Association between atopy and allergic contact dermatitis in Dr. Sardjito General Hospital Yogyakarta | Hardyanto Soebono | Journal of the Medical Sciences (Berkala ilmu Kedokteran) 3381 6728 1 PB

J Med Sci
Volume 45, No.2, June 2013: 87-94

Fitria et al., Association between atopy and allergic contact dermatitis
in Dr. Sardjito General Hospital Yogyakarta

Association between atopy and allergic
contact dermatitis in Dr. Sardjito General
Hospital Yogyakarta
Fitria1 *, Retno Danarti2 , Hardyanto Soebono2
Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Syiah Kuala, Banda Aceh, 2Department of
Dermato-Venereology, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Gadjah Mada/Dr. Sardjito
General Hospital, Yogyakarta

Association between atopy and development of allergic contact dermatitis (ACD) remains controversial.
T cell disfunctions in a patient with atopy complicate the process of nickel sensitization. On the
other, the decrease of the skin barrier function and overexpression of Langerhans cells in the patient
facilitate the sensitization. This study aimed to evaluate the association between atopy and incidence
of nickel ACD. A case-control study was carried out in Allergic and Immunology Sub Department of

Dermato-Venereology Policlinic, Dr. Sardjito General Hospital, Yogyakarta, involving 54 nickel ACD
patients as case group and 74 healthy subjects as control group. All subjects underwent prick test
allergens i.e. house dust, dust mite, cockroach, mixed fungi, nuts and egg white. The skin reaction
was considered as a positive result if a wheal diameter of at least 3 mm larger than the negative
control or a minimum of half of the positive control. The relationship between atopy and the nickel
ACD incidence was analyzed using Chi-Square test with confidence interval (CI) of 95%. A significant
association between atopy and the nickel ACD incidence was observed in this study. Subjects with
atopy to ฀ 1 allergen had risk of nickel ACD 3.74 higher than subjects without atopy (odds ratio/
OR=3.74; 95%CI = 1.64-8.53). Furtheremore, subjects with atopy to ฀ 2 allergens had risk of
nickel ACD 3.74 higher than subjects without atopy (OR=2.08; 95%CI = 1.01-4.29). In conclusion,
atopy is a risk factor of nickel ACD.

Hubungan antara atopi dan munculnya dermatitis kontak alergi (DKA) masih kontroversial. Pada
penderita atopi terjadi gangguan fungsi sel T yang menghambat proses sensitisasi nikel. Di sisi
lain, fungsi sawar kulit penderita atopi menurun dan terjadi ekspresi berlebih sel Langerhans
yang mempermudah sensitisasi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji hubungan antara atopi
dan kejadian DKA nikel. Penelitian menggunakan rancangan kasus kontrol dilakukan di Divisi
Alergi dan Imunologi, Poliklinik Kulit dan Kelamin, Rumah Sakit Umum Dr. Sardjito Yogyakarta
yang melibatkan 54 pasien DKA nikel positif sebagai kelompok kasus dan 74 sukarelawan sehat

sebagai kelompok kontrol. Semua subjek menjalai tes tusuk dengan beberap alergen yaitu debu
rumah, tungau debu, kecoa, mixed fungi, kacang tanah dan putih telur. Hasil tes dikatakan
positif bila diameter reaksi kulit e” 3 mm dari kontrol negatif atau separo dari kontrol positif.
Hubungan antara atopi dengan kejadian DKA nikel dianalisis menggunakan uji Chi-Square dengan
taraf kepercayaan 95%. Hubungan nyata antara atopi dengan kejadian DKA nikel ditemukan
dalam penelitian ini. Subjek dengan atopi terhadap ฀ 1 alergen mempunyai risiko DKA nikel 3,74
lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan subjek tanpa atopi (OR=3,74; 95%CI = 1,64-8,53). Selanjutnya
subjek dengan atopi terhadap ฀ 2 alergen mempunyai risiko DKA nikel 2,08 lebih tinggi
dibandingkan dengan subjek tanpa atopi (OR=2,08; 95%CI = 1,01-4,29). Dapat disimpulkan
bahwa atopi merupakan faktor risiko DKA nikel.
Keywords: atopy - allergic contact dermatitis - nickel allergy - prick test - allergen

* corresponding author:


J Med Sci, Volume 45, No.2, June 2013: 87-94

Allergic contact dermatitis (ACD) is type

IV hypersensitive reaction, mediated by cellular
response caused by contact with spesific
allergen to sensitized individuals. Allergic
contact dermatitis frequently occurs in daily life
and can influence patient’s quality of life.1-4
Prevalence of ACD is about 12.5-40.6% in
general population and 4-10% based on patient
visit data in dermatology clinic in Thailand and
Saudi Arabia.2-4 In Dermatology-Venereology
Policlinic of Dr. Sarjito General Hospital,
Yogyakarta in 2010, 5.3% patients of ACD case
out of the whole patient visits were diagnozed.
Nickel ACD is the most frequent ACD that
occurs in about 10-20% out of the all patients
who underwent patch test. The high incidence
of nickel ACD is caused by many equipments
used in daily life that contain nickel.4,5 Diagnosis
of nickel ACD is easy to be performed due to
its specific clinical manifestation. However,
patch test is gold standard method to diagnose

the sensitivity existence to an allergen substance
in ACD.6
Atopy is a kind of hypersensitive reaction
to an environment allergen that associated with
multiple abnormalities including Langerhans
cell over-expression, immunoglobulin E (IgE)
dysregulation through Th2 immune response,
eosinophyl overactivities and genetic predisposition. 7
A strong predisposition toward atopy has
been reported and studies to map susceptibility
genes for atopy have been performed by
investigators. One of gene i.e. filaggrin has
become the gene with the most widely
associated to atopic eczema. Filaggrin null
mutations cause defective skinbarrier functions
lead to ease the penetration of environment
allergens, increase trans-epidermal water loss
(TEWL) and decrease skin hydration that
stimulate skin inflammation reactions by


increasing cytokin proinflamation production.8,9
Other gen that involved on the pathophysiology
of atopic diseases is a gene that encodes
fragment crystallizable epsilon receptor I
(Fc[RI). The Fc[RI is a protein found on the
surface of cells that binds to a part of IgE known
as the Fc (Fragment, crystallizable) region. In
atopic diseases, a strong upregulation of Fc[RI
on effector cells of anaphylaxis such as mast
cells and basophils is observed. Ligation of the
high-affinity Fc[RI on the effector cells can
induce cell activation and immediate release
of inflammatory mediator. 10
The prevalence of atopy in Western
countries is about 20-45% and it becomes the
main cause of chronic diseases among
children. 11 A person with atopy typically
presents with one or more of the following

symptoms such as allergic asthma, allergic
rhinitis, allergic conjunctivitis and atopic
dermatitis.7 Exposure to possible exacerbating
factors of environment such as aeroallergen,
irritating chemical and foods can be examined
by skin Prick test or IgE specific antigenantibody test. 12
This study was conducted to verify the
association between atopy and ACD occurrence
among patients visiting Dr. Sardjito General
Hospital, Yogyakarta, Indonesia.
This was a case control study conducted in
Allergic and Immunology Sub Department of
Dermato-Venereology Policlinic, Dr. Sardjito
General Hospital, Yogyakarta. The study was
started on September 2011 until the numbers of
samples obtained. The case group was all nickel
ACD patients with positive nickel result in
patch test, while the control group was healthy

individuals without dermatitis lesions. All
subjects would undergo a prick test of house

Fitria et al., Association between atopy and allergic contact dermatitis
in Dr. Sardjito General Hospital Yogyakarta

dust, dust mite, cockroach, mixed fungi, peanuts
and white egg allergen.
All subjects were asked to sign an informed
consent. The subject would be excluded from
the study in the condition of 1) consume systemic
antihistamine within 5 days before the research,
except ketotifen (15 days); 2) consume systemic
corticosteroid more than 20mg/day within 2
weeks before study; 3) topical corticosteroid
application on the test spot during 2 weeks
before study; 4) consume systemic immunomodulator agents within the last 4 weeks before
The protocol of study has been approved
by the Medical and Health Research Ethic

Committee, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas
Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta.
Protocol of study
Subject who met the inclusion and
exclusion criteria was given an explanation
concerning the background, objectives, and
benefit of the study. Subjects who were willing
to be involved in the study, an informed consent
was given to be signed. Subjects then underwent
anamnesis and clinical examination to obtain
the characteristics of subjects, history of illness,
ect. Dermatology picture were taken and used
as base line data of the skin conditions before
patch test.
The patch test was performed for subjects
suspected of suffering from nickel ACD. Left
upper arm skin was cleaned with 0.9% NaCl
solution and dried with a tissue. A ฀-chamber
containing 20 µL Trolab ® 5% nickel sulphate
allergen was applied onto the skin of upper left

arm and fixed with an adhesice tape (HipaFix®).
Subjects were then asked to back home with an
instruction form. The subsequent assessment of
skin reaction using a magnifying lamp was
performed by Dermatologist from Allergic and

Immunology Sub Department of DermatoVenereology Policlinic, Dr. Sardjito General
Hospital after 2, 3 and 4 days. The skin reaction
was measured based on the International
Contact Dermatitis Research Group (ICDRG)
scoring system. Dermatology picture were
taken again and used as data of the skin
conditions after the patch test. Results of the
patch test were then informed to the subjects.
All subjects in both group then underwent
a prick test. The forearm skin of the subject was
cleaned with 0.9% NaCl solution and dried with
a tissue. Skin prick solution of the appropriate
allergen (0.1 mL house dust, dust mite,
cockroach, mixed fungi, white egg and peanuts

solution) was pricked smoothly using a 23 g
syringe needle in several sites with each site
should be a minimum of 2 cm apart. The skin
reaction was measured in diameter 15-20
minutes after the skin prick. The skin reaction
was considered as a positive result if a wheal
diameter of at least 3 mm larger than the negative
control or a minimum of half of the positive
control. All measurements were recorded and
informed to the subjects.
Statistical analysis
Data analysis was conducted using non
parametric Chi-Square test to evaluate the
hypothesis dealing with the association between
atopy and nickel ACD incidence. If the ChiSquare test requirement was not fulfilled, Fisher
test would be used. Sum of risk factor was
calculated using odds ratio (OR) with
confidence interval of 95%.
One hundred and twenty eigh subjects that

consisted of 54 subjects of nickel ACD as case
group and 74 healthy subjects as control group
were involved in this study. Subject characteristics are presented in TABLE 1. The subjects


J Med Sci, Volume 45, No.2, June 2013: 87-94

consisted of 86 female (67.2%) and 42 male
(32.8%). The nickel ACD group consisted of
38 female (29.7%) and 16 male (12.5%), while
the control group consisted of 48 female
(37.5%) and 26 male (20.3%). In this study, the

incidence of nickel ACD was higher on female
than male subjects. The mean of age of subjects
in the nickel ACD group was 30.69± 9.447
years, while in the control group was 30.23 ±
9.632 years.

TABLE 1. Main characteristic of subjects in both group

Positive prick test result to allergens of
house dust, dust mite, cockroach, mixed fungi,
white egg and peanuts is presented in TABLE
2. In this study, the most positive results of
allergen prick test were dust mite (38.2%) and

cockroach (28.1%). The dust mite positive
result occuring on the nickel ACD group (29 or
22.7% of subjects) was significantly hinger

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