The effect of food supplementation on nutritional status of severemalnourishment children aged 12-59 months in Sleman District, Yogyakarta Special Region | Soeroyo Machfudz | Journal of the Medical Sciences (Berkala ilmu Kedokteran) 3191 5435 1 SM

J Med Sci
Lubaid et al., The effect of food supplementation on nutritional status of severe malnourishment children
Volume 44, No.2, June 2012: 1 - 9
aged 12-59 months in Sleman District, Yogyakarta Special Region

The effect of food supplementation on
nutritional status of severe malnourishment
children aged 12-59 months in Sleman
District, Yogyakarta Special Region
Ahmad Lubaid1* , Endy Paryanto Prawirohartono 2, Soeroyo Machfudz 2
Prambanan Sub District Hospital, Sleman District, Yogyakarta, 2 Department of
Pediatrics, Dr. Sardjito General Hospital, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Gadjah Mada,
Yogyakarta, Indonesia

Malnutrition and malnourishment are still big problems among children in Indonesia. Age between
12 to 59 months is the most important and critical time periods for the physical and intelligence
development of children. Therefore, the children should obtain a good health care and nutrition
according to their needs. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the influence of food
supplementation on the nutritional status of children in Sleman District, Yogyakarta Special

Region. This was a quasi experimental study involving 60 severe malnourishment children between
the age of 12-59 months from Sayegan Sub Districts. Body weight and height of the children
were measured before and after food supplementation. Food supplements were given for 100
days. The outcome of this study was the change of nutritional status based on Z-score according
to the Ministry of Health classification adopted from WHO-NCHS (World Health OrganizationUS National Center for Health Statistics) recommendations. According to Z score for weight-forage (WAZ), the food supplementation did not improve the nutritional status of children. Although
the nutritional status of 25.87% children increased and the mean of WAZ significantly increased
1.04 to be -3.29 after supplementation (p

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