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  About the Author Master Hien V Nguyen was born in the province of Gia Dinh in South Vietnam amodst the height of the French colonization. Master Hien's extensive training in sorcery first began in May of 1967 during the Vietnam War after he joined the 5 Special Force Group Airbrne (commonly kown as the Green Beret) as a combat Interpreter, He has led an amazing life with many achievements, At the age of 8 he began to Immerse himself in the study of Buddhism and King Fu at the Mountain temple in Vietnam. At age 13, he became a Buddhist Hermit at the Mountain Cave in Vietnam. In 1993, Master Hien became a Buddhist Lay Monk at the Buddhist Mountain Temple in An Giang Province. Master Hien's martial arts studies led him to form the Dragon Club-International Martial Arts Association in 1984 and Vietnam Kung Fu Lohan System in 1994, His studies of Vietnamese/Chinese King Fu continued and let him to become the Master that he is today. At the time he ended his Kung Fu practice in 2008, he was an instructor and had earned the coveted title of World Grand Master in Martial Arts. Knowledgeable in the practice of sorcery for 46 years, Master Hien is well trained in many sorcery systems including Indian, Vietnamese, Cambodian and Chinese systems. He has become a highly respected Trainer, Teacher, and Practitioner, and is known as an Asian Master Sorcerer. During his residence in the United States, Master Hien has earned an AA in English from San Joaquin Delta College, followed by a Bachelors Degree in English from C.S.U.S. (California State University of Sacramento). In 1996, he went on to receive a PhD. in Educational Counseling from Southwest University In New Orleans, Louisiana. Master Hien is a wealth of knowledge and an amazing man. Master Hienn currently resides in California and humbly offers his assistance to those in need of consultation, spiritual advise and



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  This book is not meant to entertain you. This book is not about selling as many copies as possible. It is about giving you an understanding of the unseen world around you and teaching you how to have respect for those things. You don't have to be Buddhist, Christian or belong to any denomination to receive the teachings of this book. In this book, you will follow the paths of living individuals as well as departed individuals. You will see how, in our everyday lives, these paths are constantly crisscrossing and effecting one another, You will see the details of how in the East the dead are given just as much respect as When they were alive. The dead still have lives that they lead and still need guidance in the afterlife, A sorcerer is the most qualified individual to help with this guidance, There are also evil sorcerers who take advantage of these departed souls who are looking for help and may use these spirits against the living. This work is written by a real sorcerer who has experienced first-hand accounts of the activities mentioned in this book. You will be very surprised when you see how your loved ones, that passed, might be affecting you right now. Sales Rank: #6380045 in Books Published on: 2012-04-13 Original language: English Number of items: 1 Dimensions: 9.00" h x .27" w x 6.00" l, .37 pounds Binding: Paperback 108 pages About the Author Master Hien V Nguyen was born in the province of Gia Dinh in South Vietnam amodst the height of the French colonization. Master Hien's extensive training in sorcery first began in May of 1967 during the Vietnam War after he joined the 5 Special Force Group Airbrne (commonly kown as the Green Beret) as a combat Interpreter, He has led an amazing life with many achievements, At the age of 8 he began to Immerse himself in the study of Buddhism and King Fu at the Mountain temple in Vietnam. At age 13, he became a Buddhist Hermit at the Mountain Cave in Vietnam. In 1993, Master Hien became a Buddhist Lay Monk at the Buddhist Mountain Temple in An Giang Province. Master Hien's martial arts studies led him to form the Dragon Club-International Martial Arts Association in 1984 and Vietnam Kung Fu Lohan System in 1994, His studies of Vietnamese/Chinese King Fu continued and let him to become the Master that he is today. At the time he ended his Kung Fu practice in 2008, he was an instructor and had earned the coveted title of

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  About the Author Master Hien V Nguyen was born in the province of Gia Dinh in South Vietnam amodst the height of the French colonization. Master Hien's extensive training in sorcery first began in May of 1967 during the Vietnam War after he joined the 5 Special Force Group Airbrne (commonly kown as the Green Beret) as a combat Interpreter, He has led an amazing life with many achievements, At the age of 8 he began to Immerse himself in the study of Buddhism and King Fu at the Mountain temple in Vietnam. At age 13, he became a Buddhist Hermit at the Mountain Cave in Vietnam. In 1993, Master Hien became a Buddhist Lay Monk at the Buddhist Mountain Temple in An Giang Province. Master Hien's martial arts studies led him to form the Dragon Club-International Martial Arts Association in 1984 and Vietnam Kung Fu Lohan System in 1994, His studies of Vietnamese/Chinese King Fu continued and let him to become the Master that he is today. At the time he ended his Kung Fu practice in 2008, he was an instructor and had earned the coveted title of World Grand Master in Martial Arts. Knowledgeable in the practice of sorcery for 46 years, Master Hien is well trained in many sorcery systems including Indian, Vietnamese, Cambodian and Chinese systems. He has become a highly respected Trainer, Teacher, and Practitioner, and is known as an Asian Master Sorcerer. During his residence in the United States, Master Hien has earned an AA in English from San Joaquin Delta College, followed by a Bachelors Degree in English from C.S.U.S. (California State University of Sacramento). In 1996, he went on to receive a PhD. in Educational Counseling from Southwest University In New Orleans, Louisiana. Master Hien is a wealth of knowledge and an amazing man. Master Hienn currently resides in California and humbly offers his assistance to those in need of consultation, spiritual advise and healing. He is also the author of the book, "Journey of a Healer" pub Do you know why you ought to read this site as well as exactly what the connection to reading book A Price For A Life By Hien Nguyen In this contemporary age, there are numerous means to obtain the publication as well as they will be much easier to do. Among them is by getting the e-book A Price For A Life By Hien Nguyen by online as exactly what we tell in the web link download. Guide A Price For A Life By Hien