The Life of Lesbian Portrayed in Sarah Waters Novel Fingersmith


1.1 Background of The Study

There are many ways to express ideas and choices as well as the human’s lives in
society. Every person will has her story to be told. Each story she has will show her
identity. There are many things can make us depressed, confused or tired. That is why we
need something to entertain our life. We need someone to share our story with or some
stories to read where both of which can be found in literature. Literature can be a colour
of one imagination in an attempt to make sense of someone’s life. It is one of the
universal and great creations in term of communicating emotion, spirit or intellect which
concern of mankind. The basic material of literature is experience. Through literature,
many authors try to express their ideas about what they have ever experienced in their
lives or what is happening around them and the lives of people in their society. Literature
helps people to grow, both personally and intellectually as it provides an objective base
of knowledge and understanding.

Literature has been widely known and used by many people all around the world.
The term literature refers more closely to imaginative works. It also has a direct relation
of actual life. It reflects an actual experience such as social, philosophical and moral

concern. Literature is supposed to be an imaginative creation which is not far from


factual event. Literature itself has been traditionally classified into three genres; prose,
poetry, and drama. Each genre still has subgenres and one of the subgenres of prose is
novel. In Mastering English Literature, Richard Gill states that a novel is a world
specially made in words by the author (1985:77). Peck and Coyle state that novels
present a documentary picture of life.

Alongside the fact that novels reflect the people in society, the other major
characteristic of the genre is that novels tell a story. Most novelist focus on the tension
between individuals and the society they live in. They also tell and describe the social
life and society. Novel is process story telling with a great amount of detail on every
page, and usually reveals human values (Peek and Coyle, 1986:102).

Basically, novels can portray the reality of daily life, hence they can be used as a
document to study issues in society. The novelists themselves might have inherited a
recording of reality that haveimpressed them which later expanded it to a literary work
of art.

In relation to the focus, the phenomenon of lesbianism has become a major
subject in today’s society ever since it rose up in the nineteenth century becausebefore
that period, lesbianism is a taboo thing. There are some definitions about lesbians. Anna
Koedth (1971:13) says that lesbianism is the sexual and romantic desire between
females. In another definition, some authors give explanation about lesbian. Simon
Salomon (1971:29) states “Lesbian is a female of homosexual or a female who
experiences romantic love or sexual attraction to other females.”


Zimmerman (1853:453) explains “The term lesbian is also used to express sexual
identity or sexual behavior regardless of sexual orientation, or as an adjective to
characterized or associate nouns with female or same sex attraction.”

Fingersmithis one of novels that discuss about lesbianism. Fingersmithis a
fiction novel written by Sarah Waters. This novel was published in 2002. It is a kind of
Victorian-inspired crime fiction novel, which mostly takes place in London in 19th
Century. Actually, the meaning offingersmith is a petty thief. The word “fingersmith”
may also refer to someone who has mastered a skill involving the use of fingers. This

novel tells about two women from different world who are brought together by hard
life and forbidden desires in this period-drama.

In the novel Fingersmith, Waters wants to show how the lesbian exists in that
era. Literature identifies lesbians in such different ways, many authoresses have taken
great license with their description of women who are suspected of having sexual
interest in other women. The power of literature is to define and describe the common
terms and ideas in society. It can keep groups of people invisible.

Lesbians may face a distinct physical or mental health arising from
discrimination, prejudice, and minority stress. Political conditions and social attitudes
also affect the formation of lesbian relationships and the families.It is a new topic in
literature and reality. Through this topic we can find out the reason why lesbianism
happens and how it grows in society. This topic isanalyzed under postmodernism and
feminism that celebrate diversities and new problems in society.


1.2 Problems of the Study
There are several problems to discuss in this novel which are summarized into

two main problems. They are:

1. How is the life of lesbian portrayed in Sarah Waters’ novel Fingersmith?
2. What are factorsthat cause the character to become lesbian in Sarah
Waters’ novel Fingersmith?
1.3 Objectives of the Study
The objectives of this thesis are tofind out the answers of the questions dealing
with the problems of the study by giving interpretation and analysis of lesbianism
towards Sarah Waters’ novel Fingersmith, they are:

1. To describe and analyze the lesbian life in Sarah Waters’ novel Fingersmith.
2. To explain the factors that causethe character to become lesbian in Sarah
Waters’ novel Fingersmith.

1.4 Scope of the Study

In doing this analysis, this thesis needs a scope of study to limit the field which is
going to be analyzed in order to avoid excessive discussion. Thus, this thesis focuses on
exposing the lesbianism found in Sarah Waters’ novel Fingersmithand how is implied in
the society.


1.5 Significances of the Study
Every literary work has significance in it for it contains the messages that the
authors try to express. This thesis provides the significance of the analysis, they are:
1. For writer
Expected to general information that can be used as references for
developing literature and additional knowledge for English Department
University of Sumatera Utara
2. For readers
To get information about the life of lesbian and the factors that cause the
characters in becoming a lesbian. Through this thesis, the writer hopes
that young generation or the readers be more aware about environment,
family with whom they are associated.
3. For further research
This research is expected to increase knowledge about lesbianism for
people who are interested in studying sexual abnormality.