Prevent Bad Breath By Eliminating The Triggers

Prevent Bad Breath By Eliminating The Triggers
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Its not just onions and pizza that make bad breath worse. Find out why your toothpaste may lea

chronic bad breath, stop bad breath, prevent bad breath, bad breath symptom

Article Body:
Bad breath simply comes and goes for some people. Perhaps we only wake up with bad breath in t

However, despite any existing conditions like fissured tongues or excess phlegm, that are more
What makes bad breath worse?

A dry mouth:
Saliva keeps bad breath at bay because it is rich in oxygen. The bacteria that lead to symptom

This is a problem for people who sleep with their mouths open, in particular. Breathing throug

Certain foods that are high in protein like meat, and for those who are lactose intolerant
If you don’t digest dairy products well, the bacteria have more of a chance to digest the prot

Not flossing:
Similarly, if you don’t floss after a meal, especially if you’ve eaten meat, the bacteria in y
Acidic foods and drinks like coffee:
Acidic foods and drinks create an environment in which bacteria will multiply faster

Even if its in a mouthwash, alcohol will dry your mouth out, and then you have all the bad bre

Sugar is food for bacteria. Enough said!! And this is why even mint flavored sugar products wo

Toothpaste containing SLS, or sodium laureth sulfate:
SLS is a harsh chemical that damages the lining of the mouth, albeit on a microscopic level. I

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