

























This thesis is submitted to meet one of the requirements to achieve

Sarjana Degree in English Education








This thesis written by Intan Qurrota A’yunina was approved on December 30th, 2013.


Advisor II, Advisor I,


This thesis was defended in front of the examiners of Faculty of Teacher Training and Education of University of Muhammadiyah Malang

and accepted as one of the requirements to achieve Sarjana Degree in English Education

on December 30th, 2013.

Approved by:

Faculty of Teacher Training and Education University of Muhammadiyah Malang


Dr. Poncojari Wahyono, M.Kes


1. Dra. Thathit Manon Andini, M.Hum 1. ... 2. Riski Lestiono, M.A 2. ... 3. Dr. Sri Hartiningsih, MM. 3. ... 4. Dr. Hartono, M.Pd. 4. ...



. . .

“Allah tidak membebani seseorang itu melainkan sesuai dengan kesanggupannya...” (Q.S.Al-Baqarah: 286)

“Bersemangatlah atas hal-hal yang bermanfaat bagimu. Minta tolonglah pada Allah, jangan engkau lemah.”

(HR. Muslim)

“Jika engkau ingin memimpin, belajarlah untuk melayani.” (Mario Teguh)


This thesis was dedicated to: Allah SWT, Prophet Muhammad SAW, The blessed and beloved mother, father, and brother, The awesome friends, And the wonderful dream.




Alhamdulillah, all the gratefulness for Allah SWT by His blessing, strength, willing, opportunity, and guidance, the writer finally is able to finish this thesis.

This thesis will not be finished without helps from many parties. Therefore, in this occasion, the writer would like to express her deepest gratitude and appreciation to:

1. The beloved parents, Faridatul Chusniah and Achmad Syamsuddin for unending affection, attention, guidance, advices, inspiration, and every single kindness to the writer. The brother, Fuad Habibi MBIM, May Allah always gives His blessing.

2. The advisors, Dr. Sri Hartiningsih, MM as the first advisor and Dr. Hartono, M.Pd as the second advisor for the immeasurable guidance, advices, comments, corrections, kindness, and patience in the period of consultation and completion this thesis.

3. The examiners, Dra. Thathit Manon Andini, M.Hum as the first examiner and Riski Lestiono, MA as the second examiner for the invaluable comments, criticisms, and advices in the final examination of this thesis.

4. All lectures of English Department UMM, for the every knowledge that has been shared during the lecturing period in this university.

5. Nura Inayati, SE., SS, as the previous advisor for the advices and guidance in the early consultation period.

6. The awesome friends, Shilvia Rochiem, Nofi Firmallah, and Juli Tuhfa Ayu for the morale support, attention, and togetherness.

7. The kindess friends, Zuhre, Om, Surya, Tyas, Budhe Dino, Mega, Lucky, Kak Za, Genk, Bhena, Nciz, Ima, Mbak Yu, Refi, Prita, Dini, Enggar, Farida, Lyla, and Aini, for the pray, supports, advices and helps.

8. D1 classmates of English Department class year 2008, D’One family for the colorful years.

9. All English Department Students.

Last but not the least, the writer is fully aware that this thesis is far from the perfection. Therefore, constructive criticism and suggestion are always welcome in order to make this thesis better.

Malang, December 2013










1.1 Background of the Study ... 1

1.2 Statement of Problems ... 5

1.3 Purpose of the Study ... 6

1.4 Significance of Study ... 6

1.5 Scope and Limitations ... 6

1.6 Definition of Key Terms ... 7


2.1 Literature ... 8

2.2 Type of Literature ... 9

2.2.1 Imaginative Literature ... 9


2.3 Film ... 11

2.4 Type of Films ... 12

2.4.1 Action ... 12

2.4.2 Adventure ... 13

2.4.3 Comedy ... 13

2.4.4 Crime & Gangster ... 13

2.4.5 Drama ... 13

2.4.6 Epic / Historical ... 14

2.4.7 Horror ... 14

2.4.8 Musicals / Dance ... 14

2.4.9 Science Fiction ... 14

2.4.10 War ... 15

2.4.11 Western ... 15

2.5 Elements of Films ... 15

2.5.1 Narrative ... 15

2.5.2 Mise-en-Scene ... 17

2.5.3 Cinematography ... 18

2.5.4 Editing ... 18

2.5.5 Sound ... 18

2.6 Gender ... 19

2.7 Gender Discrimination ... 21


2.8.1 Marginalization ... 23

2.8.2 Subordination ... 23

2.8.3 Stereotype ... 24

2.8.4 Violence ... 24

2.8.5 Double Burden ... 26

2.9 Factors of Gender Discrimination ... 27

2.10 Effects of Gender Discrimination ... 28


3.1 Design of the Study ... 30

3.2 Approach of the Study ... 30

3.3 Object of the Study ... 31

3.4 Data Collection ... 31

3.5 Data Analysis ... 32


4.1 Findings ... 33

4.1.1 Kinds of Gender Discrimination ... 33 Marginalization ... 33 Stereotype ... 36 Violence ... 38


4.1.2 Factors of Gender Discrimination ... 40 Patriarchy ... 40 Lack of Awareness ... 41

4.1.3 Effects towards Georgiana’s Attitude ... 42 Disrespectful toward the Duke ... 43 Less Determined to Born a Male Heir ... 46 Unobliging / unobeying the Duke’s Order ... 47 Irresponsible to the Duchess Image ... 48 Egoistic towards the Children and Family ... 49

4.2 Discussion ... 50


5.1 Conclusion ... 55

5.2 Suggestion ... 56




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This chapter explains the background of the study, statement of the problems, purpose of the study, significance of the study, scope and limitation of the study, and definition of key terms.

1.1Background of the Study

Nowadays, gender has become a hot issue. It follows the born of feminism and masculine as the result from the change of social development. Those ideologies analyze the status of women and men in the society with the purpose of using that knowledge to make woman’s lives better (Crossman, 2013). It stirs a huge attention in all of society aspects. Since those actions are mainly focused in one aspect and it is a gender.

Gender is the description of how man and woman are defined by the society. Fakih (2001) stated that gender is an attitude on a man or woman which is constructed by social and culture. Cultural rules which are strongly attached on the society have created the unlisted judgment about how to determine the ‘must’ attitude concept between man and woman. A man for instance, must be physically and psychologically strong, independent, rational, brave, manly, while a woman must be soft, obedient, sensitive, motherly, feminine, sweet, etc. A man has to do what it can be called as the “man thing”. It also applies to a woman who has to do “the



woman thing”. These cultural roles have controlled the mindset of the society over the years and generations. Besides, some of government and religion rules are also directly and indirectly predicted to support this construction made by society.

However, people are confused between the concept of gender and sex. In contrast with the concept of gender which is constructed by society and culture, Fakih (2001) explained sex is biologically attributed on male or female which is from nature and cannot be changed or switched. Some of the example of biological female identities as a sex naturally that cannot be changed and switched are having breasts, ovaries, vagina, being pregnant, giving a birth, able to give breast-feed etc. In the opposite, the biological natures of male are on the appearance of Adam’s apple, penis, testis, producing sperm, etc. Those natures given are cannot be switched or changed. Even if these can be changed as the result of the high and modern medical technology nowadays through a surgery, the critical point of sex given by nature never can be completed. These two concepts actually are mixed by public who are once again not sure about what is the difference. They were referencing sex to determine about gender. Accordingly, woman and man are constructed behave just like what they should behave. Their nature are different, and also their characteristics, attitude, and jobs.

Unfortunately, this concept created a new scandal called inequality. One sex does not have right for some behavior and treatment towards another because of a gender. Whereas, in the definition of the concepts above actually showed that gender can be switched or at least applied to both sex. The Eastern cultures especially in



Indonesia for example, many people believe that smoking is not appropriated for woman. Public assume it in the negative way for woman who smokes. They see her as bad woman and identically to the all kind of promiscuity, wild life style, etc. That is very contradicting with the women concept who are soft, obedient, sensitive, motherly, feminine, sweet, etc. However, it is very contrast for the man. They are still fine because it does not ruin the man’s identity. Moreover, a man will be looked as the gentleman. In spite of this, public should care more about the smoking issue. It has been promoted for years that smoking damage body, whether it is a woman or man. Therefore, smoking actually must be forbidden to all of the gender.

From this example, it can be understood that gender inequality is the action of discrimination based on gender. That is treating differently toward one sex to another. Based on Burr (1998) explanation, it means treating people less favorably (for example by paying them less or allowing them fewer rights) on the basis of their sex. However, many studies found that the most victims on the gender discrimination are woman. Holm, for the example, on 1999 conducted a research with the title of Sex Discrimination or Paranoia: Gender Discrimination in Experimental Discrimination Behavior with the target of two similar economic states in USA and Sweden. It used experimental research involving more than 300 subjects in both countries. Even though both countries are detected to have different significant culture, the result of the study found that females are more inclined to discriminate by sex than male. Moreover, in the USA females are in the unfavorable state towards their own sex.



Gender discrimination is also showed in many literary works, one of which is film. Discrimination towards gender directly and indirectly has been showed through characters, scenes, wardrobes, dialogues, gestures, era, places, etc. Generally, the content in film can affect the attitude and mind of audience through the message in it. Besides, the film has different implication in the mention of gender discrimination. It can be a warning that the purpose is to dismiss discrimination. Conversely, it can create stronger mindset to the people that gender is the right thing in the society.

One of the films that appoints to the gender discrimination is titled “The Duchess”. It was Hollywood’s production with Saul Dibb as director which was released on 2008. The epic or historical film told about the life of popular duchess, celebrity, fashionista, and socialite on the 18th century in England. She was Georgiana Cavendish who was the first wife of the most powerful man on England, the 5th Duke of Devonshire. Georgiana, who was also called as G by her family, married the Duke in her 17th birthday. Since, her husband to-be was 23rd years old. She expected happy married life with loving and caring husband. However, those dreams never became true for many reasons. She got harm and cold behavior by her husband. By the story, this film showed how the family life of 5th Devonshire and how the treatment which G was got.

Related to another literature is the previous study which is taken from the thesis of Cahya (2009) with the title Problematika Kehidupan Rumah Tangga Politisi Perempuan Dalam Novel Terjemahan “Aku Lupa Bahwa Aku Perempuan” Karya Ihsan Abdul Qudus (Household Problems of Women Politician on Translation Novel



“I Forget That I’m a Woman” by Ihsan Abdul Qudus). It analyzed about the household problems which appeared in a woman politician house. The study found that the problem is on the household management. It is caused by bad communication and main character’s patriarchy idealism. The woman politician tried to balance her duties as a wife and a mother in home and as a politician. However, she could not complete it because she focused on her political activity more. This study belongs to gender role problem, in which the woman politician’s household became the focused topic. However, the dilemma was also classified as gender discrimination of double burden, as Ministry of Women’s Empowerment and Child Protection of Indonesia (2001) explained that it is double work load that was received by one gender than another.

This study is conducted because cultural and society issue are interesting topics to be brought. Gender issue attracts both pro and contra to date. Since, one side carries strong believe while another side asks for the equality. Moreover, it can be studied through biography based on true story film. Since, the lesson can also be taken from biography old era film. In support of this, Ary et al. (2010: 32) said qualitative writers begin with a general topic of interest. Therefore, conducting study about discrimination based on gender which is experienced by the main character named Georgiana Cavendish the Duchess of Devonshire in the film “The Duchess” directed by Saul Dibb has become the writer’s decision.



1.2 Statement of Problems

The description above can be described by a question to explore more about the problem. The questions are:

1. What kinds of gender discrimination did Georgiana Cavendish experience in Saul Dibb’s Film “The Duchess”?

2. What factors caused gender discrimination experienced by Georgiana Cavendish in Saul Dibb’s Film “The Duchess”?

3. What were the effects of gender discrimination experienced by Georgiana Cavendish on her attitude in Saul Dibb’s Film “The Duchess”?

1.3 Purpose of the Study

This study was conducted to find the answer of the statement of problems: 1. To identify the kinds of gender discrimination experienced by Georgiana

Cavendish in Saul Dibb’s Film “The Duchess”

2. To investigate the factors which caused gender discrimination experienced by Georgiana Cavendish in Saul Dibb’s Film “The Duchess” 3. To find out the effects of gender discrimination experienced by Georgiana

Cavendish on her attitude in Saul Dibb’s Film “The Duchess”

1.4 Significance of the Study

This study is conducted to give some benefit in all part of English studies. For students, who want to conduct research, the result of this study can be additional



information, previous study, and inspiration to conduct research in the same field. For lecturer and teacher, it can be additional information and source to the literary and social knowledge. Furthermore, it can be inspiration to get the new idea of lesson plan in the literature class.

1.5 Scope and Limitation of the Study

The scope of the study is the discrimination towards gender experienced by the main character named Georgiana Cavendish in Saul Dibb’s film titled “The Duchess”. Furthermore, the study is limited to the kinds, factors, and effects on her attitude.

1.6 Definition of Key Terms

To avoid misunderstanding, it is necessary to define the important terms used in this thesis. This is the definition of the key terms based on operational definition:

a. Film

Films communicate information and ideas, and they show us places and ways of life we might not otherwise know. (Brodwell and Thompson, 2006)

b. Gender Discrimination

It means treating people less favorably (for example by paying them less or allowing them fewer rights) on the basis of their sex. (Burr, 1998)


8 c. Georgiana Cavendish

She was the Duchess of Devonshire and the main character of “The Duchess” film after married the 5th Duke of Devonshire in her 17th birthday. She was also known as fashionista, genius woman, and loving by public. However, not for her husband who just demanded an heir from her. (Knowles, 2012)

d. “The Duchess” Film

A film based on biography by Amanda Foreman. It was produced by Hollywood and directed by Saul Dibb. This film is a chronicle of the life of 18th century aristocrat Georgiana, Duchess of Devonshire, who was reviled for her extravagant political and personal life.


Indonesia for example, many people believe that smoking is not appropriated for woman. Public assume it in the negative way for woman who smokes. They see her as bad woman and identically to the all kind of promiscuity, wild life style, etc. That is very contradicting with the women concept who are soft, obedient, sensitive, motherly, feminine, sweet, etc. However, it is very contrast for the man. They are still fine because it does not ruin the man’s identity. Moreover, a man will be looked as the gentleman. In spite of this, public should care more about the smoking issue. It has been promoted for years that smoking damage body, whether it is a woman or man. Therefore, smoking actually must be forbidden to all of the gender.

From this example, it can be understood that gender inequality is the action of discrimination based on gender. That is treating differently toward one sex to another. Based on Burr (1998) explanation, it means treating people less favorably (for example by paying them less or allowing them fewer rights) on the basis of their sex. However, many studies found that the most victims on the gender discrimination are woman. Holm, for the example, on 1999 conducted a research with the title of Sex Discrimination or Paranoia: Gender Discrimination in Experimental Discrimination Behavior with the target of two similar economic states in USA and Sweden. It used experimental research involving more than 300 subjects in both countries. Even though both countries are detected to have different significant culture, the result of the study found that females are more inclined to discriminate by sex than male. Moreover, in the USA females are in the unfavorable state towards their own sex.


Gender discrimination is also showed in many literary works, one of which is film. Discrimination towards gender directly and indirectly has been showed through characters, scenes, wardrobes, dialogues, gestures, era, places, etc. Generally, the content in film can affect the attitude and mind of audience through the message in it. Besides, the film has different implication in the mention of gender discrimination. It can be a warning that the purpose is to dismiss discrimination. Conversely, it can create stronger mindset to the people that gender is the right thing in the society.

One of the films that appoints to the gender discrimination is titled “The Duchess”. It was Hollywood’s production with Saul Dibb as director which was released on 2008. The epic or historical film told about the life of popular duchess, celebrity, fashionista, and socialite on the 18th century in England. She was Georgiana Cavendish who was the first wife of the most powerful man on England, the 5th Duke of Devonshire. Georgiana, who was also called as G by her family, married the Duke in her 17th birthday. Since, her husband to-be was 23rd years old. She expected happy married life with loving and caring husband. However, those dreams never became true for many reasons. She got harm and cold behavior by her husband. By the story, this film showed how the family life of 5th Devonshire and how the treatment which G was got.

Related to another literature is the previous study which is taken from the thesis of Cahya (2009) with the title Problematika Kehidupan Rumah Tangga Politisi Perempuan Dalam Novel Terjemahan “Aku Lupa Bahwa Aku Perempuan” Karya


“I Forget That I’m a Woman” by Ihsan Abdul Qudus). It analyzed about the household problems which appeared in a woman politician house. The study found that the problem is on the household management. It is caused by bad communication and main character’s patriarchy idealism. The woman politician tried to balance her duties as a wife and a mother in home and as a politician. However, she could not complete it because she focused on her political activity more. This study belongs to gender role problem, in which the woman politician’s household became the focused topic. However, the dilemma was also classified as gender discrimination of double burden, as Ministry of Women’s Empowerment and Child Protection of Indonesia (2001) explained that it is double work load that was received by one gender than another.

This study is conducted because cultural and society issue are interesting topics to be brought. Gender issue attracts both pro and contra to date. Since, one side carries strong believe while another side asks for the equality. Moreover, it can be studied through biography based on true story film. Since, the lesson can also be taken from biography old era film. In support of this, Ary et al. (2010: 32) said qualitative writers begin with a general topic of interest. Therefore, conducting study about discrimination based on gender which is experienced by the main character named Georgiana Cavendish the Duchess of Devonshire in the film “The Duchess” directed by Saul Dibb has become the writer’s decision.


1.2 Statement of Problems

The description above can be described by a question to explore more about the problem. The questions are:

1. What kinds of gender discrimination did Georgiana Cavendish experience in Saul Dibb’s Film “The Duchess”?

2. What factors caused gender discrimination experienced by Georgiana Cavendish in Saul Dibb’s Film “The Duchess”?

3. What were the effects of gender discrimination experienced by Georgiana Cavendish on her attitude in Saul Dibb’s Film “The Duchess”?

1.3 Purpose of the Study

This study was conducted to find the answer of the statement of problems: 1. To identify the kinds of gender discrimination experienced by Georgiana

Cavendish in Saul Dibb’s Film “The Duchess”

2. To investigate the factors which caused gender discrimination experienced by Georgiana Cavendish in Saul Dibb’s Film “The Duchess” 3. To find out the effects of gender discrimination experienced by Georgiana

Cavendish on her attitude in Saul Dibb’s Film “The Duchess”

1.4 Significance of the Study


information, previous study, and inspiration to conduct research in the same field. For lecturer and teacher, it can be additional information and source to the literary and social knowledge. Furthermore, it can be inspiration to get the new idea of lesson plan in the literature class.

1.5 Scope and Limitation of the Study

The scope of the study is the discrimination towards gender experienced by the main character named Georgiana Cavendish in Saul Dibb’s film titled “The Duchess”. Furthermore, the study is limited to the kinds, factors, and effects on her attitude.

1.6 Definition of Key Terms

To avoid misunderstanding, it is necessary to define the important terms used in this thesis. This is the definition of the key terms based on operational definition:

a. Film

Films communicate information and ideas, and they show us places and ways of life we might not otherwise know. (Brodwell and Thompson, 2006)

b. Gender Discrimination

It means treating people less favorably (for example by paying them less or allowing them fewer rights) on the basis of their sex. (Burr, 1998)


c. Georgiana Cavendish

She was the Duchess of Devonshire and the main character of “The Duchess” film after married the 5th Duke of Devonshire in her 17th birthday. She was also known as fashionista, genius woman, and loving by public. However, not for her husband who just demanded an heir from her. (Knowles, 2012)

d. “The Duchess” Film

A film based on biography by Amanda Foreman. It was produced by Hollywood and directed by Saul Dibb. This film is a chronicle of the life of 18th century aristocrat Georgiana, Duchess of Devonshire, who was reviled for her extravagant political and personal life.