How to defeat terrorism

How to defeat terrorism
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Terrorism is plaguing the earth and spreading at an alarming rate. Many people are asking what

Politics, current events, news, society,

terrorism, bin laden, jihad,

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Stopping terrorism is not like gambling, in poker there are different variables that can affec

Many people thing that the terrorist feel they have been wronged by something or someone and t

An example of this is clear in the Israeli- Palestinian conflict. Israel allows the PLO to ret

Israel was repaid by the terrorists by suicide bombings in malls, restaurants, clubs and busse

More recently Israel pulled all Jews from Gaza and gave all the land to the Palestinians. The

Many of you are thinking that these problems were brought on by the Israelis stealing Palestin

Many will say it is because America has troops in Saudi Arabia where the two holiest locations
This was is about the pride of one individual. Osama Bin Laden, and that´s all it is about.

In 1991 when Saddam Hussein Invaded Kuwait, Saudi Arabia was worried and was looking to get he

But rather then gamble on Bin Laden’s holey warriors, the Saudis asked for help from the Unite
The only thing that has ever worked is not to try to negotiate with these people but to fight

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