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Anne Marciagani


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Anne Marciagani



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Anne Marciagani:


An Analysis on Quotes Translation Strategies in Chicken Soup for the Teenage Soul
As quotes and translation have become popular recently, I decided to
analyze on translation of quotes. Quotes are easily found in the mass
media or internet, in the books, and in other media. When looking at
those quotes, usually the quotes are from English. Therefore, I chose
one popular book that has been translated into many languages. The
popular book contains quotes and many wise stories. The purpose of
this study is to find out the strategy used in the translation process of
Chicken Soup for the Teenage Soul from English as Source Language
to Indonesian as Target Language. The strategies selection that used
by the translator would be analyzed with Baker and Vinay &
Darbelnet‟s theories. This paper also consists of the theories about
translation and quotes itself. Through this research, I conclude that
only eight strategies being used by the translator of the book.
Keywords: Chicken Soup, Quotes, Strategy, Translation

Nowadays, quotes are often found in our daily life, including in social network, which is

one medium used to socialize with other people through the internet. When looking at our social
networking, we will find many quotes that are used by our friends and without any difficulties
we can find quotes not only in social networking such as Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram, but
also we can find it in Google and many web sites. Quotation or we usually call it quote, is also
stated in almost every story in Chicken Soup. Based on Cambridge‟s Dictionary, quote is the
informal form of quotation and the definition is a phrase or short piece of writing taken from a
longer work of literature, poetry, etc. or what someone else has said. In Chicken Soup, quotes
that appear are quotes that consist of wisdom words or motivational words, depend on the story
inside the book.


Starting from 15 years ago, Mark Victor Hansen and Jack Canfield, had written popular
books entitled Chicken Soup. The books are translated into more than 40 languages, and Chicken
Soup for the Soul is one of the world‟s best-known phrases (Canfield J. & Hansen M.V., 2013).

It shows that Chicken Soup is a popular book. The books contain many interesting stories from
people‟s experiences. The stories teach us how to face our life. Chicken Soup comes with many
editions that made to meet the need of the reader. The book is inspirational for people who read

Besides that, Chicken Soup series also contain touching and wise story. Chicken Soup
also has many editions or different series for different stories. The series are classified depending
on the stories that consist in the book. For instance, there is a series Chicken Soup for the Woman
Soul and the story is about the hard work of woman, what woman does have in life, and others. I

choose Teenage Soul among the many editions of Chicken Soup because it has more general
stories and it is suitable for young life, the pre-adolescence age. The Teenage Soul has some
section like on love, on friendship, on family, on changes, and etc. The stories from Teenage
Soul are suitable for teenager, early adolescence, and even adult when they faced the problems

about themselves, in friendship, or in love, or etc. If people read this book, people will find many
quotes or quotations in almost every title of the story. Thus Chicken Soup for the Teenage Soul is
the suitable edition for my analysis in this thesis journal.
Chicken Soup is written in English. However, not all people understand English or speak

in English. Thus, in order to connect with both one‟s native and foreign languages, people need
translation to translate words from the language we do not understand into our language. (Torop,
2008) in his article, explain the need of translation in this 21st century that we are confronting the
need of both translators and translation. Translators are people who translate one language into

another language and translation is the process on changing one language into another language.
Translation is one of communicative needs. To understand other languages, translation becomes
important. As Zohrevandi (1992) cited in (Minaabad, 2011) stated that “translation, now, deals
with communicative needs and purposes for stretches of written or oral discourse which is means
translation now is deal with communicative competence.” Zohrevandi‟s argument adds weight to
my opinion about the importance of translation. English as lingua franca made many books are
written in English and translated into another language such as Indonesian. Nevertheless, as
Lefevere cited in (Xiaomin, 2011) said that when translating language, the result of translation
must make a compromise between the original language and the target language. I agree with
Lefevere that target language must have same meaning as the original language. Consequently,
translation can meet the need of people to understand what is being talked about.
Furthermore, it seems that no many researchers have studied the strategies on quotes
translation. For instance, most of the articles study about the comparison, or idioms translation,
or proverbs, or sayings. For example, an article entitled “Cultural Connotation of Animals in
Translation: Proverbs, Idioms, Sayings” (Mahammadi R. & Jamshidian E., 2012) which talks
about translation in from English into Persian. This article focuses on differences in animal
connotation translation over proverbs, idioms, and sayings in English and Persian. Then the other
is an article entitled “Toward Developing a Master List of Value- Laden Chinese Proverbs and

(Weng L. & Kulich S.J., 2009). This article is discussed about development a

comprehensive list of Chinese proverbs and sayings. Then the other article is entitled “APA
Referencing” (Waikato, 2012). This article talks about quotation referencing in journal. When I
looked up at quotes translation, quotation of journal mostly will be appeared. If I look at the
other studies, there are many articles about quotes and articles about translation. However, I

merely found article about quotes translation. Most of the articles I found are talking about
quoting on journal. Thus because there are less research about quotes, I made a research about
quotes translation. After all, the Chicken Soup for the Teenage Soul is a translation book from
English into Indonesian language, popular, and also contains quotes in it, I chose Chicken Soup
for the Teenage Soul. The research is to find out the strategy that used by the translator of the

I hope this study can be useful for teens or children who like reading imported books or
motivational stories that have been translated into Indonesian. I also hope that this study can be
useful for translators and editors of books in translating. What I mean with useful is that the
study can make the translators and readers aware of the equivalence between target language and

source language. Also since we see quotes almost every day, by knowing the strategy of
translation that being used this study can help the teacher who wants to teach translation with
quotes. The study can be useful to people who want to do a research on the strategy of quotes
translation and can improve the skills of translators and editors of books by using the strategy on
My research question is what strategies are used by translator on quotes translation of the
Chicken Soup for the Teenage Soul are. Ultimately, the study is used three classifications. They

are the meaning of translation, the meaning of quote, and the strategies on the translation. Let us
take a look on the first meaning on translation. Based on (Koster, 2002) as cited in Riccardi:
“A translation is a strange phenomenon, because it is always two things: on the one hand
the status of a translation is that of an independent text: once produced, a translation, in its
own cultural environment, functions in a way is that of any other text in that environment;


on the other hand its status is that of a derivative text: a translation is a representation, or a
reconstruction, or a reproduction, of another text.” (p.25)

What I get from Koster, translation is a reproduction of text that in its own cultural
environment. Sometimes, we do translation without realize it. Translation is part of our everyday
life. In translating process, the reconstruction or a reproduction of another text is affected by
culture and the target language and the source language have different culture should be
considered about when translator is translating a text. Translation provides information from a
source text. What it really means is that with translation, we know more information because we
know the meaning of what is written in the source text. Translation fulfills our need about the
text. If we see the aim of translation, we will know why we need to translate a text. Translation
itself has the task of facilitating mutual communication between the speakers of different
language. ( (Buhler, 2002) p. 65 as cited in Riccardi). I absolutely agree with Riccardi‟s
argument that translation facilitating mutual communication of different language. Torop‟s
argument (2008) about translation also gives brief review about translation. He believes that
translation is to be simple mediators and translation means generating new languages for the
description of a foreign language, text, or culture. It means that translation is a process on
generating the original language into the target language. In my own opinion, translation is a
process of translating one language into another language in order to understand the meaning of
a word or text to communicate between people in different language with addition of making
other people understand what someone want to say without abandoned the culture that cited in
the target language or in source language.
Journal The Learning Centre from South Wales University (UNSW, 2007) defines
quotation as an exact reproduction of spoken or written words. The Writing Centre of Adelaide
University (Adelaide, 2010), emphasizes that the process of doing quote (quoting) involves using

the exact wording used by the original author(s) in their work. While the other author from
Indiana University (2008) acknowledge that quotations involve someone else‟s words. All of
those definitions have explained the meaning of quotations as someone else‟s exact words that
have been written or said and people used those words to help them be more considerate and
wise. In Some Quotable Quotes in Statistic (Shaw, 2001) expresses that quotes help the author to
appeal to a higher authority (or simply to pass the buck), liven up lecture notes (or any other
equally bald and unconvincing narratives), encourage lateral thinking (or need any thinking)
and/or be cute. Here are several examples of quotes;
(1) If I have not seen as far as others, it is because giants were standing on my shoulders.
(Hal Abelson)
(2) Be thankful for what you have; you‟ll end up having more. If you concentrate on what
you don‟t have you will never, ever have enough. (Oprah Winfrey)
(3) Try not to become a man of success. Rather become a man of value. (Albert Einstein)
If you see those examples, quotes are the exact words from someone else. Hal Abelson have
said to motivate himself; “If he have not seen as far as others, it is because giants were standing
on my shoulder.” Oprah Winfrey and Albert Einstein also give wisdom words that are being used
nowadays by everyone to make people realize, understand what life is, and tell about experience
in life. UNSW (2007) also add the characteristic of quotations that quotations should match the
source word for word, are usually appear between quotation marks, and they must be attributed
to the original source. Hal Abelson, Winfrey, and Einstein are the original source who wrote or
spoke the sentences. Sometimes quotes can appear between quotation marks like this „What is
the use of a book,‟ thought Alice, „without pictures or conversations?‟ by Lewis Carroll from
Alice in Wonderland (1865).


Then on the last classification that is the strategies on the translation. There are eight ways
of strategies that used by professional translation (Baker, 2011). Based on Baker, the first
strategy is translation by a more general word (superordinate), among the other strategies, this
strategy is commonly used. For example when the original source uses the word „Daisy‟, the
target source can translate it as „flower‟ because the general word of Daisy is a flower, other
example is the word „apply‟ in source language and translated into „put‟ in target language
because the word „put‟ is commonly used in target language.
The second strategy is translation by a more neutral/less expressive word. The translator
need to look at the standard on TL (target language) whether if the words appropriate used or
not. For example the word „archaic‟ in English and translated into „ancient‟ in Japan because of
the word „archaic‟ is too direct, too open and disapproving by Japanese standards. Also in TL of
Chinese, the word „exotic‟ has no equivalent in Chinese, the translator translate it into „strange
unique‟. The third strategy is translation by cultural substitution. As we know that in this world
we have many different cultures, different languages. In this strategy, translator needs to adapt
into the cultures. In example of this strategy, Baker brings out the word „Cream Tea‟ that used by
Britain people for afternoon meal and it has no equivalent in other cultures and the TL Italian
used „pastry‟ to substitute the word „Cream Tea‟ which does not have the same meaning.
However, the word „pastry‟ is familiar for Italian and it is provide good cultural substitute.
The fourth strategy is translation using a loan word or loan word plus explanation. This
strategy is dealing with culture-specific items. Similar with the example of previous strategy but
with difference in application, the example of „cream tea‟ in this strategy will be translated as is
it. There is no „pastry‟ to substitute „cream tea‟. In some terms, loan words contain explanation
in order to explain the words. The fifth strategy by Baker is translation by paraphrase using a

related word. Unlike the previous strategies, this strategy has different method in translating.
Baker said that this strategy tends to be used when the concept expressed by the SL (source
language) is lexicalized in the target language but in a different form. For instance, the word
„creamy‟ becomes „that resembles cream‟ and the word „overlooking‟ become „which
The next strategy is a strategy that similar with the fifth strategy, that is translation by
paraphrase using unrelated words. This strategy is paraphrasing a word without using related
word from source language, for example the word „affidavit‟ is being translated as „a written
communication supported by an oath‟. If you look at the example, the word affidavit and the
translation does not have correlation in source language and target language. Next is strategy by
omission. Omission is needed to omit some words to not distract the reader with lengthy
explanation and to produce readable translation. Translation often does simply omit translating
the word or expression. Last strategy by Baker is translation by illustration. When the word lacks
an equivalence in target language, this strategy is an useful option. Illustration refers to physical
entity that can be illustrated, particularly if the text short, concise and to the point and if there is a
restrictions on space.
Other strategies are procedural strategies by Vinay & Darbelnet as cited in Venuti (2004).
The strategies are direct and oblique translation. The direct or literal translation is a translation
that possible to transpose the source language message element by element into TL. In the
opposite, oblique translation is a method that some structural or metalinguistic differences that
cannot be transposed into TL without changing the meaning and because of that this method is
being used. Both procedural strategies are also subdivided into several procedures. Procedures


that include in direct translation are borrowing, calque, and literal translation. Procedures that
include in oblique translation are transposition, modulation, equivalence, and adaptation.
First, the borrowing procedure is the simplest of translation method to introduce the flavor
of SL culture into translation. Vinay & Darbelnet selected the words „tequila‟, „tortillas‟, and „de
javu‟ as the example of borrowing procedures. Those words are come from French and Mexican
Spanish food. Next, the second procedure is calque. It is similar with borrowing but calque
borrows an expression form of another language and then translates literally each of its elements
and after period of time the word became an integral part of language. The example of calque
from French calque is „therapie occupationnelle‟ from English source „occupational therapy‟.
The other examples are the word „les quatre Grands‟ from „the four great powers‟, „l‟homme
dans la rue‟ from „the man in the street‟. Next is the most common strategy when translating two
languages, a literal translation. Literal translation is word for word translation and the direct
transfer of a SL text into a grammatically and idiomatically appropriate TL text. As illustrated by
Vinay & Darbelnet, the sentence „He looked at the map‟ into „Il regarda la carte‟ in TL (French)
is translated word for word.
Furthermore, the next procedure that belongs into oblique is transposition procedure. The
transposition method involves replacing one word class with another without changing the
meaning of the message. The word comes back and return can be the example of this method.
Similar with previous procedure, modulation procedure is a procedure that obtained by replacing
point of view. What it is mean modulation is used to avoid unidiomatic or awkward expression
in TL. Vinay & Darbelnet illustrated the example for modulation when the negative SL
expression translates into a positive TL expression, „it is not difficult to show ….‟ as „Il est facile
de demontrer‟.

The two last procedures from oblique are equivalence and adaptation. Equivalence is
translation by the same situation that can be rendered by two texts using completely different
stylistic and structural methods. For example in French when someone got hit he or she would
say „Aie!‟ but in English this would be interpreted as „Ouch!‟ Another examples of equivalence
is onomatopoeia of animal sounds like cocorico and cock-a-doodle-do, also proverbs and idioms
are included to an examples of equivalences. An adaptation can be described as special kind of
equivalence, a situational equivalence. For example an English father who would think nothing
of kissing his daughter on the mouth, something which is normal in that culture but would not be
acceptable in a literal rendering into French. The translator would be translated into appropriate
translation. Adaptations are particularly frequent in the translation of book and film titles. Those
strategies are grouped by Vinay & Darbelnet to make the analysis easier.
This study is a qualitative research focusing on analyzing the strategies on quotes
translation in the Chicken Soup for the Teenage Soul. The context of my study is quotes from
Chicken Soup for the Teenage Soul which was published by Health Communications, Inc which

written in English and published by PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama which written in Indonesian.
Through analyzing quotes in each title of story, the writer is able to find out the strategies that
used by translator of the book.
Research Data


For my study, I used library research, internet surfing, and dictionary to find the strategy on
quotes translation. From library research and internet surfing, I found several articles and books‟
about strategy of translation. In order to analyze the translation in depth, I used dictionary to get

to know the more specific meaning. I also used two books of Chicken Soup for Teenage Soul in
two languages (English and Indonesia).
Data Collection Procedures :
The first step to do in collecting my data was made a research in literature review and
searched the references that I need to analyze. Then I need to list all of English and Indonesian
quotes in every title of story in Chicken Soup‟s book. However, the Indonesian version and the
English version have differences in pages and also in story. There are more stories in Chicken
Soup written in English than in Indonesian. I collected the title and quotes that are equal in both
books. Next, I started to group the quotes and compared the source text and target text.
Data Analysis Procedures


To begin the analysis, I look at both quotes in English and Indonesian and also look at the
meaning of those strategies. From all the strategies by Vinay & Darbelnet and Baker, I used only
ten strategies by them, five strategies from Vinay & Darbelnet and five strategies from Baker. It
is depending on the quotes that I have read in the books. The five strategies by Baker are
superordinate, neutral/ less expressive word, cultural substitution, paraphrase using a related
word and omission. The rest are borrowing, calque, literal translation, equivalence, transposition,
and adaptation. After that, I grouped the quotes depending on the strategy that the translator
used. In order to group the quotes, I needed to analyze further with the meaning of each strategy
that I used and the meaning of every quote in both languages.


In this analysis data to find the strategies used by translator on the Chicken Soup for the
Teenage Soul‟s quotes translation, I grouped the quotes into ten strategies. However, I found that
only eight strategies are used by the translator. Here are the eight strategies, Calque,
Transposition, Literal Translation, Equivalence, Superordinate, Neutral/less expressive word,
Paraphrase using related word, and Omission. In this discussion I analyze only the word that
being italic. However, I also found that some strategy is only applied in one quote‟s translation.
Here are strategies by Vinay & Darbelnet.
The first strategy that I found in this book is calque. There is only one quote that belongs
into this strategy. Here is the quote,
(1) In Family (Part 3)
“The family – that dear octopus from whose tentacles we never quite escape nor,
in our inmost hearts, ever quite wish to.” (Dadie Smith, p. 65).
“Keluarga – gurita tersayang dan kita tidak dapat benar-benar terlepas dari
tentakelnya , namun dalam lubuk hati kita, kita tak pernah benar – benar ingin lepas.”
(Dadie Smith, p. 37).
This translation is belong to calque strategy because firstly, the word tentakel was
borrowed from English word tentacles. This special borrowing technique which is known as
calque is needed to translate SL literally of each element into TL. Tentacles is being translated
literally into Tentakel. Moreover, the effect of this strategy makes the word Tentakel became a
fixed calque and an integral part of Indonesian language as a translation of tentacles. In
Indonesia, tentakel means many (not only one) and equal with tentacles, so there is no need to be
repeated as tentakel-tentakel.

Beside calque, I also found another strategy called transposition. Similar with the previous
strategy, transposition also consist of one quote. Here is quote that belongs into transposition,
(2) In Relationship (Part 1)
“Relationships-of all kinds-are like sand held in your hand. Held loosely, with an
open hand, the sand remains where it is. The minute you close your hand and squeeze
tightly to hold on, … lost.” (Keleel Jamison, The Nibble Theory, P. 1)
“Segala macam hubungan antar manusia itu mirip pasir dalam genggamanmu.
Jika berada pada telapak tangan yang terbuka, pasir itu akan tetap pada tempatnya. Namun
jika kau kepalkan tangamu erat-erat untuk mempertahankannya, … hilang.” (Keleel
Jamison, The Nible Theory, P. 1)
The words the minute is translated into namun jika. In Venuti, transposition can be
expressed by transposing subordinate verb with a noun. The minute in this quote is an adverb and
namun jika is a conjunction. Even if the transposition is not verb into a noun, the transposition

between adverb into conjunction is also include in transposition method. There is no changing
meaning of the message and the translation obtained fits better utterance.
Literal Translation
The third strategy in Chicken Soup for the Teenage Soul is literal translation. There are
nineteen quotes that translated literally. The literal translation is one of the common strategy that
being used by the translator of Chicken Soup. Here are some quotes that were translated literally;
(3) On Friendship (Part 2)
“It takes a lot of understanding, time and trust to gain a close friendship with
someone. As I approach a time of my life of complete uncertainty, my friends are my
most precious asset. (Erynn Miller, p.48)


“Bersahabat dekat dengan seseorang itu membutuhkan banyak pengertian, waktu
dan rasa percaya. Dengan semakin dekatnya masa hidupku yang tidak pasti, temantemanku adalah hartaku yang paling berharga . (Erynn Miller, p.27)
(4) On Family (Part 3)
“There are always two choices, two paths to take. One is easy and its only reward
is that it‟s easy. (Anonymous, p.97)
“Selalu ada dua pilihan, dua jalan untuk ditempuh. Yang satu mudah dan
ganjarannya hanyalah bahwa pilihan itu mudah. (Anonym, p.62)
(5) On Love and Kindness (Part 4)

“The greatest gift is a portion of thyself.” (Ralph Waldo Emerson, p.114)


“Hadiah terbesar adalah bagian dirimu.” (Ralph Waldo Emerson, p.80)

All those three quotes are translated word-for-word from SL to TL. The quote that “The
greatest gift is a portion of thyself,” is translated literally (word-for-word) such as „hadiah
terbesar ‟ as „the greatest gift‟, „adalah‟ as „is‟, „a portion of thyself‟ as „bagian dirimu.‟

According to Cross M. (2013), a literal translation is an exact and accurate reproduction of the
entire content of the source text without embellishment or modification. For instance, in the first
quote “… As I approach a time of my life of complete uncertainty, my friends is my precious
asset,‟ is being translated as “… Dengan semakin dekatnya masa hidupku yang tidak pasti,
teman-temanku adalah hartaku yang paling berharga ,” there are no embellishment and no

modification, only word-for-word translation.
Equivalence is also one of the strategies that I found in this analysis. There are nine quotes
translation that used this strategy. The equivalence strategy is quite often being used by the
translator of this book. Here are some examples of quotes that are translated with this strategy,


(6) On Learning (Part 5)
SL: “In the darkest hour the soul is replenished and given strength to continue and endure.
(Heart Warrior Chosa, p. 178)
TL:“Dalam saat tergelap, jiwa diisi kembali dan diberi kekuatan untuk meneruskan dan
bertahan.” (Heart Warrior Chosa, p. 150)
(7) On Love and Kindness (Part 4)
SL: „If you would be loved, love and be lovable.‟ (Benjamin Franklin, p. 117)
TL:„Kalau kau ingin dicintai, cintailah orang lain dan jadilah orang yang dapat dicintai.‟
(Benjamin Franklin, p. 83)
Equivalence or similarity is a strategy of translating idioms, sounds, and proverbs.
Furthermore, the equivalence method is emphasizing on meaning between TL and SL. The
darkest hour is an idiom which is translated as saat tergelap. It is not being translated as a time,

but translated as the time when we feel empty or bad. The meaning of saat tergelap and darkest
hour is equivalence. Also in the second quote (7), „love‟ and „cintailah orang lain‟ is an

equivalence strategy. In SL, „love‟ which means „cinta‟ even without an object, people who read
it can understand the meaning. Nevertheless in TL the word „cintailah‟ without an object will
make the reader confused. Therefore, the translator used this strategy to make the TL and SL
have equal meaning. Then, move to next strategy by Baker,
In addition to four strategies that I found, I also found strategy with more general word or
superordinate. This strategy only consists of only one quote:
(8) On Learning (Part 5)
“The words „I am…‟ are potent words; be careful what you hitch them to. The
thing you‟re claiming has a way of reaching back and claiming you.” (A.L. Kitselman,


“Kata-kata „Aku adalah…” merupakan kata-kata yang kuat; berhati-hatilah
dengan apa yang kamu tuliskan setelah kata-kata itu. Hal yang kamu katakan akan
memantul dan menuntunmu.” (A.L. Kitselman, p.153)
The word potent is more likely to be ampuh or manjur (effective or powerful). In my
opinion, the word ampuh is stronger and more specific than kuat. Instead of using the word
ampuh or manjur which is rarely used by TL, translator tries to find the general word of ampuh.

The application of kuat is to overcome the lack of specificity in the target language.
Neutral/less expressive word
Another strategy that I found in this book is Neutral/less expressive word. Similar with
superordinate strategy, this strategy only has not many quotes. This strategy only consists of two
(9) On Learning (Part 5)
“There are high spots in all of our lives,and most of them come about through
encouragement from someone else.” (George Adam, p. 171)
“Ada saat-saat istimewa dalam kehidupan kita, dan sebagian besar datang melalui
dorongan orang lain.” (George Adam, p. 142)

On Love and Kindness (Part 4)

“Kindness in words creates confidence, kindness in thinking creates
profoundness, kindness in giving creates love.” (Lao-Tsu, p. 110).
“Kebaikan dalam kata-kata menciptakan percaya diri, kebaikan dalam berpikir
menciptakan kebijaksanaan, kebaikan dalam memberi menciptakan cinta.” (Lao-Tsu, p.
Saat-saat istimewa is a less expressive word strategy from high spot. The translator used

this strategy because there is no equal equivalence for high spot. The definition of high spot is
the time when we are at the peak. Yet, saat saat istimewa has meaning as special moments rather
than high spot. The translator used Indonesian near equivalent of high spot which is saat-saat
istimewa. The expressive meaning of high spot is lost in the translation. Also similar with high


spot, the word profoundness is less expressive than deep. The word profoundness is being

translated as kebijaksanaan or wisdom. As we know that literally the word profoundness means
deep. The wisdom is not equivalent as deep. However, if the translator used the word deep, the
reader may confuse about what is the meaning of deep itself. Because of that reason, the
translator look for the nearest equivalent with deep and it is wisdom or kebijaksanaan.
Paraphrase using related word
Aside from six strategies that I have mentioned before, I found another strategy that also
commonly used by the translator. It was paraphrase using related word. There are four quotes
translation that used paraphrase using related word strategy. Here are several examples of
paraphrase using related word,
(9) On Love and Kindness (Part 4)

“When it comes down to it, we all just want to be loved.” (Jamie Yellin, p. 149)


“Pada dasarnya , kita semua hanya ingin dicintai.” (Jamie Yellin, p. 121)


On Learning (Part 5)

“School has taught me not only how to learn in the classroom, but outside the
classroom as well. Where do you think I learned how to climb, swing and skip? Where do
you think I learned how to meet my best friend? (Jessie Braun, p. 155)
“Sekolah telah mengajariku cara belajar tak hanya di dalam kelas, tapi di juga di
luar kelas. Memangnya dari mana aku belajar cara memanjat, bermain ayunan dan
melompat? Dari mana aku belajar cara berkenalan dengan sahabatku? (Jessie Braun,
According to Baker, this strategy tends to be used when the concept expressed by the
source item is lexicalized in the target language but in a different form. The first phrase in the
first quote, when it comes down to it is being translated as pada dasarnya. The phrase is
translated using a related word because of the word down. The word down in this quote has
meaning below or based (dasar). Rather than translate the phrase literally into menurun or comes


down, the translator expressed the word when it comes down to it as pada dasarnya or essentially

in English. In the second example, the phrase where do you think is translated as memangnya
dari mana . The phrase of where do you think is translated smoothly by using this strategy rather

than translate it word-for word.
Sometimes in translating quotes, the translator will omit several words of quotes and that
is the omission strategy that I found in this book. The omission strategy is also quite often being
used by translator to translate the quotes in this book. There are also four quotes translation that
belong into this strategy. Here are several quotes that use omission strategy,
(11) Acknowledgements

„It takes a thousand voices to tell a single story.‟ (Native American Saying)

„Diperlukan seribu suara untuk menceritakan sebuah kisah.‟ (Peribahasa
penduduk asli Amerika)

On Friendship (Part 2)

“Enjoy yourself. These are the good old days you‟re going to miss in the years
ahead.” (Anonymous, p.59)
“Bersenang-senanglah. Hari-hari ini adalah hari-hari yang akan kita rindukan di
tahun-tahun mendatang. (Anonim, p.30)
In the first quote, the word it is being omitted by the translator because of there is no
meaning. In the second quote, the word yourself also being omitted because of the meaning is
obvious. When in TL we order something to someone, we can use only verb without an object
stated in it. Baker said in her book, “If the meaning conveyed by a particular item or expression
is not vital enough to the development of the text to justify distracting the reader with lengthy
explanations, the translators can and often do simply omit translating the word or expression in
question” (p.42). The translator of this book used this strategy very well with omit the word or


expression that does not really have meaning and try to not distract the reader with lengthy word
of translation.
Through all the strategies that have been displayed before, the translator used the strategy
by Vinay & Darbelnet and Baker equally. The strategies that I displayed consist of four strategies
by Baker and four strategies by Vinay & Darbelnet. The strategies by Vinay & Darbelnet that
being used are Calque, Literal Translation, Transposition, and Equivalence. The major strategies
being used are literal and equivalence. Next, the strategies by Baker that being used are
Superordinate, Natural/less expressive word, Paraphrase using related word, and omission. The
major strategies being used is literal translation with nineteen quotes that have been translated
with this strategy. The calque, transposition, superordinate, and natural/less expressive word
strategies are rarely used by the translator because the lack of context. The context of translation
is focus on quotes that usually used formal language and short sentences. However, I found that
there is also mixed strategy that being used by the translator. One quote can be translated by two
or three strategy. The quote that being translated by mixed strategy will be displayed in appendix
and will be displayed twice or thrice due to the strategies that being used. I think that the
translator makes a good translation for this book. The equivalence between SL and TL is
accomplished. The translator also tried to find the easiest language by considering who the
readers of the book are.
This study is aimed to find strategies that used by translator to translate quote from
English into Indonesian in Chicken Soup for Teenage Soul. This study also investigated on how
the translator dealt with other strategy that not stated in the theories. From the data I have


displayed, the strategies that being used to translate Chicken Soup for the Teenage Soul‟s quotes
are consist of eight strategies. Those strategies are calque, transposition, superordinate,
neutral/less expressive word which are consist of one quotes each. Also the others strategies that
commonly used in this book, equivalence, paraphrasing using related word and also omission.
The strategies that majority used is literal translation with total nineteen quotes. There is also
mixed strategies in this book. I find that one quotes can be translated two or three strategies. The
translator used his or her own strategy to produce good translation.
This study can be implied for students who take a translation class. The strategies for
translating also can be applied not only for the quotes but also in general translation. They can
also analyze and find what the strategy that being used by translator in translating book. I suggest
that the student to start with the most common strategy that being used in this book, literal
translation. However, because of the limitation of time and book, I only analyzed one book
which only consists of forty two quotes and only for teenager. If I had had more time, I would
have analyzed two or more books. I would also have dug out more strategies that the translator
used. I suggest for the further research that they will analyze two or three books of different
edition on Chicken Soup.


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(1) In Family (Part 3)
“The family – that dear octopus from whose tentacles we never quite escape nor, in our
inmost hearts, ever quite wish to.” (Dadie Smith, p. 65).
“Keluarga – gurita tersayang dan kita tidak dapat benar-benar terlepas dari tentakelnya ,
namun dalam lubuk hati kita, kita tak pernah benar – benar ingin lepas.” (Dadie Smith, p. 37).
(2) In Relationship (Part 1)
“Relationships-of all kinds-are like sand held in your hand. Held loosely, with an open
hand, the sand remains where it is. The minute you close your hand and squeeze tightly to hold
on, the sand trickles through your fingers. You may hold on to some of it, but most will be
spilled. A relationship is like that. Held loosely, with respect and freedom for the other person, it
is likely to remain intact. But hold too tightly, too possessively, and the relationship slips away
and is lost.” (Keleel Jamison, The Nibble Theory, P. 1)
“Segala macam hubungan antar manusia itu mirip pasir dalam genggamanmu. Jika
berada pada telapak tangan yang terbuka, pasir itu akan tetap pada tempatnya. Namun jika kau
kepalkan tangamu erat-erat untuk mempertahankannya, pasir itu akan menyembur melalui selasela jemarimu. Mungkin ada yang tersisa dalam tanganmu, tapi kebanyakan akan jatuh. Pacaran
adalah seperti itu. Kalau dipertahankan dengan longgar, dengan menghormati dan membebaskan
orang lain, hubungan cinta itu akan tetap utuh. Tapi jika digenggam terlalu erat, terlalu memiliki,
maka hubungan cinta itu akan terlepas dan hilang.” (Keleel Jamison, The Nible Theory, P. 1)
Literal Translation
(3) On Love and Kindness (Part 4)
“We should be careful to get out of an experience only the wisdom that is in it.”
(Mark Twain, p. 156)
“Kita harus berhati-hati hanya mengeluarkan kebijakan yang berada dalam suatu
pengalaman.” (Mark Twain, p. 131)
(4) Going for it! (Part 8)
“From what we get we can make a living, what we give, however, makes a life.” (Arthur
Ashe, p. 308)
“Dari yang kita peroleh, kita dapat menghidupi diri kita, namun yang kita berikan dapat
menciptakan kehidupan.” (Arthur Ashe, p. 226)

(5) Making a Difference (Part 7)
“You were born with wings. Why prefer to crawl through life? (Rumi, p. 270)


“Kamu dilahirkan dengan sayap. Mengapa kamu lebih suka merangkak menjalani
hidup?” (Rumi, p. 195)
(6) On Friendship (Part 2)
“It takes a lot of understanding, time and trust to gain a close friendship with someone.
As I approach a time of my life of complete uncertainty, my friends are my most precious asset.
(Erynn Miller, p.48)
“Bersahabat dekat dengan seseorang itu membutuhkan banyak pengertian, waktu dan
rasa percaya. Dengan semakin dekatnya masa hidupku yang tidak pasti, teman-temanku adalah
hartaku yang paling berharga. (Erynn Miller, p.27)
(7) On Family (Part 3)
„She never once gave up. My mom is my hero.‟ (Kimberly Anne Brand, p.67)


„Ia tak pernah sekalipun menyerah. Ibuku adalah pahlawanku.‟ (Kimberly Anne Brand,
(8) On Family (Part 3)
„My mother had a great deal of trouble with me, but I think she enjoyed it.‟ (Mark Twain,
„Ibuku banyak mendapat masalah saat membesarkanku, tapi kurasa dia menikmatinya.‟
(Mark Twain, p.45)
(9) On Family (Part 3)
“There are always two choices, two paths to take. One is easy and its only reward is that
it‟s easy. (Anonymous, p.97)
“Selalu ada dua pilihan, dua jalan untuk ditempuh. Yang satu mudah dan ganjarannya
hanyalah bahwa pilihan itu mudah. (Anonim, p.62)

On Family (Part 3)

“If God can work through me, He can work through anyone.” (St. Francis from Asisi p.

“Kalau Tuhan dapat bekerja melalui saya, Dia dapat bekerja melalui siapa saja.” (St.
Fransiskus dari Asisi p.63)

On Family (Part 3)


“Peace, like charity, begins at home. (Anonymous, p.105)


“Kedamaian, seperti kedermawanan, dimulai di rumah.” (Anonim, p.69)


On Love and Kindness (Part 4)

“Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a harder battle.” (Plato, p.110)

“Berbaik hatilah, karena semua orang yang kau temui sedang berjuang dalam
pertempuran yang lebih sulit. (Plato, p.75)

On Love and Kindness (Part 4)


“The greatest gift is a portion of thyself.” (Ralph Waldo Emerson, p.114)


“Hadiah terbesar adalah bagian dirimu.” (Ralph Waldo Emerson, p.80)

On Love and Kindness (Part 4)

“To give pleasure to a single heart by a single act is better than a thousand heads bowing
in prayer.” (Mahatma Gandhi, p.119)
“Memberikan kesenangan kepada sebuah hati dengan sebuah tindakan masih lebih baik
daripada seribu kepala yang menunduk berdoa.” (Mahatma Gandhi, p.85)

On Love and Kindness (Part 4)

“I sought my soul, but my soul I could not see. I sought my God, but my God eluded me,
I sought my brother and I found all three.” (Anonymous, p.141)
“Kucari Jiwaku, Namun jiwaku tak kulihat, Kucari Tuhanku, Namun Dia menghindariku,
Kucari saudaraku, dan kudapatkan ketiganya.” (Anonim, p.111)

On Love and Kindness (Part 4)

“The more we know the better we forgive. Whoever feels deeply, feels for all who live.”
(Madame de Stael, p.145)
“Makin banyak yang kita ketahui, makin baik kita memaafkan. Siapa pun yang
merasakan dalam-dalam, merasakan untuk semua orang yang hidup.” (Madame de stael, p.116)

Tough Stuff (Part 6)

“You gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience by which you really
stop to look fear in the face. You are able to say to yourself, „I lived through this horror. I can
take the next thing that comes along.‟” (Eleanor Rosevelt, p.205)
“Kau memperoleh kekuatan, keberanian, dan rasa percaya diri dari setiap pengalaman
yang membuatmu berhenti sejenak untuk menghadapi rasa takutmu. Kau dapat berkata pada
dirimu sendiri, “Aku telah tabah menghadapi kengerian ini. Aku pasti mampu menghadapi hal
berikutnya.” (Eleanor Rosevelt, p.163)


Making a Difference (Part 7)

“Great opportunities to help others seldom come, but small ones surround us every day.”
(Sally Koch, p.247)
“Kesempatan besar untuk menolong sesama jarang muncul, tapi ada banyak kesempatan
kecil di sekitar kita setiap hari.” (Sally Koch, p.177)

Making a Difference (Part 7)

“Those who bring sunshine to the lives of others cannot keep it from themselves.” (James
M. Barrie, p.256)
“Orang yang membawa sinar matahari kepada hidup orang lain tak dapat meng