Real-Time Monitoring Untuk Polusi Air Menggunakan Wireless Sensor Network Di Danau Toba



Danau Toba merupakan salah satu destinasi wisata paling penting di Indonesia,
khususnya di kawasan provinsi Sumatera Utara. Seiring berkembangnya pariwisata di
Danau Toba, kemungkinan terjadinya pencemaran lingkungan terutama pencemaran
polusi air juga bertambah. Situasi ini membuat perlu adanya sebuah sistem yang dapat
memonitor kondisi kualitas air di Danau Toba. Dalam penelitian ini, penulis
mengembangkan sebuah metode untuk mengumpulkan data dari polusi air yang
terdapat di Danau Toba secara real-time. Metode yang dipakai dalam penelitian ini
mempunyai beberapa parameter yang diukur yaitu tingkat oksigen terlarut air, tingkat
pH air, tingkat suhu air, tingkat ORP air, tingkat suhu udara dan tingkat kelembaban
udara. Sensor ini akan diletakkan di beberapa lokasi di atas permukaan air Danau
Toba untuk meningkatkan keakuratan pengukuran. Dan hasil dari penelitian ini sudah
menunjukkan bahwa beberapa tempat di Danau Toba dapat dimonitor secara efektif.

Kata kunci: sistem real-time, polusi air, Danau Toba, sensor air, wireless sensor

Universitas Sumatera Utara




Lake Toba serves as an important tourism attraction in Indonesia, especially in the
region of North Sumatera province. As tourism in Lake Toba develops, the possibility
of environmental issues in Lake Toba, mainly water quality, also increases. This
condition increases the necessity for a system that can monitor the environment
condition, especially the water quality in Lake Toba. In this paper, we propose a
design and development to gather and process data about water pollution in Lake
Toba in a real-time process. Our proposed design consists of several sensors which
record several parameters, such as Dissolved Oxygen Level, pH level, Water
Temperature, Air Humidity and Air Temperature. These sensor buoys will be placed
on several locations on Lake Toba’s surface to increase the effectiveness of
measurement, thus improving the measurement result. Finally, the real-time measured
values from the sensors will be gathered and processed in one main controller; the

experiment result shows that certain area can be monitored effectively.
Keywords—real-time system; water pollution ; Lake Toba, water sensor device,
wireless sensor network.

Universitas Sumatera Utara