Invitation of General Meeting of Shareholders 2013

Board of Directors of PT Toba Bara S ejahtra T bk (“the C ompany”), based in
S outh J akarta, herewith calls and invites the C ompany’s shareholders to attend
Annual General Meeting of S hareholders (“the Meeting”)


F riday, J une 28, 2013
09:30 – 11:30 Western Indones ian Time
Grand Hyatt Hotel
B allroom A, 2nd F loor
J l. M.H Thamrin K av. 28-30, J akarta

with agenda and explanations as follow:

Ag endum 1
Approval of the Annual R eport and the ratification of the C ompany’s
C ons olidated F inancial S tatements for fis cal year 2012:
E xplanation:
Approval of the Annual R eport and the ratification of the C ompany’s C onsolidated
F inancial S tatements ended December 31, 2012, which has been audited by
Public Accountant F irm Purwantoro, S ungkoro & S urja (member of E rnst &
Y oung) signed on March 26th, 2013.
Ag endum 2
Determination of the us e of the C ompany’s net profit for fis cal year 2012.
E xplanation:
E xplanation and determination of achievement of the C ompany’s net profit for the
fiscal year 2012 and the approval of the use of Company’s net profit for fiscal
year 2012.
Ag endum 3
Delegation of authority to the C ompany’s B oard of C ommis sioners to
appoint the R egis tered Public Accountant F irm to audit the C ompany’s
C ons olidated F inancial S tatements for fis cal year 2013 and to determine the
honorarium of the Public Accountant F irm along with other requirements.

E xplanation:
Approval of delegation of authority to the C ompany’s Board of C ommissioners to
appoint the R egistered Public Accountant F irm to audit the C ompany’s
C onsolidated F inancial S tatements for fiscal year 2013 and to determine the
honorarium of the Public Accountant F irm along with the requirements.
Ag endum 4
Approval of res ignation of a member of B oard of Directors.
E xplanation:
Approval of resignation of a member of Board of Directors.
Ag endum 5
Delegation of authority to the C ompany’s B oard of C ommis sioners to
determine honorarium and other allowances for the C ompany’s B oard of
Directors for the fis cal year 2013.
E xplanation:
Approval of the delegation of authority to the C ompany’s Board of
C ommissioners to determine honorarium/salary and/ other allowances for the
C ompany’s Board of Directors for the fiscal year 2013 and the allocation for each
of the C ompany’s Director.
Ag endum 6
Determination of honorarium/s alary and other allowances

C ompany’s B oard of C ommis ioners for fis cal year 2013



E xplanation:
Approval of the delegation of authority for President C ommissioner to determine
honorarium/salary or other allowances for the C ompany’s Board of
C ommissioners for fiscal year 2013..
Ag endum 7
R eport on the IPO’s use of proceeds .
E xplanation:
T he company will report the IPO’s use of proceeds.

1. T he C ompany will not send a separate invitation to every S hareholder. T his
notice is the official Meeting invitation.
2. S hareholders, who are entitled to attend the Meeting are only valid
S hareholders or S hareholders’ Proxies – whereby the shares are either in

KS E I’s C ollective Depository (script or scripless) or separate - whose names
are recorded in the C ompany’s S hareholders R egister as of J une 12, 2013.
3. S hareholders or S hareholders’ Proxies attending the Meeting are requested
to bring and submit the copy of their valid Identity C ard (KT P) or other valid
legal identity documents to the registration officer before entering the Meeting
room. S hareholders, in the form of legal entity, are requested to bring and
submit the copy of the articles of association and all the revision and the deed
of the appointment of their recent members of Board of Directors and Board
of C ommissioners; and if required by regulations, the documents have been
verified by the official authorities.
S hareholders in KS E I’s C ollective Depository, who are attending the Meeting,
are requested to submit the Identity C ard (KT P) as well as the written
confirmation for the Meeting (“KT UR ”), which may be obtained at their
respective securities company or custodian bank of the Account Holders of
S ecurities in KS E I.
4. S hareholders, who are unable to attend the Meeting, may appoint proxies to
represent them on basis of valid power of attorney. Members of Board of
Directors, Board of C ommissioners and the C ompany’s employees are
allowed to act as S hareholders’ Proxies, however, the vote cast will not be
calculated in the voting.

5. S hareholders, who will authorize their proxies, may obtain the power of
attorney form at C orporate S ecretary Division of the C ompany’s Office:
Wisma Bakrie 2, 16th F loor, J l. H.R . R asuna S aid Kav. B-2, J akarta S elatan
12920, and/or at the C ompany’s S hare R egistrar Office: PT Datindo
E ntrycom, Wisma S udirman – Puri Datindo, J l. J end. S udirman Kav. 34-35,
J akarta S elatan 10220, during business days and office hours. S uch Power of
Attorney must be dully signed on a R p 6000 stamp duty.
6. T he meeting materials for shareholders are available at the C ompany’s
website,, since the date of the Meeting invitation, and
also can be obtained at the C ompany’s office as mentioned on point no. 6, by
attaching written request from S hareholders and must be received during
business days and office hours since the date of the Meeting invition until the
date of the Meeting.
7. In order to facilitate an orderly Meeting, the S hareholders or S hareholders’
Proxies are respectfully requested to arrive at the venue 30 (thirty) minutes
before the Meeting commences.
J akarta, J une 13th, 2013
PT Toba B ara S ejahtra Tbk
Board of Directors