Submitted as a Partial Requirement in Obtaining Degree in the English
Diploma Program, Faculty of Letters and Fine Arts,
Sebelas Maret University

Fitri Mahdawati



Approved to be examined before the Board of Examiners,
English Diploma Program, Faculty of Letters and Fine Arts
Sebelas Maret University

Final Project report:


: Fitri Mahdawati


: C9307122

NIP. 196708301993021001

Drs. Agus Hari Wibowo, M.A.



Accepted and Approved by the Board of Examiners
English Diploma Program, Faculty of Letters and Fine Arts
Sebelas Maret University

Report Title
Student’s name
Examination Date

: Fitri Mahdawati
: C9307122

: 5 Juli 2010

The Board of Examiners:
1. Drs. S. Budi Waskito, M.Pd.

(……………. ….…….…)

2. M. Taufiq Al Makmun, S.S.

(……………. ….…….…)

3. Drs. Agus Hari Wibowo, M.A.
Main Examiner

(……………. ….…….…)

Faculty of Letters and Fine Arts
Sebelas Maret University,

Drs. Sudarno, M.A.



First of all, I would like to say thank you very much to Allah SWT who
has given me everything, Alhamdulillahirobbil’alamin. I also would like to thank
to all my families and my friends for giving me support, guidance and spirit in
finishing this final project report entitled ‘The process of teaching English to the
4th grade students of SDN Kartasura 07’.
In this final project report, I am interested in discussing the process of
teaching English to the 4th grade students. The final project report also contains
some problems faced by the both teacher and students. Trying to overcome the

problem is the thing that I have to do.
Finally, I realized that this final project report is far from being perfect.
Therefore, I really need suggestions from many sides in order to make the finest
report. I hope this final project report will be beneficial to all readers in improving
their abilities in teaching English to the Elementary school. So that it can
influence to create a qualified Indonesian education.



Believe in something that can not be seen by eyes: read ‘Percaya pada
Janji Allah’
(The writer)



This final project report is dedicated to:

Alloh SWT
My beloved mother
My beloved father
My brother
My sisters and brothers where ever you live



First of all I would like to say Alhamdulillah hirobbil’alamin, big thanks
for Allah SWT who always give me everything so that I can finish the final
project report well. It was wonderful. Second, I would like to thank all the people
who have helped me in the process of my study in the Sebelas Maret University.
They are:
1. Drs. Sudarno M.A. as the dean of the Faculty of Letters and Fine Arts, Sebelas
Maret University.
2. Yusuf Kurniawan S.S., M.A. as the head of English Diploma program, thank
you for supporting and guiding me, Sir.

3. Drs. Agus Hari Wibowo, M.A. as my supervisor, big thanks for your help and
guide, May Allah always bless you, Sir.
4. My academic supervisor, Fitria Akhmerti P, S.S., M.A. thank you very much
for your guiding and suggestions, Mum
5. All the lecturers in English Diploma program, thank you very much for
knowledge that has been transferred to me.
6. The first and the second headmaster of SDN Kartasura 07 who are Drs.
Mahfud, M.Pd., and Herry Trihanani, S.Pd. thank you very much for the chance
to have job training in SDN Kartasura 07.
7. Erika Nova A, S.Pd. as my guide and teacher who helps me in the job training
process, thank you very much, Miss.


8. All the teachers in SDN Kartasura 07 thank you very much for knowledge that
has been transferred to me.
9. All the students of in SDN Kartasura 07, thank you very much, you’re so cute,
hope you can be useful person next time, I do believe.
10. My parents, I love you all, thank you very much for giving me everything that
I can’t mention it.

11. My brother, Ikhsan M, I love you, keep spirit, life is never flat.
12. All of my friends in English Diploma program and SKI, I love you because
Allah, May Allah always save you.
13. All the people who have helped me in finishing the report, I hope Allah will
give the best for you all.



Fitri Mahdawati. 2010. The Process of Teaching English to the 4th Grade
Students of SDN Kartasura 07. English Diploma Program, Faculty of Letters
and Fine Arts, Sebelas Maret University.
This final project report is written based on the job training that had been done by
the writer as an English teacher in SDN Kartasura 07. This final project report
discusses the process of teaching English to the fourth grade students of SDN
Kartasura 07. The purpose is to describe the process of teaching English in SDN
Kartasura 07, including the problems faced by the students and teacher and to find
out the solutions for those problems.
The data of this final project report were collected through observation, interview,

and library study. The observation was done in the process of teaching and
learning at the class. The interview was done to the English teacher and the fourth
grade students. The library study was emphasized in some books from library.
The report finds that although the teacher has made a preparation in teaching
English by making a lesson plan and using strategy by giving games, song, and
wise words both the students and the teacher are still facing problems in the
process of teaching and learning English. The students are difficult in memorizing
the vocabularies, pronouncing and reading. The teacher faces a problem in the
classroom management, she also finds that the students’ motivation is low and the
facility is limited.
Those findings suggest that the teacher must teach the Elementary students as well
as possible by mastering the four skills of English properly. Then, the teacher has
to create the teaching and learning process as a media to provide a good model so
that in education there will be not only transfer of knowledge, but also transfer of



TITLE ..................................................................................................................... i
APPROVAL OF CONSULTANT ........................................................................ ii
APPROVAL OF THE BOARD OF EXAMINERS .............................................. iii
PREFACE .............................................................................................................. iv
MOTTO ................................................................................................................. v
DEDICATION ....................................................................................................... vi
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ..................................................................................... vii
ABSTRACT ........................................................................................................... ix
TABLE OF CONTENTS ....................................................................................... x
A. Background ............................................................................... 1
B. Objectives .................................................................................. 3
C. Benefits ...................................................................................... 3
A. Teaching ................................................................................... 5
B. Learning..................................................................................... 6
C. Teaching Method ....................................................................... 7
D. Young Learners ......................................................................... 10
E. Teaching English to Young Learners ........................................ 11
F. Factors Affecting Language Acquisition Process ...................... 12


A. The Background of SDN Kartasura 07 .................................... 14
B. The Job Training Activities ....................................................... 16
1. Class Observation ................................................................ 16
2. Lesson Plan ......................................................................... 17
3. The Teaching and Learning Process .................................... 17
C. Discussion ……………………………………………………..18
1. The English Teaching and Learning Process in SDN
Kartasura 07………………………………………………….. 18
2. Teaching Procedure ……………………………………….. 19
3. The Activities Done in the Classroom …………………….. 20
D. The Problems in the English Teaching Process
and the Solutions ........................................................................ 25
A. Conclusions…………………………………………………… 30
B. Suggestions……………………………………………………. 32



A. Background
Nowadays, education has become one of the most important things in the
world. Actually, education is not everything, but everything comes from
education. In this case, education holds an important role in the aspect of life. The
education makes people know how to face life. As we know that globalization era
wants people to be ‘the winner’. To be the winner is not easy. There must be a
door which must be opened. The way to open the door is by finding the key. The
key to open the door is English language. Thus, it is necessary to have English
language lesson for Indonesian education.
English as an international language has become one of the most important
languages that should be mastered by all of the people around the world. People
should master English because the language is always used for communication.
Besides, there are many text books from West countries used for reference written
in English.
English must be taught to the children as early as possible. Although the
children as young learners have a great talent in learning language, memorizing
new vocabulary better and faster than adult, but the English lesson taught must be
simple and easy to understand. It has to be adjusted with the level of the students.
So, it will be appropriate with their ability.



For the reason above, Elementary schools are the right place to introduce
English. In the Elementary schools students get English language skills in
listening, speaking, reading and writing which are adjusted to their understanding
level. The first way to teach English to the students is that the teacher must
already master the four skills properly. It is important because the teacher can
teach English well by delivering the material correctly. Next, the teacher has to
create the teaching-learning process as a media to provide a good model. Arief
Rachman says that “keteladanan menjadi kunci utama dalam proses pendidikan,
tanpa keteladanan pendidikan hanya akan menjadi transfer of knowledge tapi
tidak transfer of value”
There are some steps which have to be done before teaching English to the
students. First, the teacher gets syllabus which is sent by the regency. After having
the syllabus, the teacher makes a semester program. This is a program which
should be done by the teacher in the first semester. Then, the teacher should write
lesson plan (RPP). Next, the teacher can teach to the students. After teaching, the
teacher should make an evaluation. It aims to evaluate the teaching and learning
process in order to achieve a goal.
The writer was interested to do the job training in SDN Kartasura 07,
Sukoharjo because in this school, English lesson has been taught to the students
from the first until the sixth grade. Although English has been taught to all grades,
the English lesson for the first up to third grade is only for introduction. The
writer taught fourth grade students in the job training. The writer also found some
problems which came from two sides, teacher and students. Based on the job


training experience and finding above the final project report is entitled “THE

B. Objectives
Based on the background above, the objectives of this report are formulated
as follows:
1. To describe the process of teaching English to the 4th grade students of SDN
Kartasura 07
2. To find out the problems faced by the students in learning English and to give
solution to the problems faced by the students in learning English

C. Benefits
The writer hopes that the results of this final project report will be
beneficial to:
1. SDN Kartasura 07
This final project report is expected to give useful input to the English teacher and
the students of SDN Kartasura 07 in improving their quality.
2. English Diploma students
It is expected that the final project report can give additional knowledge in
improving the skills of teaching English to the elementary school students.


3. Other readers
It is also expected that this final project report can be a reference in teaching
English to the elementary school students.


This chapter contains six main topics related to the title of the final project
report. Those six topics are teaching, learning, teaching method, young learners,
teaching English to young learners and factors affecting language acquisition. All
of the topics will be reviewed in detailed as follow:

A. Teaching
Teaching is one of the most important elements in the teaching and
learning process. The students are difficult to do or understand something without
guiding. There must be a teacher who teaches them to make them understand.
According to Oxford Elementary learner’s Dictionary, “teaching is to give
somebody lessons, to tell or show somebody how to do something” (Oxford,
2001: 369). While, Collins Cobuild Advanced Learn er’s English Dictionary
(2006: 1485) defines teaching as the work that a teacher does in the helping
students to learn.
Gage says that, “Teaching means guiding and facilitating learning
enabling the learner to learn and setting the condition for learning “(Gage, 1964:
Moreover, Brown, “Teaching is showing or helping someone to learn how
to do something, giving instruction, guiding the study of something, providing
with knowledge causing to know or to understand” (Brown, 2001:7).



Overall it can be concluded that teaching is an activity of transferring knowledge
or skill, guiding, and motivating to the students.
Furthermore, to be a good teacher is not as easy as how we imagine it.
There are some qualifications that the teacher should have:
1. A teacher should make his / her lesson interesting
2. A teacher must love his/her job
3. A teacher should have his/her own personality
4. A teacher should have lots of knowledge
5. A good teacher is an entertainer in a positive sense, not in a negative sense
(Harmer, 1998: 1-2)

B. Learning
Teaching and learning are activities that almost can not be separated.
When there is a person delivering knowledge, that is teaching, there must be some
people trying to find out knowledge. According to Collins Cobuild Advanced
Learner’s English Dictionary (2006: 816) “learning is the process of gaining
knowledge through studying”.
While according to Oxford Elementary Learners Dictionary, learning
means “To find out something, or how to do something, by studying or by doing it
often” (Oxford, 2001: 204).
According to Hamalik, “Learning is a process of behavioral changes as a
result of experience and training“(Hamalik, 1989: 60).


Brown also states “Learning is acquiring or getting of knowledge of
subject or a skill by study, experience, or institution” (Brown, 2001: 7).
Based on the definitions above, we can conclude that learning is a process
of getting knowledge or a skill by study, experience or institution.

C. Teaching Method
According to Cole and Chan, “Methods are sets of learning plans,
strategies, and techniques used to organize classroom practice” (Cole and Chan,
1994: 4).
Meanwhile, Brown suggests that, “Method is a generalized set of
classroom specifications for accomplishing linguistic objectives” (Brown, 2001:
There are eight kinds of methodology according to Larsen and Freeman
(Larsen and Freeman, 1986: 4-135). They are:
1. The Grammar Translation Method
This method is also known as Classical Method before the 19th Century. It
is used for helping learners understand foreign language literature. The students
are taught to translate from one language to another. Most of the interaction in the
classroom is from the teacher to the students. Students need to learn about
grammar rules and vocabulary of the target language. Reading and writing are
primary skills that the students work on. There is much less attention given to
speaking and listening.


2. The Direct Method
The purpose of the language learning is to learn how to use a foreign
language to communicate. Language is primarily spoken, not written. So, the
students’ native language should not be used in the classroom.
Vocabulary is emphasized over grammar. Thus, object (e.g. realia of
pictures) present in the immediate classroom environment should be used to help
the students understand the meaning.
3. The Audio Lingual Method
The purpose is to be able to use the target language communicatively. The
teacher is like a leader, while the students are imitators. New vocabulary and
structure are presented through dialogue. The teacher is responsible for providing
the students with a good imitation. Tapes and lab are often needed in learning
4. The Silent Way
The purpose is to be able to express their thoughts, perceptions and
feelings. The teacher sets up situation that focus student attention on the structure
of the language. Using minimal spoken cues, the students are guided to produce
the structure. The teacher is silent. The student verbal interactions are desirable
and encouraged. The native language is used to give instruction when necessary.
5. Suggestopedia
The purpose is to accelerate the process by which the students learn to use
a foreign language for everyday communication. The teacher is the authority in
the classroom. A great deal of attention is given to the students’ feelings.


Vocabulary and speaking communicatively are emphasized. Native language
translation is used to make the meaning of the dialogue clear.
6. Community Language Learning
The purpose is to make the students learn how to use the target language
communicatively. The learner is very depended upon the teacher. The students
have a conversation in their native language. The teacher helps them express what
they want to by giving them the target language translation in chunks. Various
activities are conducted that allow students to further explore the language. The
students’ native language is used to make the meaning clear. The teacher
encourages the students to self-evaluate.
7. The Total Physical Response Method
The method is developed in order to reduce the stress people when
studying foreign languages and thereby encourage students to persist in their study
beyond a beginning level of proficiency. The teacher is director of all students’
behavior. The students are imitators of the teacher. Teacher is tolerant of the
students’ error and only correct major errors.
8. The communicative approach
The goal is to have one’s students become communicatively competent.
The student’s native language has no particular rule. The target of language is a
vehicle for classroom communication, not just the object of study. The teacher is
facilitator of the students in learning


D. Young Learners
According to Phillips “Young learners means children from the first year
of schooling (five or six years old) to eleven or twelve years of age” (Phillips,
1996: 5).
While, Scott and Ytreberg state that children are divided into two
categories: five to seven years old and eight to ten years old (Scott and Ytreberg,
2000: 1). They define children’s abilities in each group of age:
1. The five to seven years old children:

They can talk what they are doing
They can tell you about what they have done or heard
They can plan activities
They can argue for something and tell you why they think what they

2. The eight to ten years old:

Their basic concepts are formed. They have very decided views of the

They can tell the difference between fact and fiction
They ask questions all the time
They are able to make some decisions about their own learning

Further, Scott and Ytreberg say that other characteristics of young learners
are: they like learning while playing. Second, they tell about what they do and
hear. Third, they sometimes can get involve in a debate on something. Fourth,


they learn faster their surroundings. Fifth, their concentration and attention do not
last long (Scott and Ytreberg, 1995: 4).
In conclusion, young learners can be defined as children who have special
characteristics which can be ranged five to twelve years old.

E. Teaching English to Young Learners
Childhood is the best time to learn the second language. According to
Brumfit in his book Teaching English to Children , “…..that young children have
more opportunities than adults. They are learning all the time without having
worries and responsibilities of adults; their parent, friends and teachers all help
them in learning….” (Brumfit, 1994: vi).
In the book entitled The Practice of Language Teaching , Harmer states
that “more anything else, children are curious, and this in itself is motivating. At
the same time their span of attention or concentration is less than of an adult
(Harmer 1991: 7). Teaching English to the children should be creative.
Teaching English as the second language to the children is absolutely
different from teaching English to adult. “Children differ in physical
characteristic, social skill, home life, intellectual ability, learning capability, ideas
attitude, needs, ambition, hopes and dream it requires teacher to use teaching
strategies and tactics” (Jarolimek, 2001: 3).
Teaching strategies and tactics are essential in the process of teaching.
There are some points to make an enjoyable class thus it can stimulate the
children to study according to Philips in her book Young Learners,


1. The activities should be simple enough for the children to understand what
is expected from them.
2. The task should be within their abilities, it needs to be achievable but at
the same time sufficiently stimulating for them to feel satisfied with their
3. The activity should be largely orally-based indeed, with very young
children listening activities will take up a large proportion of class time.
4. Written activities should be used sparingly with younger children.
Children of six or seven years old are often not yet proficient in the
mechanics of writing in their own language.
(Phillips, 1993: 7)

F. Factors Affecting Language Acquisition Process
There are two factors that may affect a new language in the second
language acquisition. Those factors are internal and external factors:
1. Internal factors
Internal factors are factors that come from the learner himself or herself. Those
a. Motivation
Motivation is some kind of internal drive that encourages somebody to pursue a
course of action.


b. Intelligent
Intelligent is related to capability, cognitive development, and language
c. Age
The best age to learn and study second language is fourteen years old.
d. Previous Knowledge
Previous knowledge is related to culture and language background.
2. External factors
External factor is factor that comes from outside learner. Those are:
a. Macro and Micro Environment
Macro is informal class, while micro is formal class.
b. Facilities
Facilities are essential to support the running of teaching and learning process.
c. Methodology
Methodology is method that is used in teaching and learning activity.
(Brown in Epik Tri Rahayu: 2000)


A. The Background of SDN Kartasura 07
SDN Kartasura 07 is a state Elementary school which is located in Jl.
Ahmad Yani Perengsari, Kartasura, Sukoharjo. It has wonderful scenery because
it is located near to the Main Street and also river.
SDN Kartasura 07 was built in 1982 on the area of about 1,600 meters
square with the statistic number of the school is 10131112023. The building
consists of six classrooms, a teacher’s room, a parking area, two ware houses, a
room for saving equipment, a canteen, a computer room, a School Health Unit
(UKS), a yard, and three toilets. The teacher’s room is the oldest room in that
school because it was built in the Dutch colonialism. It was built as a place for
saving petroleum.
SDN Kartasura 07 has 141 students who are classified into 6 classes in the
academic year of 2009/2010. There are 75 male students and 68 female students.
The class activity is started at 07.10 a.m. and ended at 12.20 p.m. except for
Friday and Saturday or for the first and second grade students. The curriculum
used in this school is KTSP, education unit level curriculum. The school got
accreditation “A” from the Sukoharjo regency in 2007. The accreditation given to
the school since that the school is very good.
SDN Kartasura 07 is led by a headmaster who is responsible for handling
the school to reach the goal of the school program. The school has eleven teachers



consisting of six class teachers, a sport teacher, and an arts teacher, two religion
teachers and an English & computer teacher. All of the teachers are solid. They
are responsible for create a bright generation.
SDN Kartasura 07 has a vision that is to create people who are smart,
creative, and productive and having good behavior which is ready to face
globalization era. While the missions of the schools are:
1. Building personalities who having religion morality, having good skills
and mastering knowledge.
2. Creating graduates who are productive and appropriate with demands of
The structural organization of SDN Kartasura 07





2 Religion



English &
Computer Teacher

School Guard





B. The Job Training Activities
1. Class Observation
In the job training, the writer did an observation towards the situation and
condition of the school. The observation covered the facilities and the teaching
activities in the classroom. It aims to know the best effort to teach English in the
classroom is.
Each class has an ideal student number. The range is about 19 – 23. There
are nineteen students in the fourth grade class. The fourth grade classroom is
comfortable. It is good for the process of teaching and learning English. There
were twenty tables and twenty chairs for the students, one table and one chair for
the teacher, one white board, one eraser, two board makers, one clock, one bank
data of the class, and some class rules.
Praying is the first activity doing by the students and the teacher. Praying
here means reading about three surah of Holy Qur’an. The school applies that rule
because praying can build students’ character.
English lesson was taught from the 1st to 6th grade students. Although it
was taught to all grades, the lesson for the 1st to 3rd grade students is just for
introduction. The English lesson for the fourth grade was started in the first time,
which is 07.10 a.m. Each meeting is 35 minutes. The English lesson for the fourth
grade students is given two sessions. Thus the class is ended at 08.20 a.m.


2. Lesson Plan
Before delivering knowledge that is teaching English to the students, it
was important to make a lesson plan. The lesson plan has a function, which is to
manage the teaching process in order to goal the aim. The lesson plan was
arranged based on the syllabus and evaluation from the previous meeting. There
were some stages that the writer had done in making the lesson plan. They are:
1. Looking the themes of the lesson
2. Deciding the focus of the lesson
3. Deciding the method used
4. Deciding the goal of the lesson
5. Preparing the materials and equipments
6. Writing the stages of activities for the lesson
Generally, the lesson plan consists of building knowledge of field,
modeling, joint construction, individual construction of the test. Sometimes,
lesson plan used is not match with the reality. The teacher should prepare another
lesson plan or in here means strategy to overcome unpredictable situation.

3. The Teaching and Learning Process
Teaching and learning process was done by using the lesson plan which
has been made. To reach a goal of the teaching and learning process there should
be a good cooperation between the teacher and the students. The teaching and
learning materials are also essential for supporting the process of teaching and
learning. It is possible to reach a goal after the process run well.


The students entered the room after the bell rang. The teaching and
learning process is started at 7.10 a.m. The teaching and learning process is started
by praying. After finishing praying, all the students gave greeted and said good
morning in Indonesian language. The teacher replied to the student’s greeting and
started the process of teaching English.
The book which was used in the class was student’s exercise book (LKS).
Besides, the writer added it by providing textbook related to the material. The
writer also provided some pictures and flash cards to enrich the materials for
teaching students. To overcome the unpredictable situation, the writer used
strategies by giving games and song.

C. Discussion
1. The English Teaching and Learning Process in SDN Kartasura 07
English lesson has been taught to the students of SDN Kartasura 07 since
2001. At that time, English was taught to the three classes, 4th, 5th, and 6th grade
students. This time English is taught to all grades. The time allocated to English
lesson is 70 minutes for the 4th, 5th, and 6th grade students. While for 1st, 2nd and
3rd grade students only have 35 minutes once a week. At that time, the writer
taught English lesson for the fourth grade students. The lesson was conducted on
Wednesday at 7.10 a.m. to 8.20 a.m.
For supporting the teaching and learning English activities the writer used
grammar translation method. Besides, the writer also used strategies to improve


the student’s vocabulary and to arouse the student’s motivation toward learning
2. Teaching Procedure
Teaching Procedure is essential for the teacher to make a preparation in
order to reach a goal in the teaching and learning process. The procedure of the
activities for teaching English covers building knowledge of the field (BKOF),
modeling, individual construction, joint construction, and closing.
a. Building Knowledge of Field (BKOF)
This step is the first step which has been done in teaching and learning
process. Its aim is to prepare the student’s readiness. Firstly, the students were
given greeting. Then they were given questions related to the material. This is the
example of greeting:

: ‘Good morning students’


: ‘Good morning miss’


: ‘How are you today?’


: ‘I am fine’


: ‘Who is absent today?’


: ‘No absent’

After giving greeting to the students, the writer asked some questions
related to the material, for example:
‘Do you know what is it?’
‘Do you know what the use of it is?’
‘Do you know what is Ikhsan doing?’


The writer asked to the students with all the questions above. Yet, the
answers of the questions must be changed in order to make a variation.
b. Modeling
In this step, the writer gave explanation to the students based on the theme
of the book from the school. The writer explained as clearly as possible in order to
make the students understand.
By using the student’s hand book (LKS), the writer explained the students.
The students as learners must listen carefully to understand what the writer said.
In teaching English, the writer used two languages. Here means the writer also
used Indonesian language. It was done by the writer since the students could not
understand if the writer gave English all the time. The writer also used pictures in
explaining the English lesson. The pictures are essential for students to memorize
the materials. The pictures also give contribution in the success of teaching and
learning process.

Getting up


The students as learners also need grammar to make a sentence and to
conduct a communication. Actually grammar is not so crucial if it is used in
speaking as long as the people whom you talk can understand what you mean.
Yet, it can create misunderstanding if there is wrong use. The writer taught
present continuous tense to the students by using this formula.



Auxiliary verb

He, She




You, We, They


1. I am studying

( Saya sedang belajar)

2. He is playing chess

( Dia sedang bermain catur)

3. They are sleeping

( Mereka sedang tidur)

Note: I

He = dia (laki-laki)

= saya

You = kamu

She = dia (perempuan)

= kita

They = mereka
c. Individual Construction
The writer gave individual assignment to be done by the students. The
assignment was given to check the students’ comprehension. The students were
asked to do practice from exercises taken from the student’s exercises book Eksis.
The writer gave enough time for the students to do the exercises. The answers
were discussed together after the students did the exercises. The students were
allowed to ask questions that they do not understand. Sometimes the writer also
asked the students to write their answer in the white board.
d. Joint Construction
The writer asked the students to make a group of four. The writer gave
explanation to the students how to play the game. Firstly, the students must


arrange the cut pictures about the theme that is home activities to be a picture
which can be seen the activities. After getting the name of activities from the
pictures, one of the students has to go in front of the class and gives circle on the
paper stuck in the white board. The faster was the winner.
e. Closing
The writer ended the lesson after finishing the process of teaching English.
Before the lesson was ended the writer reviewed the material to make the students
more understand. The writer also gave a chance to the students to ask whether
they did not clear enough in catching the material. Next, the teacher gave
homework and asked the students to study at home. Finally, the writer ended the
lesson by saying ‘good bye and see you next week’.
3. The Activities Done in the Classroom
There were four basic skills of teaching and learning which were done in
the classroom.
a. Listening
Listening is the first step in the process of learning language. Listening to
English language is a big problem for young learners. The students as new
learners have to try hard to catch the meaning of the language said by the writer.
In the listening activity the students should listen the questions and instructions
said by the writer. The example of questions and instructions were:
‘Can you do it?’
‘Open your book page 8’
‘Raise your hand!’


‘Do the task 2, now!’
‘Be quiet, please!’
‘Do not go anywhere!’
b. Speaking
Speaking is the second step in the process of learning language. The
students used to be afraid and shy if they were asked to speak. They had not
enough skill in expressing their words in speaking as new learners. Therefore, the
writer gave some examples of short conversation and expression of permissions to
the students to practice. For example:
o Aisya : “May I go to the toilet, Miss”
Fitri : “Yes, please”
o Endra : “What is your mother doing?”
Fitri : ‘She is cooking’
o Ardi : “Where is she eating?’
Dewi : “She is eating in the dining room’
o Syifa’ : ‘Is she studying?’
Ahmad: ‘Yes, she is’
c. Reading
The writer gave a short text to the students. Firstly, the writer read the first
sentence. Next, the students were asked to repeat it. The writer translated the
difficult vocabularies in order that the students could translate them easily. The
writer helped the students by translating long sentences which were difficult.
Next, the students were asked to answer the questions based on the text. The tasks
were discussed together after they had finished in doing it. The example of the
text taken from Eksis is as follows:


Activities on Sunday
I am Tommy. I am a student. Today is Sunday. It is holiday. I am not
going to go to school. I stay at home with my family. My family has many
activities on Sunday morning.
My father is Mr. Herman. My father washes his car in the yard. My
brother ’Rommy’ and me cut the grass and clean the garden. My sister ’Ivanna’
sweeps the house floor. My mother cooks the food for our meals. She cooks soup
and fries the chicken in the kitchen.
After finishing our activities, we take a bath. Then, we go to the dining
room for having meals together.
Answer the questions based on the text above!
1. What is Tommy?
2. What day is today?
3. Is Tommy’s family going outside?
4. What are they doing on Sunday morning?
5. What is Mr. Herman doing?
6. Is Ivanna sweeping the floor?
7. What is Tommy’s mother doing?
8. What are Tommy and Rommy doing?
9. What are they doing after finishing their activities?
10. Where is Tommy’s family having their meals?
d. Writing
Writing is a skill which is not easy to master by the students in a short
time. There must be many practices to do in order to get true writing. Writing is a
difficult thing for students. In this case the students as young learners have to
master those three skills mentioned above i.e.: listening, speaking and reading
before writing.
In the writing activity the writer gave some pictures taken from Eksis. The
students should write the name of the pictures. Firstly the students have to watch
the picture. Next, the students fill the line available with the answer. The writer
also gave a game to increase the writing skill. The way to play the game is that the


students have to continue the writing based on the last alphabet which is appeared
from the key word. The example of pictures and game used by the writer is as
The pictures:

She is _ _ _ _ _ _

He is _ _ _ _ _ _ _

The game:

D. The Problems in the English Teaching and Learning Process and the
There are many efforts which must be done to conduct a good teaching
and learning process. The writer has done the best that she can, but there are still
some problems in the process of teaching English. The problems in the process of
teaching and learning English faced by both the students and the teacher were:
a. The problems faced by the students and the solutions

Memorizing the vocabularies








vocabularies. They are difficult to memorize it because English is really
different from Indonesia. It can be seen from the way to read the alphabet
and the structure of the sentences. When the writer asked the students to


mention the activities at home, the students were still hard to mention it. It
took long minutes to say. The solution of this problem was that the writer
had to mention it several times in order that the students are easy to
memorize them.

Almost all of the students are poor in pronouncing English. They
always made mistakes in pronouncing the words in English. The writer
had given examples about the way they should pronounce in early process
of teaching English. Yet, the students still made mistakes by pronouncing
the wrong words. If there is no effort to change to the right pronunciation
it will be fossilized error. The solution for this problem was the writer
must repeat the correct pronunciation over and over until the students can
say the right pronunciation.

Reading is the most difficult skill faced by the students. They were
not able to read fluently and to understand the text well. The students
needed the help from the writer more to understand the text. When they
did the task related to the text they asked to the writer to help them.
Sometimes they asked to the writer in each sentence since they really did
not have enough vocabularies to answer the sentences. The writer must
give the translation in each sentence to make the students understand. The
solution to overcome the problem was the writer has to explain the idea of


the text and translate the sentences which are difficult in order that the
students can understand it.
b. The problems faced by the teacher and the solutions

Classroom management
The students were active in the class. They were like to wander
around in the class to talk each other about something they felt and to
share a story they got from their dream or story they did with their close
friend. Sometimes, when the writer taught in front of the class one of the
students played toys with another friend so that it created bad atmosphere
at class. The students who were discipline in the class became angry to see
the students who were not discipline. At another time, there were also
students who did not care about the situations that were going on. So the
class was not conducive. The writer solved the problem by giving good
explanation to the students who chatted and played in the class. The writer
also gave a joke to increase the students’ interest in the class.

The low students’ motivation
The willingness to learn English more almost could not be seen.
The students just enter the room, sit down and listen to the writer’s
explanation. If they were boring they chatted with their friends. When the
writer asked the students to open their Eksis they did it. Yet, when the
students were asked to do the exercises in the book they refused it by
saying ‘I can not do it, miss’. They always said that they could not do it
even they have not tried to do it. It showed that there was the low of


students’ motivation to learn. To solve the problem the writer gave wise
words – sentence to motivate the students. The sentence was ‘all the
students are smart, so do the best to get the best’. The sentence was printed
in a piece of paper and was stuck in the white board. The writer also gave
a song to breakdown the uncomfortable situations. The title of the song is
‘if you happy and you know it’. All of the students were happy to sing it
when the writer presented the song in the class. Both the writer and the
students sang together with the action. They clapped their hand, said hello
and turned around while singing. The writer also gave a game to make a
teaching variation. The students were so happy to play the game. The
game is also one of good strategy to attract the students in order to show
that learning English is not just sitting but learning English can be done by
playing games. The students who win the game got some prizes. Finally
the class could be managed well and the situation in the class was
conducive again.

The limited facility
There should be enough facilities to conduct an ideal English
teaching and learning process. The facility holds an important part in
supporting the English teaching and learning process. The facility eases
the writer in explaining the materials. There were no enough facility to
support the English teaching and learning process in the SDN Kartasura
07. Actually there were some flash cards, CDs and toys used for increasing
the vocabularies. Yet, the number of the flash cards and toys did not match


with the topic given and the number of the students. The CDs could not be
used since there was no VCD player. The CDs could not be used if there
was no tool which is VCD player to use. The solution to overcome the
problem was the writer gave some pictures which were used as flash cards
for improving the students’ vocabularies. The writer also used simple
games for changing the used of facilities which are incomplete.


A. Conclusions
From the discussion in the previous chapter, the writer presents the
conclusions as follows:
1. The Process of Teaching English
Teaching is an activity of transferring knowledge or skill, guiding and
motivating to the students. Although the teaching covered many activities, the
teacher is expected to do their job as well as possible. The teacher should pay
attention about the way she gave the lesson in the process of teaching English.
The first way to teach English to the students is that the teacher must already
master the four skills of English which are listening, speaking, reading, and
writing. It is essential because the teacher can teach English well by delivering the
material correctly. Next, the teacher must create the teaching and learning process
as media to provide a good model. Providing a good model is important to create
an education which is not only transfer of knowledge but also transfer of value.
The writer created a good atmosphere by giving a fun English lesson to the
students in the class. The writer gave a spirit by using string of wise words in
order to motivate the students. Motivation encourages the students to pursue a
course of action. The procedure of activities for teaching English covers building
knowledge of field, modeling, individual construction, joint construction, and



knowledge of field, modeling, individual construction, joint construction, and
2. The Problems and Solutions in the Process of Teaching English
There were some problems in the process teaching English faced by both
the students and the teacher. The problems faced by the students were memorizing
the vocabularies, pronouncing, and reading. The problem solution for memorizing
the vocabularies was the writer must mention it several times in order the students
ease to memorize it. The problem solution for pronouncing was the writer must
repeat the correct pronunciation over and over until the students can say the right
pronunciation. The problem solution for reading was the writer must explain the
idea of the text and translate the sentences which are difficult in order the students
can learn more.
The problems faced by the teacher were classroom management, the low
students’ motivation and the limited facility. The problem solution for classroom
management was by giving good explanation to the students who chatted and
played in the class. The writer also gave a joke to increase the students’ interest in
the class. The problem solution for the low students’ motivation was wise words –
sentence to motivate the students. The writer also gave a song to breakdown the
uncomfortable situations and a game to make the teaching variation. The problem
solution for the limited facility was the writer gave some pictures which were used
as flash cards for improving the students’ vocabularies. The writer also used
simple games for changing the used of facilities which are incomplete.


B. Suggestions
Based on the conclusions that have been presented previously, the writer
has some suggestions as follows:
1. SDN Kartasura 07
The facilities in SDN Kartasura 07 are not sufficient to support the
teaching and learning process. Therefore, it is important for the school to provide
more facilities. The facilities such as text books, dictionaries, VCD players, tape,
etc. By providing the facilities, it is hoped that the students can be a qualified
2. The English teacher
Teacher of Elementary students has an essential part for young learners in
the process teaching and learning English. The teacher should be creative in the
process of teaching and learning English. English lesson must be created as
enjoyable as possible in order to make the students love English lesson. The
teacher has to create the teaching and learning process as a media to provide a
good model so that in education there will be not only transfer of knowledge, but
also transfer of value.
3. The English Diploma Students
It is important for English diploma students to prepare both the psychology
and the knowledge. English diploma students should be ready in facing the job
training, which is teaching to young learners. There should be enough knowledge
about young learners and teaching to young learners to reach the goal of teaching.


Brown, H. Douglas. 1994. Principles of language learning and teaching. New
Jersey: Prentice Hall.
_______________. 2001. Teaching by Principles: An Interactive Approach to
Language Pedagogy. New York: Addison Wesley Longman.
Brumfit, Christopher 1994. Teaching English to Children. England:
Cole, Peter G and Chan, Lorna. 1994. Teaching Prin