Wild Pig Hunting in Petungkriono | Semedi | Humaniora 1334 2466 1 PB


No. 1 Februari2010


Anthropologists have been studying hunting from the economic, ecological, and symbdical
perspectives. The third perspective has been wed to comprehend the hunting activities among the
farmers of F'etungkriono who have used hunting to show masculinity. Further investigation has revealed that the arena is created as acompensationfor the fragile position ofthe loealmale inhabitants
in the household social economic condition as connectedto the matrilinealland inheritancesystem.
Key Words : hunting, Petungkriono, masculinity

Berburu oleh para ahli antropologi biasa dipelajari d a l u i pempektif ekonomi, ekologi, serta
sirnbolik. Di sini perspektif ket'lga prig dipakai guna metrmhami w
arn berbrnv di Mangan petmi
Petungkrionoyang temyata
berburu sebagai arena unjuk rnaskulinitas. Penelusurnl&h
jauh mengungkapkanb a h w a mtsneaxndibuat sebagai kompensasi aulr mpuhnyakedudukan h W i
di dalam sosid-ekonomi rumah tangga sehubungan dengan sistem pewatisantanah yang matrilineal.

Kata Kunci: perburuan, Petungkriono, maskdinitas

tradition of putting the money directly into the
As the night dissolved, from outside tang- ronggeng dancer's cloth wrap that covers her
ting-tung, ting-tang-ting-tung the sound of breasts is no longer practiced. Otherwise,
gamelan, the Javanese percussion orchestra, Wakhiri's fingers would be glued forever onto
could be heard playing Banyumasan song the ronggeng's breast. I have heard about the
endlessly accompanying whoever dancing with Garung village's ronggengdance to celebrate
the thickly face powdered ronggeng dancer from the village earth giving ritual for the last few
Wonosobo. Perhaps it was Wakhiri, whom I days. As soon as I and my students arrived at
mostly see at the terminal of mini-trucks used Tlogopakis village, Asro, the ex bahu-hamlet
as vehicles to move people and things, locally chief-4arung has spread a message through
called doplak, in front of the Mudal health center. another head of hamlets that I need to come to
From earlier this afternoon it was surely Wakhiri the ronggeng dance later that 'night. It is
that over and over got onto and off that stage, certainly the tradition of this upland farming
consciously putting thousand rupiah bills one district of Petungkriono-Petung hereafter- in
by one into a transparent plasticjar. Luckily the the southern part of Pekalongan regency, for


Lecturer, Department ofAnthropology, Facultyof CulturalScience, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta.


of Sura andlor Legena for every
dran bumi rite, to say
. If the economy is
be completed with the
ly this is not a bizarre

whisperer, in Garung or the surrounding area.
"The condition is grave ... no one is willhg to
become kemongkong anymmn.I h r dAhmd,
Asroo'syounger bpysbr who is now the head of
Garung hamlet and has before been a
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