Fitri Yunida, Urai Salam, Eni Rosnija

  English Education Study Program, Languages and Arts Education Department, Teacher Training and Education Faculty of Tanjungpura University Pontianak

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Abstract: This research was conducted to formulate and develop the activity in

  the classroom that could encourage the students to speak through “Mencucuk” task activity. This research also validate whether or n ot the model of “Mencucuk” tasks are acceptable in encouraging the students in SMP N 10 Pontianak to speak.

  This research is development research which consists of four phases: analyze, design, develop, and evaluate. The need analysis in this research obtained the information that the students need an activity which could involve their hand movement to encourage them to speak. It was found by conducting the analysis on students’ condition, learning process and students’ ability in speaking. The product of this research was an Instructional Design called “Mencucuk”. This product tells about the activity for the students in speaking section. The main activity is that the students color a sketch using origami, glue and pen while the teacher encouraging them to speak. This activity would attract the students in learning process because they were playing while learning. The result of task evaluation showed that

  “Mencucuk” task were acceptable for teaching speaking and encourage the students to speak.

  Keywords: Teaching Speaking, Development Research, ADDIE Approach

Abstrak: Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk merumuskan dan mengembangkan

  aktifitas di dalam kelas yang dapat mendorong siswa untuk berbicara melalui aktifitas “Mencucuk”. penelitian ini juga menguji apakah rancangan tugas

  “Mencucuk” dapat digunakan untuk mendorong siswa di SMP N 10 Pontianak dalam berbicara. Penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian pengembangan yang terdiri dari empat tahap: analisis, desain, pengembangan, dan evaluasi. Analisis kebutuhan dalam penelitan ini memperoleh informasi bahwa siswa membutuhkan sebuah aktifitas yang melibatkan pergerakan tangan mereka untuk mendorong mereka berbicara. Rancangan tugas

  “Mencucuk” menjelaskan tentang desain tugas dan pengembangan tugas. Produk dari penelitian ini adalah berupa model pembelajaran. Produk ini menjelaskan tentang aktifitas siswa pada bidang kemampuan berbicara. Aktifitas utamanya yakni, siswa mewarnai sebuah sketsa menggunakan origami, lem, dan pulpen sementara guru memotivasi siswa untuk berbicara. Aktifitas ini akan menarik perhatian siswa dalam proses belajar karena mereka bermain sambil belajar. Hasil dari evaluasi menunjukan bahwa tugas “Mencucuk” dapat diterima untuk mengajar kemampuan berbicara dan mendorong siswa untuk berbicara.


Kata Kunci: Mengajar Berbicara, Penelitian Pengembangan, Pendekatan ADDIE nglish is one of the difficult languages among another language. The difficulties that usually appear among the learners are the lack of the learners’


  knowledge in learning English and they fear to pronounce the words. The effectiveness of teaching and learning process also has a crucial part itself. Learning English is easy when the learners can be engage with the lesson. In this case, the way of the teacher’s teaches can be one thing that will help the learners involving themselves by their own wish to the lesson. The approach, method or media that is used can be helpful when the teachers use it effectively.

  The approach that usually used for teaching speaking skill is monotonous. Some teachers often used the old activity in teaching speaking skill. The teachers just ask the learners to practice a dialogue in front of the class or integrate it with reading or writing skills by telling a story in front of the class. However, if the teacher can provide the right activities in the class, speaking can be more fun and it is can also raise the student’s motivation in learning (Bahrani & Soltani, 2012).

  Combining the approach in teaching speaking might bring the new atmosphere in the classroom and make the teaching and learning process become more fun and interesting. But none of the teacher can provide the right and fun activity to teach them.

  Based on the observation at SMP Negeri 10 Pontianak, the students were seemed to be the passive participants in the learning process. The students did not involve directly in learning process because they did not like the material or the activity itself. In fact, the teacher usually used the same activity in teaching process which is forced the students in speaking. Beside that, during the learning process the students did not pay their attention to the lesson and the teacher. When the teacher asked them to practice the dialogue in front of the class, the other students were busy with their own business. In this case, the students did not have the opportunity to speak willingly because all of them just read and memorized the dialogue before present it in front of the class. However some of the students seemed not interested with the activity and felt difficult to memorize the dialogue. In the other side there were several students who felt shy and afraid to speak in front of the class.

  The aim of this research is to design the teaching activity by using origami as the media for the teacher in teaching speaking skill, called “Mencucuk”. “Mencucuk” is an activity which is using a sketch of a simple picture and it will be color by stick the origami on the sketch with a pen. The researcher uses CLT approach in designing

  “Mencucuk” task. According to (Richard & Rodgers, 2001) communicative language teaching is an approach that consisting of various principles that reflects the communicative view of language and language learning. It can be concluding that the aim of this approach is to help the students to use the language as the tool to communicate. The final result of the activity was a picture which could help the students to reduce their anxiety to speak the language. Finocchiaro and Brumfit as cited in (Richard, 2006) states that any device which can help the students in speaking is acceptable – according to their age, interest, etc. In line with the device,

  “Mencucuk” task can be helpful for the student in learning process of speaking skill. The final result of the activity is a picture which can help the students to reduce their anxiety to speak. In addition, to make sure that the process is running smoothly, the teacher needs to pay attention on both the characteristics and the principles of Communicative Language Teaching approach. According to (Richard & Rodgers, 2001) some of the characteristics of Communicative view of language are: 1.

  Language is a system for the expression of meaning.

  2. The primary function of language is to allow interaction and communication.

  3. The structure of language reflects its functional and communicative uses.

  4. The primary units of language are not merely its grammatical and structural features, but categories of functional and communicative meaning as exemplified in discourse.

  According to (Richard & Rodgers, 2001) some of the principles of Communicative view of language are: 1.

  Learners learn a language through using it to communicate.

  2. Authentic and meaningful communication should be the goal of classroom activities.

  3. Fluency is an important dimension of communication.

  4. Communication involves the integration of different language skills.

  5. Learning is a process of creative construction and involves trial and error.

  However, the student need an activity which was not only would be involved their whole attention but also involved their body movements in term of learning process of speaking skill.

  Beside that, “Mencucuk” task carried the characteristics and thee principle if CLT which that the primary function of language is to allow interaction and communication, and aso the learners learn a language through using it to communicate.

In “Mencucuk” task, the students would communicate the language through the activities that they have done in the


  According to (Richard, 2006) Learners now had to participate in classroom activities that were based on a cooperative rather than individualistic approach to learning. Students had to become comfortable with listening to their peers in group work or pair work tasks, rather than relying on the teacher for a model. They were expected to take on a greater degree of responsibility for their own learning. And teachers now had to assume the role of facilitator and monitor. Rather than being a model for correct speech and writing and one with the primary responsibility of making students produce plenty of error-free sentences, the teacher had to develop a different view of learners’ errors and of her/his own role in facilitating language learning.

  Considering how important the activities in the classroom, the researcher design an activity in instructional design’s model. The researcher designs an activity as the alternative way in teaching and learning process of speaking skill which is called

  “Mencucuk” task. The researcher tries to encourage the students to speak English through “Mencucuk” task. According to (Branch, 2009) on his book about the middle activities there are 12 activities for the Instructional

  Design; 1) Demonstrations, 2) Role plays, 3) Simulations, 4) Discussions, 5) Presentations, 6) Case-based exercises, 7) Project-based exercises, 8) Games, 9) Observation, 10) Group question development, 11) Peer teaching, 12) Peer review. Based on the list, “Mencucuk” task can be included as an activity in Instructional Design.

  “Mencucuk” task is suitable for the students because it is learner centered and there will be discussion and presentation in the activity.


  The researcher used development research as the method to design “Mencucuk” task as the alternative way to teach speaking.The participants in this research were about 30 seventh grade students and an English teacher in SMP Negeri 10 Pontianak. To formulate the procedures of teaching speaking in the classroom to encourage the students to speak, the researcher interviewed an English teacher, some students and observed them in the classroom. To evaluate the product, the researcher prepared an expert to validate and evaluate “Mencucuk” task. The data collecting instruments consisted of interview sheet, field notes and assessment rubric. The techniques of data analysis that were used were need analysis data and expert validation data.

  In order to conduct the research, the researcher used ADDIE model which stands for Analysis, Design, Develop, Implement, and Evaluate as the model of this research. According to (Branch, 2009), ADDIE is an acronym for analyze,


design, develop, implement, and evaluate where it is appropriately used as a

  process of developing educational products and other learning resources. This research only used the first three phases of Instructional Design; analysis, design, develop and evaluation.


  The purpose of the Analyze phase is to identify the probable causes for a performance gap. In this phase, the researcher observed the students in the classroom and interviewed the teacher. It was used to find the information about students’ condition, situation in the classroom, and the students’ ability in speaking skill. By doing the analyzing phase, the researcher can decided what activity which is needed in teaching and learning speaking skill.


  The purpose of design phase is to verify the desired performances (Branch, 2009) In this phase, the researcher designed the first draft material based on students’ learning problem in learning speaking skill. The researcher produced the design of the activity that can be helpful for the teachers and the students in teaching and learning process.


  The third phase of ADDIE process is develop phase. The purpose of develop phase is to generate and validate the learning resources (Branch, 2009). In this phase, the researcher developed

  “Mencucuk” task based on the task design. The task were made from the students’ needs in analysis phase based on the information about students from the interview and observation. The development phase represented activities and procedures p lanned for student’s activities.


  This phase is to evaluate and validate “Mencucuk” task whether it is acceptable or not to be used for seventh grade students of SMP Negeri 10 Pontianak in teaching speaking in English.


  This research was conducted for seventh grade students of class A at SMP Negeri 10 Pontianak. There were about 30 students in the classroom. Based on the classroom observation, the students were quite discipline when the teacher gave them some brainstorming and explanation about the lesson before the speaking activity is began. Some students have their English book and dictionary on their table and some of them did not have the book. The students who sit at the first row of the table in the class looked enthusiastic with the lesson and the other students just looked at the teacher while talking to their friends near them. When the teacher asked them to speak in front of the class they just keep silent and looked at their English book. The other students were busy with their friends and called their friends’ name to come in front of the class to speak. When their friend spoke in front of the class, only a few students which were pay their attention. There were some students who spoke behind them or next to them, even some of them joke around with their friends using a pen or a book on the table. When the teacher warned them to listen to their friend, they stopped speaking, but then they did the same thing when the other students perform their speaking in front of the class. It seemed like the students did not really enjoy or be involved with the lesson.

  The subject has two meeting in one week and each meeting was 2x40 minutes. At the beginning of the class, the teacher gave the students some brainstorming that related to the lesson. The teacher asked several students about some expressions which were used in daily life and in what condition the expressions were used. After did some brainstorming, the teacher read a dialogue in front of the class and asked the students to repeat the dialogue. The teacher gave the example of how to pronounce the words in the dialogue. Then, the teacher asked several students to read the dialogue in front of the class. The teacher gave the students 30 minutes to write down a short conversation about any expression which already have learned at the previous semester and asked them to perform it in front of the class without reading the text. Before the class ended, the teacher gave homework to the students to write a descriptive text and then retell the story in front of the class at the next meeting.

  Based on the interview, the students usually did the drilling technique in speaking skill and present a short dialogue in front of the class. The students were never used “origami” in learning process of speaking skill. They also stated that the activity such as drilling or performing a dialogue were not really encourage them to speak willingly but it was because of the necessity in learning process.

  Based on the observation, the researcher found that the teacher usually used integrated skill in teaching speaking skill to the students. The teacher integrated speaking skill with writing skill. The teacher asked the students to write a text or a dialogue and perform it in front of the class. Moreover, the teacher also used reading aloud and drilling technique in teaching speaking skill. It was expected to minimize the wrong pronunciation of the students in English speaking skill. In fact, for the students this activity was made them more active in reading

aloud and drilling section rather than encourage them to speak willingly.

However, this activity was not merely effective for the students to encourage them to speak. The students needed another stimulus in order to help them in learning process of speaking skill. The stimulus could be an activity which is fun and make the students speak unconsciously.

  Based on the students’ activity in the classroom, the students had to made a short conversation and perform it in front of the class by memorize the dialogue. But the fact was when the students perform their short dialogue, they still read the text and said the wrong pronounce; only a few students could pronounce all the words in the dialogue correctly. In addition, there were only several students who could speak naturally without felt nervous in memorize the dialogue and afraid to pronounce the wrong pronunciation of the words.

  Based on the teachers’ perspective, the difficulties in teaching speaking skill was that the amount of vocabularies of the students were low, the students’ difficulties in linking the subject and verb in one sentence, and the difficulties in relating the lesson with the students’ daily activity. Based on the students’ perpective, they had the difficulties in vocabulary, pronunciation, understand the meaning, afraid of make a mistake, and rarely, they forgot about what would they say. This was the center of the problem in learning English speaking skill. The lack of vocabulary and the afraid of make a mistake made the students did not like the lesson. The students needed an activity that could make them felt comfortable in speak without being forced of memorize the certain words that they have been memorized.

  Based on the some problems above, the researcher provided the alternative way for teaching speaking. That is “Mencucuk” task for teaching speaking skill in

  Junior High School. This task was using “origami” as the media to color a sketch. The researcher chose

  “origami” because it was simple, colorful, easy to find, and it was familiar with the students at the Junior High Scholl level. It was because “origami” has been introduced to the children since they were at the kindergarten level. This activity was different with the previous activity that was used “origami”, because in this activity the students did not cut or fold the paper but stick it on a sketch to color it. Based on students’ perspective, the students were never used any kind of creativity in learning English speaking skill. The use of “origami” could help the students to encourage them to speak English willingly and confidently.

  “Mencucuk” task tells about the activity of the students in speaking section. The main activity is that the students color a sketch using origami, glue and pen while the teacher encouraging them to speak. The activity will last for about three meetings with different stage in each meeting. In junior high level, based on the syllabus the students are expected to be able to describe something and used some daily expressions and i ts response. In “mencucuk” task, the

  students would practice their ability in describing the picture and using some of the expressions and its response along the process of the activity.

  The task were made from the students’ needs in analysis phase based on the information about students from the interview and observation. The design of “Mencucuk” task consisted of three phases: Pre-activity, Task cycle and presentation. Each phase had its own stages which must be done by the students in the classroom. Below was the model of

  “Mencucuk” task: The Design of “Mencucuk” Task


“Mencucuk” Task

  Level : 

  Seventh grade students of Junior High School Skill :

   Speaking

  Method : 

  Communicative Language Teaching Aim :

   To encourage students to speak English

  Teachers’ role :  Teacher as the facilitator in the learning process.  Teacher as the motivator for the students to speak in learning process. Students’ role :

   Student as the active participant in the classroom activities.

  Pre-activity •Brainstorming.

  Task Cycle


  • Planning and crafting (the

    students choose

    the sketch and do

    the task)
  • Sharing and response (the

    students respond

    to the teacher and

    give response)
  • the students presents the result of their task in front of the class
  • The Teacher gives some examples of handicraft from Origami.
  • The Teacher shows the students example of "Mencucuk" task and the procedure to make the picture.

  Based on the draft of “Mencucuk” task above, the explanations of the task is as follows:


  In pre-activity (meeting 1), the teacher tells the students the activity which they are going to do. The teacher gives some brainstorming and explanation about some kinds of activities that related to the task. For instance, the teacher shows the students some pictures of handicraft from origami. After that, the teacher starts explaining about the picture and what they will do related to the picture. The teacher shows some examples of “mencucuk” task to the students. Then, the teacher explains the picture and tells that they are going to do an activity which is called “mencucuk” task. The teacher explains that the task is a kind of activity which is uses origami to color a sketch by stick it on the sketch. The result of the task is a picture. To make the task, the students need to prepare a sketch, some origami, glue stick, and a pen. To make the picture, the students can use a sketch that is already done or they can draw the sketch by themselves. Then, the teacher tells them about the procedures to make the picture. In order to show the students about the procedure of how to make the picture, the teacher uses some terms of time sequences and uses simple present tense. To encourage them to speak, the teacher tells the students during the activity the students are allowed to speak to their friends, but they have to speak in English, beside that the students are allowed to sit in groups while making the task individually. To make sure that all of the students understand the activity and the task, the teacher gives the opportunity to the students to ask. If there are no questions, then the teacher tells them the equipment which is needed to make the task and ask the students to bring it at the next meeting.

  Task Cycle

  Task cycle consisted of two stages . The stages were “planning and crafting” stage and “sharing and response” stage.


  In planning and crafting phase (meeting 2), the students will do the task individually, but they are allowed to sit in groups along the process of “Mencucuk” activity. The students are allowed sit in group to share their ideas in deciding the sketch whether to draw a sketch or take the sketch from the internet. The sketch can be an animal or things, such as bird, cat, house, table, chair, car, flower etc. the students have fifteen minutes to discuss with their friends and decide which sketch that they are going to use. The teacher provides some example of expression that the students can use to discuss with their friends. After deciding the sketch, the students will color the sketch. The students will color the sketch by sticking the origami on it. In order to stick the paper, firstly, the students need to spread the glue on the sketch, so that the paper will be adhered. The students do not need to cut the paper because they will stick the paper with the tip of the pen.


  In sharing and feedback phase (meeting 3), the students will have some conversation with the students and their friends. While the students color the sketch, the teacher will walk around the class and asks the students about the task, what are they going to do first, why they choose a certain sketch or why they use a certain color of the origami to color their sketch? The teacher provides some expressions that can be used for the students on giving a feedback. Besides that, they are also allowed to see their friends’ picture and give response. Every student has their own opportunity to speak and share their opinion to one another. There will be some discussion and feedback from the teacher and the students along this process. It is because all of the students have their own opinion about the task.


  In this stage the students will present their task in front of the class. They can describe the picture or tells anything about the picture that they have made. Each student has 3-5 minutes to present in front of the class. The other student is expected to give some response about their friends’ presentation. The teacher provides the example of how to describe the picture.

  The last process in this research was validating and evaluating the product.

The purpose of this process was to know whether the desi gn of “mencucuk” task

  is acceptable or not in teaching speaking to encourage the students at SMP Negeri

  10 Pontianak to speak in English. The assessment rubric was constructed of three criteria/standards which consisted of instructional design, speaking activity and CLT. There were 26 criteria which were filled by the expert. The analysis of the result of expert evaluation was based on the likert scale system. The table of result can be seen below:

  The Result of Expert Validation No Criteria Score Item Mean Max Score Category

  1 Instructional Design




  4 Fair

  2 Speaking Activity




  4 Poor

  3 CLT




  4 Fair Total




  4 Fair Based on the result of the expert validation, the mean of instructional design was 2.5 which were categorized as Fair. The mean of speaking activity was

  1.7 which was categorized as Poor. The mean of CLT was 2.4 which were categorized as Fair. So, the total mean of “mencucuk” task was 2.2 of 26 items which was categorized as fair, which means it was acceptable to be used but need a big revision to encourage the seventh grade students in SMP Negeri 10 Pontianak to speak English. Regarding with the result, the researcher had tried to revise the product to make it better. However, the product was needed to be revised to repair the result.

  Research Discussion

  The researcher designed “Mencucuk” task in this research because of the learning problems in seventh grade students of SMP Negeri 10 Pontianak. The problem was the students speaking ability were still low. They were lack of vocabularies, pronunciation and afraid of make a mistake. The students did not get involved in the learning process willingly. Based on those learning problems, the researcher conducted a research and designed the alternative way in teaching speaking skill which could help to encourage the students to speak and get involved with the lesson that was “mencucuk” task. The method of this research is development research which is consists of three phase: analyzing phase, designing phase, and developing phase.

  The result of the analysis phase was the standard activity of teaching speaking which is needed to design the product. The design phase was determined the activities which is appropriate for the students, teacher role and learner role. At the development phase, researcher developed the first draft in design phase by developing the procedures and activities. Validation phase was done to know whether the product was acceptable or not in encouraging the students at SMP Negeri 10 Pontianak to speak in English.

  In short, based on the overall criteria in validation phase, the total mean of “mencucuk” task was 2.2 of 26 items which was categorized as fair. It can be concluded that “mencucuk” task was acceptable to be used but need a big revision to encourage the seventh grade students in SMP Negeri 10 Pontianak to speak English.


  In proportion to research findings and discussion, it can be concluded that “mencucuk” task was acceptable. The evaluation proved that the model of “mencucuk” tasks was acceptable but need a big revision for teaching speaking for seventh grade students in SMP Negeri 10 Pontianak. In fact, the reseacher found that the students face the difficulties in vocabulary, pronunciation, understand the meaning, afraid of make a mistake, and sometimes they forget about thay are going to say. The lack of vocabulary and the afraid of make a mistake made the students did not engage with the lesson. Based on those problems, the researcher got the standard of the activity which was student needed in learning speaking skill. The student needed an activity that can make them feel comfortable in speak without being forced of memorizing the certain words that they have been memorize. Therefore, the researcher decided to design the “mencucuk” task in Communicative Language Teaching Approach as an alternative way in teaching speaking skill.


  After the entire step in this research was done, the researcher proposes some suggestions relates to this research. In order to encourage the students to speak English willingly, the teacher is required to use appropriate activities based on the students’ level. The teacher also should be more creative to use another media in teaching speaking skill.

  Further research is necessary for this research because this research was done without implementation phase. However, to have the more valid result of this product, it is needed to do the implementation phase. The researcher hopes that the result of this research can give information and this can be used as one of the references to design creative teaching procedure or instructional design that can help the students learn in enjoyable way in the classroom.


  Bahrani, T., & Soltani, R. (2012). How to Teach Speaking Skill. Journal of Education and Practice , III. Branch, R. M. (2009). Instructional Design: The ADDIE Approach. New York: Springer. Richard, J. (2006). Communicative Language Teaching Today. Unites States of America: Cambridge University. Richard, J., & Rodgers, T. (2001). Approaches and Methods in Language Teaching . United Kingdom: Cambridge University.