Submitted to English Education Department As a Partial Fulfilment of the Requirement for S.Pd. Degree By: MU’ALIM IBNU FATHONI 1001050128 ENGLISH EDUCATION DEPARTMENT TEACHER TRAINING AND EDUCATION FACULTY UNIVERSITY OF MUHAMMADIYAH PURWOKERTO 2014 ii ii




  “Sesungguhnya orang-orang yang bertaqwa mendapat kemenangan” (Q.S. An-

  Naba‟: 31) “Aku mau hidup seribu tahun lagi”

  (Chairil Anwar - “Aku”)

  “A fruitless life is useless life” (No Name) v

  DEDICATION My praise is to Allah SWT.

  Shalawat and salam always be given to our prophet Muhammad SAW. This thesis is dedicated to:

  My beloved mother (Ibu Hj. Siti Musringah)

  • (Thank ’s for your praying, guidance, and firmness)

  My beloved father (Bapak Drs. H. Naslam Adi P)

  • (Thank ’s for your support and care)
  • Amanullah & Miftakhul Adnan A.)

  My beloved sister and brothers (Rina Emawati A (Almh), M. Hilmi

  (Thank ’s for the support)

  • Indra Ristianto)

  The Agathi of the Gank (mba Irma Ayuning Tyas, mba Fenti Fatikhah, &

  • Findan Yudha R, Intan Kartikasari, Endah Kartika S, Dimas Gilang P)

  The Kangkungs (Laras Damaiyanti, Dwi Anggraeny, Bella Septian A.P,

  Pengendus Rudal (Ahmad Catur Septiadi, Trian Wahyono, Rijal Jundi K)

  • My comrades in English Department

  All my friends in University of Muhammadiyah Purwokerto

  • (Thank ’s for the unforgettable experience and the friendship)




Assalamu‟alaikum Wr. Wb.

Alhamdulillahirob bil‟alamin. First, give thanks to Allah SWT for the

  blessing and guidance, so that this thesis could be finished. This is submitted to fulfill one of the requirements to get S.Pd. Degree at English Education Department of Teacher Training and Education Faculty of University of Muhammadiyah Purwokerto.

  The writer wishes to express his great appreciation and gratefulness to: Rina Agustina S.S., MApplLing TESOL as the Supervisor who had guided wisely and patiently during making process of the thesis. Drs. Ahmad, M. Pd., as the Dean of Teacher Training and Education Faculty at University of Muhammadiyah of Purwokerto. Drs. Pudiyono, M. Hum., as the Head of English Education Department of Teacher Training and Education Faculty at University of Muhammadiyah of Purwokerto. Wasis Sudiantoro, S.Pd. as the Headmaster of SMP N 1 Bukateja for giving permission and helping the writer conducts the research in his school. Agus Santoso S.Pd., as the English teacher of SMP Negeri

  1 Bukateja for giving precious lecture and favor. All of the lecturers who had delivered their knowledge which was worth and useful for the writer. All of the second grade students of SMP Negeri 1 Bukateja who had given good cooperation in this research. vii

  Finally, the writer believes that this thesis is still far from being perfect. Therefore, the writer would appreciate gladly to get constructive criticisms and also suggestions from the readers. The writer hopes that this thesis will give valuable things especially for educational field and also those who are interested.

  Purwokerto, July 2014 M u‟alim Ibnu Fathoni viii






Mu’alim Ibnu Fathoni



  The purpose of this study was to find out the effectiveness of cooperative script for teaching recount text. This research was conducted in one of junior high school in Purbalingga in academic year 2013/2014. The population was all eight grade students in that school. Sampling was done by random sampling technique. Researchers used two classes of total eight classes in eight grade students in academic year 2013/2014. This research used quasi experimental research which was conducted in mei until june 2014. The instrument of collecting the data was test. The test was done twice, they were pre-test and post-test. The type of the test was multiple choices, true-false, and gaps filling. t-test formula was used to analyze the data. Based on the computation, t-test result was 3.376 and t-table was 1.668 at the significant level 0.05 with the degree of freedom 68. It showed that t- result was higher than t-table (3.376 >1.668). Based on the research result, it can be concluded that the cooperative script was effective for teaching recount text.

  Keyword: cooperative script, experimental research. ix

TABLE OF CONTENT TITLE ................................................................................................................................ i APPROVAL ...................................................................................................................... ii LEGALIZATION ............................................................................................................ iii MOTTO ............................................................................................................................ v


DEDICATION ................................................................................................................... vi

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ............................................................................................... vii

ABSTRACT ...................................................................................................................... ix TABLE OF CONTENT ................................................................................................... x

LIST OF TABLE .............................................................................................................. xii

LIST OF APPENDICES ................................................................................................. xii

  CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION A. Background of the Research .................................................................................... 1 B. Reason for Choosing the Topic ................................................................................ 3 C. The Problem of the Research .................................................................................... 4 D. The Aim of the Research .......................................................................................... 4 CHAPTER II THEORETICAL REVIEW A. The Nature of Reading ............................................................................................. 5

  1. Definition of Reading ............................................................................................ 5

  2. The Aims of Reading ............................................................................................ 5

  3. Reading Comprehension ....................................................................................... 7

  4. The Major Components of Reading Comprehension ............................................ 8

  B. Recount Text ............................................................................................................. 10

  C. The Cooperative Script Model ................................................................................... 11

  1. The Concept of Cooperative Script ....................................................................... 11

  2. The Procedural Steps of Cooperative Script ......................................................... 11

  3. The Advantages and Disadvantages of Cooperative Script .................................. 12 x

  D. Reading Comprehension Activities Using Cooperative Script ................................. 14

  E. Relevant Studies on Cooperative Script .................................................................... 16

  F. Basic Assumption ....................................................................................................... 17

  G. Hypothesis ................................................................................................................. 18

  CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHODOLOGY A. Method of the Research ............................................................................................. 19 B. The Place and Time of the Research ........................................................................ 21 C. Population .................................................................................................................. 22 D. Sampling Technique .................................................................................................. 21 E. Sample ........................................................................................................................ 23 F. Technique of Collecting Data ................................................................................... 23 G. Technique of Analyzing Instrument .......................................................................... 24 H. Technique of Analyzing Data ................................................................................... 29 CHAPTER IV RESULT AND DISCUSSION A. Result ......................................................................................................................... 34

  1. The Result of Experimental Group ....................................................................... 34

  2. The Result of Control Group ................................................................................. 37

  3. The Comparison of Test Result ............................................................................. 39

  4. The Result of Reading Comprehension ................................................................. 42

  5. The Mean Result of the Pre-test and Post-test ...................................................... 45 6. t-test Result ............................................................................................................ 46

  B. Discussion ................................................................................................................. 50

  CHAPTER V CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION A. Conclusion ............................................................................................................... 55 B. Implication ............................................................................................................... 56 REFERENCES APPENDICES



  Table Page

  3.1 Research Schedule .............................................................................................. 21

  3.2 Scoring System Table ......................................................................................... 29 3.3 t-test Table .......................................................................................................... 30

  4.01 The Percentage of Student‟s Score in Pre-test (Experimental Group) ............... 34

  4.02 The Percentage of Student‟s Score in Post-test (Experimental Group) ............. 36

  4.03 The Percentage of Student‟s Score in Pre-test (Control Group) ........................ 37

  4.04 The Percentage of Student‟s Score in Post-test (Control Group) ...................... 38

  4.05 The Result of t-test for the Discourse Knowledge ............................................. 47

  4.06 The Result of t-test for the Vocabulary Knowledge .......................................... 47

  4.07 The Result of t-test for the Syntactic Knowledge .............................................. 48

  4.08 The Result of t-test for the Discourse Knowledge ............................................. 48

  4.09 The Result of t-test for the Readiness Aspect .................................................... 49

  4.10 The Result of t-test for the Affective Aspect ..................................................... 49

  4.11 General t-test Result ........................................................................................... 50 xii


  Figure Page

  4.1 The Comparison of Pre-Test Result ................................................................... 40

  4.2 The Comparison of Post-Test Result .................................................................. 41

  4.3 The Result of Reading Comprehension of the Experimental Group .................. 42

  4.4 The Result of Reading Comprehension of the Control Group ........................... 43

  4.5 The Mean Results ............................................................................................... 45 xiii


  Appendix 1 Test Instruments Appendix 1.1 Pre-test Test Items ................................................................... 63 Appendix 1.2 Post-test Test Items ................................................................. 69 Appendix 1.3 Answer Keys of Pre-test and Post-Test Test Items ................. 75 Appendix 1.4 Answer Sheet of Pre-test and Post-Test Test Items ................ 77

  Appendix 2 Lesson Plan


  Appendix 2.1 The 1 meeting of Experimental group ................................... 79


  Appendix 2.2 The 2 meeting of Experimental group .................................. 86


  Appendix 2.3 The 1 meeting of Control group ............................................ 93


  Appendix 2.4 The 2 meeting of Control group ........................................... 99 Appendix 3 Data Analysis

  Appendix 3.01 Validity and Reliability of Pre-test ........................................ 106 Appendix 3.02 Validity and Reliability of Post-test ...................................... 109 Appendix 3.03 General t-test Analysis .......................................................... 112 Appendix 3.04 t-test Analysis for Decoding Knowledge .............................. 114 Appendix 3.05 t-test Analysis for Vocabulary Knowledge ........................... 116 Appendix 3.06 t-test Analysis for Syntactic Knowledge ............................... 118 Appendix 3.07 t-test Analysis for Discourse Knowledge .............................. 120 Appendix 3.08 t-test Analysis for Readiness Aspect ..................................... 122 Appendix 3.09 t-test Analysis for Affective Aspect ...................................... 124 Appendix 3.10 r-table..................................................................................... 126 Appendix 3.11 t-table ..................................................................................... 127

  Appendix 4 Official Letters xiv