GENRE-BASED APPROACH IN TEACHING WRITING NARRATIVE TEXT : A Case Study Research at One Public Junior High School in Bandung.

( A Case Study Research at One Public Junior High School in Bandung)
Submitted to English Education Department of FPBS UPI as a Partial Fulfillment of
The Requirements of Sarjana Pendidikan Degree

Gita Hilmi Prakoso

Gita Hilmi Prakoso, 2013
Genre-Based Approach In Teaching Writing Narrative Text ( A Case Study Research at One Public
Junior High School in Bandung)
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia ||

Genre-Based Approach dalam Pengajaran Menulis Teks Naratif

Gita Hilmi Prakoso

Sebuah skripsi yang diajukan untuk memenuhi salah satu syarat memperoleh gelar
Sarjana pada Fakultas Pendidikan Bahasa dan Seni

© Gita Hilmi Prakoso 2013
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
Oktober 2013

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Gita Hilmi Prakoso, 2013
Genre-Based Approach In Teaching Writing Narrative Text ( A Case Study Research at One Public
Junior High School in Bandung)
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia ||


Genre-Based Approach in Teaching Writing Narrative Text
( A Case Study Research at One of Public Junior High School in Bandung)
Approved by:
First Supervisor

Prof. Hj.Emi Emilia, M.Ed., Ph.D.
NIP: 196609161990012001

Second Supervisor

Rojab Siti Rodliyah, S.Pd., M.Ed.
NIP: 197308062002122001
Head of English Education Departement
Faculty of Language and Arts Education
Indonesia University of Education

Prof. Dr.Didi Suherdi, M.Ed.
NIP: 196211011987121001
Gita Hilmi Prakoso, 2013
Genre-Based Approach In Teaching Writing Narrative Text ( A Case Study Research at One Public

Junior High School in Bandung)
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia ||

The Genre Based Approach (GBA) is one of the approaches that can be implemented
in teaching writing. This study examines the implementation of the Genre Based
Approach to Narrative text in one class of grade nine in one public junior high school
in Bandung. The study aims to find out whether GBA can help students in developing
their writing ability. The study uses a case study research design involving 30
students. Data were obtained from classroom observations for four weeks, in which
the researcher acted as a teacher, collection of students’ texts over the teaching
program, and interviews with three students representing low, middle, and high
achiever as recommended by the classroom teacher. The data from observation were
analyzed using thematic analysis relevant to the research questions and the theme of
Genre-Based Approach. The students’ texts were analyzed by using Systemic
Functional Grammar (SFG). There were six students’ texts chosen to be analyzed.
Finally, the interview data were analyzed in steps including transcribing,
categorizing, and interpreting the data relating them to the theory. The findings reveal
that the implementation of GBA in teaching narrative writing made a good
contribution to development of the students’ writing ability. The students’ narrative

texts improved in terms of schematic structures and linguistic features with the
teacher’s corrective feedback in all stages of teaching. Moreover, students give a
positive response to the teaching program, since they found the benefits of the
program to allow them to learn explicitly. It is recommended that teaching program
be socialized and implemented in other contexts.
Key words: Genre-Based Approach, Narrative text

Gita Hilmi Prakoso, 2013
Genre-Based Approach In Teaching Writing Narrative Text ( A Case Study Research at One Public
Junior High School in Bandung)
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia ||

Genre Based Approach ( GBA ) adalah salah satu pendekatan yang dapat diterapkan
dalam pengajaran menulis . Penelitian ini menguji implementasi GBA pada teks
naratif kelas kelas sembilan di salah satu satu SMP negeri di Bandung . Penelitian ini
bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah GBA dapat membantu siswa dalam
mengembangkan kemampuan menulis mereka. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain
penelitian studi kasus yang melibatkan 30 siswa . Data diperoleh dari observasi kelas
selama empat minggu , di mana peneliti bertindak sebagai guru , teks siswa selama

program pengajaran , dan wawancara dengan tiga siswa yang mewakili siswa dengan
prestasi rendah, menengah , dan tinggi seperti yang direkomendasikan oleh guru
kelas. Data dari pengamatan dianalisis dengan menggunakan analisis tematik yang
relevan dengan pertanyaan penelitian dan GBA. Teks siswa dianalisis dengan
menggunakan Systemic Functional Grammar ( SFG ) . Ada teks enam siswa dipilih
untuk dianalisis . Akhirnya , data wawancara dianalisis secara bertahap, menyalin ,
mengkategorikan, dan menafsirkan data mengaitkannya dengan teori . Temuan
menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan GBA dalam pengajaran menulis narasi membuat
kontribusi yang baik untuk pengembangan kemampuan menulis siswa . Teks narasi
siswa ditingkatkan dalam hal struktur teks dan fitur linguistik dengan umpan balik
korektif guru di dalam semua tahap pengajaran . Selain itu , siswa memberikan
respon positif terhadap program pengajaran , karena mereka dapat merasakan manfaat
dari program pengajran ini yang memungkinkan mereka untuk belajar secara
eksplisit. Direkomendasikan bahwa program pengajaran ini dapat disosialisasikan
dan diterapkan dalam konteks lain .
Kata kunci : Genre-Based Approach (GBA) , teks Narrative

Gita Hilmi Prakoso, 2013
Genre-Based Approach In Teaching Writing Narrative Text ( A Case Study Research at One Public
Junior High School in Bandung)

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia ||


LIST OF TABLES...................................................................................................x
1.1 Background of the Study...................................................................................1
1.2 Research Questions……...................................................................................3
1.3 Aims of the Study.............................................................................................3
1.4 Scope of the Study............................................................................................3
1.5 Significance of the Study..................................................................................3
1.6 Clarification of Terms.......................................................................................4
1.7 Organization of Paper.......................................................................................4

2.1.1 The Nature of Writing……................................................................6
2.2 Genre-Based Approach in Teaching Writing….................................................7
2.2.1 Definition of Genre…………………................................................7
2.2.2 Genre-Based Approach......................................................................8
2.2.3 Major Goals of the Genre-Based Approach……...............................8
2.2.4 Model of Genre-Based Approach…………………………………..9 Building Knowledge of The Field (BKoF)……………….9 Modeling………………………………………………...10
Gita Hilmi Prakoso, 2013
Genre-Based Approach In Teaching Writing Narrative Text ( A Case Study Research at One Public
Junior High School in Bandung)
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia || Joint Construction………………………………………..11 Independent Construction………………………………..11
2.3 Systemic Functional Grammar (SFG)
2.3.1 Transitivity System………………………………………………...13 Process Type and Participant……………………………13 Material Processes……………………………..13 Mental Processes………………………………13 Verbal Processes………………………………14 Relational Processes…………………………...14 Behavioral Processes…………………………..15 Existential Processes…………………………..15
2.3.2 Conjunction System………………………………………………..16
2.3.3 Modality System…………………………………………………...16
2.4 Narrative
2.4.1 Definition of Narrative……………………………………………..17
2.4.2 Kinds of Narrative………………………………………………….17
2.4.3 Generic Structure of Narrative……………………………………..18
2.4.2 Language Features of Narrative …………………………………...18
2.5 Related Studies……………………………………………………………….19
2.6 Conclusion …………………………………………………………………..20
3.1 Research Method..............................................................................................21
3.1.1 Research Design................................................................................21
3.2 Research Site and Procedure............................................................................22
3.3.1 Research Site………...………..........................................................22

3.3.2 Research Participants........................................................................22
3.3 Data Collection Techniques.............................................................................22
3.3.1 Classroom Observation…….............................................................22
3.3.2 Documentation of Students’ Text………………………………….23
3.3.3 Interview…………………………………………………………...23
Gita Hilmi Prakoso, 2013
Genre-Based Approach In Teaching Writing Narrative Text ( A Case Study Research at One Public
Junior High School in Bandung)
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia ||

3.4 Data Analysis………………………………………………………………...24
3.4.1 Observation………………………………………………………...24
3.4.2 Documentation of Students’ Text………………………………….25
3.4.3 Interview…………………………………………………………...25
3.5 Conclusion……………....................................................................................25
4.1 The Implementation of GBA in Classroom….................................................27
4.1.1 Building Knowledge of the Field…….............................................27
4.1.2 Modeling……………………………...............................................29
4.1.3 Joint Construction………………………………………………….31

4.1.4 Independent construction………………………………………….34
4.2 Discussion of the Text Analysis Taken from Teaching Program……............36
4.2.1 Analysis of High Achiever Student’s Text………….......................36 Analysis of Schematic Structure and Social Function Text
4.1 and Text 4.2 ………………………………………….36 Analysis of Linguistic Features of Text 4.2……………...42
4.2.2 Analysis of Middle Achiever Student’s Text…………....................44 Analysis of Schematic Structure and Social Function Text
4.3 and Text 4.4…………………………………………..44 Analysis of Linguistic Features of Text 4.4……………...49
4.2.3 Analysis of Low Achiever Student’s Text…………........................52 Analysis of Schematic Structure and Social Function Text
4.5 and Text 4.6…………………………………………..52 Analysis of Linguistic Features of Text 4.6……………...57
4.3 Discussion of Interview Data………………………………………………...60
4.3.1 Students’ Response on the Teaching an Learning of Writing Through
Genre-Based Approach…………………………………………………..61
4.3.2 Students’ Response Toward the Teaching Cycle and Learning
Writing Through GBA…………………………………………………...63 Building Knowledge of The Field (BKoF)………………63

Gita Hilmi Prakoso, 2013
Genre-Based Approach In Teaching Writing Narrative Text ( A Case Study Research at One Public
Junior High School in Bandung)
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia || Modeling…………………………………………………64 Joint Construction………………………………………..64 Independent Construction………………………………..66
4.4 Conclusion……………………………………………………………………67
5.1 Conclusions .....................................................................................................68
5.2 Suggestions......................................................................................................69
Appendix 1 Lesson plan
Appendix 2 Text in BKoF and Modelling Stage
Appendix 3 Observation Note
Appendix 4 Examples of Students’ Texts
Appendix 5 Interview transcription

Gita Hilmi Prakoso, 2013
Genre-Based Approach In Teaching Writing Narrative Text ( A Case Study Research at One Public
Junior High School in Bandung)
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia ||


Table 4.1 Diagnostic text by high achiever students Text 4.1..………………….37
Tabel 4.2 Final text produced by higher achiever student Text 4.2..…………….39
Table. 4.3 Summary of linguistic features from the text produced by a high
achiever student ……………………………………………………………….....42
Tabel 4.4 Diagnostic text produced by middle achiever student Text
Tabel 4.5 Final text produced by middle achiever student Text 4.4..……………46
Table. 4.6 Summary of linguistic features from the text produced by a middle
achiever student ………………………………………………………………....49
Table. 4.7 Diagnostic writing by low achiever students Text 4.5……………….52
Tabel 4.8 Final text produced by lower achiever student Text 4.6..……….........54
Table. 4.9 Summary of linguistic features from the text produced by a lower
achiever student……….. ………………………………………………………..57

Gita Hilmi Prakoso, 2013
Genre-Based Approach In Teaching Writing Narrative Text ( A Case Study Research at One Public
Junior High School in Bandung)
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia ||

Gita Hilmi Prakoso, 2013
Genre-Based Approach In Teaching Writing Narrative Text ( A Case Study Research at One Public
Junior High School in Bandung)
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia ||



This chapter provides a brief description of whole contents of the research
including background, research questions, the aims of the research, the scope of
the research, the significance of the research, research methodology, the
clarification of terms, and the organization of the paper.
1.1 Background
Writing is one of the language skills which is often considered as the most
difficult skill to master. Writing is a personal act in which a writer draws on
knowledge and complex mental processes in developing new insight (O’Malley,
1996, p 136, in Permana & Zuhri, 2013). The writer should be able to organize
ideas, words and sentences clearly to make the writing easy to be understood by
the readers. It needs deep comprehension to the material and some sources which
are needed to support the topic.
There are some elements needed to be considered to make a good writing,
comprehension of the material, diction, and grammar (Permana and Zuhri, 2013).
The first thing that someone has to do before making a good writing is
understanding the material which is going to be developed. By mastering the
material, the writer will be able to organize the ideas well. Second, the choice of
diction must also fit the topic. The appropriate diction is used to show the suitable
meaning in the writing. Third, the appropriate grammar is used to indicate the
time of the text.
In fact, most Indonesian students face some difficulties in writing including,
developing ideas, unenthusiastic students’ attitude to the lesson, and difficulty in
grammar (Permana & Zuhri, 2013; Ayuningtiyas & Wulyani, 2012). Richards and
Renandya (2002, cited in Widodo, 2006, p173) states that the difficulty of writing
lies not only in developing and organizing of ideas but also in translating these
Gita Hilmi Prakoso, 2013
Genre-Based Approach In Teaching Writing Narrative Text ( A Case Study Research at One Public
Junior High School in Bandung)
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia ||


ideas into readable texts. Most of students in Indonesia have a limited vocabulary
in English, so when they want to translate their ideas, they can not do it because
they lack of vocabulary. Beside that, unfamiliar materials cause students unable to
develop their ideas into a good text. Students’ unenthusiastic attitude is caused by
teachers’ way in delivering the lesson. The way of teachers’ teaching is boring, so
students do not pay attention to the lesson. It can be said that grammar is the most
difficulty that faced by the students. It is because in Indonesia, there is no
grammar. However, in writing English texts, they have to consider the grammar to
make their writing understandable. Therefore, some of English texts require
different tenses, so students have to know some tenses according to the text they
are going to write.
The problems in writing can be solved by implementing some strategies in
teaching writing. One of the approaches that teacher can use to help students write
a good text is Genre-Based approach (GBA). This approach is the combination of
three approaches: communicative approach, contextual teaching and learning
(CTL), and grammar translation method. This makes the GBA as the most
suitable approach to any kind of syllabus (Emilia, 2011 : 20).
The curriculum in Indonesia requires students to be able to write some kinds
of texts like, narrative text, descriptive text, and recount text. Narrative text is one
of the genres taught for the eighth and ninth grade students at Junior High School.
According to Rebecca (2003) narrative text is a text which consists of a series of
logically, and chronologically related events that are caused or experienced by
factors. In addition, narrative text is a text that tells a story which entertains the
readers Anderson & Anderson (2003). Since narrative is taught in grade nine of
Junior High School and entertaining the readers, narrative text is chosen as the
focus of this study.
Many researches had been conducted researches toward writing narrative texts
by using GBA. Yuliani (2012) stated on her journal that by implemented GBA
approach in teaching writing narrative text, the students’ narrative texts improved
Gita Hilmi Prakoso, 2013
Genre-Based Approach In Teaching Writing Narrative Text ( A Case Study Research at One Public
Junior High School in Bandung)
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia ||


from stage to stage in terms of schematic structures and linguistic features.
Changpueng (2010) also conducted study about the use of the genre-based
approach (GBA) and its effects on the writing achievement and attitudes of Thai
engineering students. The findings showed that the students were satisfied with
the teaching method, activities, and exercises. More importantly, they felt more
confident in writing.
Referring to the explanation above, this study aims to analyze the students’
text to find out the students’ narrative text improvement after being taught by
Genre Based Approach. Furthermore, this study investigates the students’
responses toward the implementation of Genre Based Approach in teaching
writing narrative text.
1.2 Research Questions
As informed in the background of the study above, there are two problems
which will be investigated by the researcher. The problems are formulated in the
following questions:
1) How does the implementation of the genre-based approach improve students’
ability in writing narrative texts?
2) What are the students’ responses toward the teaching program of GBA?
1.3 The aim of Research
Based on the background of the study above, the aims of the research are:
1. To find out the value of the implementation of genre-based approach to
students’ development in writing narrative texts.
2. To find out the students’ responses toward the implementation of genre-based
approach to teach writing narrative texts

Gita Hilmi Prakoso, 2013
Genre-Based Approach In Teaching Writing Narrative Text ( A Case Study Research at One Public
Junior High School in Bandung)
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia ||


1.4 Scope of the research
The scope of this study is limited to two concerns. First, it focuses on
analyzing the students’ development in writing narrative texts after the
implementation of genre based approach done. Second, it tries to discover the
students’ response toward the teaching program of GBA.
1.5 Significance of the research
There are some contributions that the study may offer. The results of this
study are expected to:
1. Provide useful information for the reader especially English teacher about
GBA that can be used in teaching writing and teaching English generally.
2. Provide additional informative input for the other researcher who intends to
carry on research in the same field with certain interest.
3. Improve the quality in teaching English generally and in the teaching and
learning writing specifically.

1.6 Clarification of (related) Terms
1.6.1 Genre-Based Approach
Genre-based approach is the combination of three approaches: communicative
approach, contextual teaching and learning (CTL), and grammar translation
method. This makes the GBA as the most suitable approach to any kind of
syllabus (Emilia, 2011, p 20)
1.6.2 Narrative Text
Narrative texts tend to consist of certain events. It is because narrative text
refers to the series of logically, and chronologically related events that are caused
or experienced by factors Rebecca (2003). Moreover, Gerot and Wignell (1995)
propose that narrative texts deal with problematic events, a crisis or turning points
and resolution problem.
Gita Hilmi Prakoso, 2013
Genre-Based Approach In Teaching Writing Narrative Text ( A Case Study Research at One Public
Junior High School in Bandung)
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia ||


1.7 Organization of The Paper
This paper will be presented into five chapters, as follow:
In this chapter, the paper will elaborate the background of the research. It will
discuss genre-based approach and narrative text which become the focus of the
study. The chapter also states the research questions, aims of the study, scope of
the study, significance of the study, clarification of related terms, and paper
This chapter will discuss some theories about writing skill, genre-based approach
and narrative text for the research.
This chapter will give clear explanation about how the study will be conducted
and analyzed. The data analysis will also be briefly explained.
This chapter will discuss the findings of the research and analyze those findings in
explanation clearly.
This chapter will explain the conclusion and several suggestions of the research
based on the analysis in chapter four. The conclusion states the answer to the
research questions about the implementation of genre-based approach to the
teaching writing narrative texts. There are also several suggestions for further
research related to the cooperative learning.

Gita Hilmi Prakoso, 2013
Genre-Based Approach In Teaching Writing Narrative Text ( A Case Study Research at One Public
Junior High School in Bandung)
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia ||


This chapter provides the explanation about the procedures of the research in
order to find out the answer to the research question which is stated in previous
chapter. This chapter covers research methods, research participants, data collections,
and techniques for analyzing the data.
3.1 Research Method
3.1.1 Design
This research employed a qualitative research design. This method was used
to discover the phenomenon which is seen by participants’ point of view (Cresswell,
1994). Based on the definition, this study was conducted to discover how the teacher
implemented Genre-Based Approach to teach writing narrative text. According to
Maxwell (1996), there are five purposes of qualitative research, they are:

1. Understanding the meaning of participants in the study of the events, situations,
and actions involved with and the accounts of their life and experiences.
2. Understanding the particular context within which the participant act and the
influence that this context has on their actions.
3. Identifying unanticipated phenomena and influences, and generating new
grounded theories.
4. Understanding the process by which events and actions take place.
5. Developing causal explanations.

Moreover, this study also can be regarded as a case study since it was carried
out in a small scale, a single case’ and focused on one particular instance of
educational experience or practice and not be generalized (Cresswell, 1994;
Freebody, 2003 in Alwasilah, 2009). In this case, the writer only focused on the
implementation of genre-based approach to teach writing narrative text.
Gita Hilmi Prakoso, 2013
Genre-Based Approach In Teaching Writing Narrative Text ( A Case Study Research at One Public
Junior High School in Bandung)
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia ||


3.2 Research site and respondent
3.2.1. Research Site
This study was conducted in one public school in Bandung. There are three
reasons why this school was chosen. First, the school authorities allowed the
researcher to conduct this study in their school. Second, implementing Genre-Based
approach is considered as a new thing in this school. The researcher wanted to
introduce Genre-Based approach to teacher in this school. Third, the researcher has
been familiar with the situation and condition of the school. Having been familiar
with the situation and condition of the school, the researcher can do adaptation to the
surrounding and students easily.
3.2.2. Research Participants
The participants of this research was one class of eight grade students of one
public junior high school in Bandung. The participants of this research were 30 eight
grade students of one public junior high school in Bandung. They were purposively
chosen because the teacher recommended the class to the researcher. In addition, all
of the students were learn narrative text when the writer did this research. All of the
students received the same treatment. The writer would purposively choose 3 students
to do the interview based on the text made by the students to obtain further
3.3 Data Collection Techniques
In this research, the researcher employed the data through observation,
interview, and written documents analysis. Heigham & Crocker, 2009, Yin, 2008,
p101 stated that qualitative approach can use a wide variety of data collection
methods, such as (1) classroom observations; (2) interviews; and (3) documentation
of students’ text. Each technique of data collection will be described below.

Classroom observation
The observation has done in four weeks, started on September 2, 2013 to

September 18, 2013. It has done in eight meetings, each meeting 80 minutes. On the
first and second meeting, the writer observed the stage of building knowledge of the
Gita Hilmi Prakoso, 2013
Genre-Based Approach In Teaching Writing Narrative Text ( A Case Study Research at One Public
Junior High School in Bandung)
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia ||


field and modeling. On the third meeting, the writer observed the stage of joint
construction. On the fourth and fifth meeting, the writer observed the stage of
independent construction.
In this case, the researcher acted as complete participant since the researcher
observed and did all the activities which is done by the object of the research that
was the implementation of Genre-Based approach to teach writing narrative texts.
This is in line with Sugiyono (2008) that stated complete participant is the
participant who observes and dos all of the activities which is done by the object of
the research. During the classroom observations, the observer wrote the activities
done by the teacher and the students in the interaction setting in the classroom as
suggested by Morrison (1993, cited in Emilia at al,2008). Besides, the researcher
made the observation notes as soon as after each session of the observations finished
when the memory of the observations was still fresh as proposed by Van lier (1988,
p.241). All activities in the classroom observation were discussed in detail in chapter
four of this research.

Documentation of Students’ text
Students’ texts were collected over the teaching program. This technique

which constitutes the ways to elicit the data by analyzing the written or visual
contents of a document (Marshall and Rosman, 2006) was devoted to answer the
second research question, which was to find out how the implementation of genre–
based approach affects students’ development in writing narrative texts.
The writer collected 6 samples of students’ texts over the observation,
representing low, mid, and high achievers students. The three samples of students’
texts were taken before they were taught by GBA from previous semester. it was
done to save time since the time was limited.

The interview was conducted after the last meeting. It aims to discover

students’ responses toward the implementation of Genre Based Approach in teaching
writing narrative text. In this study semi-structured interview was chosen, as they are
more flexible and proper with the aims of the study. As Nunan (1992) classified
Gita Hilmi Prakoso, 2013
Genre-Based Approach In Teaching Writing Narrative Text ( A Case Study Research at One Public
Junior High School in Bandung)
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia ||


interviews into three types, unstructured, semi-structured, and structured. An
unstructured interview is directed by the respondents’ response not by the
researcher’s agenda. Thus the researcher has no control over the course of the
interview. A structured interview is the opposite, researcher has total control over
where the interview goes and what should come of it by raising the pre-formulated
questions in a prefixed order. A semi-structured interview stands in between. The
researcher prepares some questions in advance, but the researcher is not constrained
by these questions.
The writer did interviews, lasting around 30 minutes with three students (low,
mid, and high achievers). The writer asked seven questions about students’ response
and opinion about the implementation of genre-based approach in teaching writing
narrative texts. In each interview, seven questions by using Indonesia language were
posed to each interviewee. Choosing Indonesia language in the interview was to make
the interviewee free in expressing their ideas. Moreover, in the interviews, the
researcher used a recorder to avoid the loss of the data and enable the researcher to
transcribe it later. Thus, it enabled the researcher to analyze the data in depth
(Silverman, 2005, p.183-184)
3.4 Data Analysis
According to the data collection, three instruments were administered in this
study namely observation, interview, and students’ text analysis. Ongoing data
analyses and interpretation were based on data mainly from classroom observation
notes. Data which were analyzed after the research program were mainly students’
writing text and interviews data. The analysis of each research instruments was
presented in a form of descriptive explanation. Each of them is discussed below.
3.4.1. Observation
The data which were collected in observation noted in observation note. Then,
they were transcribed, categorized and analyzed using a thematic analysis relevant to
the research questions, including the principles and results of implementing genrebased approach.

Gita Hilmi Prakoso, 2013
Genre-Based Approach In Teaching Writing Narrative Text ( A Case Study Research at One Public
Junior High School in Bandung)
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia ||


In analyzing observation data, the researcher did the following activities. First,
observation note about the implementation of Genre-Based approach to teach writing
narrative text were transcribed. Then, the researcher summarized all activities during
teaching program which was relevant to this study and matching the data with the
research question. Finally, the data were coded and categorized based on the two
research questions, the way teacher implemented Genre-Based approach in
classroom, and students’ response toward Genre-Based approach cycle.
3.4.2. Documentation of Students’ text
Students’ texts were analyzed by using systemic functional grammar (SFG).
The samples of students’ writing texts were analyzed in terms of the schematic
structure, social function, language features and thematic system used in order to
reveal students’ development in the writing of narrative text. All of texts were chosen
from low, middle, and high achievers.
3.4.3. Interview
The data from interview were analyzed in some steps. First, the data from
interview were converted in written form and subsequently categorized and
interpreted to answer the research questions. Second, the interpretation data were read
and compressed into briefer statements. Third, the data were coded and categorized.
Finally, the interview data were interpreted to reveal students’ response on the
implementation of the teaching program based on Genre-Based approach and the
issue emerged during the teaching program. The data from interview were used to
support the obtained data from difference resources. This was aimed to enhance the
validity of the study (Stake 1995, Freebody 2003, cited in Emilia 2005)

3.5 Conclusion
This section has presented a brief discussion of methodology related aspects
of the study, including research method, research site and respondent, data collection

Gita Hilmi Prakoso, 2013
Genre-Based Approach In Teaching Writing Narrative Text ( A Case Study Research at One Public
Junior High School in Bandung)
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia ||


and data analysis. The next chapter will focus on description of the teaching program
done by the researcher.

Gita Hilmi Prakoso, 2013
Genre-Based Approach In Teaching Writing Narrative Text ( A Case Study Research at One Public
Junior High School in Bandung)
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia ||



5.1. Conclusion
This study investigates about the implementation of the GBA in teaching writing
Narrative text to junior high school students in one of public schools in Bandung.
Three research questions were employed in this research covering the way teacher
implemented GBA in teaching writing Narrative text, students’ improvement in
writing narrative text, and students’ response toward GBA.
With regard to the first research problem, during the teaching program, students
could improve their ability in writing narrative text. The students have applied the
appropriate schematic structure, social function, and language features of Narrative
text. According to schematic structure of the text, all of the students wrote the text
with control of schematic structures starting from orientation, complication,
evaluation, and resolution. All of the text made by students also has an implicit moral
value in their text. The moral value stated in coda (Anderson and Anderson, 2003).
However, coda is an optional structure in Narrative text. Moreover, the students' text
has achieved their purpose which is to entertain the reader by presenting some events
in the story. Based on the language features of the text, students could use appropriate
language features of Narrative text such as, specific participants, the use of material
processes, mental processes, relational processes, temporal conjunction, and past
tense. It can be seen from the text that they made in independent construction.
In responding to the second research question, generally students give positive
responses to this approach. Students like to be taught explicitly since it improves
students’ ability in enriching vocabulary, understanding grammar, and expressing
their ideas in constructing the text. In addition, explicit teaching could help students
Gita Hilmi Prakoso, 2013
Genre-Based Approach In Teaching Writing Narrative Text ( A Case Study Research at One Public
Junior High School in Bandung)
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia ||


write more creatively since it can “liberate students from their own fears of writing by
giving them security and offering them models, which were felt valuable” (Kay and
Dudley-Evans,1998, 311)
According to the research finding and conclusion above, some suggestions are
First, the implementation of GBA in teaching writing is applicable and
appropriate for students in junior high school. It is very useful and helpful for
students in constructing a text. It is recommended to use GBA in teaching English
especially in teaching writing.
Second, considering the weakness of students in vocabulary, grammar, and
developing idea, the curriculum of writing should be constructed scaffolding. It starts
from the easiest lesson to the hardest lesson. Moreover, guidance and feedback from
teacher should be given in the process of writing to minimize students’ problem in
higher level of writing.
Furthermore, there are some possible recommendations for further research. First,
the researcher can choose another genre to study incorporated by GBA. Second,
students’ grammar problem in constructing a text should be taken into account in
further study. In addition, problem which occurs when grouping the students to some
group should be investigated in further research.

Gita Hilmi Prakoso, 2013
Genre-Based Approach In Teaching Writing Narrative Text ( A Case Study Research at One Public
Junior High School in Bandung)
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia ||


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Gita Hilmi Prakoso, 2013
Genre-Based Approach In Teaching Writing Narrative Text ( A Case Study Research at One Public
Junior High School in Bandung)
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia ||