Alkitab PB Melayu Baba - 1913

Melayu Baba

Perjanjian Baru

Copyright; Hubungi YLSA. Lihat Sejarah.
Singapura: Terchap di Methodist Publishing House
Kerna British and Foreign Bible Society 1913
Kitab Perjanjian Bharu
New Testament in Baba Malay, 1st Edition - 2,000.
There is a third form of Malay in which it has been found useful to
issue Scriptures. This is what is known as Baba Malay, the colloquial
spoken in the Straits Settlements by people of Chinese race or
descent. The first book published was St. Matthew, translated by Miss
M. Macmahon, of the Presbyterian Church of England Mission at
Singapore. It was printed in 1891. Since then Dr. Shellabear has
prepared the whole New Testament [SB]. It was first published in 1913
and has been in much demand. The character used id the roman, but as
the orthography used in the Malay Peninsula differs from that used by
the Dutch, the book has been issued in both forms of spelling. Lihat