Food Allergy Awareness Be Prepared With These Tips and a Medical Alert Wallet

Food Allergy Awareness: Be Prepared With These Tips and a Medical Alert Wallet
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Don’t let food allergies control your life. Be prepared before the next allergic reaction stri

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It’s rare that you hear of someone dying from food allergies, but when it happens, it usually
Food Allergy Deaths

There are approximately 150 deaths related to food allergies in the United States each year. F
Some food allergy deaths could have been prevented if proper medical attention was given when

Non-deadly allergies can still cause unpleasant symptoms such as cramps, light-headedness, itc
Keeping in Touch with Your Food Allergies

Prevention is always best with food allergies, especially dangerous ones. When dining out, ask

If you’ve already experienced a severe food allergy attack, ask your physician about a self-in
Help Medical Emergency Workers do their Jobs

Another way to be prepared is to have all your medical emergency information with you in one p

Special wallets are now available called Medical Alert Wallets that have all your medical info
With a little preparation and a Medic Alert Wallet, you’ll have peace of mind when dining out

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