Bramasto Nugroho Hatiadi Kartodihardjo Lala M Kolopaking Rizaldi Boer

Pathway toward REDD+

A u t h o r s:

Ar ya Hadi Dharm aw an
Bram ast o Nugroho
Hat iadi Kart odihardjo
Lala M Kolopaking
Rizaldi Boer

En g l i sh Ed i t o r : Sigit P r a m o n o - CITK
Gr ap h i c D esi g n er : A g u s S u d a r y o n o - CI TK


Init ially p u b lish ed by
Fo rest Go ver n an ce and M u l t i st ak eh o l d e Fo rest ry Pr o g r am m e
Gd . M an g g al a W an ab h akt i
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Ci t i n g an d co p yin g p art s and t he ent ire b o o k' s co n t en t w i t h o u t w rit t en
p er m i ssi o n f ro m t he p ub lisher is ag ain st t h e law

First Ed it io n , Ap ril 2012

SVLK, a Pat hway t o ward REDD+
Jak ar t a, Fo rest Go vern an ce and M u lt ist akeh o ld er Fo rest ry Pr o g r am m e
Pag es

: 72


: 17,5 x 25,5 cm



Cover Photo : Sigit Pramono - CITK

Table of Cont ent


Chap t er 1
Int roduct ion


Chap t er 2
SVLK as an Infrast ruct ure of REDD+


Chap t er 3
An Empirical Study Pursuing a St rat egic Issue
of SVLK as an Infrast ruct ure of REDD+


Ch ap t er 4

A Synergy of SVLK and REDD+


Chap t er 5
SVLK as a Part of Credit Paym ent in t he P.EDD+
Funding Schem e


Clo sing Not es




At t achm ent

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _


Table of Figures

Figure 1:
The ident ificat ion of t he causes of d eforest at ion and forest d eg rad at io n
using a fish bone analysis (BAPPEN AS, 2010).


Figure 2:
SVLK Concept in REDD+ Co nt ext .


Figure 3:

The Connect ion bet ween SVLK and REDD zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZWVUTSRPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
-r in sup p o rt ing
a sust ainable forest g o vernance.


Figure 4:
The relat ionship bet ween SVLK, SFM , and t he role of policy
m akers in avoiding a high t ransact io n cost .


Figure 5:
_ _
The use of forest ry land in Ind o nesia (by January 2011;
the M inist ry of Forestry, 2011).


Figure 6:
Five m ain prerequisites for clim at e chang e m it igat ion and its im p licat io ns
for t he organizat ion of t he M inist ry of Forest ry and for t he d et erm inat io n
of st rat egic planning, p ro g ram s, and act ivit ies.


Figure 7:
SVLK m echanism t o support s im p lem ent at io n of REDD+ .


Figure 8.
The sources of climate chang e int ernat ional fund ing .



Photo: Sigit Pramono - CITK

Pref ace
Forest plays an indispensable role i n climate change. About 86 to 93 million hectares of Indonesia's territory
is wooded areas, comprising almost half of the country's total territory. But the latest data i n the M i n i s t r y
of Forestry indicate that Indonesia has been losing some 1.18 m i l l i o n hectares of forest annually. This
causes deforestation and the change of land use, including that of the enormous peat land, all of w h i c h
triggers 6 0 % emission.
Forest degradation, coupled w i t h international community's pressure over countries which have huge forest
areas, encourages Indonesia to declare a commitment to slowing the emission due to changes of land and
forest use by 26% i n 2020. To fulfill the target, Indonesia needs to curb emission caused by deforestation
and forest degradation by implementing a scheme called Reducing Emission f r o m Deforestation and Forest
Degradation (REDD+).
One of strategies that REDD+ implements is to apply an initiative to minimize, t o cope w i t h , and to prevent
illegal logging. Experts perceive REDD+ to have potential to help fight illegal logging by providing financial
incentive to endorse law enforcement, change of behavior, and reformation of forest governance.

For the last three years, Multistakeholder Forestry Programme (MFP) I I has been supporting the Governm e n t of Indonesia to fight illegal logging. Through multi-stakeholder forums, M F P I I has developed a
system of timber legality to fight illegal logging and illegal trade of timber. MFP successfully persuades the
Government of Indonesia to adopt a policy named the Timber Legality Verification System (SVLK) which
applicable to all processed and traded forest products.
SVLK helps assure that industry- obtains raw materials o f timber through legal means f r o m sustainable
forest management (SFM) by complying w i t h legality aspects, transparent