the data, a questionnaire is developed. The participants
were asked some questions about their perceptions of the use of films after they were
taught through film for several times in their EFL classroom. The result shows that
films can be used as the media in EFL classroom in this school and can be accepted
by the students. The result also reveals that the students believed that films are
helpful and interesting them in learning English as a Foreign Language. This study is
important to be studied to find the benefits on the use of film as a media in EFL
classroom, It is hoped that the result of this study can be useful for both of teachers
who are teaching English as a Foreign Language and also to the students in learning

English as a Foreign Language because other teachers would realize whether yes or
not they will used film as media in their own teaching situation.
Key words: films, perception, media, English as a Foreign Language (EFL)

Nowadays, film is one of the communication technologies which serve as a
helpful tool in learning English as a Foreign Language (EFL). The new era challenges
the teacher to use the technology in order to create an enjoyable situation for the


students in learning English as a Foreign Language (EFL) classroom. Film is one of
the media that might be helpful in learning EFL for the students.
Film provides particularly rich raw material for EFL learner and popular with
the students and teachers alike (Ling, 2009, p. 18). Since there are moving pictures
and also sounds on it, it is hoped that the students will learn English as a Foreign
Language (EFL) in interesting way since this subject sometimes become difficult to
learn for some students which are used Bahasa Indonesia as their first language.
This can be seen from the fact that film provides continuous to “reallanguage” which used in real condition and in the cultural context which the foreign
language is spoken and it was also found that films catch the learners’ interest and

give the positive effect in their motivation to learn the foreign language
(Kusumarasdyati, 2004, p.1) It is a fact that while watching film, students are
providing a real language communication that happened on the film. The term real
language in this study is the English language that becomes one of the subjects for the
students in a foreign language classroom.
Some studies also show that films bring many advantages in the learning
process. For example, the study that has been done by Istanto (2009), which used
Indonesian films to teach students in Bahasa Indonesia, programmed for the
Singapore students at the National University of Singapore. Although the target
language is not English, but this research proves that films can be utilized to motivate


the students in learning the target language and also the culture. Another study done
by Stewart (2006) which is showing that film can help the Taiwan students’
university to improve their grammar, vocabulary, reading, writing, and also speaking
or conversation skills in learning English as a Foreign Language (EFL). Although
those examples are coming from different countries, I believe that it was necessary to
carry out additional research on a similar topic in Indonesian context.
From the background of the study that has been explained before, this study

addressed the following research question, “What are the students’ perceptions on the
use of film as a media in English as a Foreign Language (EFL) Classroom in SMK N
2 Salatiga?”.
This study is important to be studied to find the benefits on the use of film as a
media in EFL classroom, It is hoped that the result of this study can be useful for both
of teachers who are teaching English as a Foreign Language and also to the students
in learning English as a Foreign Language because other teachers would realize
whether yes or not they will used film as media in their own teaching situation. In
addition, this study is also hoped will give a contribution in English education to
improve the quality of both teachers and learners.
Definition of Film


Film is a kind of visual images that provide visual of expressions and present
an impact of reality (Dadabhoy, 2012, p. 44). In other words, film is a kind of series
images that can create a sound and moving images like a real action that happened on
the reality.
The Use of Film as a Media in English as a Foreign Language (EFL) Classroom

According to Ling (2009), there are three functions of using film in the EFL
classroom. First, film is helping learners improve comprehension and aid in the
retention of information which means films are helping students improving their
concentration and gaining information. Second, film is helping learners be aware of
English intonation that means that films are allowed the learners to see body rhythm
and speech in the foreign language that they’re have been learning. Last, film is
stimulating and motivating students’ interest in target language learning that means
that films are giving the students a better understanding and meaning in learning the
Foreign Language.
English seems to be one of the problems that faced by some Indonesian
students that learn it as a foreign language. Film might be one of the media that can
help the students face this problem. (PhD. Xhemaili, 2013) found that films offer a
visual context aids which help the students improving their communication and
reading skills. In his study, he found that films are helpful for the students to prepare
their reading skills. In other words, by watching films students can access, view, and
repeat the text which is richly contextualized by good features of accompanying


visual and textual information. When reading a text, the features of a film can help

the students connect new information which may they have not the background idea
and also adapt their different feelings to the text at hand. It means that film could give
a wonderful opportunity for students to gain background understanding to combine
with their own according to a story or a concept on that film (Gambrell & Jawitz,
1993, as cited in Ismaili, 2013, p.123).
Films are kinds of multimedia technology being implemented in language
education as an authentic or real – life material that replicates alternative ways of
acquiring knowledge that are different with printed media or textbook. Film offers an
exploratory and motivating type of learning which are, first providing world
knowledge which is creating relational thinking and hierarchical structure based on
the phenomena that have been observed, second offering the students how to use
acquired knowledge for varying purposes, third films also inviting learners to
reinterpret, reorganize, and reconstruct a new knowledge in a new context, fourth
films are accessible material for the students, and last films are giving students new
opportunities to explore various level of understanding (adapted from Kramsch,
The use of film is giving a new dimension for the teaching resources; the
combination of moving pictures and also sounds on it can create an interesting,
living, and communicating method of learning. It was supported by the argument
from Lonergan (1998) that found the outstanding feature video of films is their ability


to show the communicative situation. Sometimes students are learning better from
words including spoken and written text and moving pictures. The use of both words
and pictures let their brains process more on working memory that can help the
students learn the language easily.
Films are ideas (Stewart, 2006). By watching the film, the students will think
critical when they are watching it in the class. It means that the students are able to
respond or examine the situation or condition while they are watching it. The
situation or conditions in here for examples are the characteristic, personal, social,
and also cultural lives. Smilanich & Lafreniere (2010) also found that the use of film
in the classroom afford an opportunity to learn something new, to learn the words and
also the techniques structured visual that they have been watched in the movie. It
means that film let the students learn something for examples are the vocabulary of
the new words and also the techniques in speaking or conversation while they are
watching the film. Film helps the learner’s comprehension by enabling the learners to
listen to exchanges and see such visual supports as facial expressions and gestures at
the same time (Allan, 1985; Sherin, 1982, as cited in Kusumarasdyati, 2004, p.1). In
other words, films are one of the media that can be an excellent tool for students to

improve their listening skills in EFL classroom.
Learning Culture Through Film
Language and culture are inseparable, if we learned the language we also need
to know the culture. Kramsch (1993) said that cultural awareness and the learning of

the target culture can aid the attainment of second language proficiency. In
Kramsch’s view, second and foreign language necessarily becomes learners of the
second culture, because a language cannot be learned without an understanding of
cultural context in which it is used. In other words, if the learners learned foreign
language, they also should know the culture in the foreign language that they’ve
learned. Learners should be aware of cultural differences between his/her culture and
the target culture (Istanto, 2009). Without this knowledge it can create an awkward
situation between the two countries which has different cultures. This could be useful
if the learners do not have to change with experience in the target country, one of the
way to introduce and to learn the culture.
This section discusses the use of film as a media in EFL classroom in SMK N
2 Salatiga. I distributed the questionnaires after the students have been finished
watching the film that become one of the material in EFL classroom. This research

was a qualitative study which is to analyze and describe the students’ perceptions on
the use of film as a media in EFL classroom. This research was conducted in SMK N
2 Salatiga, one of the prominent senior high schools which Sekolah Menengah
Kejuruan (SMK) in Salatiga, Central Java.

In this research, The researcher selected two classes of eleventh – graders
students. The total of participants is 70 students. The researcher used purposive
sampling to choose the students. Purposive sampling is selecting a group of people

that can meet certain criteria (McKay, 2006, p.36 as cited in Zacharias, 2011, p.22).
The criteria here means the students who learned English as a Foreign Language and
used film as a media to learn EFL in SMK N 2 Salatiga.
Research Instrument
This research used questionnaire that consist of fifteen questions (see
appendix 1) that have been developed by the researcher. The kind of questions that

used in this questionnaire are closed – ended questions checklist which consist of
fifteen statements in the form of Likert scale. The frequency used in these

questionnaire measured by five points that strongly agree – agree, undecided,
disagree – strongly disagree. The researcher used this type of questionnaire because it
helped the researcher to categorize the students’ opinions about the use of film as a
media in EFL classroom. These questions enable the respondents to express their
perceptions freely, without restriction. In addition for practical reason, the
questionnaire is written in Indonesian. The researcher also adds three questions of
deep – interviews and chooses three participants randomly from the questionnaire
result. The researcher only chooses three participants in order to find the additional
information that will be useful to support the result from the questionnaires.
Data the collection Procedure
I started this research by meeting the headmaster to obtain permission for my
research. After that, I met an English teacher and asked him permission to attend two
English classes that have been taught by him and asked the students willingness to fill

out my questionnaires as my participants. Then I made an appointment to come to his
classes after the teacher used film as a media to learn English as a Foreign Language
and spread my questionnaires to my participants. I came to the class in the next
following day which was on Tuesday March 11, 2014. I only needed one day to
collect the data from my participants.
The questionnaires distributed to seventy students of grades XI which were
taken from two different classes. The questionnaires were distributed after the
students watched the film that has been used as a media in their EFL classroom.
Students are giving 5 – 7 minutes to fill out the questionnaires after the researcher
giving simple instructions how to fill out the questionnaires using Bahasa Indonesia.
The percentage of data return was 100% because the researcher is waiting inside the
class to collect the questionnaires after they have been done to fill out the
questionnaires. After all the questionnaires had been returned back, the data were
compiled and analyzed qualitatively. For the deep – interview, the researcher has
been chosen three students in the class in order to get detailed information that related
to the statements in the questionnaire.
Data analysis procedure
For the analysis, the data was analyzing using qualitative procedures using
questionnaires and depth – interview as tools to find the students’ opinions toward the
used of film as a media in EFL classroom. After the questionnaires collected from the


participants, the first step of data analysis is grouping responses into categories. Then,
all the data are coded to find the students’ perceptions. Later, all data obtained are
analyzed qualitatively. The closed – ended answers from the students are counted to
find the frequencies and percentages scores of the data questionnaires. The use form
of Likert scale is only to help the researcher in categorizing the data. The result of the
data will explain descriptively, and some supporting theories used in the analysis.
After analyzing the data, I found four big categories from the students’
perceptions on the use of film as a media in EFL classroom which are: Film helps the
students in learning English, Film helps the students improving students’ critical
thinking, film also helps the students in learning different culture from other
countries, and as an additional film improving students’ activity in class.
Film Helps the Students in Learning English
The first big category of the use of film as a media in EFL classroom was
helping the students in learning English and also the improvement of language skills
that they got when they used film as a media in EFL classroom. The first point of this
category: film memotivasi siswa untuk menimbulkan ketertarikan dalam mempelajari
Bahasa Inggris (motivating the students’ interest in learning English Language).

From seventy students, the result shows that thirty-seven students agreed with this
statement. In educational area, films are often seen as effective and interesting


method to improve students’ of ESL/EFL classroom such as well informed about the
target culture and creating an interesting class (Ling, 2009, p. 21). If looked at the
result that there are thirty seven students agreed and no one of the students choose
strongly disagree, it is right that film could develop the students’ in learning English
easily. Students agreed because film presentation is interesting, challenging, and
stimulating to watch. Sometimes, students were lazy when they asked to read the
printed textbook with the English inside on it. I have ever experienced this like when
I was done my teaching practicum in SMK N 2 Salatiga.
English is one of the difficult subjects to learn in this school. I have been
taught them when I was done my teaching practicum in 2012. Teacher should find
some strategies to develop the students’ motivation in learning English as a Foreign
Language. One of the strategy is using film as a teaching learning media in EFL
classroom. Since the teacher provides them with some activities after watched the
films, they were motivated to learn English as well. The finding from the first point
of this questionnaire shows that the film could develop students’ interests in learning
English as a Foreign Language.
The second point is almost the same with the previous one, film memberikan
suasana belajar yang nyaman dan menyenangkan (film could provide comfortable

and enjoyable learning situation). Feeling comfortable and enjoyable in learning is
another important point for students in learning English as a foreign language. If they
have good feelings, they will follow the lessons without being restricted. This kind of


situation also have supported theory by Ismaili (2013, p.22) who said that films are
enjoyable materials entertainment and also language acquisition. The result shows;
there are forty-two students strongly agreed with this point. The study that has been
done by Ismaili (2013, p.126) also proved that films were given the students relaxed
atmosphere in class. Throw back to the participants’ opinions that strongly agreed
with this statement, the finding shows that the film could give them relaxing learning
situation in class.
The third point from the questionnaire is film membantu siswa menemukan
kosa kata baru dalam Bahasa Inggris (Film helps the students to find new vocabulary

in the English language).
In English as a Foreign Language Learning, vocabulary not only plays an important
role, but also a difficult role for Indonesian students. English vocabulary is also
changeable, a great number of words die away and new words created, or some words
given other meanings that are sometimes confusing the students to learn and
remember those words. Years ago, students usually learned vocabulary only through
dictionary, as time goes by there are many kinds of media that supported the students
in learning English vocabulary. The example of media that used is by using film.
By watching English films, the students will hear many words and phrases.
Sometimes, in the film there were some words that repeated many times. It will help
the students remember the new words easily. The result of the study by Ismaili (2013,


p.126) shows that the students were learned new words about 3-5 times because those
words mainly repeated in the film. Such as the finding from this statement shows,
there were thirty-two participants agreed with this point.
The fourth point is film membantu siswa dalam memahami tata bahasa yang
digunakan dalam Bahasa Inggris (Film helps students understanding grammar that

used in English Language). As we know, grammar is the most difficult part to learn
in English as a Foreign Language. This one becomes the first problem in learning
English before learning vocabulary. There are forty-six students agreed that films
help them understanding grammar easily. This one is an addition statement for this
questionnaire. It is based on my experience when I was taught the students in this
school. I give them an activity to guess what kind of grammar that has been used
based on the conversation in the film that played in their EFL classroom. The result
from that experience gave me an idea to add some more benefits on the use of film as
a media in EFL classroom.
The next point, penggunaan subtitle dalam film dalam Bahasa Inggris
membantu siswa dalam mengartikan suatu percakapan yang terjadi di dalam film
dengan mudah (the use of subtitle in English help the students to translate the

conversations easily). This one is almost the same with the third point which talk
about vocabulary. The different is in the use of the subtitle that used in the film that
could help the students to translate it into Bahasa Indonesia. I add a little interview


about this statement to one of my participant in class. This is the result of the
Excerpt 1
Student A: Ya, guru kami terkadang menampilkan subtitle yang ada di dalam
salah satu film yang diputar di kelas. Tapi dia jarang memutar film
berbahasa Inggris dengan subtitle berbahasa Indonesia. Dia lebih sering
memutar film dengan subtitle berbahasa Inggris, alasannya ya.. karena dia
tidak ingin muridnya mengacu pada subtitle dengan bahasa Indonesia,
katanya ini akan membuat kami malas untuk mengartikan percakapan yang
ada dalam film tersebut.

(Yes, our teacher sometimes show the subtitle in one of the films that have
been played in class. But, he seldom plays English film with Indonesian subtitle. He
prefers to play the film with English subtitle, because he didn’t want his students only
pay attention into Indonesian subtitle that makes them lazy to translate the
conversation that happened in the film).
From the simple interview before, I can conclude that students also prefer to
use subtitle in English rather than in Bahasa Indonesia. The result of this statement
also shows there are thirty five students strongly agreed that subtitle helps them to
translate the language easily. Sherman states that English film with English subtitle
provides the audience able to read English, the eye is focused on the subtitles; and at
the same time the audience can understand everything and able to see how it’s said in
English. Many of the students believe that this was how they learned foreign
language (2003, p.17).
The next point is film membantu siswa untuk mempelajari dan melihat
percakapan bahasa Inggris di dalam kehidupan nyata yang digunakan oleh penutur
asing (film helps the students to learn and see the real – life English conversations


that used by native speaker). Althought the students couldn’t meet the real native
speaker and spoke to them, they were able to see the native speaker in the film and
learn it if someday they can meet the real native speaker in their daily life. The
outstanding feature video of films is their ability to show the communicative situation
(Lonergan, 1988). The communicative situation here means films are able to show
the real situation of communication between native speakers there that give impact
for the students to imagine the real situation how to use the English language in
context. The result shows there are thirty eight students agreed that film gave them
opportunity to show the real life English conversations which used by the native
speakers in context.
The next category is film membantu siswa meningkatkan kemampuan
mendengar (film helps the students improving listening skill). There were thirty eight

students agreed that the film helps them in improving listening skill. While watching
film, the students will hear the English language which is used in a very natural way.
Some parts may be spoken too fast for them, but it will be a perfect way for students
to get used to hearing native speakers talk to each others. The students will also hear
the informal English language and slang words and phrases which often do not find in
a textbook or dictionaries.
The creative exploitation in the film can reveal the students’ potential in
improving students’ listening acquisitions (Eken, 2003 as cited in Kusumarasdyati,
2004, p.1). Many things happened on the film, and the students need to listen


carefully in order to understand the meaning of the English language which is used by
the native speakers. This way can directly improve the students’ listening skill to be
aware with the language that has been used on screen.
Next discussion is film membantu siswa meningkatkan kemampuan
melafalkan kata dalam Bahasa Inggris (film helps the students improving

pronunciation skill in English). This one is an addition from me, as we know that
English pronunciation was extremely difficult for Indonesian students and when the
students read words it was hard to know how they should be said. This one was also
my experience when I was done my teaching practicum in this school. But, when the
students watched the film, hearing native English speakers when they talked to each
other will help the students hear how the English words were pronounced well. In
terms of listening and the overall comprehension, one of the reasons is learned
pronunciation of words (King, 2002 as cited in Whatley, 2012, p.51). If the students
are watching film using English subtitle that I have been mentioned before, the
students will also able to see how the words were written. There were thirty three
students agreed that the film helps them to improve their pronunciation skill.
Film dapat membantu siswa meningkatkan kemampuan berbicara dalam
Bahasa Inggris (film helps the students improving speaking skill). There were thirty

seven students agreed with this category. Fluency always connects with speaking
skills. This is one of example of the problem that faced by the students, how to speak
English fluently. When watching films, students will hear how to link the words


together and where to put intonation on certain words and sentences. Audio – visual
English film could best organize students’ enthusiasm to visual listen, speak, and
another sense that could perfectly inspire the students’ curiosity as stated by Xing
(2011, p.5)
Film dapat membantu siswa dalam meningkatkan kemampuan kecepatan
membaca dalam Bahasa Inggris (film helps the students improving reading – speed

in English Language). The result from this statement shows that there are forty-six
students agreed if film helps them improve their reading skills. Films offer a visual –
context aids that can help the students understanding the text and also improve their
reading skills (Xhemaili, 2013, p.62). It is right when watching film; students need to
read the captions on the screen faster in order to understand the situations which were
happened on the film itself. The result from the students’ opinions before shows that
film were helped them reading faster.
Film membantu siswa meningkatkan kemampuan menulis siswa dengan
menggunakan Bahasa Inggris (film helps students improve their writing skill in

English Language). Film could provide a writing assignment for the students.
Usually, students were given questions about the film that they have been watched in
class or they should give responses about one page from the film that they have been
watched in class and usually it will submit in the next following week. In this
category, there were thirty four students agreed that the film could help them
improving their writing skill in English as a Foreign Language. Stewart states that the


film could also useful become a basis for the writing and oral presentations,
especially when they’re combined with many film resources that can readable on the
internet (2006, p.2).
The last category about the film is helping the students in learning English is
film membantu siswa untuk belajar nilai social dan moral yang bermanfaat bagi
mereka di kehidupan nyata (film helps the students to learn social and moral value

that will be useful for them in real life). Actually this one is also an addition from me,
because the curriculum 2013 last year required the teacher to teach social and moral
value to the students. For this statement, I also done a little interview to find the
example of social or moral values that they got from watching film in class. This is
the result:
Excerpt 2
Students B
: hhmm.. ya itu memang benar, guruku tidak asal memutar
film. Film yang diputar pasti mengandung nilai social atau moral di
dalamnya. Dan ini sangat berguna menurutku. Salah satu contoh filmnya
adalah kartun animasi Rio. Mbak pasti pernah nonton kan? (me: yes) Film ini
memberi pesan bahwa tidak ada yang tidak mungkin selama kita mau belajar
dan berusaha.

(hhmm.. yes it is right, my teacher chooses the film selectively. The film, that
has been played definitely, contains social and moral values, and I think it is useful.
One of the examples is cartoon film animation Rio. You’ve been watched, right? (me:
yes). This film contains message that nothing’s impossible as long as we want to
learn and try).
From the deep interview that I have done to find the detailed information, I
can conclude that the teacher is very selective to choose the film. The result shows
there are thirty seven students agreed with this positive benefit. Teaching the social


value over films is a precious way because it can present interactions, settings,
people, and things in a realistic way rather than read a text (Bo, 2008 as cited in
Dadabhoy, 2012, p.45).
Films Helps the Students Improving Students’ Critical Thinking
In this category, the researcher grouping the student's opinions based on the
critical thinking improvements which they got after watching the film.








mengungkapkannya dengan berbahasa Inggris (film helps students improve their

critical thinking and expressed it using English Language). This category is the top of
the result after listening, pronunciation, speaking, reading, and writing. There were
forty students agreed with this statement. Critical thinking here means how the
students giving opinion about the story that they have been watched in the film. This
is linked with the writing activity. When students were asked to think critical, they
need to give their opinions and write it as an assignment responses that will be
discuss or submit in the next following week. For this category, I did an depth
interview with one of my participant, here is the result,
Excerpt 3
Student C
: ya, aku setuju. Contoh film yang pernah diberikan.. apa ya ..
hhhm.. film animasi Brave misalnya. Kami diberi tugas untuk memberi
pendapat bagaimana film tersebut dari sudut pandang kami jika kami berada
dalam situasi tersebut. Biasanya kami diberi PR untuk memikirkan apa yang
ingin ditulis dan harus dengan menggunakan Bahasa Inggris.


(Yes, I agree. The example of the film, the title is Brave. We were given assignment
to give opinions about that film from our perspectives, and what we would do if we
were in that kind of situation. Usually, we do it as a homework to think what we want
to write, and it should be the use English language).
Looking at the result and also the simple interview before, I think that film is
useful to develop students’ critical thinking in writing an assignment. So, the activity
in class is they didn’t only watch the film, they need to pay attention about what
happened in the film itself.
Film Helps the Students Learning Different Culture from Another Country
Language and culture are inseparable. If we want to learn the language, we
also need to learn the culture of the target language that we learned. In Kramsch’
view, second and foreign language learners are also become the learners of second
culture because a language cannot be learned without an understanding cultural
context in which it is used (Kramsch, 1993 as cited in Prathoomtin, 2013, p.291).
According to that reason, the last category is film dapat membantu siswa dalam
mempelajari dan mengenal kebudayaan negara lain (film helps the students to learn

and understand the culture from other countries).
There were thirty four students agreed that the film helped them in learning
culture of the foreign language that they had been learned. Students should realize of
the cultural differences between his/her own culture and the target culture. If they
didn’t aware of this understanding, and awkward situation may come up (Istanto,
2009, p. 279). It doesn’t matter if the students have no chance to visit the target


country that they’ve been learned the language, at least they could see and understand
the cultural foreign experience in EFL classroom by watching the film and also had a
chance to learn the culture. Prathoomtin states in his study that film have been
choosen to provide understanding learning experiences for students in order to be
engaged in observing and learning the target culture (2013, p.294).
Films Improving the Students Activity in Class
As an addition for the last category, film membantu meningkatkan keaktifan
siswa di dalam kelas (film helps the students improving students’ activity in class).

Activity in here means the asking – questions sessions and also the discussion in
class. With this activity, it is hoped that students will participate independently and
actively in the classroom. the result shows, in class teacher was only the facilitator
who helps the students in doing their activity in learning English as a Foreign
Language. There were thirty students agreed with this category, and in my personal
opinion, film truly help the students in improving their activity in class and the result
also show that students have ability to learn independently.
This research was conducted to find out the students’ perceptions on the use
of film as a media in an EFL classroom. The study was conducted in SMK N 2
Salatiga This study aimed to find the students views or opinions about the use of film
as a media in their EFL classroom. The research finding show there were three big


categories of the benefits on the use of film as a media in EFL classrooms: film helps
students in learning English, film helps the students in improving English language
skills, and film helps the students in learning culture from different countries. The
finding also showed that almost all of the students agreed that the film was helpful to
use as a media in their EFL classroom.
The implication which shows that the students were response positive through
the use of film as a media in EFL classrooms, it was possible for other Senior High
School teachers used film as an efficient way to teach the students in learning EFL. It
is also could change the students’ opinions that English was difficult to learn, and as a
conclusion; film can help the students to learn English as a Foreign Language easier.
There were two limitations in this study. The first one was this study only focused on
the teaching context in Senior High School in Salatiga, especially in Sekolah
Menengah Kejuruan (SMK). Second, this study involved a small number of

participants who were seventy students.
Further research may include more participants to reveal more issues on the
use of film as a media in EFL classroom. I would suggest that the use of film
especially in English language could be used for the teacher in teaching their students
in EFL classroom. It is hoped there will be more research about the use of film as a
media in EFL classroom in order to give a contribution in English education to
improve the teaching and learning quality in EFL classroom.


With the completion this thesis, I am very thankful to Allah SWT who grants
me the perfect love, the endless blessing, the health, and the ability to accomplish my
study in this University. I furthermore express my sincerence gratitude to M. Ch. Eko
Setyorini, S.S M.Hum as my supervisor for her patience, supported, and guided me in
finishing this thesis. I also present my thankfulness to the examiner, Dian Toar Y.G
Sumakul, M.A for the help in giving feedback and examining this thesis.
Special appreciation goes to my beloved Bapak, Ibu, and my sister Ardhina
for the love, the support and the prayer. To my beloved husband Puji Hariyono, S.Pd
and my little daughter Nayra Arwa Assyifa, thank you so much for your love,
patience, support, and understanding me to finish this thesis. To my best friends: Icha
thank you so much for your support and encourage me until we finish our thesis
together. I also thank to Uswa, Rina, Shinta for the prayer.
Last but not least, I would like say thank you to my participants and English
teacher in SMK N 2 Salatiga for their help during the process of data collection.


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Appendix 1
Responden yang terhormat,
Kuesioner ini bertujuam untuk mengetahui pendapatmu tentang penggunaan film
dalam pembelajaran bahasa inggris. Oleh karena itu jawablah dengan jujur. Berilah
tanda () untuk jawaban yang menurut Anda paling tepat pada kolom yang
sudah tersedia. Jawabanmu tidak akan berpengaruh pada nilai Bahasa Inggrismu.
Terimakasih atas kesediaanmu meluangkan waktu untuk mengisi kuesioner ini.
No absen




Jenis kelamin :
Menurut saya, penggunaan film dalam pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris adalah
















1. Memotivasi





(interest) dalam mempelajari

bahasa Inggris
2. film






menyenangkan (enjoyable)
3. film



menemukan kosa kata baru




Bahasa Inggris
4. film membantu siswa dalam



(grammar) yang digunakan

dalam Bahasa Inggris
5. penggunaan




berBahasa Inggris membantu





terjadi di dalam film dengan
6. film membantu siswa untuk



percakapan bahasa Inggris di
dalam kehidupan nyata yang
digunakan oleh penutur asing




7. film





mendengar (film helps the
students improving listening

8. film






Bahasa Inggris (film helps









9. Film dapat membantu siswa








students improving speaking

10. Film dapat membantu siswa








students improving reading –
speed in English Language).

11. Film








Inggris (film helps students
improve their writing skill in
English Language)

12. film membantu siswa untuk
belajar nilai social dan moral



mereka di kehidupan nyata
(film helps the students to


learn social and moral value
that will be useful for them in
real life).

13. Film



meningkatkan cara berpikir


mengungkapkannya dengan
berbahasa Inggris (film helps






expressed it using English

14. Film dapat membantu siswa





Negara lain (learning new




15. film




siswa di dalam kelas (film
helps the students improving

students’ activity in class)
Apabila Anda tertarik untuk diwawancarai singkat tentang penggunaan film sebagai
media pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris, mohon isi biodata singkat di bawah ini:


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