Penerapan Jaringan Saraf Tiruan Untuk Memprediksi Pergerakan Harga Minyak Mentah Dunia Menggunakan Metode Backpropagation





function varargout = SPHMMD(varargin) gui_Singleton = 1;

gui_State = struct('gui_Name', mfilename, ...

'gui_Singleton', gui_Singleton, ...

'gui_OpeningFcn', @SPHMMD_OpeningFcn, ...

'gui_OutputFcn', @SPHMMD_OutputFcn, ...

'gui_LayoutFcn', [] , ...

'gui_Callback', []);

if nargin && ischar(varargin{1})

gui_State.gui_Callback = str2func(varargin{1});


if nargout

[varargout{1:nargout}] = gui_mainfcn(gui_State, varargin{:});


gui_mainfcn(gui_State, varargin{:});


function SPHMMD_OpeningFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles, varargin) handles.output = hObject;

handles.citra=imread('image ttg minyak.jpg');

guidata(hObject, handles); axes(handles.axes1);


function varargout = SPHMMD_OutputFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles) varargout{1} = handles.output;

function Untitled_1_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)

function pushbutton1_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) close(SPHMMD);


function pushbutton2_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) close(SPHMMD);


function pushbutton4_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) close(SPHMMD);


function pushbutton5_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) keluar;




function varargout = cek_data(varargin) gui_Singleton = 1;

gui_State = struct('gui_Name', mfilename, ...

'gui_Singleton', gui_Singleton, ...

'gui_OpeningFcn', @cek_data_OpeningFcn, ...

'gui_OutputFcn', @cek_data_OutputFcn, ...

'gui_LayoutFcn', [] , ...

'gui_Callback', []);

if nargin && ischar(varargin{1})

gui_State.gui_Callback = str2func(varargin{1});


if nargout

[varargout{1:nargout}] = gui_mainfcn(gui_State, varargin{:});


gui_mainfcn(gui_State, varargin{:});


function cek_data_OpeningFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles, varargin) handles.output = hObject;

handles.citra=imread('naik.jpg'); axes(handles.axes2);

imshow(handles.citra) guidata(hObject, handles);

handles.citra=imread('drop.jpg'); axes(handles.axes3);

imshow(handles.citra) guidata(hObject, handles);

handles.citra=imread('drop.jpg'); axes(handles.axes5);

imshow(handles.citra) guidata(hObject, handles);

handles.citra=imread('drop.jpg'); axes(handles.axes6);

imshow(handles.citra) guidata(hObject, handles);

handles.citra=imread('drop.jpg'); axes(handles.axes7);

imshow(handles.citra) guidata(hObject, handles);

handles.citra=imread('minyak.jpg'); axes(handles.axes4);

imshow(handles.citra) guidata(hObject, handles);

function varargout = cek_data_OutputFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles) varargout{1} = handles.output;



h = waitbar(0,'Proses pengambilan data, Mohon tunggu sebentar...'); steps = 500;

for step = 1:steps

waitbar(step / steps)


switch pilih case 1

harga=xlsread('RWTCd.xlsx','Data 1','B6059:B6078'); case 2

harga=xlsread('RWTCd.xlsx','Data 1','B6078:B6097'); case 3

harga=xlsread('RWTCd.xlsx','Data 1','B6098:B6117'); case 4

harga=xlsread('RWTCd.xlsx','Data 1','B6121:B6142'); case 5

harga=xlsread('RWTCd.xlsx','Data 1','B6142:B6161'); case 6

harga=xlsread('RWTCd.xlsx','Data 1','B6162:B6181'); case 7

harga=xlsread('RWTCd.xlsx','Data 1','B6184:B6203'); case 8

harga=xlsread('RWTCd.xlsx','Data 1','B6205:B6224'); case 9

harga=xlsread('RWTCd.xlsx','Data 1','B6227:B6246'); case 10

harga=xlsread('RWTCd.xlsx','Data 1','B6248:B6267'); case 11

harga=xlsread('RWTCd.xlsx','Data 1','B6269:B6288'); case 12

harga=xlsread('RWTCd.xlsx','Data 1','B6290:B6309'); case 13

harga=xlsread('RWTCd.xlsx','Data 1','B6311:B6330'); case 14

harga=xlsread('RWTCd.xlsx','Data 1','B6331:B6350'); case 15

harga=xlsread('RWTCd.xlsx','Data 1','B6351:B6370'); case 16

harga=xlsread('RWTCd.xlsx','Data 1','B6374:B6393'); case 17

harga=xlsread('RWTCd.xlsx','Data 1','B6394:B6413'); case 18

harga=xlsread('RWTCd.xlsx','Data 1','B6415:B6434'); case 19

harga=xlsread('RWTCd.xlsx','Data 1','B6437:B6456'); case 20

harga=xlsread('RWTCd.xlsx','Data 1','B6457:B6476'); case 21

harga=xlsread('RWTCd.xlsx','Data 1','B6480:B6499'); case 22

harga=xlsread('RWTCd.xlsx','Data 1','B6501:B6520'); case 23

harga=xlsread('RWTCd.xlsx','Data 1','B6522:B6541'); case 24

harga=xlsread('RWTCd.xlsx','Data 1','B6543:B6562'); case 25

harga=xlsread('RWTCd.xlsx','Data 1','B6564:B6583'); case 26


case 27

harga=xlsread('RWTCd.xlsx','Data 1','B6604:B6623'); case 28

harga=xlsread('RWTCd.xlsx','Data 1','B6626:B6645'); case 29

harga=xlsread('RWTCd.xlsx','Data 1','B6646:B6665'); case 30

harga=xlsread('RWTCd.xlsx','Data 1','B6668:B6687'); case 31

harga=xlsread('RWTCd.xlsx','Data 1','B6689:B6708'); case 32

harga=xlsread('RWTCd.xlsx','Data 1','B6710:B6729'); case 33

harga=xlsread('RWTCd.xlsx','Data 1','B6732:B6751'); case 34

harga=xlsread('RWTCd.xlsx','Data 1','B6752:B6771'); case 35

harga=xlsread('RWTCd.xlsx','Data 1','B6775:B6794'); case 36

harga=xlsread('RWTCd.xlsx','Data 1','B6796:B6815');

case 37

harga=xlsread('RWTCd.xlsx','Data 1','B6816:B6835'); case 38

harga=xlsread('RWTCd.xlsx','Data 1','B6836:B6855'); case 39

harga=xlsread('RWTCd.xlsx','Data 1','B6856:B6875'); case 40

harga=xlsread('RWTCd.xlsx','Data 1','B6876:B6895'); case 41

harga=xlsread('RWTCd.xlsx','Data 1','B6896:B6915');



axes(handles.axes1); plot(time,harga); xlabel('Hari ke-');

ylabel('Harga Minyak Mentah'); grid on;

axis([1 20 60 120]); guidata(hObject,handles);

set(handles.hrg1,'String',harga(1)); set(handles.hrg2,'String',harga(2)); set(handles.hrg3,'String',harga(3)); set(handles.hrg4,'String',harga(4)); set(handles.hrg5,'String',harga(5)); set(handles.hrg6,'String',harga(6)); set(handles.hrg7,'String',harga(7)); set(handles.hrg8,'String',harga(8)); set(handles.hrg9,'String',harga(9)); set(handles.hrg10,'String',harga(10)); set(handles.hrg11,'String',harga(11)); set(handles.hrg12,'String',harga(12)); set(handles.hrg13,'String',harga(13)); set(handles.hrg14,'String',harga(14)); set(handles.hrg15,'String',harga(15)); set(handles.hrg16,'String',harga(16)); set(handles.hrg17,'String',harga(17)); set(handles.hrg18,'String',harga(18)); set(handles.hrg19,'String',harga(19)); set(handles.hrg20,'String',harga(20));



function popupmenu1_CreateFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles)

if ispc && isequal(get(hObject,'BackgroundColor'), get(0,'defaultUicontrolBackgroundColor'))



function hrg1_CreateFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles)

if ispc && isequal(get(hObject,'BackgroundColor'), get(0,'defaultUicontrolBackgroundColor'))



function hrg2_CreateFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles)

if ispc && isequal(get(hObject,'BackgroundColor'), get(0,'defaultUicontrolBackgroundColor'))



function hrg3_CreateFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles)

if ispc && isequal(get(hObject,'BackgroundColor'), get(0,'defaultUicontrolBackgroundColor'))



function hrg4_CreateFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles)

if ispc && isequal(get(hObject,'BackgroundColor'), get(0,'defaultUicontrolBackgroundColor'))



function hrg5_CreateFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles)

if ispc && isequal(get(hObject,'BackgroundColor'), get(0,'defaultUicontrolBackgroundColor'))



function hrg6_CreateFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles)

if ispc && isequal(get(hObject,'BackgroundColor'), get(0,'defaultUicontrolBackgroundColor'))



function hrg7_CreateFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles)

if ispc && isequal(get(hObject,'BackgroundColor'), get(0,'defaultUicontrolBackgroundColor'))




if ispc && isequal(get(hObject,'BackgroundColor'), get(0,'defaultUicontrolBackgroundColor'))



function hrg9_CreateFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles)

if ispc && isequal(get(hObject,'BackgroundColor'), get(0,'defaultUicontrolBackgroundColor'))



function hrg10_CreateFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles)

if ispc && isequal(get(hObject,'BackgroundColor'), get(0,'defaultUicontrolBackgroundColor'))



function hrg11_CreateFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles)

if ispc && isequal(get(hObject,'BackgroundColor'), get(0,'defaultUicontrolBackgroundColor'))



function hrg12_CreateFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles)

if ispc && isequal(get(hObject,'BackgroundColor'), get(0,'defaultUicontrolBackgroundColor'))



function hrg13_CreateFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles)

if ispc && isequal(get(hObject,'BackgroundColor'), get(0,'defaultUicontrolBackgroundColor'))



function hrg14_CreateFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles)

if ispc && isequal(get(hObject,'BackgroundColor'), get(0,'defaultUicontrolBackgroundColor'))



function hrg15_CreateFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles)

if ispc && isequal(get(hObject,'BackgroundColor'), get(0,'defaultUicontrolBackgroundColor'))



function hrg16_CreateFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles)

if ispc && isequal(get(hObject,'BackgroundColor'), get(0,'defaultUicontrolBackgroundColor'))




if ispc && isequal(get(hObject,'BackgroundColor'), get(0,'defaultUicontrolBackgroundColor'))



function hrg18_CreateFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles)

if ispc && isequal(get(hObject,'BackgroundColor'), get(0,'defaultUicontrolBackgroundColor'))



function hrg19_CreateFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles)

if ispc && isequal(get(hObject,'BackgroundColor'), get(0,'defaultUicontrolBackgroundColor'))



function hrg20_CreateFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles)

if ispc && isequal(get(hObject,'BackgroundColor'), get(0,'defaultUicontrolBackgroundColor'))



function pushbutton1_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) close(cek_data);


function pushbutton2_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) close(cek_data);


function figure1_ResizeFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles)



function varargout = pelatihan_br(varargin) gui_Singleton = 1;

gui_State = struct('gui_Name', mfilename, ...

'gui_Singleton', gui_Singleton, ...

'gui_OpeningFcn', @pelatihan_br_OpeningFcn, ...

'gui_OutputFcn', @pelatihan_br_OutputFcn, ...

'gui_LayoutFcn', [] , ...

'gui_Callback', []);

if nargin && ischar(varargin{1})

gui_State.gui_Callback = str2func(varargin{1});


if nargout

[varargout{1:nargout}] = gui_mainfcn(gui_State, varargin{:});


gui_mainfcn(gui_State, varargin{:});


function pelatihan_br_OpeningFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles, varargin)

handles.output = hObject;


guidata(hObject, handles); axes(handles.axes6);


function varargout = pelatihan_br_OutputFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles)

varargout{1} = handles.output;

function ed_lr_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) lr=str2num(get(handles.ed_lr,'String'));;



function ed_lr_CreateFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles)

if ispc && isequal(get(hObject,'BackgroundColor'), get(0,'defaultUicontrolBackgroundColor'))



function ed_mc_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) mc=str2num(get(handles.ed_mc,'String'));;



function ed_mc_CreateFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles)

if ispc && isequal(get(hObject,'BackgroundColor'), get(0,'defaultUicontrolBackgroundColor'))



function ed_epochs_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) epoc=str2num(get(handles.ed_epochs,'String'));




function ed_epochs_CreateFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles)

if ispc && isequal(get(hObject,'BackgroundColor'), get(0,'defaultUicontrolBackgroundColor'))



function ed_goal_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) gol=str2num(get(handles.ed_goal,'String'));





if ispc && isequal(get(hObject,'BackgroundColor'), get(0,'defaultUicontrolBackgroundColor'))



function popupmenu1_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)

function bt_latih_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)

bulan1=[73.71 74.48 75.23 74.11 76.98 77.27 78.97 79.77 80.04 78.61...

79.75 77.99 79.72 78.71 79.62 80.91 80.21 81.5 81.85 81.5]; bulan2=[82.07 82.1 81.26 79.79 81.75 82.93 82.16 80.58 81.26 81.68...

80.29 80.25 79.75 81.92 82.14 83.45 84.53 86.36 86.54 85.64]; bulan3=[85.17 84.6 84.07 83.8 85.62 85.25 82.97 81.52 82.98 82.78...

82.89 84.34 84.2 82.43 83.22 85.17 86.07 86.19 82.73 80];

bulan4=[71.61 70.08 69.38 69.91 68.28 68.03 68.23 71.52 74.56 74 ...

72.7 72.88 74.62 71.43 71.55 71.88 74.38 75.48 73.89 74.99]; bulan5=[76.84 77.67 76.82 77.18 77.84 77.15 75.9 75.96 78.45 78.26...

75.93 75.59 72.95 72.06 71.96 74.05 75.46 76.08 74.93 77.16]; bulan6=[77.02 76.67 75.96 76.53 77.32 76.27 79.01 78.68 78.93


77.06 78.3 78.85 81.25 82.52 82.49 82 80.67 81.46 80.24]; bulan7=[71.24 72.07 73.36 75.17 74.69 71.93 73.97 74.99 74.52 73.98 74.65 74.25...

76.4 77.17 76.78 75.92 74.58 73.63 74.81 72.96];

bulan8=[72.98 73.4 74.63 76.51 76.15 77.85 79.95 81.57 81.43 82.83 83.21 81.34 82.66 82.18...

81.67 83.03 82.71 81.23 83.06 79.57];

bulan9=[81.93 80.03 81.15 82 82.6 81.9 82.2 81.45 82.94 84.45 86.49 86.85 87.07 87.04...

87.77 87.77 84.89 84.88 82.33 80.43];

bulan10=[81.57 81.43 82.83 83.21 81.34 82.66 82.18 81.67 83.03 82.71...

81.23 83.06 79.57 81.93 80.03 81.15 82 82.6 81.9 82.2]; bulan11=[82.94 83.91 84.45 86.49 86.85 87.07 87.04 87.77 87.77 84.89...

84.88 82.33 80.43 81.88 81.65 81.24 80.79 83.21 83.87 85.73]; bulan12=[86.75 87.98 89.18 89.33 88.69 88.3 88.35 87.81 88.62


88.66 87.71 88.02 88.68 89.3 89.83 90.84 90.99 91.48 91.13]; bulan13=[91.38 91.59 89.39 90.3 88.37 88.07 89.24 91.11 91.85 91.39 91.53 91.38 ...

90.85 88.56 88.22 86.74 85.08 86.15 84.45 88.15];

bulan14=[90.99 89.54 89.78 89.42 87.87 86.3 85.85 85.59 85.44 84.39 83.66 83.13...

83.8 85.05 85.03 92.65 96.04 95.83 96.52 97.1];

bulan15=[99.63 102.27 101.92 104.34 105.37 105.06 104.39 102.73 101.14 101.2 97.23...

97.99 101.47 101.06 102.36 104.53 105.21 105.04 104.89 103.54];

bulan16=[107.55 108.14 107.82 108.38 109.82 112.27 109.5 105.75 106.6 107.73...

109.17 106.7 107.18 110.84 111.72 111.68 111.72 112.31 112.38 113.39];

bulan17=[113.03 110.6 108.79 99.89 96.87 100.32 103.39 97.88 98.53 99.21 96.91...


96.4 99.52 97.99 99.15 97.06 99.13 100.78 100.18 100.58]; bulan18=[100.3 100.41 100.28 99.07 99.18 100.77 101.95 99.3 97.2 99.37 94.83...

94.95 93.02 93.23 93.7 94.96 90.7 90.89 90.65 92.9];

bulan19=[94.81 96.92 96.67 98.7 96.2 95.16 97.41 98.04 95.75 97.24 95.94 97.49...

98.11 98.96 99.53 98.97 99.61 97.4 97.48 95.68];

bulan20=[94.98 93.78 91.87 86.75 86.89 81.27 79.32 83.05 85.48 85.19 87.88 86.65...

87.58 82.38 82.33 84.42 85.35 84.99 85.15 85.37];

bulan21=[88.93 86.45 85.99 89.34 89.05 87.24 88.19 90.21 88.91 89.4 87.96 85.7...

86.92 85.77 80.29 79.58 79.97 84.18 80.94 81.87];

bulan22=[77.34 75.4 79.41 82.32 82.7 85.14 85.54 85.3 83.96 86.8 86.38 88.34...

86.11 86.07 87.19 91.12 92.98 90.2 93.96 93.32];

bulan23=[92.19 92.51 94.07 94.26 95.52 96.8 95.74 97.78 98.99 98.14 99.37 102.59...

98.82 97.67 96.73 97.76 96.16 96.91 98.21 99.79];

bulan24=[100.2 100.97 100.94 101.25 100.45 98.35 99.4 97.77 100.24 94.92 93.84...

93.55 93.86 97.16 98.54 99.42 99.72 101.29 99.44 99.68]; bulan25=[102.96 103.22 101.81 101.56 101.31 102.24 100.89 99.03 98.69 100.7...

100.61 100.32 98.15 99.47 98.84 99.23 99.76 99.47 98.75 98.46];

bulan26=[97.63 96.36 97.8 96.89 98.55 98.8 99.88 98.68 100.39 100.82...

101.82 102.33 103.27 105.88 105.99 107.44 109.39 108.49 106.59 107.08];

bulan27=[108.76 106.68 106.7 104.71 106.16 106.65 107.4 106.34 106.7 105.49...

105.19 107.03 108.09 105.68 106.87 104.98 106.43 107.07 107.32 105.4];

bulan28=[105.25 104.02 101.53 103.29 102.45 101.12 102.66 103.69 102.84 102.92...

104.23 102.65 102.38 103.58 102.68 103.1 103.72 104.56 104.86 104.89];

bulan29=[106.17 105.25 102.56 98.49 97.86 97.13 96.8 97.1 96.03 94.75...

93.97 92.78 92.53 91.51 92.57 91.44 89.4 90.36 90.64 90.75]; bulan30=[83.17 83.95 84.31 85.05 84.78 84.08 82.58 83.35 82.56


84.03 83.26 83.99 81.06 77.91 79.33 78.76 79.34 80.27 77.72]; bulan31=[83.72 87.74 87.11 84.37 85.93 83.92 85.88 86.02 87.15


89.07 89.88 92.78 91.56 87.77 88.28 88.8 89.4 90.13 89.8]; bulan31=[87.74 87.11 84.37 85.93 83.92 85.88 86.02 87.15 88.41...

89.07 89.88 92.78 91.56 87.77 88.28 88.8 89.4 90.13 89.8 88.08];%JUL

bulan32=[88.99 87.22 91.4 92.3 93.68 93.39 93.39 92.94 92.76 93.4...

94.35 95.66 96 96.03 96.55 96.89 95.87 95.78 95.54 96.3];%AGS bulan33=[96.47 95.34 95.37 95.58 96.41 96.52 97.03 97.02 98.3


96.51 95.25 91.97 92.14 92.64 91.68 91.07 89.92 91.89 92.18];%SEPT

bulan34=[92.44 91.88 88.19 91.69 89.87 89.43 92.42 91.24 92.19 91.83...

91.84 92.07 92.04 92 90 88.3 86.65 85.39 85.59 85.84];%okt bulan35=[87.05 84.9 85.64 88.62 84.5 85.07 86.08 85.56 85.38 86.32...


85.45 86.62 89.05 86.46 87.08 87.01 87.28 86.81 86.1 87.64];%nov

bulan36=[88.69 88.04 87.36 85.47 85.45 85.14 85.36 86.35 85.39 86.32...

86.71 87.46 89.09 89.76 88.2 88.29 90.71 90.91 90.66 91.83];%des

bulan37=[93.14 92.97 93.12 93.2 93.21 93.08 93.81 93.6 94.27 93.26 94.28...

95.49 95.61 96.09 95.06 95.35 95.15 95.95 97.62 97.98]; bulan38=[97.65 97.46 96.21 96.68 96.44 95.84 95.71 97.01 97.48 97.03 97.3...

95.95 96.69 94.92 92.79 93.12 92.74 92.63 92.84 92.03]; bulan39=[90.71 90.13 90.88 90.47 91.53 92.01 92.07 92.44 92.47 93.03 93.49...

93.71 92.44 93.21 92.46 93.41 94.55 95.99 96.53 97.24]; bulan40=[97.1 97.23 95.02 93.26 92.76 93.36 94.18 94.59 93.44 91.23 88.75...

88.73 86.65 87.83 88.04 88.81 89.21 91.07 93.27 92.63];;; epoc=handles.epoc; gol=handles.gol;


switch target

case 1

P= [bulan32 bulan33 bulan34 bulan35; bulan33 bulan34 bulan35 bulan36;bulan34 bulan35 bulan36 bulan37;...

bulan35 bulan36 bulan37 bulan38]; T= [bulan36 bulan37 bulan38 bulan39]; [pn,meanp,stdp,tn,meant,stdt]=prestd(P,T); net=newff([minmax(pn)],[12 8

1],{'tansig','tansig','purelin'}); Bobot1=net.IW{1,1};

net.IW{1,1}=[ 1.9439 -1.1659 -0.6017 0.6765 -0.3088 -1.3170 0.9482 0.5128 -1.2597 -0.9326 0.6035 -1.3668 0.7844 -0.1158 1.6991 -1.4942 -0.7046 -0.2810 1.5055 0.2650 -0.4957 1.1789 2.3828 -0.6076 -1.6275 0.2905 -0.5542 -1.3076 1.8866 -1.2184 0.7992 -1.0542 1.1238 -0.5471 -1.6094 0.6029 -1.4123 -0.2197 -0.6091 -2.3444 -0.2289 -0.3030 0.1137 0.9619 -1.2570 0.6186 1.7715 0.8537];

Bobot_b1=net.b{1}; net.b{1}=[...

-2.3572 2.6404 1.4448 -0.6923 2.0829 -1.0774 -0.4441 1.7708


1.6643 -1.4888 -1.7474 -3.2589];

Bobot2=net.LW{2,1}; net.LW{2,1}=[...

0.0811 0.8365 0.3382 0.7486 0.6932 1.0524 -0.6118 1.2574 -1.0757 -1.4136 1.5286 -0.8330

-1.1442 1.5935 0.4021 1.3307 0.3305 0.3386 0.8161 -1.1300 0.7871 1.6850 0.7584 -1.0505

1.2274 0.2591 0.4622 0.6310 0.9562 0.9022 -0.1427 1.4266 0.3890 0.6515 0.4569 -0.3539

0.5764 -0.0840 -0.5700 -0.6106 -0.7882 -0.1302 0.3099 -0.5621 -0.7894 0.0511 0.7980 0.8119

2.0276 0.4337 0.0058 0.4402 0.3223 0.4896 -1.5739 -0.2934 0.2238 0.3882 0.0894 -0.7762

1.1347 0.7572 0.5182 0.1648 0.3224 0.5902 -0.4717 -0.5096 -0.1171 -0.1254 -0.8918 0.6233

-0.2359 0.8387 0.3280 -0.2981 -0.0447 -0.4974 0.0836 -0.3334 -0.7673 -0.7496 -0.0680 0.0103

-0.3284 0.6978 0.9639 1.3197 0.4642 -1.2555 0.1372 0.8810 1.0221 0.1542 0.7316 0.1488];

Bobot_b2=net.b{2}; net.b{2}=[...

-1.6649 1.1892 -0.7135 -0.2378 -0.2378 -0.7135 1.1892 -1.6649];


net.LW{3,2}=[0.4219 0.8323 0.0899 0.1093 0.2081 -0.2445 0.9251 -0.0479];

Bobot_b3=net.b{3}; net.b{3}=[-0.355];

case 2

P=[bulan31 bulan32 bulan33 bulan34;bulan32 bulan33 bulan34 bulan35;...

bulan33 bulan34 bulan35 bulan36; bulan34 bulan35 bulan36 bulan37];

T=[bulan35 bulan36 bulan37 bulan38];

[pn,meanp,stdp,tn,meant,stdt]=prestd(P,T); net=newff([minmax(pn)],[12 8

1],{'tansig','tansig','purelin'}); Bobot1=net.IW{1,1};


0.8309 0.4330 0.9230 0.2159 -0.6776 -0.1742 0.5523 1.0278

0.6535 0.3085 -1.1318 0.0577 -0.7670 -0.3820 -0.9614 -0.3671 0.6372 -0.6063 0.3252 1.0070 0.0836 -0.9715 -0.2430 1.0046


0.7286 -0.6244 -0.6676 0.6932 -1.0356 -0.3522 0.3254 0.6527 0.9014 0.8928 0.2722 0.3791 -0.3584 -0.1711 1.1307 0.6590 -1.1653 0.4227 0.3077 -0.1910 1.2056 -0.3310 -0.0409 -0.2876];

Bobot_b1=net.b{1}; net.b{1}=[...

-3.1747 1.3927

-1.0818 1.8343 -1.1852 -0.4064 0.4208 -1.1785 0.8399 -2.5273 -2.3403 2.8642];

Bobot2=net.LW{2,1}; net.LW{2,1}=[...

-0.4440 -0.6772 -0.4068 -0.5669 0.3428 0.3037 0.5586 0.1119 0.4697 -0.2821 0.6709 -0.5871

0.6292 0.8076 0.2453 0.5125 0.0308 0.1753 -0.8095 0.5164 -0.5596 -0.0956 -0.3134 0.1633

0.6324 0.5841 0.5339 0.3535 0.0841 0.5325 -0.4254 -0.5919 0.3403 -0.1976 -0.6058 -0.5262

0.6658 0.1593 0.3550 -0.7053 0.6560 0.2089 0.5644 -0.4565 0.3812 0.1863 0.4165 -0.5704

0.6772 0.7639 0.0935 0.0529 0.1356 0.0043 -0.4852 0.2228 0.6561 0.7551 -0.6354 -0.1014

0.6607 0.2363 0.7211 0.6500 0.4239 0.6518 -0.2725 -0.6519 -0.1058 -0.3185 -0.0576 -0.3422

0.6606 0.1490 0.3570 0.5291 0.4220 0.0462 -0.3065 0.4773 -0.6140 -0.5018 -0.1175 0.8725

0.0503 -0.7803 0.6973 -0.1744 -0.6552 -0.3396 0.5494 0.1893 -0.3606 0.7705 0.1922 0.0305];

Bobot_b2=net.b{2}; net.b{2}=[...

1.6649 -1.1892 -0.7135 -0.2378 -0.2378 -0.7135 -1.1892 1.6649];


net.LW{3,2}=[0.1094 0.3828 0.0608 0.5589 0.6624 -0.9551 0.4175 0.2103];

Bobot_b3=net.b{3}; net.b{3}=[-0.1726];


case 3

P= [bulan30 bulan31 bulan32 bulan33;bulan31 bulan32 bulan33 bulan34;...

bulan32 bulan33 bulan34 bulan35;bulan33 bulan34 bulan35 bulan36];

T= [bulan34 bulan35 bulan36 bulan37]; [pn,meanp,stdp,tn,meant,stdt]=prestd(P,T); net=newff([minmax(pn)],[12 8

1],{'tansig','tansig','purelin'}); Bobot1=net.IW{1,1};

net.IW{1,1}=[ ...

-0.7139 0.7300 0.4309 0.7617 -0.6805 1.0415 0.2037 0.3379 0.8198 -0.3371 0.1113 -1.0306 -1.0015 0.3675 0.5970 -0.6366 0.6544 -0.6807 -0.8893 0.4479 0.8823 -0.5595 0.6170 0.6305 -0.7565 -0.6573 0.6949 -0.6087 -0.3329 -0.0764 -1.3971 -0.0812 -0.7090 -0.6867 0.7265 -0.5940 0.0790 0.8868 0.5502 0.8220 -0.8246 -0.1388 1.0790 -0.3685 -0.8055 0.7320 -0.4992 0.6193];

Bobot_b1=net.b{1}; net.b{1}=[...

2.0298 1.8334

-0.9529 1.2279 -0.7266 -0.4607 -0.2271 -0.5913 -1.1763 1.2408 -2.2754 -3.0205];

Bobot2=net.LW{2,1}; net.LW{2,1}=[...

0.4188 0.5013 0.6259 0.2416 0.2325 0.0426 -0.3605 0.4140 -0.2040 -0.5503 0.7837 -0.7611

0.5675 0.4386 0.3486 0.1414 0.6466 0.2567 -0.6731 0.0148 0.7373 -0.6820 -0.3657 -0.1899

-0.4628 -0.5263 0.2836 -0.0020 0.7092 0.6823 0.0061 -0.1744 -0.3165 0.5716 0.7272 -0.4954

0.4093 -0.0171 -0.7350 0.1071 -0.6417 -0.6488 0.4238 0.6402 0.3256 0.5365 -0.2371 -0.4243

0.6910 0.7188 0.0164 0.1084 0.2387 0.4393 -0.3202 0.6865 0.0519 -0.5634 -0.4301 -0.6608

0.2468 0.5434 0.8173 0.7348 0.1782 0.1574 -0.4762 0.2224 -0.5319 -0.1553 0.2875 0.6966

0.1101 0.0243 0.6378 0.3446 0.0431 0.6784 -0.2777 -0.6056 0.3118 -0.6250 0.7790 0.4827

0.2599 0.7111 0.5114 0.1290 0.3022 0.8387 -0.0983 0.2487 -0.9452 0.1516 0.2580 -0.2670];



1.6649 -1.1892 0.7135 -0.2378 -0.2378 0.7135 1.1892 -1.6649];


net.LW{3,2}=[ 0.6641 0.5077 0.2437 0.2118 0.2814 -0.8223 -0.3166 0.0973];

Bobot_b3=net.b{3}; net.b{3}=[ -0.0789];

case 4

P=[bulan32 bulan30 bulan31 bulan32;bulan30 bulan31 bulan32 bulan33;bulan31 bulan32 bulan33 bulan34;...

bulan32 bulan33 bulan34 bulan35]; T=[bulan33 bulan34 bulan35 bulan36];


net=newff([minmax(pn)],[12 8 1],{'tansig','tansig','purelin'}); Bobot1=net.IW{1,1};

net.IW{1,1}=[ ...

-0.0852 0.2413 -0.7798 1.1152 0.8651 -0.5945 -0.4166 0.8846 0.2271 0.3669 -0.9318 -0.8877 -0.7000 0.4433 -0.5894 -0.9867 0.8515 -0.6078 0.4608 -0.8590 0.2379 -0.1671 -0.8517 1.0397 0.7023 -0.6805 -0.8879 -0.3454 0.5050 -1.2142 -0.3386 -0.3223 0.5150 0.4581 -1.1139 -0.1765 0.8043 0.5982 -0.6892 -0.6991 -0.7274 -0.3489 1.0686 -0.0737 -1.1227 0.4079 0.1676 0.8314];

Bobot_b1=net.b{1}; net.b{1}=[...

2.4384 -2.0640

-1.4506 1.0813 -0.3804 -0.3685 0.3281 0.6389 1.4300 2.1441 -2.4101 -3.0384];

Bobot2=net.LW{2,1}; net.LW{2,1}=[...

0.0848 0.5087 0.4062 0.5071 0.4271 0.1765 -0.0288 -0.7266 0.4487 0.6488 -0.5641 0.6333


0.1247 0.2184 0.2676 0.4919 0.5758 0.7273 -0.6189 -0.6216 -0.7125 0.1028 -0.1981 0.4556 0.3847 0.4779 0.0829 0.3494 0.2132 0.6536 -0.0123 0.7010 0.4328 0.5435 -0.6892 -0.5871

0.5308 -0.6666 -0.3000 0.3441 0.4563 -0.6556 0.1874 -0.3492 0.6091 -0.4262 0.0231 -0.6993

0.6311 0.1310 0.2993 0.2350 0.6746 0.6721 0.1509 -0.6546 0.6531 0.4099 0.1689 0.4802

-0.3141 0.8422 -0.1098 0.4891 -0.4497 -0.1436 0.1359 0.4075 0.7471 -0.1377 -0.6037 -0.6032

0.7317 -0.3787 0.5382 0.3946 -0.1202 0.5458 0.2684 -0.2275 0.6000 0.2037 -0.6104 0.6615 0.4753 0.4822 0.3072 0.6089 0.6078 0.4744 -0.1337 0.3219 0.4115 0.6062 0.5602 0.5307];

Bobot_b2=net.b{2}; net.b{2}=[...

1.6649 1.1892 0.7135 0.2378 0.2378 0.7135 1.1892 1.6649];


net.LW{3,2}=[ 0.7858 0.7552 0.1873 0.7217 0.5935 -0.7342 -0.0236 0.5174];

Bobot_b3=net.b{3}; net.b{3}=[ 0.9134];

case 5

P= [bulan11 bulan12 bulan13 bulan14; bulan12 bulan13 bulan14 bulan15;bulan13 bulan14 bulan15 bulan16;...

bulan14 bulan15 bulan16 bulan17]; T= [bulan15 bulan16 bulan17 bulan18];


net=newff([minmax(pn)],[12 8 1],{'tansig','tansig','purelin'}); Bobot1=net.IW{1,1};


-0.6917 -0.9204 0.7427 0.3908 0.9664 -1.0706 -0.1237 0.0259 0.7897 -0.7251 -0.8644 0.3208 0.9595 -0.2350 -0.8528 -0.5138 -0.3550 -1.0083 0.0597 0.9483 0.8328 0.8180 0.4389 -0.6907 0.6284 -1.0322 0.6092 -0.4704 0.2684 0.8271 0.7349 0.8360 0.2589 -1.2380 0.6928 -0.0368 1.0102 -0.3588 0.8328 0.3705 0.2739 -0.5669 -0.4151 -1.1834 -0.5358 -0.6203 0.0924 1.1443];

Bobot_b1=net.b{1}; net.b{1}=[...


2.3522 -2.0290 -1.5214 -1.1560 0.6766 0.0738 0.1349 1.3724 1.0561 2.1687 1.6479 -2.5451]

Bobot2=net.LW{2,1}; net.LW{2,1}=[...

0.4758 0.6677 0.0246 0.3690 0.2261 0.7538 -0.4956 -0.2509 -0.3095 0.4445 -0.3330 0.7942

-0.5894 -0.1811 0.0119 -0.8729 0.3515 0.7467 0.4665 -0.2989 0.3323 0.7226 0.0386 0.0860

0.1883 0.1794 0.9084 0.5614 0.1435 0.2898 -0.1240 -0.4131 -0.8454 0.0987 -0.0845 -0.7359

0.3768 0.7184 0.4944 0.5796 0.3218 0.2914 -0.3786 -0.3739 0.4319 0.5434 -0.5086 0.5667

0.6915 0.2706 0.4589 0.1147 0.0481 0.2010 -0.5097 0.4013 0.3119 -0.7402 0.5701 -0.7504

0.4297 0.5623 0.1701 0.1147 0.1399 0.5679 -0.4383 -0.5655 0.6559 0.3973 -0.6964 -0.5496

0.0251 0.3265 0.4886 0.8085 0.8164 0.0525 -0.0085 0.5064 -0.7318 0.2941 0.0394 -0.4720

0.0224 0.6202 0.4957 0.6379 0.0216 0.6966 -0.6851 -0.2869 0.2750 0.5493 -0.3921 0.4070];

Bobot_b2=net.b{2}; net.b{2}=[...

-1.6649 1.1892 0.7135 0.2378 -0.2378 -0.7135 -1.1892 1.6649];


net.LW{3,2}=[-0.2848 -0.9494 0.6676 -0.2736 0.5771 0.7593 0.3530 0.0905];

Bobot_b3=net.b{3}; net.b{3}=[0.7978];

case 6

P=[bulan1 bulan2 bulan3 bulan4; bulan2 bulan3 bulan4

bulan5;bulan3 bulan4 bulan5 bulan6; bulan4 bulan5 bulan6 bulan7]; T=[bulan5 bulan6 bulan7 bulan8];

[pn,meanp,stdp,tn,meant,stdt]=prestd(P,T); net=newff([minmax(pn)],[12 8

1],{'tansig','tansig','purelin'}); Bobot1=net.IW{1,1};



-0.8478 -0.6701 -0.6092 -0.5715 -0.7158 -0.3848 -1.0374 0.3843 -1.2146 -0.7273 0.1845 0.1219 0.4014 1.0055 -0.2031 0.7621 0.6539 -0.7028 -0.9020 0.4183 -1.1411 -0.2259 0.6274 -0.4155 0.6868 -0.9873 -0.7594 -0.1154 1.1557 0.7410 0.0663 0.3409 0.6695 0.8837 -0.7472 0.4048 -0.8779 0.4893 0.6692 -0.6074 -0.9037 -0.5485 -0.8051 0.3950 -0.2978 -0.2880 -0.0810 1.1123];

Bobot_b1=net.b{1}; net.b{1}=[...

2.0632 1.6614

1.0606 -0.8201 -0.7329 -0.1691 0.1737 1.3207 1.5557 -1.7961 -2.6838 -2.7863];

Bobot2=net.LW{2,1}; net.LW{2,1}=[...

0.2780 0.6587 0.5979 0.7458 0.0186 0.5953 -0.1466 -0.4957 -0.5053 0.1352 -0.1624 -0.6520

0.4029 0.6157 -0.0085 -0.0901 0.2690 0.4237 0.7132 -0.4903 0.7532 0.4380 0.4447 0.5143

-0.6759 -0.5684 -0.5769 -0.1179 -0.6085 -0.3811 0.6282 0.6253 -0.2439 -0.1804 0.1793 0.4690

0.2307 0.5670 0.3648 0.0016 0.4779 0.3621 -0.2735 -0.1357 0.8114 0.7806 0.4427 0.5897

-0.6968 0.7348 0.1809 -0.6913 0.3413 0.2764 0.1325 -0.3188 0.1146 0.7194 -0.3892 0.4915

0.6922 -0.2960 0.2554 -0.1369 0.0020 -0.5710 0.7302 -0.1575 -0.1161 0.1865 -1.0678 0.2201

-0.6667 0.6443 0.5750 -0.5593 -0.7182 -0.0363 0.5244 0.1857 -0.0451 -0.3718 0.5495 -0.0010

0.2929 0.6542 0.4226 0.5617 0.2560 0.0327

-0.5533 0.4009 0.4414 -0.8537 0.5333 0.1498];



-1.6649 -1.1892 0.7135 0.2378 -0.2378 0.7135 -1.1892 -1.6649];



net.LW{3,2}=[ -0.7507 0.5820 -0.4649 0.5607 0.7332 0.6157 -0.3174 -0.5666];

Bobot_b3=net.b{3}; net.b{3}=[-0.7874];


net.trainParam.epochs=epoc; net.trainParam.goal=gol;;;


Bobot4=net.IW{1,1}; handles.Bobot4=Bobot4;



Bobot5=net.LW{2,1}; handles.Bobot5=Bobot5;



Bobot6=net.LW{3,2}; handles.Bobot6=Bobot6;




a=poststd(an,meant,stdt); handles.a=a;

xlswrite('RWTCd.xlsx', meanp,'bobot','Q6:Q9'); xlswrite('RWTCd.xlsx', stdp,'bobot','Q10:Q13'); xlswrite('RWTCd.xlsx', meant,'bobot','Q14'); xlswrite('RWTCd.xlsx', stdt,'bobot','Q15');


[y,Pf,Af,e,perf]=sim(net,P,[],[],T); handles.T=T;


guidata(hObject,handles); eror=s;

mse=sqrt((eror(1)^2+eror(2)^2+eror(3)^2+eror(4)^2+eror(5)^2+eror(6)^2 +eror(7)^2+eror(8)^2+eror(9)^2+...

eror(10)^2+eror(11)^2+eror(12)^2+eror(13)^2+eror(14)^2+eror(15)^2+ero r(16)^2+eror(17)^2+eror(18)^2+...




plot(P(1,:),T,'bo',P(1,:),a,'r*'); plot(P(2,:),T,'bo',P(2,:),a,'r*'); plot(P(3,:),T,'bo',P(3,:),a,'r*'); plot(P(4,:),T,'bo',P(4,:),a,'r*'); h = legend('target(o)','output(*)',2); set(h,'Interpreter','none');

xlabel('Hari ke-');

ylabel('Harga Aktual/Prediksi'); guidata(hObject,handles);

title('Grafik perbandingan target dan output'); grid;

function popupmenu1_CreateFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles)

if ispc && isequal(get(hObject,'BackgroundColor'), get(0,'defaultUicontrolBackgroundColor'))



function pushbutton5_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) SPHMMD;


function pushbutton6_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) prediksi_br;


function btn_tampil_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) a=handles.a;

T=handles.T; s=handles.s;

f = figure('Position',[100 100 400 450]);

dat={a(1,1),T(1,1),s(1,1),a(1,21),T(1,21),s(1,21),a(1,41),T(1,41),s(1 ,41),a(1,61),T(1,61),s(1,61);...

a(1,2),T(1,2),s(1,2),a(1,22),T(1,22),s(1,22),a(1,42),T(1,42),s(1,42), a(1,62),T(1,62),s(1,62);...

a(1,3),T(1,3),s(1,3),a(1,23),T(1,23),s(1,23),a(1,43),T(1,43),s(1,43), a(1,63),T(1,63),s(1,63);...

a(1,4),T(1,4),s(1,4),a(1,24),T(1,24),s(1,24),a(1,44),T(1,44),s(1,44), a(1,64),T(1,64),s(1,64);...

a(1,5),T(1,5),s(1,5),a(1,25),T(1,25),s(1,25),a(1,45),T(1,45),s(1,45), a(1,65),T(1,65),s(1,65);...

a(1,6),T(1,6),s(1,6),a(1,26),T(1,26),s(1,26),a(1,46),T(1,46),s(1,46), a(1,66),T(1,66),s(1,66);...

a(1,7),T(1,7),s(1,7),a(1,27),T(1,27),s(1,27),a(1,47),T(1,47),s(1,47), a(1,67),T(1,67),s(1,67);...

a(1,8),T(1,8),s(1,8),a(1,28),T(1,28),s(1,28),a(1,48),T(1,48),s(1,48), a(1,68),T(1,68),s(1,68);...

a(1,9),T(1,9),s(1,9),a(1,29),T(1,29),s(1,29),a(1,49),T(1,49),s(1,49), a(1,69),T(1,69),s(1,69);...


a(1,10),T(1,10),s(1,10),a(1,30),T(1,30),s(1,30),a(1,50),T(1,50),s(1,5 0),a(1,70),T(1,70),s(1,70);...

a(1,11),T(1,11),s(1,11),a(1,31),T(1,31),s(1,31),a(1,51),T(1,51),s(1,5 1),a(1,71),T(1,71),s(1,71);...

a(1,12),T(1,12),s(1,12),a(1,32),T(1,32),s(1,32),a(1,52),T(1,52),s(1,5 2),a(1,72),T(1,72),s(1,72);...

a(1,13),T(1,13),s(1,13),a(1,33),T(1,33),s(1,33),a(1,53),T(1,53),s(1,5 3),a(1,73),T(1,73),s(1,73);...

a(1,14),T(1,14),s(1,14),a(1,34),T(1,34),s(1,34),a(1,54),T(1,54),s(1,5 4),a(1,74),T(1,74),s(1,74);...

a(1,15),T(1,15),s(1,15),a(1,35),T(1,35),s(1,35),a(1,55),T(1,55),s(1,5 5),a(1,75),T(1,75),s(1,75);...

a(1,16),T(1,16),s(1,16),a(1,36),T(1,36),s(1,36),a(1,56),T(1,56),s(1,5 6),a(1,76),T(1,76),s(1,76);...

a(1,17),T(1,17),s(1,17),a(1,37),T(1,37),s(1,37),a(1,57),T(1,57),s(1,5 7),a(1,77),T(1,77),s(1,77);...

a(1,18),T(1,18),s(1,18),a(1,38),T(1,38),s(1,38),a(1,58),T(1,58),s(1,5 8),a(1,78),T(1,78),s(1,78);...

a(1,19),T(1,19),s(1,19),a(1,39),T(1,39),s(1,39),a(1,59),T(1,59),s(1,5 9),a(1,79),T(1,79),s(1,79);...

a(1,20),T(1,20),s(1,20),a(1,40),T(1,40),s(1,40),a(1,60),T(1,60),s(1,6 0),a(1,80),T(1,80),s(1,80)};

columnname={'Output1','Target1','Selisih1','Output2','Target2','Selis ih2','Output3','Target3','Selisih3',...


columnformat={'numeric','numeric','numeric','numeric','numeric','nume ric','numeric','numeric',...

'numeric','numeric','numeric','numeric'}; rowname={'Hr1', 'Hr2', 'Hr3', 'Hr4','Hr5', 'Hr6', 'Hr7',


'Hr10', 'Hr11', 'Hr12','Hr13', 'Hr14', 'Hr15', 'Hr16','Hr17',

'Hr18', 'Hr19', 'Hr20'}; fontname= 'Times New Roman'; fontsize=10;

columneditable = [false false false false false false false false]; t = uitable('Units','normalized','Position',...

[0.01 0.1 0.99 0.9], 'Data', dat,...

'ColumnName', columnname,...


'ColumnFormat', columnformat,...

'ColumnEditable', columneditable,...

'FontName', fontname,...

'FontSize', fontsize);


function ed_error_CreateFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles)

if ispc && isequal(get(hObject,'BackgroundColor'), get(0,'defaultUicontrolBackgroundColor'))



function bt_simpan_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) Bobot4=handles.Bobot4;

Bobot5=handles.Bobot5; Bobot6=handles.Bobot6; Bobot_b4=handles.Bobot_b4; Bobot_b5=handles.Bobot_b5; Bobot_b6=handles.Bobot_b6;

h = waitbar(0,'Proses penyimpanan data, Tunggu hingga jendela ini tertutup dengan sendirinya...');

steps = 1000;

for step = 1:steps

waitbar(step / steps)


xlswrite('RWTCd.xlsx', Bobot4,'bobot','A2:D13'); xlswrite('RWTCd.xlsx', Bobot_b4,'bobot','N2:N13'); xlswrite('RWTCd.xlsx', Bobot5,'bobot','A24:L31'); xlswrite('RWTCd.xlsx', Bobot_b5,'bobot','N24:N31'); xlswrite('RWTCd.xlsx', Bobot6,'bobot','A41:H44'); xlswrite('RWTCd.xlsx', Bobot_b6,'bobot','N41:N44'); close(h);



function varargout = prediksi_br(varargin) gui_Singleton = 1;

gui_State = struct('gui_Name', mfilename, ...

'gui_Singleton', gui_Singleton, ...

'gui_OpeningFcn', @prediksi_br_OpeningFcn, ...

'gui_OutputFcn', @prediksi_br_OutputFcn, ...

'gui_LayoutFcn', [] , ...

'gui_Callback', []);

if nargin && ischar(varargin{1})

gui_State.gui_Callback = str2func(varargin{1});


if nargout

[varargout{1:nargout}] = gui_mainfcn(gui_State, varargin{:});


gui_mainfcn(gui_State, varargin{:});


handles.output = hObject;

handles.citra=imread('minyak.jpg'); guidata(hObject,handles);

axes(handles.axes2); imshow(handles.citra);


guidata(hObject,handles); axes(handles.axes4); imshow(handles.citra);

guidata(hObject, handles);

function varargout = prediksi_br_OutputFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles)

varargout{1} = handles.output;

function popupmenu1_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)

function popupmenu1_CreateFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles) % hObject handle to popupmenu1 (see GCBO)

% eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB % handles empty - handles not created until after all CreateFcns called

% Hint: popupmenu controls usually have a white background on Windows.


if ispc && isequal(get(hObject,'BackgroundColor'), get(0,'defaultUicontrolBackgroundColor'))



function ed_mse_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)

function ed_mse_CreateFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles) % hObject handle to ed_mse (see GCBO)

% eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB % handles empty - handles not created until after all CreateFcns called

% Hint: edit controls usually have a white background on Windows. if ispc && isequal(get(hObject,'BackgroundColor'),

get(0,'defaultUicontrolBackgroundColor')) set(hObject,'BackgroundColor','white');


function pushbutton1_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) close(prediksi_br);


function pushbutton2_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)

choice = questdlg('Apakah anda telah selesai menggunakan aplikasi ini?', ...

'Menu', ...

'Keluar','Kembali ke Cek data','Kembali ke Pelatihan','Keluar');

switch choice

case 'Keluar'

close prediksi_br; case 'Kembali ke Cek data'


close prediksi_br; case 'Kembali ke Pelatihan'


pelatihan_br; close prediksi_br;


function pushbutton3_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) bulan1=[73.71 74.48 75.23 74.11 76.98 77.27 78.97 79.77 80.04 78.61...

79.75 77.99 79.72 78.71 79.62 80.91 80.21 81.5 81.85 81.5]; bulan2=[82.07 82.1 81.26 79.79 81.75 82.93 82.16 80.58 81.26 81.68...

80.29 80.25 79.75 81.92 82.14 83.45 84.53 86.36 86.54 85.64]; bulan3=[85.17 84.6 84.07 83.8 85.62 85.25 82.97 81.52 82.98 82.78...

82.89 84.34 84.2 82.43 83.22 85.17 86.07 86.19 82.73 80];

bulan4=[71.61 70.08 69.38 69.91 68.28 68.03 68.23 71.52 74.56 74 ...

72.7 72.88 74.62 71.43 71.55 71.88 74.38 75.48 73.89 74.99]; bulan5=[76.84 77.67 76.82 77.18 77.84 77.15 75.9 75.96 78.45 78.26...

75.93 75.59 72.95 72.06 71.96 74.05 75.46 76.08 74.93 77.16 ];

bulan6=[77.02 76.67 75.96 76.53 77.32 76.27 79.01 78.68 78.93 77.46...

77.06 78.3 78.85 81.25 82.52 82.49 82 80.67 81.46 80.24]; bulan7=[71.24 72.07 73.36 75.17 74.69 71.93 73.97 74.99 74.52 73.98 74.65 74.25...

76.4 77.17 76.78 75.92 74.58 73.63 74.81 72.96];

bulan8=[72.98 73.4 74.63 76.51 76.15 77.85 79.95 81.57 81.43 82.83 83.21 81.34 82.66 82.18...

81.67 83.03 82.71 81.23 83.06 79.57 ];

bulan9=[81.93 80.03 81.15 82 82.6 81.9 82.2 81.45 82.94 84.45 86.49 86.85 87.07 87.04...

87.77 87.77 84.89 84.88 82.33 80.43];

bulan10=[81.57 81.43 82.83 83.21 81.34 82.66 82.18 81.67 83.03 82.71...

81.23 83.06 79.57 81.93 80.03 81.15 82 82.6 81.9 82.2]; bulan11=[82.94 83.91 84.45 86.49 86.85 87.07 87.04 87.77 87.77 84.89...

84.88 82.33 80.43 81.88 81.65 81.24 80.79 83.21 83.87 85.73]; bulan12=[86.75 87.98 89.18 89.33 88.69 88.3 88.35 87.81 88.62


88.66 87.71 88.02 88.68 89.3 89.83 90.84 90.99 91.48 91.13]; bulan13=[91.38 91.59 89.39 90.3 88.37 88.07 89.24 91.11 91.85 91.39 91.53 91.38 ...

90.85 88.56 88.22 86.74 85.08 86.15 84.45 88.15];

bulan14=[90.99 89.54 89.78 89.42 87.87 86.3 85.85 85.59 85.44 84.39 83.66 83.13...

83.8 85.05 85.03 92.65 96.04 95.83 96.52 97.1];

bulan15=[99.63 102.27 101.92 104.34 105.37 105.06 104.39 102.73 101.14 101.2 97.23...

97.99 101.47 101.06 102.36 104.53 105.21 105.04 104.89 103.54];

bulan16=[107.55 108.14 107.82 108.38 109.82 112.27 109.5 105.75 106.6 107.73...

109.17 106.7 107.18 110.84 111.72 111.68 111.72 112.31 112.38 113.39];

bulan17=[113.03 110.6 108.79 99.89 96.87 100.32 103.39 97.88 98.53 99.21 96.91...


bulan18=[100.3 100.41 100.28 99.07 99.18 100.77 101.95 99.3 97.2 99.37 94.83...

94.95 93.02 93.23 93.7 94.96 90.7 90.89 90.65 92.9];

bulan19=[94.81 96.92 96.67 98.7 96.2 95.16 97.41 98.04 95.75 97.24 95.94 97.49...

98.11 98.96 99.53 98.97 99.61 97.4 97.48 95.68];

bulan20=[94.98 93.78 91.87 86.75 86.89 81.27 79.32 83.05 85.48 85.19 87.88 86.65...

87.58 82.38 82.33 84.42 85.35 84.99 85.15 85.37];

bulan21=[88.93 86.45 85.99 89.34 89.05 87.24 88.19 90.21 88.91 89.4 87.96 85.7...

86.92 85.77 80.29 79.58 79.97 84.18 80.94 81.87];

bulan22=[77.34 75.4 79.41 82.32 82.7 85.14 85.54 85.3 83.96 86.8 86.38 88.34...

86.11 86.07 87.19 91.12 92.98 90.2 93.96 93.32];

bulan23=[92.19 92.51 94.07 94.26 95.52 96.8 95.74 97.78 98.99 98.14 99.37 102.59...

98.82 97.67 96.73 97.76 96.16 96.91 98.21 99.79];

bulan24=[100.2 100.97 100.94 101.25 100.45 98.35 99.4 97.77 100.24 94.92 93.84...

93.55 93.86 97.16 98.54 99.42 99.72 101.29 99.44 99.68]; bulan25=[102.96 103.22 101.81 101.56 101.31 102.24 100.89 99.03 98.69 100.7...

100.61 100.32 98.15 99.47 98.84 99.23 99.76 99.47 98.75 98.46];

bulan26=[97.63 96.36 97.8 96.89 98.55 98.8 99.88 98.68 100.39 100.82...

101.82 102.33 103.27 105.88 105.99 107.44 109.39 108.49 106.59 107.08];

bulan27=[108.76 106.68 106.7 104.71 106.16 106.65 107.4 106.34 106.7 105.49...

105.19 107.03 108.09 105.68 106.87 104.98 106.43 107.07 107.32 105.4];

bulan28=[105.25 104.02 101.53 103.29 102.45 101.12 102.66 103.69 102.84 102.92...

104.23 102.65 102.38 103.58 102.68 103.1 103.72 104.56 104.86 104.89];

bulan29=[106.17 105.25 102.56 98.49 97.86 97.13 96.8 97.1 96.03 94.75...

93.97 92.78 92.53 91.51 92.57 91.44 89.4 90.36 90.64 90.75]; bulan30=[83.17 83.95 84.31 85.05 84.78 84.08 82.58 83.35 82.56


84.03 83.26 83.99 81.06 77.91 79.33 78.76 79.34 80.27 77.72]; bulan31=[83.72 87.74 87.11 84.37 85.93 83.92 85.88 86.02 87.15


89.07 89.88 92.78 91.56 87.77 88.28 88.8 89.4 90.13 89.8]; bulan31=[87.74 87.11 84.37 85.93 83.92 85.88 86.02 87.15 88.41...

89.07 89.88 92.78 91.56 87.77 88.28 88.8 89.4 90.13 89.8 88.08];%JUL

bulan32=[88.99 87.22 91.4 92.3 93.68 93.39 93.39 92.94 92.76 93.4...

94.35 95.66 96 96.03 96.55 96.89 95.87 95.78 95.54 96.3];%AGS bulan33=[96.47 95.34 95.37 95.58 96.41 96.52 97.03 97.02 98.3


96.51 95.25 91.97 92.14 92.64 91.68 91.07 89.92 91.89 92.18];%SEPT

bulan34=[92.44 91.88 88.19 91.69 89.87 89.43 92.42 91.24 92.19 91.83...

91.84 92.07 92.04 92 90 88.3 86.65 85.39 85.59 85.84];%okt bulan35=[87.05 84.9 85.64 88.62 84.5 85.07 86.08 85.56 85.38 86.32...


85.45 86.62 89.05 86.46 87.08 87.01 87.28 86.81 86.1 87.64];%nov

bulan36=[88.69 88.04 87.36 85.47 85.45 85.14 85.36 86.35 85.39 86.32...

86.71 87.46 89.09 89.76 88.2 88.29 90.71 90.91 90.66 91.83];%des

bulan37=[93.14 92.97 93.12 93.2 93.21 93.08 93.81 93.6 94.27 93.26 94.28...

95.49 95.61 96.09 95.06 95.35 95.15 95.95 97.62 97.98]; bulan38=[97.65 97.46 96.21 96.68 96.44 95.84 95.71 97.01 97.48 97.03 97.3...

95.95 96.69 94.92 92.79 93.12 92.74 92.63 92.84 92.03]; bulan39=[90.71 90.13 90.88 90.47 91.53 92.01 92.07 92.44 92.47 93.03 93.49...

93.71 92.44 93.21 92.46 93.41 94.55 95.99 96.53 97.24]; bulan40=[97.1 97.23 95.02 93.26 92.76 93.36 94.18 94.59 93.44 91.23 88.75...

88.73 86.65 87.83 88.04 88.81 89.21 91.07 93.27 92.63];


switch target case 1

Q=[bulan36; bulan37; bulan38; bulan39]; TQ=[bulan40];

bulan='April 2013'; case 2

Q=[bulan35; bulan36; bulan37; bulan38]; TQ=[bulan39];

bulan='Maret 2013'; case 3

Q=[bulan34; bulan35; bulan36; bulan37]; TQ=[bulan38];

bulan='Februari 2013'; case 4

Q=[bulan33; bulan34; bulan35; bulan36]; TQ=[bulan37];

bulan='Januari 2013'; case 5

Q=[bulan15; bulan16; bulan17; bulan18]; TQ=[bulan19];

bulan='Juli 2012'; case 6

Q=[bulan5; bulan6; bulan7; bulan8]; TQ=[bulan9];

bulan='Januari 2012'


h = waitbar(0,'Sedang Proses, Mohon tunggu sebentar'); steps = 1000;

for step = 1:steps

waitbar(step / steps)


meanp=xlsread('RWTCd.xlsx','bobot','Q6:Q9'); stdp=xlsread('RWTCd.xlsx','bobot','Q10:Q13'); meant=xlsread('RWTCd.xlsx','bobot','Q14'); stdt=xlsread('RWTCd.xlsx','bobot','Q15'); Qn=trastd(Q,meanp,stdp);


net=newff([minmax(Qn)],[12 8 1],{'tansig','tansig','purelin'});

net.IW{1,1}=xlsread('RWTCd.xlsx','bobot','A2:D13'); net.b{1,1}=xlsread('RWTCd.xlsx','bobot','N2:N13'); net.LW{2,1}=xlsread('RWTCd.xlsx','bobot','A24:L31'); net.b{2}=xlsread('RWTCd.xlsx','bobot','N24:N31'); net.LW{3,2}=xlsread('RWTCd.xlsx','bobot','A41:H41'); net.b{3}=xlsread('RWTCd.xlsx','bobot','N41:N41');


b=poststd(bn,meant,stdt); s=TQ-b;

T=TQ; P=Q;

[y,Pf,Af,e,perf]=sim(net,P,[],[],T); time=1:1:20;


plot(time,T,'-*b',time,b,'-*r'); axis([1 20 60 120]);


hig = legend('Aktual(o)','Prediksi(*)',2); set(hig,'Interpreter','none');

xlabel('Hari ke-');

ylabel('Harga Aktual/Prediksi');

title('Perbandingan antara Data Aktual(--) dan Hasil Prediksi (*-)'); grid;

eror=s; erorp=s./TQ; persen=erorp*100;

mse=sqrt((eror(1)^2+eror(2)^2+eror(3)^2+eror(4)^2+eror(5)^2+eror(6)^2 +eror(7)^2+eror(8)^2+eror(9)^2+...

eror(10)^2+eror(11)^2+eror(12)^2+eror(13)^2+eror(14)^2+eror(15)^2+ero r(16)^2+eror(17)^2+eror(18)^2+...



f = figure('Position',[100 100 400 150]); dat =

{bulan,time(1),T(1,1),b(1,1),s(1,1),persen(1,1);bulan,time(2),T(1,2), b(1,2),s(1,2),persen(1,2);...

bulan,time(3),T(1,3),b(1,3),s(1,3),persen(1,3);bulan,time(4),T(1,4),b (1,4),s(1,4),persen(1,4);...

bulan,time(5),T(1,5),b(1,5),s(1,5),persen(1,5);bulan,time(6),T(1,6),b (1,6),s(1,6),persen(1,6);...

bulan,time(7),T(1,7),b(1,7),s(1,7),persen(1,7);bulan,time(8),T(1,8),b (1,8),s(1,8),persen(1,8);...

bulan,time(9),T(1,9),b(1,9),s(1,9),persen(1,9);bulan,time(10),T(1,10) ,b(1,10),s(1,10),persen(1,10);...

bulan,time(11),T(1,11),b(1,11),s(1,11),persen(1,11);bulan,time(12),T( 1,12),b(1,12),s(1,12),persen(1,12);...

bulan,time(13),T(1,13),b(1,13),s(1,13),persen(1,13);bulan,time(14),T( 1,14),b(1,14),s(1,14),persen(1,14);...


bulan,time(15),T(1,15),b(1,15),s(1,15),persen(1,15);bulan,time(16),T( 1,16),b(1,16),s(1,16),persen(1,16);...

bulan,time(17),T(1,17),b(1,17),s(1,17),persen(1,17);bulan,time(18),T( 1,18),b(1,18),s(1,18),persen(1,18);...

bulan,time(19),T(1,19),b(1,19),s(1,19),persen(1,19);bulan,time(20),T( 1,20),b(1,20),s(1,20),persen(1,20)}

columnname = {'Bulan', 'Hari', 'Data Aktual', 'Hasil Prediksi','Selisih','Persen'};

columnformat = {'char', 'char',


columneditable = [true true true true true, true]; fontname= 'Times New Roman';


t= uitable('Units','normalized','Position',...

[0.1 0.1 0.9 0.9], 'Data', dat,...

'ColumnName', columnname,...

'ColumnFormat', columnformat,...

'ColumnEditable', columneditable,...

'FontName', fontname,...

'FontSize', fontsize);




: Azizah Endrastaty

Alamat Sekarang

: Jalan Universitas, Asrama Putri USU, No.9b

Alamat Orang Tua

: Ngelengkong Kidul, Sumberejo, Tempel, Sleman, Yogyakarta


: 085297144175



Riwayat Pendidikan:

West end State School, Quensland, Australia dari Tahun 1995 s/d 1996

SDN 1 Lhokseumawe, Aceh dari Tahun 1996 s/d 1998

SDN Klampis Ngasem, Surabaya dari Tahun 1998 s/d 2000

SD Muhammadiyah Gendol 1 Yogyakarta dari Tahun 2000 s/d 2002

SMPN 27 Medan dari Tahun 2002 s/d 2003

SMPN 1 Lhokseumawe, Aceh dari Tahun 2004 s/d 2005

SMAN 6 Yogyakarta dari Tahun 2005 s/d 2008

Universitas Sumatera Utara dari Tahun 2008 s/d 2013

Keahlian/ Kursus yang diikuti:


Bahasa Inggris


pelatihan_br; close prediksi_br;


function pushbutton3_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) bulan1=[73.71 74.48 75.23 74.11 76.98 77.27 78.97 79.77 80.04 78.61...

79.75 77.99 79.72 78.71 79.62 80.91 80.21 81.5 81.85 81.5]; bulan2=[82.07 82.1 81.26 79.79 81.75 82.93 82.16 80.58 81.26 81.68...

80.29 80.25 79.75 81.92 82.14 83.45 84.53 86.36 86.54 85.64]; bulan3=[85.17 84.6 84.07 83.8 85.62 85.25 82.97 81.52 82.98 82.78...

82.89 84.34 84.2 82.43 83.22 85.17 86.07 86.19 82.73 80];

bulan4=[71.61 70.08 69.38 69.91 68.28 68.03 68.23 71.52 74.56 74 ...

72.7 72.88 74.62 71.43 71.55 71.88 74.38 75.48 73.89 74.99]; bulan5=[76.84 77.67 76.82 77.18 77.84 77.15 75.9 75.96 78.45 78.26...

75.93 75.59 72.95 72.06 71.96 74.05 75.46 76.08 74.93 77.16 ];

bulan6=[77.02 76.67 75.96 76.53 77.32 76.27 79.01 78.68 78.93 77.46...

77.06 78.3 78.85 81.25 82.52 82.49 82 80.67 81.46 80.24]; bulan7=[71.24 72.07 73.36 75.17 74.69 71.93 73.97 74.99 74.52 73.98 74.65 74.25...

76.4 77.17 76.78 75.92 74.58 73.63 74.81 72.96];

bulan8=[72.98 73.4 74.63 76.51 76.15 77.85 79.95 81.57 81.43 82.83 83.21 81.34 82.66 82.18...

81.67 83.03 82.71 81.23 83.06 79.57 ];

bulan9=[81.93 80.03 81.15 82 82.6 81.9 82.2 81.45 82.94 84.45 86.49 86.85 87.07 87.04...

87.77 87.77 84.89 84.88 82.33 80.43];

bulan10=[81.57 81.43 82.83 83.21 81.34 82.66 82.18 81.67 83.03 82.71...

81.23 83.06 79.57 81.93 80.03 81.15 82 82.6 81.9 82.2]; bulan11=[82.94 83.91 84.45 86.49 86.85 87.07 87.04 87.77 87.77 84.89...

84.88 82.33 80.43 81.88 81.65 81.24 80.79 83.21 83.87 85.73]; bulan12=[86.75 87.98 89.18 89.33 88.69 88.3 88.35 87.81 88.62


88.66 87.71 88.02 88.68 89.3 89.83 90.84 90.99 91.48 91.13]; bulan13=[91.38 91.59 89.39 90.3 88.37 88.07 89.24 91.11 91.85 91.39 91.53 91.38 ...

90.85 88.56 88.22 86.74 85.08 86.15 84.45 88.15];

bulan14=[90.99 89.54 89.78 89.42 87.87 86.3 85.85 85.59 85.44 84.39 83.66 83.13...

83.8 85.05 85.03 92.65 96.04 95.83 96.52 97.1];

bulan15=[99.63 102.27 101.92 104.34 105.37 105.06 104.39 102.73 101.14 101.2 97.23...

97.99 101.47 101.06 102.36 104.53 105.21 105.04 104.89 103.54];

bulan16=[107.55 108.14 107.82 108.38 109.82 112.27 109.5 105.75 106.6 107.73...

109.17 106.7 107.18 110.84 111.72 111.68 111.72 112.31 112.38 113.39];

bulan17=[113.03 110.6 108.79 99.89 96.87 100.32 103.39 97.88 98.53 99.21 96.91...


bulan18=[100.3 100.41 100.28 99.07 99.18 100.77 101.95 99.3 97.2 99.37 94.83...

94.95 93.02 93.23 93.7 94.96 90.7 90.89 90.65 92.9];

bulan19=[94.81 96.92 96.67 98.7 96.2 95.16 97.41 98.04 95.75 97.24 95.94 97.49...

98.11 98.96 99.53 98.97 99.61 97.4 97.48 95.68];

bulan20=[94.98 93.78 91.87 86.75 86.89 81.27 79.32 83.05 85.48 85.19 87.88 86.65...

87.58 82.38 82.33 84.42 85.35 84.99 85.15 85.37];

bulan21=[88.93 86.45 85.99 89.34 89.05 87.24 88.19 90.21 88.91 89.4 87.96 85.7...

86.92 85.77 80.29 79.58 79.97 84.18 80.94 81.87];

bulan22=[77.34 75.4 79.41 82.32 82.7 85.14 85.54 85.3 83.96 86.8 86.38 88.34...

86.11 86.07 87.19 91.12 92.98 90.2 93.96 93.32];

bulan23=[92.19 92.51 94.07 94.26 95.52 96.8 95.74 97.78 98.99 98.14 99.37 102.59...

98.82 97.67 96.73 97.76 96.16 96.91 98.21 99.79];

bulan24=[100.2 100.97 100.94 101.25 100.45 98.35 99.4 97.77 100.24 94.92 93.84...

93.55 93.86 97.16 98.54 99.42 99.72 101.29 99.44 99.68];

bulan25=[102.96 103.22 101.81 101.56 101.31 102.24 100.89 99.03 98.69 100.7...

100.61 100.32 98.15 99.47 98.84 99.23 99.76 99.47 98.75 98.46];

bulan26=[97.63 96.36 97.8 96.89 98.55 98.8 99.88 98.68 100.39 100.82...

101.82 102.33 103.27 105.88 105.99 107.44 109.39 108.49 106.59 107.08];

bulan27=[108.76 106.68 106.7 104.71 106.16 106.65 107.4 106.34 106.7 105.49...

105.19 107.03 108.09 105.68 106.87 104.98 106.43 107.07 107.32 105.4];

bulan28=[105.25 104.02 101.53 103.29 102.45 101.12 102.66 103.69 102.84 102.92...

104.23 102.65 102.38 103.58 102.68 103.1 103.72 104.56 104.86 104.89];

bulan29=[106.17 105.25 102.56 98.49 97.86 97.13 96.8 97.1 96.03 94.75...

93.97 92.78 92.53 91.51 92.57 91.44 89.4 90.36 90.64 90.75]; bulan30=[83.17 83.95 84.31 85.05 84.78 84.08 82.58 83.35 82.56 83.83...

84.03 83.26 83.99 81.06 77.91 79.33 78.76 79.34 80.27 77.72]; bulan31=[83.72 87.74 87.11 84.37 85.93 83.92 85.88 86.02 87.15


89.07 89.88 92.78 91.56 87.77 88.28 88.8 89.4 90.13 89.8]; bulan31=[87.74 87.11 84.37 85.93 83.92 85.88 86.02 87.15 88.41...

89.07 89.88 92.78 91.56 87.77 88.28 88.8 89.4 90.13 89.8 88.08];%JUL

bulan32=[88.99 87.22 91.4 92.3 93.68 93.39 93.39 92.94 92.76 93.4...

94.35 95.66 96 96.03 96.55 96.89 95.87 95.78 95.54 96.3];%AGS

bulan33=[96.47 95.34 95.37 95.58 96.41 96.52 97.03 97.02 98.3 98.94...

96.51 95.25 91.97 92.14 92.64 91.68 91.07 89.92 91.89 92.18];%SEPT

bulan34=[92.44 91.88 88.19 91.69 89.87 89.43 92.42 91.24 92.19 91.83...

91.84 92.07 92.04 92 90 88.3 86.65 85.39 85.59 85.84];%okt


85.45 86.62 89.05 86.46 87.08 87.01 87.28 86.81 86.1 87.64];%nov

bulan36=[88.69 88.04 87.36 85.47 85.45 85.14 85.36 86.35 85.39 86.32...

86.71 87.46 89.09 89.76 88.2 88.29 90.71 90.91 90.66 91.83];%des

bulan37=[93.14 92.97 93.12 93.2 93.21 93.08 93.81 93.6 94.27 93.26 94.28...

95.49 95.61 96.09 95.06 95.35 95.15 95.95 97.62 97.98];

bulan38=[97.65 97.46 96.21 96.68 96.44 95.84 95.71 97.01 97.48 97.03 97.3...

95.95 96.69 94.92 92.79 93.12 92.74 92.63 92.84 92.03];

bulan39=[90.71 90.13 90.88 90.47 91.53 92.01 92.07 92.44 92.47 93.03 93.49...

93.71 92.44 93.21 92.46 93.41 94.55 95.99 96.53 97.24]; bulan40=[97.1 97.23 95.02 93.26 92.76 93.36 94.18 94.59 93.44 91.23 88.75...

88.73 86.65 87.83 88.04 88.81 89.21 91.07 93.27 92.63]; target=get(handles.popupmenu1,'Value');

switch target case 1

Q=[bulan36; bulan37; bulan38; bulan39]; TQ=[bulan40];

bulan='April 2013'; case 2

Q=[bulan35; bulan36; bulan37; bulan38]; TQ=[bulan39];

bulan='Maret 2013'; case 3

Q=[bulan34; bulan35; bulan36; bulan37]; TQ=[bulan38];

bulan='Februari 2013'; case 4

Q=[bulan33; bulan34; bulan35; bulan36]; TQ=[bulan37];

bulan='Januari 2013'; case 5

Q=[bulan15; bulan16; bulan17; bulan18]; TQ=[bulan19];

bulan='Juli 2012'; case 6

Q=[bulan5; bulan6; bulan7; bulan8]; TQ=[bulan9];

bulan='Januari 2012'


h = waitbar(0,'Sedang Proses, Mohon tunggu sebentar'); steps = 1000;

for step = 1:steps

waitbar(step / steps)


meanp=xlsread('RWTCd.xlsx','bobot','Q6:Q9'); stdp=xlsread('RWTCd.xlsx','bobot','Q10:Q13'); meant=xlsread('RWTCd.xlsx','bobot','Q14'); stdt=xlsread('RWTCd.xlsx','bobot','Q15'); Qn=trastd(Q,meanp,stdp);


net=newff([minmax(Qn)],[12 8 1],{'tansig','tansig','purelin'}); net.IW{1,1}=xlsread('RWTCd.xlsx','bobot','A2:D13');

net.b{1,1}=xlsread('RWTCd.xlsx','bobot','N2:N13'); net.LW{2,1}=xlsread('RWTCd.xlsx','bobot','A24:L31'); net.b{2}=xlsread('RWTCd.xlsx','bobot','N24:N31'); net.LW{3,2}=xlsread('RWTCd.xlsx','bobot','A41:H41'); net.b{3}=xlsread('RWTCd.xlsx','bobot','N41:N41'); bn=sim(net,Qn);

b=poststd(bn,meant,stdt); s=TQ-b;

T=TQ; P=Q;

[y,Pf,Af,e,perf]=sim(net,P,[],[],T); time=1:1:20;


plot(time,T,'-*b',time,b,'-*r'); axis([1 20 60 120]);


hig = legend('Aktual(o)','Prediksi(*)',2); set(hig,'Interpreter','none');

xlabel('Hari ke-');

ylabel('Harga Aktual/Prediksi');

title('Perbandingan antara Data Aktual(--) dan Hasil Prediksi (*-)'); grid;

eror=s; erorp=s./TQ; persen=erorp*100;

mse=sqrt((eror(1)^2+eror(2)^2+eror(3)^2+eror(4)^2+eror(5)^2+eror(6)^2 +eror(7)^2+eror(8)^2+eror(9)^2+...

eror(10)^2+eror(11)^2+eror(12)^2+eror(13)^2+eror(14)^2+eror(15)^2+ero r(16)^2+eror(17)^2+eror(18)^2+...



f = figure('Position',[100 100 400 150]); dat =

{bulan,time(1),T(1,1),b(1,1),s(1,1),persen(1,1);bulan,time(2),T(1,2), b(1,2),s(1,2),persen(1,2);...

bulan,time(3),T(1,3),b(1,3),s(1,3),persen(1,3);bulan,time(4),T(1,4),b (1,4),s(1,4),persen(1,4);...

bulan,time(5),T(1,5),b(1,5),s(1,5),persen(1,5);bulan,time(6),T(1,6),b (1,6),s(1,6),persen(1,6);...

bulan,time(7),T(1,7),b(1,7),s(1,7),persen(1,7);bulan,time(8),T(1,8),b (1,8),s(1,8),persen(1,8);...

bulan,time(9),T(1,9),b(1,9),s(1,9),persen(1,9);bulan,time(10),T(1,10) ,b(1,10),s(1,10),persen(1,10);...

bulan,time(11),T(1,11),b(1,11),s(1,11),persen(1,11);bulan,time(12),T( 1,12),b(1,12),s(1,12),persen(1,12);...

bulan,time(13),T(1,13),b(1,13),s(1,13),persen(1,13);bulan,time(14),T( 1,14),b(1,14),s(1,14),persen(1,14);...


bulan,time(15),T(1,15),b(1,15),s(1,15),persen(1,15);bulan,time(16),T( 1,16),b(1,16),s(1,16),persen(1,16);...

bulan,time(17),T(1,17),b(1,17),s(1,17),persen(1,17);bulan,time(18),T( 1,18),b(1,18),s(1,18),persen(1,18);...

bulan,time(19),T(1,19),b(1,19),s(1,19),persen(1,19);bulan,time(20),T( 1,20),b(1,20),s(1,20),persen(1,20)}

columnname = {'Bulan', 'Hari', 'Data Aktual', 'Hasil Prediksi','Selisih','Persen'};

columnformat = {'char', 'char',


columneditable = [true true true true true, true]; fontname= 'Times New Roman';


t= uitable('Units','normalized','Position',...

[0.1 0.1 0.9 0.9], 'Data', dat,...

'ColumnName', columnname,...

'ColumnFormat', columnformat,...

'ColumnEditable', columneditable,...

'FontName', fontname,...

'FontSize', fontsize);




: Azizah Endrastaty

Alamat Sekarang

: Jalan Universitas, Asrama Putri USU, No.9b

Alamat Orang Tua

: Ngelengkong Kidul, Sumberejo, Tempel, Sleman, Yogyakarta


: 085297144175



Riwayat Pendidikan:

West end State School, Quensland, Australia dari Tahun 1995 s/d 1996

SDN 1 Lhokseumawe, Aceh dari Tahun 1996 s/d 1998

SDN Klampis Ngasem, Surabaya dari Tahun 1998 s/d 2000

SD Muhammadiyah Gendol 1 Yogyakarta dari Tahun 2000 s/d 2002

SMPN 27 Medan dari Tahun 2002 s/d 2003

SMPN 1 Lhokseumawe, Aceh dari Tahun 2004 s/d 2005

SMAN 6 Yogyakarta dari Tahun 2005 s/d 2008

Universitas Sumatera Utara dari Tahun 2008 s/d 2013

Keahlian/ Kursus yang diikuti:


Bahasa Inggris