Institutional Repository | Satya Wacana Christian University: Pre-Service Teachers Problems and Strategies Concerning with Classroom Management


Nugrahani Fitriya Andriyani

This study attempts to find the behavioral problems and strategies of preservice teachers concerning with classroom management during Teaching Practicum
in Senior High School context. It is intended to see what are the common behavior
problems that usually appear during Teaching Practicum and how they deal with
those problems with classroom management strategies. This study was conducted in
2014-2015 academic year. It used both quantitative and qualitative research
procedures. The participants of the study were 10 pre-service teachers who are placed
in SMA N 1 Salatiga during their Teaching Practicum. The data was collected by
analysing pre-service teachers’ 60 journals and conducting semi-structured interview
to get deeper information. The analysis of the data shows that there verbal
interruption is one of behavioral problems that pre-service teachers frequently found
during Teaching Practicum such as; noisy students, less-respectful students and hard
to grab the students’ attention. The strategies that pre-service teachers mostly apply
are teaching classroom routines and followed by some other strategies such as;
consequences or punishmment, establishing classroom rules, giving choices
whenever possible, praise and encouragement, and classroom arrangement.

Key Words: Classroom Management, The behavioral problems of classroom
management, Classroom management strategies

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