Institutional Repository | Satya Wacana Christian University: Students' Attitude Toward English Lesson in Vocational High School Salatiga

Handini Setiyawati
This paper studies the attitudes of Vocational High School 2 Salatiga students
towards English lesson in term of their emotional, cognitive and behavioral
aspects. English is one of the required courses, but it is not the main course in that
school because the students mainly learn about a particular major they took in
school. In this study the researcher also examined the role of method and material
that were used in class. A total number 88 participants were chosen from three
different classes. They were asked to answers the questionnaire and 22 students
were choosen to be interviewed in order to get richer data. The study showed that
most students have a positive attitude towards English lesson and that they have
passion to improve their English. The finding also explored about the students’
obstacles and their suggestion toward English lesson in order to improve the
quality of the English learning process.
Key words: attitude, EFL learner, English learning.

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