A Skripsi
Submitted to the Faculty of Language Education in a Partial Fulfillment of
the Requirements for Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan

Fajar Alvianto



A Skripsi

Submitted to the Faculty of Language Education in a Partial Fulfillment of
the Requirements for Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan

Fajar Alvianto



Statement of Authenticity
I am a student with the following identity:

: Fajar Alvianto


: 20110540061

Program Study

: English Education


: Faculty of Language Education


: Muhammadiyah University of Yogyakarta

Certify that this skripsi Proposal entitled “Lecturers’ Strategies to Make Students
Speak English at English Education Department of Universitas Muhammadiyah
Yogyakarta” is definitely my own work. I am completely responsible for the
contents of this skripsi proposal. Others’ opinions or findings included in this
skripsi proposal are quoted in accordance with ethical standards.

Yogyakarta, August 29th 2016

Fajar Alvianto
NIM. 20110540061


Table of Contents

Title Page ................................................................................................................ i
Approval Page ........................................................................................................ ii
Statement of the Authenticity .............................................................................. iii
Abstract ................................................................................................................ iv
Table of Contents .....................................................................................................v
Chapter One: Introduction ...................................................................................... 1
Background of the study .......................................................................................1
Statement and Limitation of the Problem .............................................................4
Research Questions ..............................................................................................4
Purpose of the Study .............................................................................................5
The Significance of the Study ..............................................................................5

Outline of the Study..............................................................................................6
Chapter Two: Literature Review ..............................................................................7
Definition of the Lecturer.............................................................................7
Roles of Lecturer ..........................................................................................8
Speaking Skill .......................................................................................................9
Definition of Speaking Skill ................................................................................ 10
Types of Speaking Skill ....................................................................................... 11
Difficulties in Speaking Skill ............................................................................... 12


Teaching Speaking Skill ............................................................................................... 12

Lecturers’ Strategies in Teaching Speaking .......................................................14
Challenges in Teaching Speaking ......................................................................17
Review of Related Studies..................................................................................18
Conceptual Framework ......................................................................................20
Chapter Three: Methodology .................................................................................22
Research Design .................................................................................................22

Research Setting .................................................................................................22
Research Participants..........................................................................................23
Data Collection Methods ....................................................................................23
Research Instrument ...........................................................................................24
Data Analysis......................................................................................................24
Chapter Four: Finding and Discussion...................................................................26
Findings and Discussion on Strategies Used by Lecturers to Make Students
Speak English at EED of UMY .........................................................................26
Findings and Discussion on Challenges that Faced by Lecturers in Applying
the Strategies to Make Students Speak in English at EED of UMY .................35
Chapter Five: Conclusion and Recommendation ...................................................46
Conclusion .........................................................................................................46
Recommendation ...............................................................................................49
References ..............................................................................................................50
Appendices .............................................................................................................55

In learning English as a foreign language, English Education Department
Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta lecturers are favored to encourage
students to master four skills namely listening, speaking, reading and writing. One

of those skills is speaking skill. EED UMY lecturers are obligated to encourage
the students to speak English. Therefore, the lecturers applied various strategies to
accomplish this goal. This study aimed to find out the lecturers’ strategies to
encourage the students to speak English. Also, this study tried to find out the
challenges faced by lecturers in applying the strategies to encourage students to
speak English. This study used qualitative method and descriptive qualitative
research design. The researcher chose interview as the way to gather the data.
There were three lecturers of EED UMY who were selected to be the research
participants. In analyzing the data, the researcher used three types of coding. As a
result, this study found that there were eight lecturers’ strategies to encourage
students to speak English in EED UMY. They were role-play, simulation,
storytelling, brainstorming, interview, speech, presentation and debate. In
addition, this study also found some challenges when lecturers applying those
strategies. They were classroom management, students’ lack of vocabularies,
limited of times and students’ anxiety.
Keywords: English as foreign language, lecturers’ strategies, lecturers’ challenges,
speaking skill


Chapter One
In this chapter, the researcher presents the background of the study, the
statement of the problem, limitation of the research and the research questions.
Furthermore, the researcher also explains the purposes of the research. In addition,
the researcher presents the significances of the study and the outline of the research.
Background of the Study
In Indonesia, English is learned by learners in higher education as a foreign
language. Consequently, as a country which the people learn English as a foreign
language, there are not many exposures in English for the students to learn. As the
result, not all English materials are mastered well by the learners. This condition will
make the learners difficult to master English since the learners just learn English in
the limited of time (Brown & Yule, 1999).
As a foreign language, learners should have more time to learn English and
practice to speak in English continuously in order to make them understand about
English and understand how to speak. In addition, the learners who have high
expectation to be able to speak with what they believe as correct grammar and good
pronunciation in English will use their opportunities to learn English. This happens
because the learners are aware with the importance of English for their future life.
Besides the learners’ awareness to learn English, the lecturers play roles as a

motivator and educator to help the learners learn English and also the lecturers should
have good strategies in teaching English as a foreign language (EFL) in order to


enhance the learners’ ability in English. The lecturers should have good ability and
capability in English when they teach English as a foreign language. According to
Act number: 20/2003/Section: 28, Subsections: 1 & 2. Ministry of Education in
Indonesia prepares good English lecturers to teach the learners to be able to speak in
English as good as possible which to prepare the learners to be able to compete in
their future. Hopefully, it will make effective English teaching and learning in limited
of time.
In learning English as a foreign language, the lecturers play important roles
as a leader for the learners to lead the learning process which the learners will follow
the lecturers’ instructions and also as creator which the lecturers make the learners
interest with the learning situation and the learning materials to make the learning
process run effectively. English teaching and learning have the goal of focusing
students so that they are able to use English for communication and as a tool for
furthering their studies (Cole, 2008). The English lecturers who expect successful
teaching should face many aspects such as; teaching materials, classroom

environment and students. Lecturers can also help the students build up their ability
with appropriate strategies in teaching. According to Cole (2008), lecturers’ strategies
in English learning should involve the students to be able to master four skills
especially speaking. Therefore, the lecturers should motivate and encourage the
students to speak in English in order to make English learning successful.
At the English Education Department (EED) Universitas Muhammadiyah
Yogyakarta (UMY), to speak English is obligated to all students. In fact, most of


instructions are given in English. The students should master English since it is very
important for their competency as a future English teacher. That is why lecturers
should optimize the students’ ability in English especially in speaking. In addition,
the lecturers have major responsibility to invite and encourage the students able to
speak English whether in classroom or in their environment.
Based on the researcher’s experience studying in EED UMY, in the early
semester learning English, the researcher feels anxious with the English education
because it is not the first researcher’s choice that he want to learn in higher education.
Then, he was not interested in courses related to skills because he has no ability in
English skills and also he feels if the communication in the classroom makes him

confused. Besides, most students frequently used Indonesian language to
communicate with each other. As the result, the students were less aware whether
English will help their life in the future. On the other hand, students’ speaking ability
in the first year study might be undeveloped and the lecturers should encourage them
to be able to speak English.
According to the researcher’s observation, the EED lecturers should give
suitable strategies based on students’ need in teaching speaking to encourage them to
speak English. In fact, the students might feel motivated if the lecturers could apply
various strategies that make the students interested so that they want to participate
and involve in the English learning process.


Statement of the Problem
Based on the researcher’s experience as a student in English Education
Department, there were some difficulties faced by students when they spoke in
English in classroom. Firstly, some students haven’t a lot of vocabularies. Secondly,
the limited of times to practice speak English. Thirdly, students felt anxious when
they should speak English because they worried with their grammar. The last one is
the students used Indonesian language in classroom communication. Students might

think that they can communicate with Indonesian language rather than using English
that make them confused, because all students’ habit is using their first or second
language. Therefore, the researcher wants to investigate the strategies used by the
lecturers to encourage students to speak English.
Limitation of the Problem
The focus of research will be limited on the EED lecturers’ strategies to
encourage students to speak English in classroom activities.
Research Questions
Based on the background, problem statement, and the limitation of the
research, the researcher formulated two research questions. The research
questions are:

What are the strategies used by EED lecturers to encourage the students to
speak English?


What are the challenges faced by EED lecturers in applying the strategies?


Purpose of the Study
Based on the formulation of the problem, the purpose of this research can be
framed as follows:

To find out the EED lecturers’ strategies to encourage the students to speak


To find the challenges faced by EED lecturers in applying the strategies.

Significances of the Study
This research is aimed to give benefits specifically to the researcher, lecturers,
students and institution.
The Researcher. This research will give benefit to the researcher to know the
strategies used by EED lecturers to encourage the students to speak English. Then,
this research will enhance the researcher’s understanding about the challenge faced
by the lecturers in implementing the strategies. The researcher who is the prospective
teacher might learn from the result of this research so that he can understand with the
challenge in teaching speaking and then, he can adopt the appropriate strategies to
reduce some challenges in this teaching.
The Lecturers. This research will give the lecturers some various strategies
in teaching-speaking to encourage students to speak English. This research might
become reference for the lecturers to reflect their teaching. Therefore, lecturers can
adopt and apply the teaching strategies from this research to encourage students to
speak English.


The Students. For the students, this research will make the students
understand about the lecturers’ strategies to encourage students to speak English and
the lecturers’ challenges in applying strategies. Hopefully, after they are aware of the
lecturers’ strategies and challenges, they might be able to employ the strategies in
peer tutoring activity when they want to encourage their students to speak English.
The Institution. For institution, this research will give benefits which the
institution get some teaching strategies to encourage students to speak English that
will documented and then, the teaching strategies can apply by other lecturers to
encourage students to speak English. Also, the institution can review the lecturers’
strategies in teaching speaking that already used.
Outline of the Study
The first chapter of this research will explain about the background of the
research, statement of the problem, limitation of the problem, research questions, and
the purpose of the research and the significance of the research. Second chapter will
explain about some review of literatures that related to the study. The third chapter
will explain about research method including research design, research setting, and
research participant, data collection method, research instrument and data analysis.
The fourth chapter will explain the finding of the research and also the discussion of
the finding. The last chapter will explain the conclusion and some recommendation.


Chapter Two
Literature Review
This research is aimed to analyze the strategies used by lecturers to encourage
students to speak English at English Education Department UMY. This chapter will
discuss some importance and theories that are related to the research variables. For
beginning, this research will discuss the lecturers, lecturers’ strategies in teaching
speaking and speaking term. Then, this chapter will discuss the lecturers’ strategies to
encourage students to speak English at English Education Department.
Lecturer is the professional teacher who teaches the learner in higher
education. Lecturer should master the teaching strategies which it will influence the
students’ interest in classroom, teaching material that makes the students to gain all
material and remember it, teaching environment which it make the students can feel
enjoy and comfortable in classroom and so on (Haith-Cooper, 2000).
Definition of Lecturer. According to Joachim (1995), a lecturer is the person
who is capable of delivering knowledge and shaping the youths to the wider amount
of knowledge. Lecturers are capable of living and molding the youths such that their
power is dominant as they determine the fate of the society. Therefore, the lecturers
should be able to deliver knowledge, skills values and moral values to the students
that cannot be easily challenged by the society (Nyerere, 1997).
According to Senge (2012), the lecturers can also be defined as an expert who
has capability in imparting knowledge to the learners that will help them to build,


identify, and acquire skills that will be used to face some challenges in their life. The
lecturers should provide knowledge, skills, and values to the learners. Educated
persons are capable of employing the available opportunities in both private and
public fields. The educated persons can easily secure employment as well as having
life skills that will enable them to interact well in the society.
The roles of lecturer. In learning process, there are many important factors
that can help the learning process run effectively such as; environment, lecturers, and
students. This means that the lecturers have major responsibility to teach students. In
classroom, the lecturers have obligation to make the learning process run effectively.
Good lecturers should understand their own roles in classroom in which they are
important factor in the learning process to involve the students to achieve learning
purposes. According to Harrison and Killion (2007), there are some roles of lecturers
that are necessary to be considered.
Firstly, lecturers should be a planner that can plan and prepare the
environment for learning, because the students learn through lecturers’ materials. It is
essential that the lecturers should provide the materials and equipment necessary for
meaningful learning activities. The classroom should be set up to make the students
feel interested with the learning materials and equipment and stimulated by the
knowledge that lecturer present in classroom. In additions, the students feel
meaningful if they can understand with the learning materials and they can share their
understanding with their friends. Furthermore, the students also feel challenged with
the other friends in questions and answer section about the materials in learning


activity. Secondly, the lecturers can also as information provider and transferring
which the lecturers should become provider of information. This role is important for
lecturers because when they deliver materials, the students may ask some questions to
the lecturers about the materials learned. The lecturers should have bank of
information in order to give clear answers to the students’ questions. Lecturers should
make the students understand with their explanation. Thirdly, lecturers should be role
models in learning process. In fact, this role has good impacts for students. Indeed,
students do not only give their attention toward lecturers in delivering materials, but
also the students observe the lecturers’ act. Therefore, the lecturers should behave
well that make the students interested and willing to participate in learning activity.
In addition, Brown (2001) stated that the lecturers should be able to attract the
students’ sympathy so that they might become students’ favorite lecturer. Lessons
which are given should motivate for students to learn. Lecturers who want high
student motivation, as much as possible should create a good learning situation in
which the students feel comfortable and enjoy the learning process conducted by the
lecturer. Competent lecturers will be able to create an effective learning environment
as they will be able to manage the class. Hopefully, the students can achieve the
learning outcomes as good as possible.
Speaking Skill
In this research, speaking skill is defined as the skill that should master by the
students when they learn English as a foreign language. It is because speaking is very


important in classroom communication which it will help the students can
communicate with other and discuss about the learning material.
Definition of speaking skill. According to Nunan (1999) “speaking is an
interactive process of constructing meaning that involves producing, receiving, and
processing information. Its form and meaning are depending on the context in which
it occurs, including the participants themselves, their experiences, the physical
environment, and the purposes for speaking. It is often spontaneous, open-ended, and
changing” (p. 216).
According to Chaney (1998), speaking is an essential skill that should be
practiced to communicate orally. Through speaking, people will be able to know the
world situations. People who have good ability in speaking will be better in sending
and receiving information or message to others. Speaking is the process of building
and sharing meaning through the uses of verbal and non-verbal symbol in various
contexts. The mastery of speaking skill is a priority for many second and foreign
language learners. Learners often evaluate their success in language learning of
English on the basis how well their improvement on speaking the language. Rebecca
(2006) also stated that speaking is the first mode in which children acquire language.
It is part of daily involvement of most people with language activities. It is the main
motor of language change. It also provides key data for our understanding of
bilingualism and language contact.
From the above definitions, it can be concluded that the speaking is necessary
by people who want to express their ideas, feelings, and desires at the time to other


people by using particular words and the words should be receivable and also
speaking will make the people be brave to interact with other because they already
have a good ability in speaking.
Types of speaking skill. According to Brown (2004) “speaking is a
productive skill that can be directly and empirically observed, those observations are
invariably colored by the accuracy and effectiveness of a test-takers listening skill,
which necessarily compromises the reliability and validity of an oral production test”
(p. 140).
In the other page of his book, Brown says that there are five basic types of
speaking. First is imitative. This type of speaking performance is the ability to imitate
a word or phrase or possibly a sentence. Second is intensive. This second type of
speaking frequently employed in assessments context is in the production of short
stretches of oral language designed to demonstrate competence in a narrow band of
grammatical, phrasal, lexical or phonological relationships. Third one is responsive.
This type includes interaction and test comprehension but at the somewhat limited
level of very short conversations, standard greeting and small talk, simple request and
comments. The stimulus is usually a spoken prompt in order to preserve authenticity.
Fourth is interactive. Interaction can take the two forms of transactional language,
which has the purpose of exchanging specific information, or interpersonal
exchanges, which have the purpose of maintaining social relationships. The last is
extensive. Extensive oral production tasks include speeches, oral presentations, and


storytelling, during which the opportunity for oral interaction from listeners is either
highly limited or ruled out altogether.
Difficulties in speaking skill. As foreign language learners, students will feel
confuse when they find that speaking in a foreign language is a complex matter. It is
because speaking involves many factors. Harmer (2001) stated that the ability to
speak fluently presupposes not only knowledge of language features, but also the
ability to process information and language.
In addition, in Hosni’s article (2014) as cited in Ur (1996) showed many
factors that cause difficulty in speaking such as; Inhibition which students are worried
about making mistakes, fearful of criticism or simply shy. The students who showed
those behaviors may because they have less ability when they speak English or they
think unfamiliar with the language. After that is nothing to say, which students have
lack of motivation and speaking ability to express their feelings. In this case, students
may participate in learning speaking, but they inclined to silent when the teachers
give them the opportunities to express their feelings in front of the class although the
students may have a good pronunciation when they speak. Then, low or uneven to
participated. This happens when only one or two participants talk a lot all the time.
This happens usually in the large classes and is due to the tendency of some learners
to dominate while others speak very little or not at all. And the last one is mothertongue use which the learners who share the same mother tongue tend to use it
because it is easier. Sometimes, learners feel less exposed if they are speaking their
mother tongue.


Teaching Speaking Skill
Speaking is an important part of foreign language learning and teaching.
Despite its importance, for many years, teaching speaking has been undervalued and
English language teachers have continued to teach speaking just as a repetition of
drills or memorization of dialogues. However, as Huebner (1990) argued, today's
world requires that the goal of teaching speaking should improve students'
communicative skills because, only in that way, students can express themselves and
learn how to follow the social and cultural rules appropriate in each communicative
According to Kayi (2006), teaching speaking is to teach learner to produce the
English speech sounds and sounds patterns, use words and sentence stress, intonation
patterns and the rhythm of the second language, select appropriate words and
sentences according to the proper social setting, audience, situation and subject
matter, organize their thoughts in a meaningful and logical sequence, use language as
a means of expressing values and judgments and use the language quickly and
confidently with few unnatural pauses, which is called fluency.
Teaching speaking is not only teaching the students to produces sound.
According to Nunan (1991), speaking is the same as oral interaction which is
conventional way of presenting information, expression our idea and thought in our
mind. So, speaking is not only expressing our ideas, but also presenting information
to others. Speaking as an interactive process of constructing meaning always involves
producing words and the meaning depends on the context.


Teaching speaking also has high concern in language programs so that
teaching strategies cannot be denied as factors that influence the teaching outcomes.
Strategies are employed to achieve the ability to speak and others skills will be
different because, the goals of each skill are not same. Moreover, the strategies for
teaching the English skills should be made appropriate for each skill especially in
speaking in order to achieve the expected outcomes in speaking (Burns, 1998).
According to Cole (2008), that is the lecturers’ role to provide effective plans
or strategies in accomplishing students’ educational needs, whose general purpose is
to communicate using the language being learnt. These imply that it is lecturers’
responsibility to encourage students to speak English by employing suitable teaching
strategies of speaking. By employing suitable teaching strategies, the learning will
run well in which the teachers can follow and measure the students’ level in speaking
and the lecturers can give feedback to students. Also the students can get feedback
from teachers so that they can evaluate their speaking skill.
Lecturers’ Strategies in Teaching Speaking
According to Kayi (2006), in teaching speaking, there are many strategies
applied by lecturers to promote the students to speak English, they are;
Discussion. Discussion is the way to invite the students to get involve in
group and communicate with other in order to discuss certain case. Before the
discussion, it is essential that the purpose of the discussion activity is set by the
teacher. In this way, the discussion points are relevant to this purpose, so that students
do not spend their time chatting with each other about irrelevant things. Hoover


(1997) explained that “discussion is the process of talking things over among two or
more persons, preferably face to face” (p. 13). He adds that the total discussion
process ideally is a cooperative effort on the part of a number of individuals to work
together as a group, through the exchange of thought orally, toward some group
Role-play. Role-playing is a teaching strategy that fits within the social
family of models (Joyce & Weil, 2000). These strategies emphasize the social nature
of learning, and see cooperative behavior as stimulating students both socially and
intellectually. Role-playing as a teaching strategy offers several advantages for both
lecturers and students. First, students feel interest in the topic is raised and it is very
important for learning process. Students pretend that they are in various social
contexts and have a variety of social roles. In role-play activities, the lecturer gives
information to the learners such as who they are and what they think or feel.
Simulations. This is similar to role plays in which the students should
practice like the real environment that will make the students clearly understand
about what they will do. The students should bring supporting equipment or items to
the class to create the real situation. For instance, if a student acting as a singer, the
student should bring microphone, song text to sing and so on. Role-plays and
simulations have many advantages. First, since they are entertaining, they motivate
the students. Second, as Harmer (2001) suggests, they increase the students’ selfconfidence, because in role-plays and simulation activities, they will have different


role and do not have to speak for themselves, which mean they do not have to take
the same responsibility.
Storytelling. Students can briefly summarize a tale or story they heard from
somebody beforehand, or they may create their own stories to tell their classmates.
Story telling fosters creative thinking. It also helps students to express ideas in the
format of beginning, development, and ending, including the characters and setting a
story has to have. Students also can tell riddles or jokes. For instance, at the very
beginning of each class session, the teacher may call a few students to tell short
riddles or jokes as an opening. In this way, not only will the lecturer address students’
speaking ability, but also get the attention of the class.
Brainstorming. On a given topic, students can produce ideas in a limited
time. Depending on the context, either individual or group, brainstorming is effective
in which the learners can generate ideas quickly and freely. The good characteristic of
brainstorming is that the students are not criticized for their ideas so students will be
open to sharing new ideas. Al-bwli (2006) also stated that brainstorming is an
innovative conference with special nature in order to produce a list of ideas that can
be used as clues lead students to the development of the problem while giving each
student the chance to express their ideas and share those ideas with others and
encourage new ideas.
Interviews. Students can conduct interviews on selected topics with various
people. It is a good idea that the lecturers provide a rubric to students so that they
know what type of questions they can ask or what path to follow. However, students


should also prepare their own interview questions. After interviews, each student can
present his or her study to the class. Moreover, students can interview each other and
introduce his or her partner to the class. In addition, Thornbury (2005) also stated that
the students are interviewed as an individually or in pairs but the formal nature of
such interviews hardly ever allows for testing informal, conversational speaking
styles and affects the interviewee’s performance. Here, the interviewer is also the
Picture describing and drilling. In this activity, students can form groups
and each group is given a different picture. Students discuss the picture within their
groups, and then a spokesperson for each group describes the picture to the whole
class. This activity fosters the creativity and imagination of the learners as well as
their public speaking skills. Meanwhile, in drilling is aimed to improve pronunciation
by imitating and repeating words, phrases, and even whole utterances. Its function is
to make students pay attention to the new materials which emphasize words, phrases,
or utterances on students’ mind, move new items from working memory to long term
memory, provide means of gaining articulatory control over language (Thornbury,
Those are the strategies in teaching speaking to encourage students to speak
English that are applied by English lecturers and those strategies are very helpful
either for students to speak English or English lecturers themselves to create effective
teaching and learning in speaking and achieve the teaching and learning goals.


Challenges in Teaching Speaking
In teaching speaking, the lecturers should have many strategies that will make
the teaching process run effectively because the lecturers can implement some
strategies that are appropriate with the students’ need. In addition, the lecturers are
the leader in classroom so they should give the best when they teach. In teaching
speaking, the lecturers should involve the students more and more in class
communication and encourage them to practice their speaking by asking to them
some questions and requesting their opinions. It makes the students feel motivated
and will be active in class communication (MacIntyre, 2003).
The lecturers always do their best when they teach speaking with their various
strategies. However, there appear some students’ difficulties that are faced by
lecturers (Nguyen, 2011). The students’ difficulties that faced by lecturers are lack of
motivation, anxiety or lack of confidence, lack of vocabularies and structures,
fluency, low linguistic competence and low communicative competence, using
mother tongue problem, pronunciation problems.
Those difficulties prove that the good lecturers’ strategies in teaching
speaking cannot guarantee if the students are able to understand at all in speaking
class and the lecturers still have some challenges in teaching speaking (Nguyen,
2011). Based on researcher’s experience as the student, the researcher also meets
those difficulties when join in speaking class.


Related Studies
There had been several researches about strategies in teaching speaking that
related to this research. Susanti (2007) investigated the use of role play in teaching
speaking. This study was designed using quantitative which the population of the
research was the 104 students in ninth grade in Islamic Junior High School (MTs).
The research is; first, it was proven that the students’ score of speaking taught by
using role play is better. Second, the use of role play made the speaking and learning
activity more enjoyable and interesting. Third, the use of role play made more active
and alive class. Students were willing to participate without any forces from the
teacher. It did conclude that using role play in teaching speaking was very effective.
Secondly, study from Efrizal (2012) researched about improving students’
speaking through communicative language teaching method. This study was
conducted using percentage analysis that took 25 students in the seventh grade as
participants. Based on result of data analysis, there were improvements on students’
speaking achievement in each cycle. The data showed that pre-assessment students’
speaking was 0% (excellent), 0% (very good), 20% (good) 36% (low) and 44%
In first cycle, students speaking achievement was 0% (excellent), 8% (very
good), 24% (good), 32% (low), and 36% (failed). In second cycle, the students
speaking achievement was 0% (excellent), 16% (very good), 44% (good), 20% (low)
and 20% (failed). In third cycle, students’ speaking achievement was 12% (excellent),
20% (very good), 56% (good), 8% (low) and 4% (failed). In cycle IV students’


speaking achievement was 24% (excellent), 48% (very good), 28% (good), 0% (low)
and 0% (failed). This research indicated that the use of communicative language
teaching method could improve students’ speaking achievement at the first year
students of Mts Ja-alhaq, Sentot Ali Basa Islamic Boarding School of Bengkulu
academic year 2011/ 2012.
The third study related with this research was originated from Anjaniputra
(2013). This research explained the teachers' strategies in teaching speaking to
students at secondary level. This study was aimed at revealing teacher’s strategies in
teaching speaking to students at secondary level and recognizing students’ response
towards the strategies by involving an English teacher and a class of 22 students. In
collecting the data, classroom observation and interview were conducted to identify
the strategies of teaching speaking, and questionnaire was administered to the
students to gain the data about their response towards the strategies under the
umbrella of descriptive research.
The result revealed that the strategies used by the teacher were cooperative
activities, role-play, creative tasks, and drilling. In the meantime, students’ response
towards the strategies resulted in positive attitude as they responded that the strategies
helped them to speak, as well as concerned oral production of students whose
participation was emphasized.
In conclusion, those studies are related with this research because all of those
studies investigated the strategies to encourage the students to speak English.
However, this research has some differences with those studies because this research


discussed not only about the strategies but also the challenges in applying the
strategies to encourage the students to speak English and not only discuss about the
Conceptual Framework
This research is derived from the researcher’s curiosity on lecturers’ strategies
to encourage the students to speak English in classroom. The main concern is,
according to the researcher’s experience, that in the instruction and teaching and
learning process that should be in all English still found several students who do not
want or are not able to speak English. Therefore, the researcher is interested to know
the lecturer’s strategies to encourage students to speak English and their challenge in
applying the strategies. From the earlier presented literature, there are seven strategies
from Kayi (2006) that lecturers may use to trigger students’ ability to speak English.
They are discussion, role-play, simulation, storytelling, brainstorming, interview,
picture describing, and drilling. The researcher chooses the strategies from Kayi
(2006) because as the researcher’s experience those strategies are often implemented
by EED lecturers in speaking class when the researcher studying at EED UMY. The
conceptual framework of this research can be seen as following figure:


Figure 1. Conceptual Framework


Lack of motivation

Lack of confidence
Lack of vocabularies
Strategies to
encourage students to
speak English. (Kayi,


Picture describing

The challenges in encourage
students to speak English.
(Nguyen, 2011)

Using mother-tongue

Low communicative


Chapter Three
This chapter will discuss about the method to gathering data that will
completing this research.
Research Design
In this research, the researcher used descriptive qualitative method. According
to Hancock, Ockleford, & Windridge (2007), “qualitative method focused on reports
of experience or on data which cannot be adequately expressed numerically, focused
on description and interpretation and might lead to development of new concepts or
theory, or to an evaluation of an organizational process” (p. 6). By using qualitative
design, the researcher knew the answers from the participant which the answers had
the strength to support the research and also the researcher would be able to describe
the finding in good arrangement.
Research Setting
This research took place in English Education Department of Universitas
Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta. EED of UMY was selected to be the setting of the
research for several reasons. First, the location of the research was very accessible for
the researcher. Second, the researcher was curious with the students’ speaking skill in
EED because he observed that many students able to speak in English with other in
outside of the classroom. Third, it was because the researcher was also currently
studying over there so that he experienced well the practice of teaching and learning
process as mentioned in the background of this research.


This research was conducted at first half of May for the interview. The
researcher arranged the meeting with the participants at the first half of June. The
precise time for the interview was following the participants’ availability.
Research Participants
There were three participants who were involved in this research. There were
no specific criteria in selecting the participants. The participants of this research were
the lecturers who already taught speaking in early semester in EED because this
research was discussed about the strategies to encourage the students to speak English
which the selected participants experienced in teaching speaking and surely they
already had the strategies in encourage the students to speak English. It helped the
researcher to get the data related to his research about lecturers’ strategies to
encourage students to speak English. The three selected participants were considered
enough as the data sources because through those selected participants the researcher
obtained the deep data. In qualitative research does not require a lot of participants to
gain the data (Cohen, Manion, & Morrison, 2011).
Data Collection Methods
In gaining the data, the researcher was used several ways. Firstly, the
researcher began the data collection methods with arrange the interview guideline.
Secondly, the researcher made an appointment with the selected participants to
conduct interview. Thirdly, the researcher met the participants and conducted
interviews. The researcher used in-depth interview to gain information. The length of
the interview was about 10-15 minutes for each participant. The researcher recorded


the entire interview. Then, the researcher transcribed the interview by listening to the
voice-recorder. After the data had been transcribed, the researcher conducted member
checking with the participants to get the truth of the participants’ answers.
Participants re-checked and re-read the transcriptions to make sure that the answer
was the same with what they intended.
Research Instrument
In this research, the researcher used interview as the way to get the details
information from the participants by asking questions as face to face (Driscoll, 2011).
Therefore, it made the researcher get the real answer from the participants to
accomplish this research. Interview was the only one way of the researcher to collect
data. In the interview, the researcher asked two questions based on participants’
experience when they taught speaking. The aim of the interview was to get sufficient
data or the participants’ answers on lecturers’ strategies to encourage students to
speak English. In interview, the researcher used Indonesian language that made both
researcher and participants easy to understand about what want to tell because
Indonesian language as their first or second language so that they can gave the deeper
answers. In addition, the researcher also used some devices such as list of follow-up
questions, recorder, notes and pen to complete the interview.
Data Analysis
After the data were collected from the interview, the researcher analyzed the
data with coding. There were three steps of coding namely open coding, axial coding
and selective coding. Coding helps the researcher to identify similar information


(Cohen et al, 2011). The process of codings were transcribing, preparing reports,
summarizing the general codes (axial coding and discussing similarities and
differences in related code across distinct original sources or comparing the
relationship between one and other codes).


Chapter Four
Finding and Discussion
In this chapter the researcher presented the findings and discussion of the
research which are to answer the research questions. The first research question was
about the lecturers’ strategies to encourage students to speak English in EED UMY.
The second research question was about the challenges faced by lecturers in applying
the strategies. The researcher reported the findings and also added the experts’
opinions to support this research and to attain the answer of the research questions in
the discussion.
Findings and Discussion on Strategies Used by EED Lecturers to Encourage
Students to Speak English at EED of UMY
To answer those research questions, the researcher took the data using the
interview with three participants. From the interview, the researcher found some
strategies that were usually used to encourage students to speak English. They were
role-play, simulation, storytelling, brainstorming, interview, speech, presentation and
debate. Also, the researcher found some challenges in each strategy faced by lecturers
when they applied those strategies.
Role-play. The researcher analyzed the role-play as the strategy to encourage
students to speak English. In the finding on the lecturers’ strategies to encourage
students to speak English, two out of three participants answered role-play as the
strategy to encourage students to speak English. In addition, the lecturer was the one
who decided the topic to the students in applying the role-play strategy and the


students practiced the topic in classroom. Participant one, for example, said, “and the
second is role-play, we used business telephoning as our topic. So, emm… In
business telephoning, I asked the students to act as two persons who ever been in
conversation by telephone” (P1.4). That was shown when participant one applied his
role-play strategy, he used familiar topic for the students that the students have been
experienced it.
In addition, participant one also revealed his reasons why he used role-play.
First, the role-play made the students can practice the language directly. ”role-play is
one of strategies that can practice the language directly.” (P1.10). Second, role-play
also made the students able to enhance their confidence. Third, the role-play strategy
made the students have some roles and they should imagine their roles before
practices. “So, my reasons why I used role-play are because it can enhance students’
confidence and also put the students in roles thus they should imagine their roles”
(P1.12). Besides, participant two stated, “in role-play, there is a fun activity because I
asked the students to play a role that was decided. For example play roles as waiters
and buyers. Students felt happy to play the role because they practiced it with their
group” (P3.10).
To summarize, role-play is the strategy that was used by lecturers to
encourage students to speak English because role-play provided many advantages.
This was supported by Joyce and Weil (2000) who stated that role-play as a teaching
strategy offers several advantages for both lecturers and students. The students will
feel interested and fun toward the topic that they once experienced before. Lecturers


should decide some familiar topics for the students to facilitat

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