The Backpacker By John Harris. Thanks for visiting the best website that available hundreds type of book

  collections. Here, we will certainly offer all books The Backpacker By John Harris that you require. The books from renowned writers as well as publishers are supplied. So, you can enjoy now to obtain individually kind of book The Backpacker By John Harris that you will certainly look. Well, related to the book that you desire, is this The Backpacker By John Harris your option? From Booklist This could have been a pretty weird novel: a man whose vacation plans with his girlfriend are turn asunder by her unexpected illness hooks up with a charismatic fella and decides to accompany him on a trip to Thailand (of all places), where they have a series of wild adventures, including posing as rich guys to pick up women and running afoul of some local organized-crime types. But here’s the thing: this story is, according to the author, all true. Like Tim Cahill’s highly personal, highly adventurous travel memoirs, the book is full of colorful characters and events that, if you saw them in a movie, you might say, oh, come on now. The book was enthusiastically received when it was originally published in the UK in 2001, and it’s easy to see why: it’s as exciting as any novel but with the added bonus of being real (which means the reader is free to imagine himself tagging along). --David Pitt Review "Lord of the Flies for the bored 20-something generation. Written in an accessible and conversational style, it's a book you’ll find hard to put down and a story you'll find equally hard to believe." —Adventure Travel "[The Backpacker] is as exciting as any novel but with the added bonus of being real." —Booklist Online "Truly unique." — About the Author John Harris has traveled for many years, including as a building instructor in Nigeria through Voluntary



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  For fans of Alex Garland's The Beach, a true story of out-of-control travel "Leaving the blinding sand for the cool shade of the trees, I walked carefully through the undergrowth to where Dave, using two twigs as chopsticks, was picking up a freshly severed human finger . . . " John's trip to India starts badly when his girlfriend, with whom he is traveling, returns home. Left to his own devices, he soon finds himself looking at the sharp end of a knife in a train station cubicle. But his life is saved—and turned upside down—by Rick, an enigmatic fellow traveler who persuades John to question his mundane plans for the future, risking it all for much, much more. Fast forward to the Thai island of Koh Pha-Ngan, where John, Rick, and their new friend Dave pose as millionaire aristocrats in a hedonistic Eden of beautiful women, free drugs, and wild beach parties. However, when they find themselves hotly pursued by the Thai Mafia, they embark on adrenaline-fueled journeys to Singapore, Indonesia, Australia, and Hong Kong, facing danger at every turn. This is not travel writing for the faint of heart: this is an unbelievable true story of the hunt for excess, at any cost. Sales Rank: #1626974 in Books Published on: 2011-11-01 Original language: English Number of items: 1 Dimensions: 8.00" h x .90" w x 5.00" l, .60 pounds Binding: Paperback 384 pages From Booklist This could have been a pretty weird novel: a man whose vacation plans with his girlfriend are turn asunder by her unexpected illness hooks up with a charismatic fella and decides to accompany him on a trip to Thailand (of all places), where they have a series of wild adventures, including posing as rich guys to pick up women and running afoul of some local organized-crime types. But here’s the thing: this story is, according to the author, all true. Like Tim Cahill’s highly personal, highly adventurous travel memoirs, the book is full of colorful characters and events that, if you saw them in a movie, you might say, oh, come on now. The book was enthusiastically received when it was originally published in the UK in 2001, and it’s easy to see why: it’s as exciting as any novel but with the added bonus of being real (which means the reader is free to

  Service Overseas. Most helpful customer reviews 0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.

  Decent read by a backpacker who experienced some horrific things By Deborah Fortuna Good book. This travel read, of course, is all true and actually happened. These guys took risks and experienced tragedy. It's a good read for someone who is interested to travel to Thailand's beaches---know what things to avoid.

  2 of 3 people found the following review helpful. Oddly Inspirational By Lindsey Kaughton With its laddish overtones, ribald; almost crass style, I wanted to dislike this one from the start. The trouble was I could not put it down. It's all those things I always believed makes for a bad read - bad grammer, worse punctuation, simple and linear plot - and yet here I am giving the damn thing the thumbs up. The reason being, I think, is that John, the hapless protagonist, conveys his story to us without the usual analysis. It's writing brfore writing became so self-concious.

  1 of 2 people found the following review helpful. Adventure of a Life time By Dan This book kept me on my toes throughout the whole read. I tried to read as little as I could, so that the experience could last longer, but I was unable to put it down.

  If your into spontaneous adventure, with tales of danger along the way, throughout south east asia, australia and hong kong, then this book is your you. See all 16 customer reviews...


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The Backpacker By John Harris. Thanks for visiting the best website that available hundreds type of book

  collections. Here, we will certainly offer all books The Backpacker By John Harris that you require. The