Submitted to the English Department Faculty of Language and Arts
UNIMED in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for
the Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan


Registration Number 209121007



Praise and gratitude are highly given by the writer to Jesus Christ for His
countless blessings in her entire life. It is a blessing that the writer has finally been
able to finish this thesis. During the process of completing this thesis, the writer
faced a lot of difficulties due to her limited knowledge and experience, but many
people have given their support and assistance. Therefore, the writer would like to
express her special thanks to:
 Prof. Dr. Ibnu Hajar Damanik, M.Si., Rector of State University of Medan
 Dr. Isda Pramuniati, M.Hum., the Dean of Faculty of Language and Arts,
for her leadership during the writer’s academic year.
 Prof. Dr. Hj. Sumarsih, M.Pd and Dra. Masitowarni Siregar, M.Ed., the
Head of English Department and the Head of English Education Program,
for their leadership, advices, and guidance during the writer’s academic
 Drs. Lidiman S. M. Sinaga, M.Hum., Her Consultant, for his precious
time, excellent advices, suggestions, critics, and guidance to the writer
during the process of completing this thesis.
 Drs. Bachtiar, M.Pd., Her Academic Consultant, for his advices and
guidance during the writer’s academic year.
 Drs. Guboan, M.Pd, the Headmaster; Nurjannah, S.S, M.Hum, the English

teacher of grade XI; and all the students of class XI IPA-1 SMA Negeri 14
Medan for their times and pleasure during the writer’s observation.
 Jonansen Napitupulu and Nuriasih Tarigan, her beloved parents, for their
everlasting love, prayers, sacrifices, all moral and financial supports.
 Monika Carolina Napitupulu, ST., Rolando Pangihutan Napitupulu, and
Enda Pindonta Napitupulu, her lovely brothers and sisters, for their
supports and prayers to the writer.


 Arjuna Bastanta Napitupulu, Enrique Ginting, and Dominique Ginting, her
adorable nephews and niece for their beautiful smiles in the morning.
 Devi Naibaho, Christine Sitorus, Dewi Tampubolon, Sartika Manurung,
Phutri Hutagalung, Khairunnisya, Dormauli Samosir, Febrina Manalu,
Nelly Sianipar, Randy Hutabarat, Rumondang Pasaribu, Joel Naibaho,
Jaka Panggabean and Nova Manik her close friends, for their helps,
supports, motivations, and prayers to the writer.
 Sunday School’ Servants GMI Kanaan Medan Selatan, GMKI FBS
Unimed, Sonakmalela Naposo sekota Medan and class C Reguler 2009,
for giving the chance to the writer to improve her skills and widen her

knowledge for the last 4 years.
 All people whose names cannot be mentioned one by one, for their
contribution to writer’s life.


April 2014

The writer,

Carla Laurencia Napitupulu



Laurencia, Carla. Registration number 209121007. Improving The Students’
Achievement in Writing Report Text by Applying Extensive Reading
Technique. Faculty of Languages and Arts, State University of Medan. 2014.

This study focused on Improving Senior High School Students’ Writing
Achievement in report text by Applying Extensive Reading Technique. This study
was conducted by using classroom action research. The subject of this study was
grade eleven students of SMA Negeri 14 Medan. There were 37 students taken as
the subject. This research was done in two cycles; each cycle consisted of three
meetings. The instruments for collecting data were the students’ performance
score as the quantitative data and diary notes, observation sheet, and interview
sheet as the qualitative data. Based on the data, it was found that the mean of
students’ score increased from performance 1 to performance 3. The mean of
students’ score in performance 1 was 49.19. The mean of students’ score in
performance 2 was 62.97. The mean of students’ score in performance 3 was
77.83. The students enjoyed the technique and can understood it well. It can be
concluded that the technique of extensive reading successfully improved the
students’ writing achievement in report text.



Table 3.1 Teaching Learning Activity at The First Meeting .........................

Table 3.2 Teaching Learning Activity at The Second Meeting ......................
Table 3.3 Teaching Learning Activity at The Third Meeting .......................
Table 3.4 Teaching Learning Activity at The Fourth Meeting .......................
Table 3.5 Teaching Learning Activity at The Fifth ......................................
Table 3.6 Teaching Learning Activity at The Sixth.......................................
Table 3.7 Rubric of Report Text ...................................................................
Table 4.1 The Score of The Students’ Writing Test ......................................
Table 4.2 The Range of Score Improvement .................................................




Figure 3.1 The Action Research Spiral ........................................................ 25



APPENDIX A .............................................................................................
APPENDIX B ..............................................................................................
APPENDIX C..............................................................................................
APPENDIX D..............................................................................................




A. The Background of Study
Language as a means of communication plays an important role in the
success of learning. Language is used to communicate to other people by
expressing feeling, mind, emoticon, and idea. In this era of globalization, the
existence of English in our society is very important. English has become as an
International language of world communication.
Since English being an international language, in Indonesia, English is taught
widely both at formal school starting from elementary school up to universities
and at informal school such as courses. There are four basic skills that should be
mastered, namely: listening, speaking, reading and writing. From these four skills,
the very important and most required in academic field is writing.
Writing for many years has occupied a large portion of time in teaching and
learning process. Writing is one of the four skills that are important to have in our
daily life that is why it is very important to study it. Writing is a proactive process
under the control of the writer and can result in emotional release. It represents an
opportunity for self-discovery and personal growth by questioning and reflecting

on experiences, which can help the individual understand their personal story in
the context of their larger social situation and, therefore, find the



meaning and purpose in the experience (spiritual growth). Harmer (2004:31) says
that when writing, students frequently have more time to think than they do in oral
activities. They can go through what they know in their minds, and even consult
dictionary, grammar books, or other reference material to help them.
Many genre in writing, one of them are report text. Report text which
presents information about something, it is a result of systematic observation and
analysis. Within writing report text, students have to write something decent to
report by researching and analysis something.
In reality, the expected results from learning writing have not been achieved
yet. Especially in writing report text. Based on the writer’s teaching experience
while did her Teaching Practice Programme (Program Pengalaman Lapangan
Terpadu : PPLT) at SMA Katolik Kabanjahe, the students could not write report
text well. The students were given the text, and then make some report based on

that text. The first problem is that the student’s writing is not compherensible,
because the content of the composition is not relevant to the topic, the ideas are
not clearly stated, the ideas and sentences are not well organized. The second
problem is that there are many errors in vocabulary, grammar and spelling. And
the third, student cannot read the text clearly. They wasted so much time to
translate the words into bahasa and then summarize it to report text. That is not
only waste time but also decrease students’ interest to continue writing report.
Process writing is not an easy option for students. Quite apart from it taking up
time, it takes up space (especially in a paper-driven world) and can be problematic
for the disorganized student. According to Harmer (2003:70),Reading is an


incredibly active occupation. To do it successfully, we have to understand what
the words mean, see the pictures the words are painting, understand the
arguments, and work out if we agree with them. The students did not do these
things, that is why they only just scratch the surface of the text, did not understand
what the text is about, and then they have problems on making it into report text.
Ken Hyland (2002:23) on his book says that writing is learnt, not taught, and
the teacher’s role is to be non-directive and facilitating, providing writers with the

space to make their own meanings through an encouraging, positive, and
cooperative environment with minimal interference. The students need some
times to thinking what they want to write. The teacher should know the
characteristic of teaching models, so when teachers want to apply that they will
know which one is better for particular goal of teaching.
From some problems mentioned above, the writer chooses to conduct this
study by using Extensive Reading. Extensive reading is free reading for pleasure,
for interest in the subject matter, or for acquisition of information. Extensive
reading is a key to student gains in reading ability, linguistic competence,
vocabulary, spelling, and writing. Extensive reading can help the students get
much information from the text and then write the information into report text
because extensive reading make the students overanalyze or look up words they
don’t know, and read for understanding. It can be a key to unlocking the allimportant taste for foreign language reading among students.


B. The Problem Of The Study
In the relation to the background of the study, the research problem is
formulated as follows “Is the students’ writing achievement in report text
improves significanly if they are taught by using Extensive Reading Technique”?

C. The Scope Of The Study
The study is limited on improving students’ skill in writing report text about
celebration by using Extensive Reading”.

D. The Objective Of The Study
The objective of the study is to find out whether the students’ achievement in
writing report text improves if it is taught by using Extensive Reading.

E. The Significance Of The Study
This research, which is focused on the using of Extensive Reading Technique
on students’ achievement in writing report text, is expected to give some benefits
theoretically and practically. Theoretically, this study is expected to enhance the
literature and provide more information on the alternative way of teaching writing
report text by using Extensive Reading Technique.
In addition, the study is practically expected to give contribution to the
effectiveness of writing achievement, both for the students and the English
teacher, especially in teaching descriptive text writing. Specifically, the study can
be applied by students independently in helping them to write a report text. The


teachers can also use Extensive Reading Technique as one of alternative ways in
solving students’ writing problems and as the encouragement to the teacher to
develop any other media in teaching writing. This research can also be used as
reference for another same research on students’ writing achievement.



A. Conclusion
After carrying out the research and analyzing the data, it is concluded that
Extensive Reading Technique significantly improved students’ achievement in
writing report text especially for the grade XI students of SMA Negeri 14 Medan.
They had improved individually after they were taught through Extensive Reading
Technique. It was showed from the mean of the students’ score had been
improved from 49.19 to 77.83. So based on this research we can conclude that this
technique of learning cold be applied on every subject of lesson, especially in
B. Suggestions
The result of this study showed that applying Extensive Reading Technique
could improve students’ writing in report text. Therefore, the following suggestion
is offered to:
1. Teachers, to use Extensive Reading Technique to increase the students’
score, build their creativity in learning English writing.


2. Headmaster, to socialize this model to other teachers, so they can use it in
their teaching learning process to improve the quality of the students and
3. Senior High School’s students, to do more exercises and to increase their
vocabularies so they can be easily make report text.